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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:18 am

Alexa wrote:Alfred hesitated, wondering what exactly he missed since he moved back to Beta all those years ago... "Forgive me for my ignorance, but I've not kept up with Tangean news since about 12 years ago..." He looked at King Nova, frowning. "I take it you two aren't friends anymore. Did he try to usurp the throne or something? How cheap of him."

King Nova merely nodded angrily, while Mira gave additional clarification. "He arranged a wedding between me and Fop Doppler - you may have met him, he's on Star Command now - and then used the ceremony as a distraction so that he could try to take over the palace with the help of some Grounders. Luckily, we stopped him, but it looks like he's trying again."

Alexa wrote:He then turned to Mira and nodded. "With your permission, I'll help you. You might get hurt in there by yourself, and I refuse to let that happen if I can be around to prevent it." He cast a subtle glance to King Nova. Yes, he remembered that old promise. Yes, he was all too willing to uphold it, however devious it was of the king to make him a type of meat shield for the Princess when Alfred was only a child at the time.

"Thanks," smiled Mira, slightly surprised at Alfred's willingness to help. After what had happened with Zurg, she thought he would have wanted to stay as far away from danger as possible.

King Nova was surprised too, but for different reasons. He actually remembered that promise? And he's willing to keep it? The king hadn't expected that. At least this means Mira has someone looking out for her besides me. Stopping Angstrom would be dangerous, and there was always the possibility Mira might get hurt. I can't allow that to happen. Even if it means letting Cosmic or myself get hurt in her place, I refuse to let her be injured.

Mira folded her arms and looked around. "Okay, we need to think of a plan. I'm going to send a distress signal to Star Command, but it'll take some time for them to get here. We'll have to work on our own for awhile. Any ideas?" While she waited for them to respond, she went to the communications controls and pressed several buttons. To her surprise, an error message appeared on the screen. "Aw, craters!" She turned back to Alfred and her father. "Angstrom seems to have set up a jamming device - I can't get a signal out."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:50 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Mira folded her arms and looked around. "Okay, we need to think of a plan. I'm going to send a distress signal to Star Command, but it'll take some time for them to get here. We'll have to work on our own for awhile. Any ideas?" While she waited for them to respond, she went to the communications controls and pressed several buttons. To her surprise, an error message appeared on the screen. "Aw, craters!" She turned back to Alfred and her father. "Angstrom seems to have set up a jamming device - I can't get a signal out."

"Have you tried changing the frequency?" Alfred asked. "Star Command shouldn't be using on one, this kind of thing is common after all... Or, I can possibly jam the jamming device for a few moments, but even if that's enough time for Star Command to get the signal, they'll take a while to get here..."

He messed with the controls, at one point undoing the panel and fiddling with the wires, managing to get the screen to show a "Signal Received" for only a few short moments before it flashed back to the error page from before. He sighed, nodding to himself. "Good enough for now, so while we hope for someone to show up, we best try to take care of things ourselves..."

Alfred went over to where he was keeping his things and pulled out a device that he flipped out into a laser gun of some sort. "Glad I thought to pack this, this time..." He glanced over at the stern look Mira was giving him about the weapon and grinned sheepishly. "Weapons permit pending for this galaxy...? Don't tell Nebula..."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:13 pm

Alexa wrote:He messed with the controls, at one point undoing the panel and fiddling with the wires, managing to get the screen to show a "Signal Received" for only a few short moments before it flashed back to the error page from before. He sighed, nodding to himself. "Good enough for now, so while we hope for someone to show up, we best try to take care of things ourselves..."

“Right. We’re going to need some weapons,” nodded Mira. “All I’ve got is my wrist laser.”

“Don’t look at me.” King Nova folded his arms. “I never carry any weapons in the palace.”

Alexa wrote:Alfred went over to where he was keeping his things and pulled out a device that he flipped out into a laser gun of some sort. "Glad I thought to pack this, this time..." He glanced over at the stern look Mira was giving him about the weapon and grinned sheepishly. "Weapons permit pending for this galaxy...? Don't tell Nebula..."

When Mira saw Alfred pull out the gun, her face twisted into a frown. I bet he doesn’t have a permit for that. Her suspicions were confirmed a moment later by Alfred himself. She sighed, wondering what choice things Buzz would say if he were there. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately, since they could use his expertise right about now), Buzz wasn’t present, and the princess was considerably more tolerant than him when it came to minor legal infractions. In fact, under the circumstances she was glad Alfred had brought the gun. “Don’t worry, the Commander won’t hear a word about it from me.”

King Nova looked at Alfred’s gun sceptically. “How exactly are we going to stop all those guards with that?” He turned to Mira. “In fact, how are we going to stop them at all? We’re seriously outnumbered.”

