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A Robot's Work Is Never Done

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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:59 am

"If you've ever heard of the energy vampire Nos-4-a2, this should make a lot of sense." Renee started, feeling stupid. "A few months ago Star Command discovered that I had been under his mind control for almost two years. Then he found- and fed on- me several times. The nanites he sends into a victim's body can alter it, and consequently I became an 'energy vampire' myself, meaning I have to feed on electricity." She explained with a frown.

Nos had overheard it all. She said nothing negative about him. Good.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:24 pm

" Pardon my bluntness..but I don't particularly care about NOS-4-A2. It's -you- we're focused, please follow me and keep close." Dr. Fifer stated, motioning for them to keep close. Samara reached over and held Renee's other hand, giving her a smile before following her creator;

" Oi, XR!" she called out as he lagged a bit.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:28 pm

"Okay," Renee smiled. She felt calmer, even if he had half-insulted her master. "Thank you very much for helping me, sir." She looked back at Sam. "you too sam."

But XR wasn't coming. He was wandering around, thoughtful at everything. He didn't even realize that he was getting further away from the group. As he entered a small room of computers, a shape drifted down and blocked the exit. "Hello, little one."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:36 pm

Dr. Fifer didn't give any care in the world for insulting a villain. The man would even have spat in Evil Emperor Zurg's face if he had the change. His years have given him enough of a backbone to not even chicken out in the presence of Commander Nebula...or at least what natural backbone was left. What wasn't visible to the guests wasn't important..for now..

" tell me more.." the doctor asked the young alien.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:00 pm

Renee nodded uncomfortabley. "So, the nanites entered my system they made some..changes. Pretty much my fur turned all silvery, but I died most of it back to brown. " She frowned. "And Zurg was the one that implanted my fangs." She motioned to the threatening display of silver teeth. "I still need organic food but I can't tast much of anything any more. We were wondering if you would be willing to help me flush them out of my system and remove the virus programming?" She was trying to be polite, quiet, respectful to him.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:31 pm


The doctor pondered a little, not really making a reactive expression. He walked over and began typing at a nearby computer in silence. Samara looked at Renee and gave her a look, meaning 'yeah, this is normal, don't worry'.

" Do you know what type of Nanites these might be? If I could take a sample of tissue or blood from you I may be able to see myself."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:49 pm

"I haven't the slightest idea. I never got a chance to look at the blueprints." The girl admitted, frowning at herself. "But you can take a sample of my blood." She looked herself over a little, feeling lie some unpresentable street rat.

Nos held the half-drained XR. He smirked at the weakened bot. "Now, before I finish you off, why do have a sudden interest in my daughter?" He growled slightly, ready for a snide answer.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:34 am

"It's fine, was only asking if you knew. I will figure it out myself." he said, going over close to Renee, then kneeling down. "Hey now what's that?" he asked, pointing over and away from the small group. When Renee looked away, she felt a small pinch in the side of her arm. By the time she looked back, it was done. Dr. Fifer held up a small vial of blood in a syringe he just took from her. "Easy as pie, am I correct?" he said, giving her the reassuring smile that Samara usually would. Well, now you know where she got it from.




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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:43 am

Renee smiled. She put a paw over the wound and drew away with a little bit of blood on it. Zephyrite instict made her lick it up. Yum. The girl paused when she caught the scientist and Sam looking at her. XL was used to it. "Sorry." She almost blushed. Looking at the equipment round the lab, she said. "I am a big fan of your work, Dr. Fifer."

"Well?" Nos demanded at XR.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:53 am

Gene couldn't help but give a hearty laugh at the young alien's words. "Well thank you! It's not everyday I hear those kind words, missy!" he said, voice brimming with that fatherly, kind tone. Samara patted Renee's back, also giving a grin. The young alien had no worries about her natural instincts here..she was among friends.

XR trembled, his voice squeaking an answer, "They're g-g-uh-gonna cure her!" he said, cowering over to the point of near-fainting.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:06 am

Renee smiled, brimming with happiness. She felt good and was happy to be so close to being cured. "Well I like spending time with Sam, and used a bit of your reverse engirneering to rebuild my master a few years ago. " The girl frowned thoughtfully. "Not the best use for it."

Nos hissed again and bit him again, beggining to drain the robot. When he finished he dropped the unconcious XR to the ground. "No one steals my pet."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:53 pm

" Hey, don't let it get you down, kid." Dr. Fifer stated as he began making small samples to work on out of the blood vial. "I was a curious little stinker when I was younger than you. I've gotten into trouble that would have removed me from the initial gene pool." he stated, rolling up the sleeve to the right arm of his lab coat. What Renee saw was..strange yet astounding. His right arm had a metallic exo-skeletal frame on it, going slightly into his flesh. The ones on his fingers were almost like the 'bare bones' of a robot's frame, replacing where the metatarsil bones in the hand once had control.




