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Relationships on Star Command

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Relationships on Star Command Empty Relationships on Star Command

Post by Mod Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:59 pm

How do you think they work? And by relationships, I mean, how do you think relationships aboard Star Command function? Do you think they function the same way relationships work in real life? According to my research, an officer can't date an enlisted soldier, and captains can't date captains...or so I've found.

So..what are your opinions on this?



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by VTANGArmn22 Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:56 am

I think it's probably a huge gray area, since Star Command is paramilitary and not really a military force, though they seem to function that way. I would think that there would be some rules as to how a potential couple would have to handle their relationship.

*off-topic*I know in the US military enlisted can date enlisted, and officers can date officers, but it has to be really really if they're not already married they almost have to act like nothing's going on. Off duty hours are different. That's a soldiers own time, but's very hard not to let that seep into duty life. Hence the reason for the frowning from higher-ups.*end off-topic



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by Mod Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:45 pm

VTANGArmn22 wrote:I think it's probably a huge gray area, since Star Command is paramilitary and not really a military force, though they seem to function that way. I would think that there would be some rules as to how a potential couple would have to handle their relationship.

*off-topic*I know in the US military enlisted can date enlisted, and officers can date officers, but it has to be really really if they're not already married they almost have to act like nothing's going on. Off duty hours are different. That's a soldiers own time, but's very hard not to let that seep into duty life. Hence the reason for the frowning from higher-ups.*end off-topic

Yeah, I think there would be have to be some sort of rules too, just like in real life. I mean, we've seen in a few episodes that a Space Ranger can date someone who's not a Space Ranger (Buzz and Ozma, for example)...or so it's presumed. But also like in real life, I think there are Space Rangers/soldiers who date other Space Rangers/soldiers, but it's so secretive that they keep it amongst themselves. I didn't know that about the off duty hours, though. That makes a lot of sense...



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by Steel Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:17 am

*revives thread*

I keep thinking that something is going on between these two Rangers since we always see them together in every group shot. (I've dubbed them Clyde and Andromeda--she just strikes me as an Andromeda for some reason despite the clichéd name.) I don't want to be the first one shipping where there is no real shipping, but I don't think it's impossible to assume that romance can take place on Star Command.

Like VTANGA said, I think there are certain rules like dating people due to rank, but as long as you keep it discreet and don't let that romance influence you in your work (as in, you only care about that one person and forget that you have to take care of everyone else too) then I don't think Star Command or the higher-uppers would really care. As long as you weren't blatant about it like calling each other pet names or schmoozing in some abandoned broom closet, they probably wouldn't press any charges.

Buzz, after all, has this "saving people" thing, but he never let it interfere with his work. Even though... that story in "The Plasma Monster" makes me wonder whether Buzz is kind of a masochist and gets too into relationships simply because he hasn't been in them often. (At least he's saner with Ozma--but in "The Plasma Monster"? Ouch.)



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by Mod Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:22 pm

Steel wrote:*revives thread*

I keep thinking that something is going on between these two Rangers since we always see them together in every group shot. (I've dubbed them Clyde and Andromeda--she just strikes me as an Andromeda for some reason despite the clichéd name.) I don't want to be the first one shipping where there is no real shipping, but I don't think it's impossible to assume that romance can take place on Star Command.

Well, that would make sense in some cases, but isn't he a rookie? I mean, we did see him in the Training Deck in TAB, and she wasn't in there training alongside him. The first time we see her is in the Briefing Room in TAB. But I have been wrong before, so they could very well be together!

Steel wrote:
Like VTANGA said, I think there are certain rules like dating people due to rank, but as long as you keep it discreet and don't let that romance influence you in your work (as in, you only care about that one person and forget that you have to take care of everyone else too) then I don't think Star Command or the higher-uppers would really care. As long as you weren't blatant about it like calling each other pet names or schmoozing in some abandoned broom closet, they probably wouldn't press any charges.[/color]

That's true; I guess they don't really care what they do in their personal life (except bad stuff, of course, lol), or how you act, as long as it doesn't intervene with their work. And I don't think people generally really want to see other people acting totally mushy towards their significant other in public. I always thought that if there was romance on Star Command, they would probably show it when they're off-duty. If they're off-duty, then they could probably show affection towards each other and what not.

