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A New BLoSC Forum?

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Should we move to a new forum?

A New BLoSC Forum? I_vote_lcap50%A New BLoSC Forum? I_vote_rcap 50% 
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A New BLoSC Forum? I_vote_lcap33%A New BLoSC Forum? I_vote_rcap 33% 
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Total Votes : 12

A New BLoSC Forum? Empty A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Steel Thu May 16, 2013 2:05 am

Greetings, fellow cadets! I am here with a query for you all!

Seeing as forumotion claims a certain copyright on everything posted on forumotion, I was curious whether you guys wouldn't mind moving the forum to a different host. Unfortunately, given forumotion's policy on disallowing databases to be transferred, that would mean we may have to repost the majority of our threads.

The pros of doing this sooner rather than later would mean that we would have less to repost, and also, on our new server, if we ever needed to move again, we'd be able to transfer our entire database along with us. The cons is all the work we've put into this forum so far.


Last edited by Steel on Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:20 am; edited 1 time in total



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Alexa Thu May 16, 2013 2:11 am

Now, see, I didn't know about the copyright claim thing. 8P That's ridiculous and I agree that we should move to a new forum that doesn't have that. If push comes to shove, the admins of the new forum can post any threads and subsequent posts that the users here give us permission to repost, but I think we'll probably have to take a loss on certain threads either way, including the fanstuff and RPs.

The fanstuff should be reposted by the creators, so they may not be completely lost, but there is too many RP posts for any of us to repost all of those conveniently... Your call on what to do about those, unless someone has suggestions for how to handle that~.



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by levy120 Thu May 16, 2013 3:43 am

"Everybody repost their own stuff" is a general thing that should be gone by here, imo. If possible that is, in terms of relevance and quoting context.

I don't wanna sound rude here and as some of you probably know I am quite the archive-whore, but I don't see the point in archiving every single post of an RPG if most of them are just a bunch of oneliners.
The probably best option here would be to these all into a neat formal text, to give it more the feeling of an actual story. These are Thread-based RPGs with a firm chronology, instead of a bigger RP that spreads over several differently times topics over different "locations" so there shouldn't be a lot of trouble or confusion by taking this route.

As for the moving itself - it probably goes without saying that I don't have any hope in the community living up again if we move again.
First we had all these little subforums that had a focus on several different Characters, like XR, Nos or Zurg, eventually we got the shipping boards and then, after a few years this one to sum it all up generally again, but over the time, each of these boards lacked in activity and the following boards became even less because of less people still being in the fandom by the time the boards moved *shrug*

A new board would maybe also give the advantage that we could condense areas a bit; not create too many subfolders. It would make a "smaller" but "fuller" impression, that would promote (feign?) activity and possibly draw more members. There's still an option to spread out if we really got dozens of topics (haha) but if we don't, it'll look less "empty".

If it makes you feel better because of the legal situation, I'd say go all for it, I'd definitely come along (though again this depends on whether you'd want to LEAVE this place as it is, archive it, or delete everything), but I don't really see how this board in particular has any content that could be critical to be copyright claimed.



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Mod Fri May 17, 2013 12:24 pm

Long answer: While I am open for moving the forum to someplace else because of this legal sitch, and also for new opportunities to possibly attract new members, I don't feel or see the point in archiving everything on the forum. It almost feels like we'd be going on a wild goose chase to hunt down every we wish to archive, and if we did have to archive and/or move things, we'd have to either ask permission of the members that do post their content here or just send a warning about the action. But it is your call!

If we did move the forum, we could do what Levy suggests and create folders so that we can condense everything that's on here and thus, save space and also make it presentable to the viewer's eye. Plus, if we moved the forum someplace else, we can give the forum a look that can somehow attract the human eye somehow, whether it be the background, the different topics, or whatever.

Short answer: I'm open to whatever happens.



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by levy120 Fri May 17, 2013 2:00 pm

Fox Storm wrote:we can give the forum a look that can somehow attract the human eye somehow, whether it be the background, the different topics, or whatever.
I happen to think that design wise this board is looking rather pretty already, but I see what you mean. Back in my days one of the reasons I wanted to join the XR boards was because all of their smileys were replaced by XR heads and I wanted to see all of the possible options in the posting box myself xDD



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Steel Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:19 am

*revives thread*

I'm thinking a move to a new forum might be beneficial not just from a forumotion/whatever standpoint, but also from a fresh-start sort of standpoint seeing as... this forum hasn't been getting much activity at all, when it could really benefit from some well-thought out discussions, given all the talk going on on tumblr with the BLoSC Rewatch.

