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Episode Transcripts

Olivus Prime
Mira Nova
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Episode Transcripts Empty Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:28 am

I was just wondering if anyone's ever transcribed the episodes? Because I think it would be quite useful, especially for fanfiction writing when you need to quickly check something. If no one's done any transcribing, I'd be happy to do my bit and transcribe a few (I've got all the episodes accept 42 and Rookie of the Year, although some are missing the beginning/ending).

I have Downloaded on my hard drive, and if no one's transcribed that episode, I'll do it today.


LAST UPDATED: 01/07/2012

Episode 01: The Torque Armada
Episode 06: NOS-4-A2
Episode 07: The Planet Destroyer
Episode 10: The Main Event
Episode 12: Strange Invasion
Episode 18: Stress Test
Episode 19: A Zoo Out There
Episode 22: Downloaded
Episode 26: The Slayer
Episode 52: Wirewolf (Part 1)
Episode 52: Wirewolf (Part 2)
Episode 56: Good Ol' Buzz
Episode 58: Speed Trap

Last edited by Ranger-Nova on Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:54 am

Well, I don't know if anyone else has done it, but I've transcribed Dowloaded. Enjoy:





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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Mira Nova Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:21 pm

HOLY CRAP!! This must have taken a looong time, hats off to you ^^
Mira Nova
Mira Nova



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:34 pm

It took several hours. The dialogue wasn't so bad - I just had to rewrite everything they said (although I think I may have accidentally left out a word at a few points), but it was hard to describe all the actions and other stuff that was happening.



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Alexa Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:55 pm

Woah! Dedicated! I'm getting the episode onto my computer, so I'll help you by trying to figure out what words you may have missed, but I'll probably have to do that later, since it's getting late right now.

Episode transcripts are a good idea. Maybe we can schedule them to coincide with the Rewatch schedule, but it'd probably be better if you weren't the only one doing them, Ranger (I shall call you Ranger to differentiate you from Mira Nova, unless you want to be called a different name.) Then, completed transcripts can be posted on their corresponding episode's thread in the forum.

Just my thoughts, of course. We can do whatever.



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:11 pm

Ranger's fine. Smile

And while I'd be happy to do more episodes, it would certainly make life easier if other people did as well. In fact, I will dedicate the next chapter of my story to anyone who posts a transcript of Rookie of the Year or 42, since it's been almost ten years since I saw either of those.

And they can be posted wherever. I don't mind.



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Steel Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:04 am

I did "The Torque Armada" a while back, because I made subtitles for the particular .avi episode. And I was also in the process of doing "Gravitina". If people pitched in to help, it would be loads easier to finally get all these transcripts done! Especially when you can't catch a word or two...

I suggest the first post of this thread to be a master post and to link to each post we post a transcript of! I'll spruce up "The Torque Armada" one after I do my review for "Little Secrets"~



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:19 am

I've just finished Stress Test (and now I could do with a massage from Pwerta - my neck's killing me). Where should I post it?



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:10 am

Well, here's Stress Test. If you want, it can be moved somewhere else.

There was one word of Zurg's I couldn't quite catch (he was mumbling - how come he only ever seems to mumble or shout - never anything imbetween?) but otherwise I got all the dialogue down okay.

Oh, and I'm not online during the week, so if anyone has a transcript request, I'll only be able to get to it on Friday. But I do plan on doing another transcript or two during the week, which I'll post on Friday.





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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Steel Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:42 am

Oooh, perfect! No, keeping them all in one thread will do. I'll take the liberty of editing your first post a little to add links to these individual posts. Also, I would suggest hiding them behind spoilers to keep the page from appearing too long!

Now that I wrote the Rewatch, I'll go over "The Torque Armada" one last time before posting it too~! And anyone could pitch in and help! The more people on this, the faster it'll be!

Not sure if any of you are familiar with Avatar: The Last Airbender, but one big fansite has episode transcripts up right here. Maybe we could try to follow a similar format as them for future reference? Just a thought! I'm still stuck on separating each BLoSC episode into acts... how does one define an act anyway?

ab103's idea is good too! I try to write summaries for every Rewatch I do, but I don't have the time to do transcripts, as well! I might over Christmas break, but I'm in uni, so... derp.



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:50 am

Okay, thanks Steel!

I think the next episode I'll do is A Zoo Out There. I'll do that one and perhaps another during the week and post them on Friday.

So, anyone else want to write transcripts? It'd take a lot quicker if we all worked at it.



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Steel Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:04 am


Act One


Act Two


Act Three


The formatting might be off in some parts, because I had all the actions in italics, but I spaced it out for you all now so you could read it better. If you spot any mistakes, especially in Buzz's tirade after Rocket Crockett, I'd love it if you could point them out to me. Thanks~

As for who else should do what... is anybody willing to pitch in with these transcripts too? Maybe we could assign episodes to some people to do so we can have some of these ready in time for the Rewatch? :3



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Mod Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:02 pm

Ooh, ooh, I'll do Wirewolf! Pick me, pick me for Wirewolf! Me, me, me!

