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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:56 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
"Yeah, well, I'm as surprised as you are, Alfred. I didn't expect to be invited to this Ball. I've never even heard of it."

"Neither have I. I'd like to hear more about it."

Alfred gave a long, overly dramatic sigh. "Oh, must I explain everything...? The Blitz Ball, a high-class event that happens on the planet Enomyt-III once a year, hosted by Roger Capek. Only the richest, most famous, or otherwise high standing people are invited, with you two as an exception it seems. It's one of the biggest events out there, must like the Grand Galloping Gala of Equestria, and don't you DARE tell me you haven't heard of THAT one either, you uncultured..." He caught himself before he said any further insult and sighed.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be acting like this... It's just... This is a huge event, so it's hard to believe that you two were actually invited somehow when I..." He cut himself off again and pouted childishly. He then glanced over and saw that Mira was still in the room and giving him an incredulous look, and then relaxed his pose, embarrassed.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:05 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred gave a long, overly dramatic sigh. "Oh, must I explain everything...? The Blitz Ball, a high-class event that happens on the planet Enomyt-III once a year, hosted by Roger Capek. Only the richest, most famous, or otherwise high standing people are invited, with you two as an exception it seems. It's one of the biggest events out there, must like the Grand Galloping Gala of Equestria, and don't you DARE tell me you haven't heard of THAT one either, you uncultured..." He caught himself before he said any further insult and sighed.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be acting like this... It's just... This is a huge event, so it's hard to believe that you two were actually invited somehow when I..." He cut himself off again and pouted childishly. He then glanced over and saw that Mira was still in the room and giving him an incredulous look, and then relaxed his pose, embarrassed.

Ty blinked. "But why the heck were WE invited? I can understand if Mira was invited, but me and...Simone...?" It didn't occur to him until now that he was invited to go to this Ball with Simone. Caldera. Who was his friend and...not-quite-there-yet girlfriend.

Simone felt the same way about Ty; she was nervously yet subtly fiddling with her braid to subdue the butterflies in her stomach.

Mira saw this and tried to answer Ty's question. "Who knows? Maybe they've decided to let other outsiders in. No-not that you two are outsiders, I mean, I'm sort of an outsider, too. N-not that there's anything wrong with being an outsider, it's just-what I'm trying to say is, I think they're inviting non-royalty...but I've been wrong before..."




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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:22 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Ty blinked. "But why the heck were WE invited? I can understand if Mira was invited, but me and...Simone...?" It didn't occur to him until now that he was invited to go to this Ball with Simone. Caldera. Who was his friend and...not-quite-there-yet girlfriend.

Simone felt the same way about Ty; she was nervously yet subtly fiddling with her braid to subdue the butterflies in her stomach.

Mira saw this and tried to answer Ty's question. "Who knows? Maybe they've decided to let other outsiders in. No-not that you two are outsiders, I mean, I'm sort of an outsider, too. N-not that there's anything wrong with being an outsider, it's just-what I'm trying to say is, I think they're inviting non-royalty...but I've been wrong before..."

"Oh, they've always invited non-royalty," Alfred answered, waving his hand. "But, typically, you have to be famous, rich, or know someone who is in order to be invited. I think Vikki Vortex was even invited one year, though she turned down the invite? But, really, should we really dwell on WHY you managed to be invited? Just be grateful that the upper class of Enomyt-III actually considered you quality enough to invite you."

He pouted for a moment, but then smiled, clasping his hands together. "Let's get ice cream to celebrate?"



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:25 pm

ab103 wrote:

"Oh, they've always invited non-royalty," Alfred answered, waving his hand. "But, typically, you have to be famous, rich, or know someone who is in order to be invited. I think Vikki Vortex was even invited one year, though she turned down the invite? But, really, should we really dwell on WHY you managed to be invited? Just be grateful that the upper class of Enomyt-III actually considered you quality enough to invite you."

He pouted for a moment, but then smiled, clasping his hands together. "Let's get ice cream to celebrate?"

"Yeah...sure...." He looked over at Simone, and tried to give a smile, although it was tight. She seemed to read his mind because that is what she did to him. They both felt so awkward about being invited to a special dance. Together.

Pixel, being the mischievous pup she was, came over and seemed to be begging for attention from Ty, when she actually had something else planned in mind. She pushed Ty's legs with her side, causing him to slightly trip and he bumped into Simone. Simone's red cheeks were the first thing he saw when he regained his balance.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:47 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
"Yeah...sure...." He looked over at Simone, and tried to give a smile, although it was tight. She seemed to read his mind because that is what she did to him. They both felt so awkward about being invited to a special dance. Together.

Pixel, being the mischievous pup she was, came over and seemed to be begging for attention from Ty, when she actually had something else planned in mind. She pushed Ty's legs with her side, causing him to slightly trip and he bumped into Simone. Simone's red cheeks were the first thing he saw when he regained his balance.

