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New, but definitely not a newbie.

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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:58 pm

Samara had noticed Renee reach up to touch her eye, but she didn't think much to it. She though did smile at both girls before gingerly passing between them. " Sorry to jet, but I have to follow the LGMs. I can try talking after I get started on my work."

Sam's attention was recaptured by Renee's question:

"How did you find yourself on this floating deathtrap"

The robotic woman looked at the young alien, confusion clearly in her face as she cocked an eyebrow, " Deathtrap?..Pft, I wouldn't call this place a deathtrap." Sam answered, " I go where I am needed."




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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:01 pm

"That's nice. I just call it a deathtrap, though." Renee shrugged. "I'm just stuck here until my dad gets out of training."



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:02 pm

"I'm here to save animals and arrest animal abusers." Jill said proudly.



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:56 pm

Samara wasn't sure how to react to that. She gave a small smile in return, " Well, still.." Sam chuckled.

The fembot made a motion that she would return shortly before running towards the direction the LGMs were.




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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:59 pm

Renee followed her with her eyes and smirked darkly. If he ever decided to call her again, this would be an interesting story to tell. she rubbed at the N on the side of her mechanical eye again. The girl doubted that would ever happen though, and went to talk to XL.



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:04 pm

Jill shrugged and left to get her permit to carry a weapon signed.



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:20 pm


Samara had caught up with a few of the LGMs, setting down her bag and kneeling down in order to work with some of the paneling. She takes out a visor-glasses set and places them on her face before sticking her upper half into the paneling.




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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:23 pm

(?you mean pointing out she was under nos-4-a2's mind control?)

Renee walked down the hall, hunting for the photocopier. She had spent everyday since coming onto star command with him. unfortunately she found his brother instead. "Hi XR." She waved tiredly.



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:48 pm

(yes..and NOS is awesome)

It wasn't too long before Sam found some issues with the internals of the security system. After moving herself out of the paneling, she consulted with a few of the LGMs:

" It looks like it might have been failing for awhile now. But I can do some system repairs first before going for the direct physical damage. It will take some time."




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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:52 pm

(Im not abig fan, but he is pretty rockin. member of the fanclub with AK?)

"Alright." The little green men nodded. She was definitely good at this job



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:02 pm

(not apart of a fan club, I just think he's a pretty unique villain)

Samara gave a smile and a nod to them before turning back to the computer above the panels. She popped her finger joints and smiled, " Looks like it's just you an' me~" she said, happy to be in her element again. Before long, she was working with the internal system coding.




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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:30 pm

XR looked at her with a frown. "morning." He blinked at her, a little suprised she had called him XR instead of snack chips, the usual.

Renee sighed and passed him the weekly gift bottle of antifreeze. He nodded happily enough and went back to whatever he had been doing for. She caught finally caught up with the fax machine. "hey, hotbot, whatcha up to?"



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:48 pm

Whether or not XR had remained in the halls or headed into the science bay. If he has done so, he'd be greeted by the sights of Samara working on the computers. A frustrated look seems to be on the female bot's face.

" Yea..we got a problem."



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:49 pm

One of the LGMs looked up at her. "Problem?"



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Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:01 pm

" the system is still running is beyond me. You guys have a pretty outdated and bugged out security network." Samara stated, rubbing her forehead.

" This is gonna take me a long while to work on..I'm estimating at least two weeks for the security systems.."



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:03 pm

The LGM sighed. He looked at the paper. "very well." He nodded.



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:12 pm

Sam gave the LGM a concerned look, " Look, I'm sorry but I'm just doing my job." she said.



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:13 am

"No, no, it's alright." He nodded and scurried off. He was only worried because they might have to turn the security systems off for even a short time during repairs. That was definitely not guranteed to make the commander happy. It shrugged- what needed to be done needed to be done.



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:57 am

If the bot noticed anything, it was the essence of concern in the air. She knew that eventually they would have to shut off the security system for a brief amount of time. There was not much that can be done otherwise. Not unless they wanted to override the whole system and end up screwing it up to a point that they could be much worse off than anything else.

Sam sighed and turned back to the computer keyboard, her mind in a mix of both her work and elsewhere.




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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:48 am

"So, hows the new recruit? " XL asked, turning away from his work to pass Renee another fax to deliver. She had been helping him out all summer.

"She seems nice enough." Renee nodded. "But she seems really into her work."



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:07 am

A ranger nearby, overhearing the conversation spoke up; "At least that's a good thing. Means things will get done and back up to speed." he stated before taking a stack of papers to head elsewhere. "Besides, it wouldn't be a good thing to be caught without having some updates to the system."




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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:15 am

"eh, true." Renee shrugged. "[color:9af2=redThere might be more action on this hunk of metal.]"

"What've you got against Star Command anyway?" XL asked. She was always beating on the place.

"It's mostly your brother that bothers me." She admitted. "He hurled me out a window once, remember?"



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:43 am

The ranger merely shrugged and ran off to do his duties, trying not to drop any of the papers on his way.




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Post by Pythonmelon Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:08 pm

Renee finished picking up the files XL handed her and walked of briskly. She was headed back to the lab, apparently, to deliver these schematics to the LGMs



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New, but definitely not a newbie. - Page 2 Empty Re: New, but definitely not a newbie.

Post by Bleu_Ace Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:41 pm

Back in the lab, Samara was still at work along with the LGMs. She had connected two wires from her head into the computer panels, probably making sure to copy some important data down into a spare microchip or two in her head.




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