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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:14 pm

Python looked down in surprise at his hand. Oh wow... how interesting. She put a claw to her lip. "When I was just a kitten a tin-can bot I made fell into a can of gas and exploded." She smiled at her own childish stupidity, almost. "It burned all the fur off of my face." She went quiet, letting him continue working. "but... I'm sure your story is more interesting."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:16 pm

" My injuries came from years of accidents in my experiementation. My arm though was from a ship crash when I was 18." he said, patting his bicep. "It's not about if the story is interesting..the point of the matter is if you -learned- something from it happening. Am I right?"



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:29 pm

Renee's lip twitched. She felt stupid again suddenly. "I learned from every incident but the one that cost me my eye." She shrugged it off slowly. Well, it wasn't really her fault.

XL frowned at that. He didn't like thinking about the story and looked around. "uh, where did XR go?"



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:01 pm

"Hey, don't put yourself down, kid. You're young. Life is full of unexpected things. Some good and some bad. For now" he said, though raising an eyebrow as he turns around in his lab chair. The fax-machine robot next to the alien girl mentioned something else missing, getting the doctor off guard.

Samara noticed as well, " I did tell him to keep up." she sighed, shaking her head. " You all stay here, I'll find him. He probably got curious and wandered off.." the fembot said, heading out the sliding door of the lab, it closing behind her.




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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:06 pm

"Careful Sam." Renee warned. She did have that aching feeling that Nos was here, for more than one reason. The girl flicked her tail nervously.

A few moments after Sam dissapeared out of sight an alarm went off. the power had gone out somewhere nearby their current station. Renee looked up at the screen. Just like a horror movie villain, closing in bit by bit.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:20 am

Dr. Fifer urged for Renee and XL to come closer towards him as the emergency generators kicked in. "She'll be alright...for now I say you two stick close to me." he said, working still at his sample slides, studying them.

Samara's eyes glowed through the darkness as she searched for the other robotic ranger, "XR! Where are you?" she called out, peeking through one room to the next.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:49 pm

Renee nodded slowly, uneasy. "Thank you Dr. Fifer." she frowned slightly. the girl stroked XL's head to calm him down. He was clinging to her arm like a sick, frightened child. "But I am worried about Sam. I know everyone underestimates my master, but he is a force to be reconed with."

XR groaned in pain. He wasn't quite offline yet, but there was a reason for that. Nos stayed hidden, carefully out of Sam's censors, and waited. She would hear XR and come looking for him- and then the energy vampire would get what he came for.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:11 pm

Dr. Fifer watched them carefully as he set down the samples. "Hey..look up at me you two." he said calmly. When Renee and XL looked into the older gentleman's face...they saw a smile. A real, honest-to-goodness reassuring smile at the both of them.

"Then you, along with this master of yours...don't know my daughter too well, now do you?" he said, his smile turning more mischievous.

Samara's eyes peered around cautiously. Out of the sensors? From one robot who used energy towards another...that was highly unlikely. She called out once more, " XR!" in the meantime, she darkened her signal. Her eyes went dark as she continued to explore.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:21 pm

"Uh, no not really." Renee shook her head. Well whatever, she would just have to see how everything came out. The girl got down on one knee before sitting down next to XL.

Nos immediately saw the change in censors. Instead of trying to change his frequency again, he took advntage of whaat he had. The energy vampire nearlt tackled Same from behind and wrapped her in his arms, lifting her into the air. "Now," He growled. "Before I turn you into one of my mindless slaves, you will return renee."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:54 am

To NOS' surprise, Samara was not struggling, staying completely still. " Hmph.." was the sound from her, "..You intrude in my home and try to command what you have no place over?.."

Those words stung. The more disturbing fact is that she said it in a calm, yet soft tone. This was not like any robot NOS has ever met before,"Be gone, dark one, you will go no further." she hissed, whipping her head around to face him, her eyes brightening to the point of illuminating her face in a brilliant flash to the energy vampire. With a sharp movement of her arms, she shoves him away harshly, landing on her feet in a crouch.

" You are not welcome here." she hissed.

Sam was not about to be picked off easily.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:07 am

Nos hissed. He was not used to a reaction lie that. He had never felt quite so shocked, but recovered instantaneously. "Welcome or not, I am here, little one." He growled under his breath angrily. "I will leave you and your precious home" The color rolled off of his tongue as if it made him sick. "As soon as the girl is returned to me. I may even leave the useless photocopier and tin of snack chips alone."



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Bleu_Ace Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:54 pm

"I am no 'little one'.." she growled, "You are still an intruder in my home and I am going to make sure you regret even coming in.."

Flexing her fingers, Samara grits her teeth, crouching in front of XR. Pulses of blue showed from her palms.



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A Robot's Work Is Never Done - Page 7 Empty Re: A Robot's Work Is Never Done

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:14 pm

Nos moved back, even slightly warily. His frown deepened in the pliable terrilium of his face "Fine, I will be going then." He hissed at her defensively. she was acting as animal as he did sometimes... But, ignoring it, he sent out tiny distress signals.

Renee immediately felt like she was needed. "someone's in danger..." She muttered before leaving the side of doctor fifer and running down the hall.



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