Alfred smirked, but kept himself from laughing at the small scene. Oh, that Pixel, always being mischievous... "Well, come along then. I demand ice cream and I will not be denied." He glanced at Mira, nodded his head as a courtesy farewell (Mira just happened to be one of the many who still didn't like him at Star Command, unfortunately), and then led Team Parsec back to the cafeteria.

Sometime later, they were seated at their usual table, Alfred was almost finished with his ice cream, and none of them had said a thing since they left the mail room. Since he was busy with his treat, Alfred hadn't thought to say anything sooner, but now that he was finishing up, it seemed like a great time to speak. "So... You two ARE going, right?"

He looked up at Ty and Simone, glancing between the two of them and judging their response. "I mean... As strange as it is that you were invited... Just that. You WERE invited. You HAVE to go. You may never have this change again..."



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:15 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred smirked, but kept himself from laughing at the small scene. Oh, that Pixel, always being mischievous... "Well, come along then. I demand ice cream and I will not be denied." He glanced at Mira, nodded his head as a courtesy farewell (Mira just happened to be one of the many who still didn't like him at Star Command, unfortunately), and then led Team Parsec back to the cafeteria.

Mira's raised eyebrow, if one were to watch her, indicated that she really wasn't too sure about Alfred being here, after all he had done. So she just watched as he send a nod down her way. But when she watched Ty and Simone leave, a small yet sympathetic smile appeared on her face as they followed Alfred quickly out of the room before shooting an unimpressed glance towards Pixel. The dustchaser just sent a nonchalant shrug and a small wink, sure of herself. Mira shook her head and headed out herself.

ab103 wrote:
Sometime later, they were seated at their usual table, Alfred was almost finished with his ice cream, and none of them had said a thing since they left the mail room. Since he was busy with his treat, Alfred hadn't thought to say anything sooner, but now that he was finishing up, it seemed like a great time to speak. "So... You two ARE going, right?"


Pixel, who was laying down next to the table, observed the silence between the two lovebirds Rangers and just frowned, raising her nestled head from her paws.

ab103 wrote:
He looked up at Ty and Simone, glancing between the two of them and judging their response. "I mean... As strange as it is that you were invited... Just that. You WERE invited. You HAVE to go. You may never have this chance again..."

"Who says we HAVE to go? Not that I'm not flattered or anything,"

Simone picked up on Ty's trailing off and tried to fill it in herself, but with no success. "Yes, who says we are REQUIRED to go? It is a great privilege, but..well...I don't know if we should go or not..not that I wouldn't go with Ty, but I-"

"HA!" Ty and Simone slightly jumped at Pixel's sudden yell. "So you WILL go with Ty! I knew it!"

Ty and Simone looked at each other quickly before they told the dustchaser that that wasn't the case, but her smirk and raised eyebrow merely broke down their excuses.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:29 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Mira's raised eyebrow, if one were to watch her, indicated that she really wasn't too sure about Alfred being here, after all he had done. So she just watched as he send a nod down her way. But when she watched Ty and Simone leave, a small yet sympathetic smile appeared on her face as they followed Alfred quickly out of the room before shooting an unimpressed glance towards Pixel. The dustchaser just sent a nonchalant shrug and a small wink, sure of herself. Mira shook her head and headed out herself.


Pixel, who was laying down next to the table, observed the silence between the two lovebirds Rangers and just frowned, raising her nestled head from her paws.

"Who says we HAVE to go? Not that I'm not flattered or anything,"

Simone picked up on Ty's trailing off and tried to fill it in herself, but with no success. "Yes, who says we are REQUIRED to go? It is a great privilege, but..well...I don't know if we should go or not..not that I wouldn't go with Ty, but I-"

"HA!" Ty and Simone slightly jumped at Pixel's sudden yell. "So you WILL go with Ty! I knew it!"

Ty and Simone looked at each other quickly before they told the dustchaser that that wasn't the case, but her smirk and raised eyebrow merely broke down their excuses.

Alfred sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, let's put it this way... What reasons could you possibly have for NOT going? You were invited, so you can go if you want to. I think you should go since, really, what loss are you taking from this? It'll be a good excuse to get a night off from work, and Chyst knows how much you two need a night off with everything Star Command throws at you... It'll just be a good night to hang out with each other, get free food, stuff like that. And, hey, if you two go, maybe Mira will go too and the three of you can enjoy the night together?"

He smiled, trying his best to coax Ty and Simone into saying yes. Really, what would make them not want to go? ...The cost? Oh, that's right, they weren't as rich as him... Hmm...



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:42 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, let's put it this way... What reasons could you possibly have for NOT going? You were invited, so you can go if you want to. I think you should go since, really, what loss are you taking from this? It'll be a good excuse to get a night off from work, and Chyst knows how much you two need a night off with everything Star Command throws at you... It'll just be a good night to hang out with each other, get free food, stuff like that. And, hey, if you two go, maybe Mira will go too and the three of you can enjoy the night together?"

He smiled, trying his best to coax Ty and Simone into saying yes. Really, what would make them not want to go? ...The cost? Oh, that's right, they weren't as rich as him... Hmm...