I think I'll add a poll to this thread so we can all vote and let the vote help in our decision~



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Linky439 Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:48 am

Well I guess that if there's any copyrights problem, moving is the only way out.



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Mod Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:59 pm

But the problem remains; would anybody even be interested in moving elsewhere? No offense, but even with the copyrights thing in play here, a lot of the activity takes place on Tumblr and thus has ceased all form of activity here. I feel that with Tumblr taking over as the base of operations, the same thing would happen again on a new forum. But that's only from where I'm standing as of now.



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:08 pm

Moving out, after hearing the copyright thing, sounds like an excellent idea. And considering the amount of rping I've done, I'm happy to condense the rps cartoon and I have done



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Senior Doctor Thalassi Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:30 am

Fox has a point about the majority of activity happening on Tumblr. That copyright thing is still a concern, however, and I kinda doubt everyone here has a Tumblr, either.

Personally, I'd be in favor of a move. Maybe the fresh start would help to bring in more activity, especially if we bring in some of the fresher material from Tumblr in addition to what we have here.
Senior Doctor Thalassi
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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by levy120 Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:13 pm

The tumblr argument IS a valid reason though... but at this rate I don't see this board living up again as is anytime soon anyway, with or without the copyright issues.

Just try the new board I guess and if it works it works and if it doesn't stick with tumblr or something *shrug*



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Kat Eclipse Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:06 pm

Mrhg, I feel like I have no right to this convo since I've been absent for so many months! (College, as XR would put it, has kicked my tushie!! In fact I'm procrastinating studying for my AP final right now :p) buuuut I'm sticking my two cents in anyway Wink

I would say do the new board, I mean, if all this stuff got deleted because of forumotion's copyright stuff, Ieeeeee! I would be so depressed!! Sad or maybe we could try and shove some life back into the XR fan club? That might be less work than setting up something new. Just a thought Smile

But seeing as I'm still relatively a newbie, I shall follow wherever y'all go oh wise leaders Wink *salutes* anywhoo, wish me luck with this stupid final guys, I'll try and be more regular on here! Have a good solar cycle! Wink
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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by levy120 Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:46 am

The XR fanclub, oh gosh nostalgia xDDD
Lol no one remembers proboards



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by DarklingDragon Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:16 pm

I had no idea that some forums copyright their postings. Wow. :{

I agree that it's a pain in the butt to move and archive forums, but if you think it will help condense/simplify the forum and help bring in fresh faces I don't see why not.

It's also true most activity now-a-days are on tumblr. I don't really post anything because of general life busyness and stress, but I'm always reading them.

Moving is probably better than completely abandoning the forum. A forum gives fans a place where they can make detailed postings, plus not everyone has a tumblr account.



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Steel Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:43 am

-le bumps!-

I haven't forgotten about this forum, and I hope none of you have either! We've been a bit dead because of the activity on tumblr and our hectic personal lives, but if people are still interested in rebooting the forum, please post here and vote in the poll!



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Linky439 Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:49 am

I gave my opinion and voted Yes in the poll Smile



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Mira Nova Sun May 25, 2014 10:49 am

I'm going to be honest, I know I haven't been active like at all. Truth is, life has been super busy with college and work Razz However, I am fine with a new forum for the whole copyright claim thingie. On the other hand, I know other forum sites may eventually do the same thing as forumotion. I also have to say I really like this site simply because of all the great people here. So letting everyone know who is registered on here would be a great idea to probably spread the word, if we do move to a new forum. So overall yes I would be fine with moving to a new forum <3
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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Steel Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:08 am

All right, guys! After getting yet another spammy guest PM, I think I'll begin working on the move! Not only because of copyright, but because there's not much defense against spammers! I've spotted bots posting on the forum before, and frankly, enough's enough!

Sit tight while we spruce up the new site!!



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Linky439 Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:52 am

Thanks for keeping us informed Smile



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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Mira Nova Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:22 pm

I never did hear where the new site got put X'D If anyone ever reads this, I'd like a link x3
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A New BLoSC Forum? Empty Re: A New BLoSC Forum?

Post by Mod Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:56 pm

I know of a new site. If anybody wants the link, PM me.



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