Mira shuffled her feet nervously. “Well... I, uh, haven’t quite f-figured that out yet, b-but I’m sure I will soon.” She tried to smile reassuringly. “After all, Buzz and I defeated Zurg when he tried to take over the palace, and Zurg’s got to be tougher to beat than Angstrom, right?”

“Then do tell us how you plan to defeat him,” responded the king sarcastically.

She gritted her teeth. “I told you, I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something. In the meantime, we should try to gather some information. We don’t know exactly what Angstrom’s plan is, or what he’s doing right now. If we learn those things, maybe we’ll have a better idea of how to defeat him.” She glanced at Alfred. “It’s time for you and I to do some reconnaissance.”


“What is it, Corporal?” Nebula, Buzz, and the rest of Team Lightyear (minus Mira, of course) had been called to the command deck.

The corporal led them to a screen. “We’ve received a distress call from Tangea,” he explained, showing them the communication logs. “It only lasted for a few seconds, but we were able to determine it’s location and that it’s from a Star Command shuttle.”

“Ranger Nova,” surmised Nebula. “She’s visiting Tangea right now.”

“But why would Mira send out a distress call?” asked Booster.

Buzz narrowed his eyes. “Something’s obviously wrong. We have to check it out.”

Nebula nodded, sighing. “Prepare 42 for launch.” Some days everything seemed to go wrong... First Alfred ran away, and now Tangea was in some sort of distress, and - wait a minute. Something clicked in his brain. Had he ever stopped to consider how Alfred had left? Other than a few Star Cruisers which were on patrol, the only ship that had left Star Command that day was Mira’s shuttle... which meant Alfred was most likely on Tangea right now. Sweet mother of Venus, can’t he ever stay out of trouble?! Whatever was happening on Tangea, he had no doubt Alfred was somehow involved.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:01 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
King Nova looked at Alfred’s gun sceptically. “How exactly are we going to stop all those guards with that?” He turned to Mira. “In fact, how are we going to stop them at all? We’re seriously outnumbered.”

Mira shuffled her feet nervously. “Well... I, uh, haven’t quite f-figured that out yet, b-but I’m sure I will soon.” She tried to smile reassuringly. “After all, Buzz and I defeated Zurg when he tried to take over the palace, and Zurg’s got to be tougher to beat than Angstrom, right?”

“Then do tell us how you plan to defeat him,” responded the king sarcastically.

She gritted her teeth. “I told you, I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something. In the meantime, we should try to gather some information. We don’t know exactly what Angstrom’s plan is, or what he’s doing right now. If we learn those things, maybe we’ll have a better idea of how to defeat him.” She glanced at Alfred. “It’s time for you and I to do some reconnaissance.”

Alfred followed close enough behind Mira but far enough behind that he didn't distract her with his mutterings as they went. As such, he wasn't paying as much attention to where they were going, but he figured Mira would know the palace's current layout better than him. "Now, come on, man, Angstrom is clearly trying to take over again, since he failed before... Think, he was the chancellor. He knows all the rules Tangea has, so which one could he be invoking? Rule of Siege? No, no, that's the rule allowing a blockade around a palace that's being rowdy... Rule of... of... Rule of New Reign? Oh, that's it!" He giggled, quietly to draw less attention to himself. He noticed that he already had Mira's eyes on him regardless and decided to explain.

"Rule of New Reign. If a Tangean is able to gain enough followers and is then able to kill the current ruler, he or she becomes the new ruler of Tangea. It's one of the more barbaric rules that was made by one King Ozymandias who also happened to sympathize with the Grounders for some reason. Hehehe. Could you imagine if a Tangean Royal would not only sympathize with Grounders but possibly date one? How silly is... That...?" He caught Mira's look and glanced away, clearing his throat nervously. Ah, so she had been the one to muck up that trend... Truthfully, he should have suspected as such.

"Anyway, it was one of those rules that was never followed, but never officially stricken because there was no point to get rid of a rule that no one would follow... But, it was only ever printed in older rule books, so less people knew about it..." Alfred frowned, furrowing his brow in confusion. "But how in Chyst's name was he able to gain followers that would condone the overthrow of your father? I like King Nova. He's a good ruler for this planet."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:32 pm

Alexa wrote:Alfred followed close enough behind Mira but far enough behind that he didn't distract her with his mutterings as they went. As such, he wasn't paying as much attention to where they were going, but he figured Mira would know the palace's current layout better than him. "Now, come on, man, Angstrom is clearly trying to take over again, since he failed before... Think, he was the chancellor. He knows all the rules Tangea has, so which one could he be invoking? Rule of Siege? No, no, that's the rule allowing a blockade around a palace that's being rowdy... Rule of... of... Rule of New Reign? Oh, that's it!" He giggled, quietly to draw less attention to himself. He noticed that he already had Mira's eyes on him regardless and decided to explain.