"Well, even if we WANTED to go, we wouldn't know how to pay for it. We're not rich, and it must cost a lot to get dressed up for this event."

Simone thought about this plight for a minute before responding, "Maybe Mira could help us out? She IS a princess, after all."




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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:03 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
"Well, even if we WANTED to go, we wouldn't know how to pay for it. We're not rich, and it must cost a lot to get dressed up for this event."

Simone thought about this plight for a minute before responding, "Maybe Mira could help us out? She IS a princess, after all."

"Well, that's one option..." Alfred replied, brow raised. "Or, perhaps, we could... I don't know, maybe get someone with a lot of money to pay for your expenses? Perhaps someone with a constant source of income, so it wouldn't be like it is going to affect their wealth all that badly...? Could there be ANYONE we know with cash to spare like that...? Anyone at all?"

After a moment of grinning, only to be met with blank stares, the man sighed, rolling his eyes and pressing his face into his palm. "Oh, Chyst, don't give me that. I'm perfectly willing to pay for anything you need to go to this Ball, if you two are willing to let me. Trust me, I can have you looking marvelous. And, it's coming out of MY pocket, so don't you DARE say no."

He looked at Simone. "I mean... I suppose if you wanted a fair, woman's opinion on what kind of outfit to get I could try to get Mira to accept my money and get you a dress or whatever it is you want to wear. YOU on the other hand..." He grinned at his cousin. "I know the BEST tailor there is... He will absolutely LOVE to meet you. ...What do you say? Good deal?"

Last edited by ab103 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:14 pm

ab103 wrote:

"Well, that's one option..." Alfred replied, brow raised. "Or, perhaps, we could... I don't know, maybe get someone with a lot of money to pay for your expenses? Perhaps someone with a constant source of income, so it wouldn't be like it is going to affect their wealth all that badly...? Could there be ANYONE we know with cash to spare like that...? Anyone at all?"


ab103 wrote:
After a moment of grinning, only to be met with blank stares, the man sighed, rolling his eyes and pressing his face into his palm. "Oh, Chyst, don't give me that. I'm perfectly willing to pay for anything you need to go to this Ball, if you two are willing to let me. Trust me, I can have you looking marvelous. And, it's coming out of MY pocket, so don't you DARE say no."

He looked at Simone. "I mean... I suppose if you wanted a fair, woman's opinion on what kind of outfit to get I could try to get Mira to accept my money and get you a dress or whatever it is you want to wear. YOU on the other hand..." He grinned at his cousin. "I know the BEST tailor there is... He will absolutely LOVE to meet you. ...What do you say? Good deal?"

Once Alfred finished that question? Ty and Simone responded immediately with dead silence for a few seconds before...

Simone's face flooded red. "A-a dress? W-well, I-I don't know, I-I'm not th-the best-looking woman ou-out there, a-and I'm not sure I f-feel comfortable wearing a...dress. She placed a hand on her other arm, trying to hide underneath her bangs.

Ty raised his eyebrows in concern. "Hey, c'mon, I'm sure you'll look fine in a dress. Heck, if it's any consolation, I'm not sure I'm too keen on wearing something fancy, either." He placed his chin in his hand.

"Why, of all the-You two are going to look fine! And besides, don't you two think you deserve a chance to relax..." Pixel placed her determined face in Ty's face, surprising him. "AFTER EVERYTHING YA BEEN THROUGH?!"

"But we still haven't said YES, and-"

Pixel said in Ty's face, "You didn't say no, either." She then removed her face from his.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:30 pm

Fox Storm wrote:

Once Alfred finished that question? Ty and Simone responded immediately with dead silence for a few seconds before...

Simone's face flooded red. "A-a dress? W-well, I-I don't know, I-I'm not th-the best-looking woman ou-out there, a-and I'm not sure I f-feel comfortable wearing a...dress. She placed a hand on her other arm, trying to hide underneath her bangs.

Ty raised his eyebrows in concern. "Hey, c'mon, I'm sure you'll look fine in a dress. Heck, if it's any consolation, I'm not sure I'm too keen on wearing something fancy, either." He placed his chin in his hand.

"Why, of all the-You two are going to look fine! And besides, don't you two think you deserve a chance to relax..." Pixel placed her determined face in Ty's face, surprising him. "AFTER EVERYTHING YA BEEN THROUGH?!"

"But we still haven't said YES, and-"

Pixel said in Ty's face, "You didn't say no, either." She then removed her face from his.

"Oh, you are going to say yes,"
Alfred grinned, giving his best malicious look. "I don't care what I have to do, but if I have to do anything to make you say yes, Chyst knows you're not going to like it. Might as well save us all the trouble and just agree right off, let me pay for everything, and actually enjoy yourselves for once. It'll be fine, trust me. I've been to big dances like this before and they're not really that big a deal..."

He laughed, nearly giggling and glanced over Ty. "Oooh, cousin dearest, you will look great in a suit. And, the tailor I'm taking you to will be sure to make it a comfortable suit. There are far too many people out there who are under the impression that suits are uncomfortable, but that is simply not the case if you know what kind of suit to where and where to get it."