Anyway, this all sounds like a great idea! I'm in! ^_^ (just one note: I won't do Revenge of the Monsters and Revenge of the Raenoks. I have issues with those episodes. -_-;...)

Last edited by Fox Storm on Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Olivus Prime Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:39 pm

(Screams at the chance to transcript The Lightyear Factor) Count me in!!!

This could be fun and informative, and I've already got episode trivia (e.g. small references, plot points and other minor details) for every episode, if anyone's interested (if so I'll post them on another topic).

But who will ever do Devolutionaries?

Fox Storm wrote: I won't do Revenge of the Monsters and Revenge of the Raenoks. I have issues with those episodes. -_-
What's wrong with Revenge of the Raenoks? "Prison food make Varg gassy!"
Olivus Prime
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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Steel Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:25 am

Ooooh, plot trivia! Do want! (But yeah, I think that's for another thread actually, hehehe.) And sure, you guys can have "Wirewolf" and "The Lightyear Factor"! Go ahead and take a crack at them~!

I will try to finish "Gravitina" this week since I already got the dialogue down for the subs I was making. That episode... SO MUCH INNUENDO.

Oooh, "Devolutionaries"! I could do that one. I have a fairly good quality version of it from my .mpg batch of episodes (the .avi batch had a terrible version of it, along with a terrible version of "Strange Invasion", but I scored lucky and had those in fairly good quality from earlier~) and is it just me or do some people have an issue with that episode??



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Olivus Prime Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:29 pm

Steel wrote:is it just me or do some people have an issue with that episode??

It's probably my least favourite episode, bar the few that just have awful animation. Devolving the main characters is like killing them off for an episode - such great personalities thrown out of the window, just for kicks.

And yes, Gravitina is a bit of a dodgy episode... Anyway, onwards with the transcripting!
Olivus Prime
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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Mod Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:17 pm

Olivus Prime wrote:
What's wrong with Revenge of the Raenoks? "Prison food make Varg gassy!"

It's not the dialogue that bothers me; it's just the plot that does. Y'see, I get VERY angry when people (IRL) hold other people hostage out of greed, revenge, money, etc. Seeing on a kid's show kind of makes it worse. I don't know why I get so furious about this on a KID'S show. Heck, when I see it in any show, movie, or news, and it's depicted in a certain way, I instantly feel anger and hatred forming in my heart.

It puts me in a dark mood, and I really don't want to be in a dark mood. I mean, I know this may sound like an excuse to get out of doing transcripts for these eppies, but I can't explain how else I feel about these things on television, or in anything that depicts these acts, for that matter. I just can't get through watching the two episodes I mentioned without feeling angry or any sort of negative emotion.

That's how I also feel about Revenge of the Monsters; I just feel angry at...well, to be blunt, EVERYONE in that episode. I get angry at Star Command, I get angry at Team Lightyear, I get angry at the villains, EVERYONE! The only person I don't feel negative emotions towards is Ty, and not because he's my favorite character, but because he really is the victim in this episode, and he was used against his own will to be part of something horrible, for the sake of NOS-4-A2's thirst for energy. That just....(sighs) It just rubs me off the wrong way, and again, I don't know why; It just does. (shrugs)

So, yeah. I didn't mean to go so deep into this, but that's why I won't do the transcripts for those episodes, or even watch them. I just get genuinely furious, and I have to suppress my anger by not watching those episodes, at least not all the way through (I can watch the endings, but that's about it). It's kind of weird, I know, but it does do me a great deal of good.



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:29 pm

Well, I'm back! I'm glad to see people are going to be doing transcripts Very Happy

I've done A Zoo Out There and am working on The Main Event.

Here is AZOT:




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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Mod Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:21 pm

Nice job, Ranger! It looks pretty good and pretty true to the script of the episode. Well done. Wink

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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:33 pm

cool~ and ooo!ooooooooo! i wanna help out! maybe do 'Revenge of the monsters?" I could take "Nos-4-a2" too, and "Dirty Work", and "The Slayer"

i'll leave wirewolf to Fox Storm ;D all yours buddy

any other episodes you assign to me work too!



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Mod Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:39 pm

Be our guest! Go ahead and do those eppies. Wink

Heh, thanks, Pythonmelon. I'll be sure to do Wirewolf to the best of my ability. I'm sure you'll do great on the episodes you want to do. Smile

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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:43 pm

thanks ;D i should be able to get one episode a night this week, so woohoo

and thanks ^^ you'll do great on yours



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Mod Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:52 pm

Right back at ya!

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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:55 pm

king yays



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Episode Transcripts Empty Re: Episode Transcripts

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:54 am

Pythonmelon wrote:cool~ and ooo!ooooooooo! i wanna help out! maybe do 'Revenge of the monsters?" I could take "Nos-4-a2" too, and "Dirty Work", and "The Slayer"

i'll leave wirewolf to Fox Storm ;D all yours buddy

any other episodes you assign to me work too!

It would be great if you did all those! The more people pitch in, the faster we get them all done.

I'm still working on The Main Event... I'll try to get it finished today. During the week I'll do Root of Evil.



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