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A Robot's Work Is Never Done

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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:17 am

"Same 'ole, same 'ole." XL sighed. He still had his spunk, but hadnt quite been the same since Renee's dissapearence.

"Nothing much." XR crossed his arms.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:56 am

" Bleh, how boring.." Sam replied, making an exasperated expression. " Most interesting thing that happened to me today was an engine gave out on our starship transport and I had to go fix it. The hunk of junk was so old it was decades past retirement." she said.

Samara was tempted to say about Renee's presence on the ship...but she thought it wise maybe not to mention her at this time. Something told the fembot that Renee wouldn't have wished for her to let them know where she was.




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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:36 pm

XL chuckled. "At least SOMETHING interesting happened. Every time I'm aloud off of the station its as boring as watching consteallations form."

XR laughed at him for this. "You never get any of the action anymore, do you?"



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:34 am

Sam could only shake her head in a bemused fashion. She wasn't much of an action bot, and hearing others whom have taken up that calling seem to thrive from it.

" Well we?" she said, motioning towards heading home.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:17 pm

"Oh, right," XL looked ahead and lead her to the cruiser. XR smirked and followed. The spaceport was crowded and hard to navagate through today, even more so than usual.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:01 pm

" Ugh..worse than Sunday drivers. How lovely." Samara stated, her tone filled with sarcasm. Crowds..yuck, worse when it's crowds of tourists.

Samara kept close to XL and XR...or at least as best as she could. They were both rather short bots in comparison to her and they could be easily lost in this sea of people. This made her curse lightly in a quiet voice, why did this feel like some rather pathetic hide-and-seek game?



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:56 am

XL moved quickly, kind of excited to get out of the copy room. He didn't very often, especially after the whole runaway-to-play-hero thing. XR was trying to keep up with him. In the crowd the two quickly found themselves separated from Sam.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:10 am

" Aw scrap..XR! XL! Where are you two?!" she called out, though her voice seemed drowned out from the crowd of people. Yeah, that wasn't exactly what you'd call the best idea.

With a groan of frustration, she trudged on, calling their names here and there to try and find them. Curse the short-stature and the holiday bumpkins wandering around. " Oh for the love of-.." she said, cursing again under her breath as she kept looking.

Well that wasn't what you'd call a nice end to a short trip. The fembot slowly gave up as she moved away from the crowds and towards a nearby bench in the hub station. Maybe they'll find her easier this way.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:59 pm

((Pythonmelon, hun, I don't want to sound picky or rude...but I would appreciate it if you did post soon.))



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:32 pm

(im sorry for not replying, here you go)

XR was having trouble even keeping up with XL. The photocopier was running around like a nut, looking at everything. For some reason he was awfully hyperactive today. Finally the ranger gave up and used his communticator to call Sam. "Alright, we've lost XL. Where are you? Pops going to be furious if we don't find him."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:05 am

((it's fine hun, I'm sorry if I sounded pushy at that =< ))

Samara heard the little robot's voice call out to her through the communication link. Well finally..she thought. Pressing a button against her audio receptor, she replied back to the ranger:
// You might wish to give him a little bit then, he's running around like an epileptic cat. So it's no use trying to stop him until he cools down a wee bit.//

Sam wasn't sure how that would apply to a robot...but hey, it worked for humans, it should work for robots as well. At least give it a shot; // XR, follow my signal and we can just wait for him.// the fembot added, sending an energy signature out to XR.




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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:06 pm

XR recieved the energy signature and managed to follow it, against the crowwd's flow, to Sam. "This is crazy." He crossed his arms.

XL was flipping through a booklet in one of the shops. He finished and whizzed over to another store, and another.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:42 pm

Samara tried looking around to at least get an image of XL, shaking her head. Yeah, that poor guy was the epitomy of distracted at this point. She sighed, sitting back down.

" So...what have I missed since I was gone?" Sam asked XR, attempting to make conversation.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:56 pm

"Not much, had to catch torque AGAIN, and XL lost the paperwork on accident. The poor guy's been so distracted since Renee died." He frowned and crossed his arms. A few of the ships called to board and the crowd began to thin a little



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:46 am

Samara tried not to make a face when XR mentioned Renee. Boy would they have been surprised if the fembot had mentioned running into the alien girl back on her transport from Trade World.

Sam rubbed the back of her neck in awkward silence as well. Distractions work...yeah..but she also kept an optic on the crowd.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:01 pm

XR looked back at Sam. "You okay?" He knew how to spot trouble in a girl. it was part of his, say, sauve.

XL was finally getting tired. As the crowd cleared more the two could spot him easily.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:28 pm

" Huh?" Sam muttered as she looked back down at XR, " Sorry, I was a bit lost in thought there. Oh! There he is!" she shouted.




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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:36 am

XL jumped in surprise. "Oh!" He turned around, never having realized that he had lost them. He tried to smile. "Sorry guys." He came over to them.

XR had his arms crossed. "Maybe they shouldn't let you out of the copy room so often anymore."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:49 pm

Samara turned and gave XR a look, rolling her optics after before turning to face XL. " Listen..I know you're distracted for...reasons." she said, putting comforting hand on the fax-machine's arm.

She had thought about it through and through, despite the warning she got..the gynoid -had- to say something. Sam hated seeing them look near-somber like this...

"..guys...what IF I told you..something that was...supposed to be a secret?"



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:05 pm

the brothers looked up at her. XR shrugged, really thinking nothing of it. "SEcrets fly around star command like nobody's business. Go ahead." He smirked, thinking about all the secrets he kept.

XL frowned (he actually does know renee is alive and has a tracker. it only works while she's alive so thats why he worries all the time, that it will stop). "Yeah? What is it?"



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:34 pm

Despite the warning, Sam had to say something;

" ...I saw Renee.." she said, cringing, " She's alive..she was just on the transport ship. She warned me not to say anything but I couldn't help two, PLEASE keep this between us. You let anyone else know and I swear I will pop you one."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Tue May 01, 2012 12:00 pm

XR's face went blank. He shook his head. "She survived the explosion? The fall? THAT ENERGY VAMPIRE IS STILL ALIVE?!"
XL had to clap a hand over his brother's mouth to shut him up. "I knew," He sighed. "I planted a tracker on her before she and Nos-4-a2 dissapeared. If we can keep him quiet-" He motioned at XR angrily. "It shouldnt be a problem."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Tue May 01, 2012 8:18 pm

Samara cringed as XR nearly yelled out the information. Thanks to XL he shut up just in time. Nice job, fax-bot.

" XR..I said to KEEP. IT. QUIET." she said, making a face at him. " If you two wish, you are more than welcome to stick close to me. I will make sure nothing happens to you two." Catching their stares, Samara made a frown;

"Well 'scuse me, but I want this kept quiet and I don't see you two coming up with better ideas."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Wed May 02, 2012 2:22 pm

XL nodded excitedly. “are we going to save her?” he thought for a second. “she'll go to prison for trying to kill XR and ty with her master.” of course he meant nos-4-a2.

XR struggled and pulled away. “im NOT helping her. she'll kill us all”



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 2 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Thu May 03, 2012 7:33 am

Samara put a hand on each of the robot's heads, " Okay boys..listen up.." she said with a sharp and firm tone before boinking their heads together to stop them from arguing. When this femme said to pay attention, means you listen..

" Guys..there isn't anything we can do at this point. I don't think the girl can leave whatever it is controlling her willingly, or she would have done so at this point." Sam added, a mixture of pity and thought in her tone, " This is going to be a serious waiting game right now..I don't want either of you making any moves you could regret. All we have to wait till she comes to us."



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