Alfred glanced over Simone, making a small noise in thought. "Dresses, on the other hand, are not my forte, though I am sure you would look lovely in one. All the same, you don't HAVE to wear a dress if you don't want to, though I'm sure you'd look fine in one. As I said, we can get someone else, like Mira, to find you a suitable dress to feel comfortable in, you'll just have to excuse me while I try to go convince her into helping. It'll all work out fine, just keep a good attitude about it, okay?"



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:43 pm

ab103 wrote:

"Oh, you are going to say yes,"
Alfred grinned, giving his best malicious look. "I don't care what I have to do, but if I have to do anything to make you say yes, Chyst knows you're not going to like it. Might as well save us all the trouble and just agree right off, let me pay for everything, and actually enjoy yourselves for once. It'll be fine, trust me. I've been to big dances like this before and they're not really that big a deal..."

He laughed, nearly giggling and glanced over Ty. "Oooh, cousin dearest, you will look great in a suit. And, the tailor I'm taking you to will be sure to make it a comfortable suit. There are far too many people out there who are under the impression that suits are uncomfortable, but that is simply not the case if you know what kind of suit to where and where to get it."

"...well, I suppose..."

ab103 wrote:
Alfred glanced over Simone, making a small noise in thought. "Dresses, on the other hand, are not my forte, though I am sure you would look lovely in one. All the same, you don't HAVE to wear a dress if you don't want to, though I'm sure you'd look fine in one. As I said, we can get someone else, like Mira, to find you a suitable dress to feel comfortable in, you'll just have to excuse me while I try to go convince her into helping. It'll all work out fine, just keep a good attitude about it, okay?"

The said Ranger came out of hiding from her bangs, and took on a pensive expression."Well...I DID always want to go to an event such as this..."

"See? You two will be fine! It's just some dance; it ain't like a date or anything." The dustchaser grinned and winked at the two of them.

Ty blinked. "...any reason why you care so much about us going, Pixel?"

Pixel shrugged. "Well, first of all, you're my owner; I want you to be happy. And second, you and Simone here have been through a lot of crud lately, and I think you need a break, and what better way than to go to some dance, right?"

Last edited by Fox Storm on Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:07 pm

Fox Storm wrote:"...well, I suppose..."

The said Ranger came out of hiding from her bangs, and took on a pensive expression."Well...I DID always want to go to an event such as this..."

"See? You two will be fine! It's just some dance; it ain't like a date or anything." The dustchaser grinned and winked at the two of them.

Ty blinked. "...any reason why you care so much about us going, Pixel?"

Pixel shrugged. "Well, first of all, you're my owner; I want you to be happy. And second, you and Simone here have been through a lot of crud lately, and I think you need a break, and what better way than to go to some dance, right?"

"I agree wholeheartedly," Alfred added, nodding and smiling at Ty and Simone. He paused a moment and then crossed his arms and pouted. "Though I still don't see how you two got invitations to THE Blitz Ball when I..." He sighed and waved off his disappointment. "Regardless, I suppose I should go off and recruit help to ensure that Miss Simone here gets the best dress possible for such an event?"

He stood up, clasping his hands together. "Right then! If we're all settled and you two ARE going, then I'll go make the preparations needed for you two to be suitable to attend, you two go file clearance or whatever you need in order to have the necessary time off to attend, and I'll be back to annoy you in about an hour or so. Allons-y!"

Alfred skipped off for a moment but then slowed to a stop, staring at the ceiling and contemplating what he just said. "Oh, Chyst, forget it." He turned back to the table he was just at and waved at Team Parsec. "Right, like a I said, I'll be back in an hour or so. Keep your schedules open for change up to the Ball itself. This is going to be plenty of fun..." He hurried out again, this time whispering "For me, at the very least..."

He walked through the corridors of Star Command, searching for a particular princess. This is when his monocle came in handy, since it would help him find Mira soon enough. Of course, he was walking slowly, hoping to delay the meeting. Mira probably didn't like him, especially after the whole thing where all of Star Command found out that he worked for Zurg... Not to mention, he actually knew Mira, from before all that, not that she would know or remember. It just made him feel worse that SHE was one of the many who didn't like him.

But, Simone had been the one to suggest that they get Mira's help... Mira was the only other one at Star Command with an invitation to the Blitz Ball, and she probably had a good sense of style (better than a typical Tangean Seamstress, anyway), so it was just a matter of getting her to help Simone with her dress. He'd explain the situation, explain that he would be paying for the expenses, maybe offer to pay for Mira's dress as well if she wanted to go to the Ball in exchange for helping him out... Try not to get her mad at him again... Simple stuff!



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:05 pm

ab103 wrote:

"I agree wholeheartedly," Alfred added, nodding and smiling at Ty and Simone. He paused a moment and then crossed his arms and pouted. "Though I still don't see how you two got invitations to THE Blitz Ball when I..." He sighed and waved off his disappointment. "Regardless, I suppose I should go off and recruit help to ensure that Miss Simone here gets the best dress possible for such an event?"