"Rule of New Reign. If a Tangean is able to gain enough followers and is then able to kill the current ruler, he or she becomes the new ruler of Tangea. It's one of the more barbaric rules that was made by one King Ozymandias who also happened to sympathize with the Grounders for some reason. Hehehe. Could you imagine if a Tangean Royal would not only sympathize with Grounders but possibly date one? How silly is... That...?" He caught Mira's look and glanced away, clearing his throat nervously. Ah, so she had been the one to muck up that trend... Truthfully, he should have suspected as such.

When Alfred began explaining the rule, Mira couldn't help wondering how he knew so much about it. There was definitely something Alfred and her father weren't telling her. What did Daddy mean when he said Alfred and I had met before? However, she quickly forgot her musings when Alfred mentioned Royals and Grounders dating. "What's so silly about that?" she demanded, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him.

Alexa wrote:"Anyway, it was one of those rules that was never followed, but never officially stricken because there was no point to get rid of a rule that no one would follow... But, it was only ever printed in older rule books, so less people knew about it..." Alfred frowned, furrowing his brow in confusion. "But how in Chyst's name was he able to gain followers that would condone the overthrow of your father? I like King Nova. He's a good ruler for this planet."

"I don't know," shrugged Mira. "I don't spend much time here, but I haven't noticed any problems. Everyone seems to like my father - I can't imagine why they'd side with Angstrom over him." She paused. "Unless... unless Angstrom promised them he'd pull Tangea from the Galactic Alliance in exchange for their support. A lot of people are still unhappy that we joined, and they might be willing to let Angstrom take over if it meant leaving the Alliance." She sighed. "You'd be amazed at how strong the isolationist movement is here, even after all this time. It hasn't been a major issue for several years, but a lot of people continue to disapprove of our membership.

"Anyway, let's keep moving. We've got to find out where Angstrom is and see what's he's doing. There's no way I'm going to let him follow through with this 'Rule of New Reign' and kill Daddy. We have to stop him."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:52 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
"I don't know," shrugged Mira. "I don't spend much time here, but I haven't noticed any problems. Everyone seems to like my father - I can't imagine why they'd side with Angstrom over him." She paused. "Unless... unless Angstrom promised them he'd pull Tangea from the Galactic Alliance in exchange for their support. A lot of people are still unhappy that we joined, and they might be willing to let Angstrom take over if it meant leaving the Alliance." She sighed. "You'd be amazed at how strong the isolationist movement is here, even after all this time. It hasn't been a major issue for several years, but a lot of people continue to disapprove of our membership.

"Anyway, let's keep moving. We've got to find out where Angstrom is and see what's he's doing. There's no way I'm going to let him follow through with this 'Rule of New Reign' and kill Daddy. We have to stop him."

Alfred nodded and continued to follow after Mira. "I don't understand why they'd let him use the Rule of New Reign, though... Why one that's so bloody? Unless he's lied to them about how the rule works and they don't know that it involves killing the current ruler..." He sighed and shook his head. "King Nova better stay in hiding until this whole thing is over with... All on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his coronation too... Hmph."

He glanced up, hearing people walking and talking up ahead, and looked at Mira, ready to follow her lead. Perhaps he should have at least read up on Ranger basics if he was going to keep being dragged into these kind of situations. Bah, it was like the universe was telling him that he should actually go through Ranger training or something. Maybe that would please his father for once. Ha, like any of that was ever going to happen... Oh, wait, perhaps he should pay attention.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:03 am

Alexa wrote:Alfred nodded and continued to follow after Mira. "I don't understand why they'd let him use the Rule of New Reign, though... Why one that's so bloody? Unless he's lied to them about how the rule works and they don't know that it involves killing the current ruler..." He sighed and shook his head. "King Nova better stay in hiding until this whole thing is over with... All on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his coronation too... Hmph."

"If he did lie to them, then there's a chance we can get them to drop their support of him if we tell them the truth," Mira concluded thoughtfully. She nodded to what Alfred said about her father. "I hope he's safe back there in the shuttle - I feel bad about leaving him alone." She scowled. "And yeah, I bet Angstrom chose this date on purpose to make his revenge even sweeter."

Alexa wrote:He glanced up, hearing people walking and talking up ahead, and looked at Mira, ready to follow her lead. Perhaps he should have at least read up on Ranger basics if he was going to keep being dragged into these kind of situations. Bah, it was like the universe was telling him that he should actually go through Ranger training or something. Maybe that would please his father for once. Ha, like any of that was ever going to happen... Oh, wait, perhaps he should pay attention.

