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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:52 pm

(Just thought It would be fun if we saw the less dangerous side of Star Command and how our OCs go about their days, I'll start)

"Oh come on!" Booster whinned as he jostled the vending machine. "I just want a Goober Bar, XR can you help?" The little bot was kicking the machine. "Or...not help?"

"Stupid machine, thinks it's so much better then everyone-GIVE THE MAN HIS CANDY YOU PIECE OF JUNK!" He yelled.

"Problem, boys?" A young voice alerted the two to a young Woman behind them. A slim woman in a ranger suit stood tall as her hands were on her hips. She was non other than-

"Jill!" Booster said nervously as he looked at her. Jillian Lightyear was the daughter of Star Command's finest, Buzz Lightyear. "We...were....uh...just..." He began as he tried not to look guilty in front of his commanding officer's daughter. Brushing a lock of brown hair from her light blue eyes, she walked up to the machine and with a kick from her leg, caused it to spit out Booster's candy bar. "Hot Rockets!" He yelled happily and took the candy. "Thanks Jill!" She just smiled at the Jo-ad.

"No prob Boost." She said. "Just need to show machines who's boss." XR rolled up to her.

"I'll let you boss me around with legs like that hot stuff." He purred seductivly. Jill just raised an eyebrow before kicking him clean across the cafiteria. "How does she do that?" the bot asked as he recovered from the hard kick,

"Track star, three years running." Jill said proudly patting her legs and walking out.

"She is so cool." She heard Booster say as she walked down the hall. She smiled to herself. Yeah...I kinda am. She thought.

"Jilliy Bear!" She cringed at that nickname. Only one person could call her that...she slowly turned around to the speaker.

Last edited by Cartoonhottie2009 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:15 pm

"Renee." Alan registered and got their guest cards for Star Command. "I know how much you hate it here but you could learn something." Renee the Zephyrite and her father, Alan, were on star command for the day because Alan planned to reaplly as ar anger. there would be weeks of grueling training only to be stuck as a researcher because he didnt have a sense of smell, but it was worth it in the mans mind.

"Of course." His daughter blew a lock of hair out of her eye. "Fun."



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:20 pm

Jill cringed as her father walked right up to her and nearly crushed her in a bear hug.

"How's my favorite girl?" He asked and ruffled her hair. Pushing him away she quickly fixed it and glared at him.

"I'm fine dad." She hissed.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:02 pm

Renee felt her stomach growl disagreeably. No wonder- something smelled delicious and she hadnt eaten all day. "Dad?" She asked her father, who was filling out some papers. "Could i grab some lunch in the cafeteria?"

"What? Oh, sure." He wasnt really paying attention, but she went anyway. Coming into the cafeteria, she spotted the rangers. XR, booster, Buzz, and... some girl she had never seen before. She tensed up and began to back away, but stopped herself.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:17 pm

"But Jillian-" Buzz began.

"No Buts!" Jill snapped. "I want to be left alone!" She stormed away from Buzz angrly before accidently bumping into Renee. "Sorry about that." She said sweetly and walked away.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:27 pm

"Whoa-" Renee turned around and tapped the girl on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

XR cringed at the sight of Renee. Her machanical eye glowed a little, reminding him all to much of- He shut his eyes and shook his head. "Buzz, what is she doing on star command?" He tapped his friend on the shoulder



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:31 pm

"No, I'm not" Jill hissed as she looked towards her father.

"Renee's father, Alan, is being reinstated as a research ranger." Buzz sighed.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:34 pm

"Joy." XR muttered unhappily.

"Well, sorry." Renee looked backwards at XR. "The eXpendable Ranger, right?"



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:42 pm

"EXPERIMENTAL RANGER!" XR snapped as Jill stormed off.

"I'm out of here." Jill snapped coldly and stormed out as Buzz watched her, sadly.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:55 pm

"Blah, blah, blehblehblah." Renee watched the girl, evidently Buzz's poor daughter, and leaned on XR's helmet. "Listen, I'm not happy, your not happy, why dont we find something fun to do until my dad gets done?" She smiled at booster. "I'll be here a lot while he's in training."