Ty and Simone looked to each other, thinking the same thing;...they guessed it WOULDN'T hurt to take a night or two off from work. Granted, they went off on a vacation earlier when Ty changed into the wirewolf again, but that was more or less a suspension to clear Ty's emotional fatigue.

With their minds made up, they looked to Alfred and nodded.

ab103 wrote:
He stood up, clasping his hands together. "Right then! If we're all settled and you two ARE going, then I'll go make the preparations needed for you two to be suitable to attend, you two go file clearance or whatever you need in order to have the necessary time off to attend, and I'll be back to annoy you in about an hour or so. Allons-y!"

Alfred skipped off for a moment but then slowed to a stop, staring at the ceiling and contemplating what he just said. "Oh, Chyst, forget it." He turned back to the table he was just at and waved at Team Parsec. "Right, like a I said, I'll be back in an hour or so. Keep your schedules open for change up to the Ball itself. This is going to be plenty of fun..." He hurried out again, this time whispering "For me, at the very least..."

He walked through the corridors of Star Command, searching for a particular princess. This is when his monocle came in handy, since it would help him find Mira soon enough. Of course, he was walking slowly, hoping to delay the meeting. Mira probably didn't like him, especially after the whole thing where all of Star Command found out that he worked for Zurg... Not to mention, he actually knew Mira, from before all that, not that she would know or remember. It just made him feel worse that SHE was one of the many who didn't like him.

But, Simone had been the one to suggest that they get Mira's help... Mira was the only other one at Star Command with an invitation to the Blitz Ball, and she probably had a good sense of style (better than a typical Tangean Seamstress, anyway), so it was just a matter of getting her to help Simone with her dress. He'd explain the situation, explain that he would be paying for the expenses, maybe offer to pay for Mira's dress as well if she wanted to go to the Ball in exchange for helping him out... Try not to get her mad at him again... Simple stuff!

Simple his right foot! As soon as he found out where she was, he went over to the lounging area and saw her with her team, talking....

This was going to be harder than he thought.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:26 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Ty and Simone looked to each other, thinking the same thing;...they guessed it WOULDN'T hurt to take a night or two off from work. Granted, they went off on a vacation earlier when Ty changed into the wirewolf again, but that was more or less a suspension to clear Ty's emotional fatigue.

With their minds made up, they looked to Alfred and nodded.

Simple his right foot! As soon as he found out where she was, he went over to the lounging area and saw her with her team, talking....

This was going to be harder than he thought.

Oh, how thrilling, he thought, forcing a smile. Let's see if he had a run-down of how Team Lightyear felt about him... Mira: Disliked him, tried to avoid him when possible, civil otherwise. Buzz: Who knew, who cared, Alfred never liked Buzz and couldn't care a speck about his opinion. Booster: Sickeningly nice towards him, yet obviously didn't know what to think, whether to trust him since he was the Commander's son and XR's brother or to hate him like everyone else since Alfred WORKED, past tense(!), for Zurg (in the past!). XR: No one hated him more at the moment... Absolutely no one... Just help cause the existence of one energy vampire and SUDDENLY his youngest brother would hate you with a noticeable passion.

Strangely, it made Alfred want to dramatically hug XR, crying "Little brother! Why must you despise me so?!" combined with some crocodile tears. He wanted to cause as big a scene as possible, drawing all eyes on them, embarrassing XR as much as he ever could... Just to grind XR's gears and annoy him, because, really, his youngest brother deserved it sometimes.

...And, they noticed him staring. Whoops. Alfred smiled sheepishly and waved, still debating whether or not to actually approach them and discuss the needed topic with Mira.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:33 pm

ab103 wrote:

Oh, how thrilling, he thought, forcing a smile. Let's see if he had a run-down of how Team Lightyear felt about him... Mira: Disliked him, tried to avoid him when possible, civil otherwise. Buzz: Who knew, who cared, Alfred never liked Buzz and couldn't care a speck about his opinion. Booster: Sickeningly nice towards him, yet obviously didn't know what to think, whether to trust him since he was the Commander's son and XR's brother or to hate him like everyone else since Alfred WORKED, past tense(!), for Zurg (in the past!). XR: No one hated him more at the moment... Absolutely no one... Just help cause the existence of one energy vampire and SUDDENLY his youngest brother would hate you with a noticeable passion.

Strangely, it made Alfred want to dramatically hug XR, crying "Little brother! Why must you despise me so?!" combined with some crocodile tears. He wanted to cause as big a scene as possible, drawing all eyes on them, embarrassing XR as much as he ever could... Just to grind XR's gears and annoy him, because, really, his youngest brother deserved it sometimes.

...And, they noticed him staring. Whoops. Alfred smiled sheepishly and waved, still debating whether or not to actually approach them and discuss the needed topic with Mira.

Team Lightyear suddenly took notice of Alfred sheepish smile and wave, as if he were embarrassed to be there.

"Oh, er...hi, Alfred. What are you doing here?" Booster asked, very childlike and unsure of what Alfred was doing in the lounging area.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:49 pm

Fox Storm wrote:Team Lightyear suddenly took notice of Alfred sheepish smile and wave, as if he were embarrassed to be there.