Steel wrote:
Buzz, after all, has this "saving people" thing, but he never let it interfere with his work. Even though... that story in "The Plasma Monster" makes me wonder whether Buzz is kind of a masochist and gets too into relationships simply because he hasn't been in them often. (At least he's saner with Ozma--but in "The Plasma Monster"? Ouch.)[/color]

That's true; he doesn't let it get in his way. A masochist?...-_-;...that's kind of disturbing to think about, especially since Buzz seems to take more pleasure in saving people and being a Space Ranger than enjoying pain. Then again, Emily Dickinson (whom I'm writing a paper on, lol) was curious about pain and death, and as far as we know, there hasn't been too many deaths the Space Rangers had to deal with-yet. So...yeah. That's true; Ozma does seem to keep him in check about the relationship. I don't know if I like her or not, but I do have to say that she does seem to keep a more or less decent job of bringing him back to earth...pun slightly intended.

By the way, thanks for helping to revive this topic. I was beginning to think people weren't interested! -_-;

Last edited by Fox Storm on Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:36 pm; edited 3 times in total



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by Steel Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:26 pm

FoxStorm wrote:Well, that would make sense in some cases, but isn't he a rookie? I mean, we did see him in the Training Deck in TAB, and she wasn't in there training alongside him. The first time we see her is in the Briefing Room in TAB. But I have been wrong before, so they could very well be together!
He can't be a Rookie if he's the Captain of his own star cruiser. And let's face it, they used pretty much EVERY Space Ranger for that scene. They have a limited number of Rangers as it is, so they use them as stock pretty much everywhere... But I get what you mean. No, I think they're both at least of equal rank, or maybe she is slightly inferior seeing as he is the Captain.

FoxStorm wrote:That's true; I guess they don't really care what they do in their personal life (except bad stuff, of course, lol), or how you act, as long as it doesn't intervene with their work. And I don't think people generally really want to see other people acting totally mushy towards their significant other in public. I always thought that if there was romance on Star Command, they would probably show it when they're off-duty. If they're off-duty, then they could probably show affection towards each other and what not.
Yeah, I always figured that whatever happened happened off-time, and I suppose the only time a relationship might interfere is if you two are working together. If one is a superior, and the other does a mistake, as a superior they will still have to be harsh. It has nothing to do with the relationship, but it sometimes can certainly be taken that way. Situations like these are tricky...

FoxStorm wrote:That's true; he doesn't let it get in his way. A masochist?...-_-;...that's kind of disturbing to think about, especially since Buzz seems to take more pleasure in saving people and being a Space Ranger than enjoying pain. Then again, Emily Dickinson (whom I'm writing a paper on, lol) was curious about pain and death, and as far as we know, there hasn't been too many deaths the Space Rangers had to deal with...yet. So...yeah. That's true; Ozma does seem to keep him in check about the relationship. I don't know if I like her or not, but I do have to say that she does seem to keep a more or less decent job of bringing him back to earth...pun slightly intended.
I'll reply to the rest of this tomorrow because I really gotta go to bed, but yay for thread revivals!



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by Mod Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:35 pm

Steel wrote:
Yeah, I always figured that whatever happened happened off-time, and I suppose the only time a relationship might interfere is if you two are working together. If one is a superior, and the other does a mistake, as a superior they will still have to be harsh. It has nothing to do with the relationship, but it sometimes can certainly be taken that way. Situations like these are tricky...

*revives topic*

Ah, that's a good point. I think they could also interact with each other if they're more or less out of sight from their peers, like these two Rangers for example.

Relationships on Star Command Corla_11

I mean, we don't know what they're talking about, but they seem to be in a relaxed position, and not as professionals, just as people, talking to each other and enjoying themselves.

Last edited by Fox Storm on Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:29 pm; edited 2 times in total



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by DarklingDragon Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:20 pm

Hmm...I can see Star Command members having relationships just as long as nothing is interfering while they're on duty. Even though they're serious about their work, I'm sure they have some relaxed rules concerning family and relationships.



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by Mod Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:23 pm

Yeah, I think they would have relaxed rules about it as well, more so than the armed forces in real life.

Last edited by Fox Storm on Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Relationships on Star Command Empty Re: Relationships on Star Command

Post by EEZ Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:44 pm

This is a toughie.

Star Command isn't a proper military, no, but they are like police officers. You cannot fraternize with teammates on the job, nor should you become involved in the same department. It may depend on the agency, but getting found out will have you transferred or reprimanded. It is to stop a conflict of interest in "law-orientated" fields. You can understand why, I'd imagine.

Otherwise, friendships are fine. But on-duty you must remember rank and protocol. Always.



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