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:59 pm

"What do you have in mind?" Xr asked, half intrested.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:11 pm

"Dunno." She knew what the ranger liked. At least it was something they had in common. "Maybe run around star command. The break room is supposed to have a virtual reality thing, right?"



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:16 pm

"We got rid of that." Booster said. "Jill got angry and kicked it after a major fight with her dad."

"She also kicked the vending machine, soda machine, heater, me..." XR continued.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:31 pm

Renee stood up. "This jill girl has some major anger issues. Or-" She put an extended claw to her lip. "Is it major glory ruining all her fun?"



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Mod Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:35 pm


The Rangers turned to see a big blur coming towards them rapidly. They got out of the way, and it crashed into the wall.

It was a big dustchaser cyborg, half canine and feline, crashed into the wall, with her front legs and head on the ground, and her cybernetic back legs and tail into the air.

"....Ouch." She murmured, feeling a headache coming on...and she talked!

Last edited by Fox Storm on Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:37 pm

"Are you okay?" Booster asked worringly.

"Who cares? I'm Okay!" XR said happily patting himself over.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Mod Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:42 pm

"...He meant me, you idiot." The dustchaser murmured with annoyance in her tone.

She slowly got up and dizzily staggered about before regaining her balance and shook her head, clearing it out.

"Sorry about that. I was trying a new didn't work." She said, almost embarrassingly. She sat down on her haunches.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:46 pm

"Whoa." Renee shook off what had just happened. "Taling dog- thing." She put a hand over her robotic eye. then, just catching what XR had said, palmed him in the back of the helmet. "Dont forget who i am." She hissed. "No excuse for being a jerk."



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Mod Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:49 pm

Pixel looked over at the cat person....she never saw her before. So with a happy pant, she greeted, "Hi there! What's your name?"



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:54 pm

"Uh, Renee." Renee regained her composure. "Renee gade. Daughter of Alan Gade."

"And tormenter of ME." XR chuckled nervously. "Added to the list."



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:56 pm

The strong sent of smoke filled the hall way as a reptile like woman with changing eyes walked up to the three. A cigerette was in her lips as she took a long drag.

"Um Dr. Cosmos?" Booster asked. "You're not allowed to smoke in the halls."

"Tough Nugette, love." She replied as she blew a smoke cloud out. "Where's the cute lightyear?" She asked.

"In her office recovering from her father's recent embarrassing reliving of her childhood fear." XR said.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:00 pm

Renee coughed. The smoke bothered her sensitive nose immensely. "Could you... please." She sighed and covered her mouth.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Mod Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:02 pm

Pythonmelon wrote:"Uh, Renee." Renee regained her composure. "Renee gade. Daughter of Alan Gade."

"And tormenter of ME." XR chuckled nervously. "Added to the list."

The dustchaser grinned. "And proud of it!"

Cartoonhottie2009 wrote:The strong sent of smoke filled the hall way as a reptile like woman with changing eyes walked up to the three. A cigerette was in her lips as she took a long drag.

"Um Dr. Cosmos?" Booster asked. "You're not allowed to smoke in the halls."

"Tough Nugette, love." She replied as she blew a smoke cloud out. "Where's the cute lightyear?" She asked.

"In her office recovering from her father's recent embarrassing reliving of her childhood fear." XR said.

Pixel inwardly made a gagging sound.

Pythonmelon wrote:Renee coughed. The smoke bothered her sensitive nose immensely. "Could you... please." She sighed and covered her mouth.

Pixel smelt the smoke and she sneezed. She bluntly asked, "Yeah. You'll clog up my nose if ya keeping smokin' like that."



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:03 pm

"Fine. I've got to go anyways. Bye dears." She petted Pixel's head as she left. "Pixel, be a dear and go get me another pack of smokes, My secritary just quit on me again." She dissapeared behind the corner in a puff of smoke as she went to talk to Jill.



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The Misguided Adventures of Star Command Empty Re: The Misguided Adventures of Star Command

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:05 pm

"Dear god, who was that?" Renee watched the reptilian woman go down the hall. She had never seen the species before- and those EYES. "Sorry." She frowned. "For the language."



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