"Oh, er...hi, Alfred. What are you doing here?" Booster asked, very childlike and unsure of what Alfred was doing in the lounging area.

"Eheh... Well... You see..." He mentally groaned, trying his best not to show any more discomfort than he already had. He was pretty sure that he was failing at that... "Actually, I need to as Mira something... P-pertaining to that invitation you received, Ranger Nova... Um... I-If I could speak with you in private...?" This was embarrassing enough, especially given that look XR was giving him. He wasn't even TALKING to the robot at the moment! What was the scowl for?!

...Though, in retrospect, perhaps they wouldn't really like that the "evil" Alfred wanted to speak to the only female ranger on their team in private with no one else around. Though, really, he had seen Mira at work before. She could take care of herself and probably even beat up Alfred if she wanted to. Not to mention, there was absolutely no reason why Alfred would want to harm Mira, given that pesky compulsion to make sure that she wasn't hurt in any way whenever he was around her.

Bah, he was losing focus on reality. It may had only been a few split-seconds since he started his tirade, but he needed to pay attention to how they would respond to his question.



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:58 pm

ab103 wrote:

"Eheh... Well... You see..." He mentally groaned, trying his best not to show any more discomfort than he already had. He was pretty sure that he was failing at that... "Actually, I need to as Mira something... P-pertaining to that invitation you received, Ranger Nova... Um... I-If I could speak with you in private...?" This was embarrassing enough, especially given that look XR was giving him. He wasn't even TALKING to the robot at the moment! What was the scowl for?!

...Though, in retrospect, perhaps they wouldn't really like that the "evil" Alfred wanted to speak to the only female ranger on their team in private with no one else around. Though, really, he had seen Mira at work before. She could take care of herself and probably even beat up Alfred if she wanted to. Not to mention, there was absolutely no reason why Alfred would want to harm Mira, given that pesky compulsion to make sure that she wasn't hurt in any way whenever he was around her.

Bah, he was losing focus on reality. It may had only been a few split-seconds since he started his tirade, but he needed to pay attention to how they would respond to his question.

XR spoke through his scowl. "Whoa, hold up. YOU, want to speak to Mira?!...about an invitation? What's the SPECIAL occasion, Mira?" His hostile tone changed into a confused, even slightly hopeful, one as soon as he heard something about an invitation Mira got. An event of some sort?

Mira confirmed it with a hesitant and soft tone, "Well, yeah. I was invited to the Blitz Ball, which is a very special event. They only invite people who are of royal blood or of high social status."

She turned to Alfred. "...What exactly did you want to talk to me about, Alfred?"



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:15 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
XR spoke through his scowl. "Whoa, hold up. YOU, want to speak to Mira?!...about an invitation? What's the SPECIAL occasion, Mira?" His hostile tone changed into a confused, even slightly hopeful, one as soon as he heard something about an invitation Mira got. An event of some sort?

Mira confirmed it with a hesitant and soft tone, "Well, yeah. I was invited to the Blitz Ball, which is a very special event. They only invite people who are of royal blood or of high social status."

She turned to Alfred. "...What exactly did you want to talk to me about, Alfred?"

"I-! I need a dress!" Alfred frowned and nearly smacked himself in embarrassment. This was why he wanted to speak to her alone... At least then, the rest of Team Lightyear wouldn't have been there to hear him accidentally ask for feminine clothing for himself... Bleh, he had enough of that a few years ago. He sighed and tried his best to correct himself. "I mean-. I need a dress for Simone. Since she and Ty are going. I'm paying for their outfits, but I know next to nothing about dresses, and Simone doesn't seem to know what to get either... S-So... Since you've been to fancy balls like this before, I figured you could help her pick something out...?"

He paused for a moment and then shrugged. "I don't know if you're planning on attending the ball, but if you are, I'll pay for your dress or whatever you choose to wear if you help...? Please, I need to make sure that Ty and Simone have a good time at this thing."

Hopefully, he wouldn't have to explain why he wanted Ty and Simone to have a "good time", at least not in front of that loud mouth XR, that naive Booster, or that.... person Buzz Lightyear. He wouldn't mind telling Mira should she care, but his and Pixel's plans (which they lovingly called "Operation: Tymone") needed to be kept from the people of interest, and if he told a majority of Team Lightyear, the secret would be out...



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:33 pm

ab103 wrote:

"I-! I need a dress!" Alfred frowned and nearly smacked himself in embarrassment. This was why he wanted to speak to her alone... At least then, the rest of Team Lightyear wouldn't have been there to hear him accidentally ask for feminine clothing for himself... Bleh, he had enough of that a few years ago. He sighed and tried his best to correct himself. "I mean-. I need a dress for Simone. Since she and Ty are going. I'm paying for their outfits, but I know next to nothing about dresses, and Simone doesn't seem to know what to get either... S-So... Since you've been to fancy balls like this before, I figured you could help her pick something out...?"

XR would have laughed at his older brother's antics if he weren't busy wondering about how Alfred had come to Mira for help over Ty and Simone's invitations...wait a minute; THEY were invited, but HE wasn't?...he had to hear more from Alfred.

ab103 wrote:
He paused for a moment and then shrugged. "I don't know if you're planning on attending the ball, but if you are, I'll pay for your dress or whatever you choose to wear if you help...? Please, I need to make sure that Ty and Simone have a good time at this thing."

Hopefully, he wouldn't have to explain why he wanted Ty and Simone to have a "good time", at least not in front of that loud mouth XR, that naive Booster, or that.... person Buzz Lightyear. He wouldn't mind telling Mira should she care, but his and Pixel's plans (which they lovingly called "Operation: Tymone") needed to be kept from the people of interest, and if he told a majority of Team Lightyear, the secret would be out...

Mira raised a brow at Alfred's request. She wasn't sure if she was willing to go, but the fact that Ty and Simone were going was enough to make her reconsider. They never had been to anything like the Blitz Ball before, at least to HER knowledge. Why would they go, anyway? They were embarrassed enough as it was to be invited together to the-....hey, wait a minute...

"'re not...trying to get Ty and Simone TOGETHER, are you?"



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:49 pm

Fox Storm wrote:XR would have laughed at his older brother's antics if he weren't busy wondering about how Alfred had come to Mira for help over Ty and Simone's invitations...wait a minute; THEY were invited, but HE wasn't?...he had to hear more from Alfred.

Mira raised a brow at Alfred's request. She wasn't sure if she was willing to go, but the fact that Ty and Simone were going was enough to make her reconsider. They never had been to anything like the Blitz Ball before, at least to HER knowledge. Why would they go, anyway? They were embarrassed enough as it was to be invited together to the-....hey, wait a minute...

"'re not...trying to get Ty and Simone TOGETHER, are you?"

"...Noooo, of course not-. Yes." Alfred pursed his lips and nodded. "Absolutely, Pixel and I have been planning this for ages. ...Don't tell anyone, please, it would really ruin it if they found out that we wanted them to get together, especially since they ALREADY want to get together but are too shy to admit it to themselves and each other..."

He was quiet for a moment but then continued. "Pixel and I are calling it Operation: Tymone, and if you want I can show you the graphs I made to track their relationship so you can see how great the two of them are... Yes, I know, it's weird that I have graphs about this, but at least I'm not offering to show you the full presentation about it. ...Ignore the comment on the presentation. Anyway, I'm sure Pixel saw just as I did how useful this ball could be in getting them together, so..."

He dropped to his knees and clasped his hands together, pleading. Okay, NOW was the time to be overly dramatic. "Pleeeease! Help us get them together! I'll do anything if you help!" He looked at XR, pointedly. "Not you," he clarified. He gave his best puppy eyes to Mira again. "Please...?"



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:05 pm

ab103 wrote:

"...Noooo, of course not-. Yes." Alfred pursed his lips and nodded. "Absolutely, Pixel and I have been planning this for ages. ...Don't tell anyone, please, it would really ruin it if they found out that we wanted them to get together, especially since they ALREADY want to get together but are too shy to admit it to themselves and each other..."

Well, it was true; Ty and Simone had been acting quite shy whenever they were completely alone together and there was no mission to concentrate on. Even Mira saw it when she and her team asked them to come along for that one particular mission with the Raenoks and Rhizomians. She observed the romantic tension between the two of them, but never said anything. It wasn't her business to get involved with something like that...until now, apparently.

ab103 wrote:
He was quiet for a moment but then continued. "Pixel and I are calling it Operation: Tymone, and if you want I can show you the graphs I made to track their relationship so you can see how great the two of them are... Yes, I know, it's weird that I have graphs about this, but at least I'm not offering to show you the full presentation about it. ...Ignore the comment on the presentation. Anyway, I'm sure Pixel saw just as I did how useful this ball could be in getting them together, so..."

He dropped to his knees and clasped his hands together, pleading. Okay, NOW was the time to be overly dramatic. "Pleeeease! Help us get them together! I'll do anything if you help!" He looked at XR, pointedly. "Not you," he clarified. He gave his best puppy eyes to Mira again. "Please...?"

XR scowled again at Alfred.

But his melodrama was quite a surprise to Team Lightyear, especially Mira when she slightly cringed at those puppy dog eyes. But the fact that he was pleading-no, BEGGING-for her help in getting them together, when they had yet to admit it to themselves...well, it still wasn't any of her business, so why SHOULD she help?...

"Because if you don't, they'll never have a chance of happiness," a voice said from within.

Well, she had to take THAT into account. Ty had been through enough with everything from his history with Buzz up to recent events with the Healer, and Simone...well, she didn't know Simone as well as she did the other Rangers, but Simone, to her, seemed like a very angry woman from within about a number of things. The two of them seemed more at peace with each other and certainly more happier. Besides, she didn't want them to go through what she did with Romac, her ex-boyfriend. Maybe she should-

"I'm not exactly the best juggernaut for romance, but that is COMPLETELY rude to interrupt-"

"No, Buzz...Alfred's right; they need a break..." She sighed. "I'll do it."

Last edited by Fox Storm on Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:41 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Well, it was true; Ty and Simone had been acting quite shy whenever they were completely alone together and there was no mission to concentrate on. Even Mira saw it when she and her team asked them to come along for that one particular mission with the Raenoks and Rhizomians. She observed the romantic tension between the two of them, but never said anything. It wasn't her business to get involved with something like that...until now, apparently.

XR scowled again at Alfred.

But his melodrama was quite a surprise to Team Lightyear, especially Mira when she slightly cringed at those puppy dog eyes. But the fact that he was pleading-no, BEGGING-for her help in getting them together, when they had yet to admit it to themselves...well, it still wasn't any of her business, so why SHOULD she help?...

"Because if you don't, they'll never have a chance of happiness," a voice said from within.

Well, she had to take THAT into account. Ty had been through enough with everything from his history with Buzz up to recent events with the Healer, and Simone...well, she didn't know Simone as well as she did the other Rangers, but Simone, to her, seemed like a very angry woman from within about a number of things. The two of them seemed more at peace with each other and certainly more happier. Besides, she didn't want them to go through what she did with Romac, her ex-boyfriend. Maybe she should-

"I'm not exactly the best juggernaut for romance, but that is COMPLETELY rude to interrupt-"

"No, Buzz...Alfred's right; they need a break..." She sighed. "I'll do it."

"Oh, thank Chyst," Alfred let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, relieved. "You're just as gracious as ever, Mira, thank you SO much."

He stood up again and grinned, nervously. "So... Just make plans with Simone and figure out what she needs to prepare for the Ball, I suppose? I'll cover any and all expenses, just let me know how much you'll need. Later. I need to get going now, I have a few calls I need to make. So... Bye."

He ran as if for his life, which was very likely since he probably would have died from embarrassment otherwise. He got to the nearest phone and then did a quick calculation of the time in the area he was about to call. Once he figured it was a decent time, he dialed and waited for the person he was calling to pick up.


"Notta! It's Cosmic! I'm in need of your assistance." He grinned. "I have a friend who you're just going to LOVE who's in need of a suit for one Blitz Ball..."

"Ohoho! You get right to the point, Mr. Cosmic. Bring him in Tuesday and let's see what we can do."

"Haha, great! See you then!"
He hung up and let out yet another breath. This. This right there was going to be amazing.


That next Tuesday...

Alfred was seated in his ship, navigating it through space, humming to himself. Ty was seated in one of the passenger seats, gripping his seatbelt from how fast Alfred was traveling. Laughing, Alfred turned to Ty. "Welcome to Beta, cousin dearest. There ARE no pesky light-speed limits here, unlike in your Gamma."



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Mod Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:48 pm

ab103 wrote:

That next Tuesday...

Alfred was seated in his ship, navigating it through space, humming to himself. Ty was seated in one of the passenger seats, gripping his seatbelt from how fast Alfred was traveling. Laughing, Alfred turned to Ty. "Welcome to Beta, cousin dearest. There ARE no pesky light-speed limits here, unlike in your Gamma."

Ty, while busy gripping his seatbelt for dear life, tried to hide his grimace with an almost indifferent nonchalance. But his tone, while subtle, betrayed his nonchalance. "Are you kidding? If Pixel can go THIS fast, then I am PERFECTLY okay with THIS speed." He sighed. "Remind me again...WHERE are we going, exactly?"



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Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete) - Page 2 Empty Re: Blitz Ball (ab103 and Fox Storm only-Complete)

Post by Alexa Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:05 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Ty, while busy gripping his seatbelt for dear life, tried to hide his grimace with an almost indifferent nonchalance. But his tone, while subtle, betrayed his nonchalance. "Are you kidding? If Pixel can go THIS fast, then I am PERFECTLY okay with THIS speed." He sighed. "Remind me again...WHERE are we going, exactly?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, and here I thought that Pixel could only go faster than the speed of sound, not light." Alfred laughed and faced front again. "As for where we're going... It's a surprise."

There was only a few seconds of silence before Alfred let loose an excited squeal and turned towards Ty again. "Okay, so, we're going to start work on your suit. It's going to be great. Bene knows what he's doing really well, so I'm sure he'll be able to get you into the perfect outfit. I'm guessing there's going to be some green... Maybe as buttons? Ooh, I can only imagine what kind of tie... HAH! ...Tie and waistcoat you'll have, but it'll probably match, I'm sure. Oh! Ohohoh! We're going to have to get you custom CUFFLINKS! Hah, it'll be GREAT! And then there's the matter of your shoes..."

He began listing more and more details about suits, contemplating what kind Ty would get, saying things about thread and stitch count, fabric types, obscure names for colors that normal people would probably only name as something like "blue" and "slightly darker blue". He continued talking as he slowed his ship and pulled into a planet's atmosphere, landed, and led Ty down the street to an attractive little shop entitled "Bene Notta's".



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