"Quick, get behind this statue!" ordered Mira in a low voice, grabbing Alfred's arm and pulling him into the narrow gap that existed between the wall and a large statue of some former king. The space was very cramped, but it hid them well, and Mira motioned for Alfred to be silent.

A few moments later, a pair of guards emerged from further up the hall, scanning the area as they walked. "See anything?" one asked.

"No," shrugged the other. "Let's move on."

From behind the statue, Mira caught a glimpse of the weapons they were carrying. We could sure use those. Hmm... maybe there's way we can get them... She kept her voice as low as possible and whispered to Alfred, "On the count of three, I want you to jump out there and get their attention. I don't care what you do, just distract them - and try not to get hurt, okay?"

Before Alfred could protest - or ask for some sort of explanation - she counted down and pushed him out into the open, causing the guards to turn around.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:27 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
From behind the statue, Mira caught a glimpse of the weapons they were carrying. We could sure use those. Hmm... maybe there's way we can get them... She kept her voice as low as possible and whispered to Alfred, "On the count of three, I want you to jump out there and get their attention. I don't care what you do, just distract them - and try not to get hurt, okay?"

Before Alfred could protest - or ask for some sort of explanation - she counted down and pushed him out into the open, causing the guards to turn around.

He tripped out into the open, at the very least catching himself and standing straight, pretending he had some dignity after almost falling. He had no idea what he was supposed to do to distract the guards. Be annoying as he was with Torque, perhaps...?

Luckily, it didn't take much to set them off. Just a cheeky grin and a comment. "So you actually can open your eyes. That's amazing!" He then spent the next few moments dodging blasts from their weapons. "Ack! Are you shooting at me? Really?!"

He kept pulling back with each of his dodges so the guards would have to continue to step closer, so he hoped Mira had a plan for what to do with them. He wasn't sure how Lightyear did it. How did Lightyear manage to avoid every shot of a thousand with ease when HE was having difficulty here and was nearly hit a few times? At least the guards seem to have bad aim. His was significantly better, as proven when he fired from his own weapon, hitting one guard at his feet and tripping him. The weapon the guard had been holding slid forward, coming to a rest just beside Mira.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:24 am

Alexa wrote:He tripped out into the open, at the very least catching himself and standing straight, pretending he had some dignity after almost falling. He had no idea what he was supposed to do to distract the guards. Be annoying as he was with Torque, perhaps...?

When they heard Alfred emerge from behind the statue, the guards spun around and aimed their weapons at him. Their eyes widened in surprise when they realised he wasn't a Tangean. "How did that off-worlder get here?" one whispered to the other.

Alexa wrote:Luckily, it didn't take much to set them off. Just a cheeky grin and a comment. "So you actually can open your eyes. That's amazing!" He then spent the next few moments dodging blasts from their weapons. "Ack! Are you shooting at me? Really?!"

Although it probably would have been wiser to capture Alfred alive so they could question him, the guards were so annoyed by his remark that they began firing. Fortunately for Alfred their aim was less than stellar, and they kept missing him.

Alexa wrote:He kept pulling back with each of his dodges so the guards would have to continue to step closer, so he hoped Mira had a plan for what to do with them. He wasn't sure how Lightyear did it. How did Lightyear manage to avoid every shot of a thousand with ease when HE was having difficulty here and was nearly hit a few times? At least the guards seem to have bad aim. His was significantly better, as proven when he fired from his own weapon, hitting one guard at his feet and tripping him. The weapon the guard had been holding slid forward, coming to a rest just beside Mira.

Mira had been watching from behind the statue, waiting for just the right moment to act. And then, by a stroke of luck, not only was Alfred able to trip one of the guards, but the weapon slid across the floor and landed at her feet. Grabbing it, she leaped into the open and aimed it at the other guard, who was about to shoot Alfred. "Drop it!"

The guard reluctantly did so, placing his weapon on the ground. Mira motioned for Alfred to pick it up, and told the other guard to get to his feet. She then led them at gunpoint to what appeared to be some sort of broom closet, and made them get inside. She followed them in, but stepped out a moment later while the sound of two bodies hitting the floor could be heard. "I gave them each a brain squeeze," she explained. "They should be out for a few hours."

Looking down at the weapon in her hand, she grinned. "At least we've got a bit more firepower now. It's not much, but it's a start." She then continued walking. "Let's go, Alfred. We've still got more scouting to do."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:45 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
The guard reluctantly did so, placing his weapon on the ground. Mira motioned for Alfred to pick it up, and told the other guard to get to his feet. She then led them at gunpoint to what appeared to be some sort of broom closet, and made them get inside. She followed them in, but stepped out a moment later while the sound of two bodies hitting the floor could be heard. "I gave them each a brain squeeze," she explained. "They should be out for a few hours."

Alfred nodded at her and examined the weapon he got from the guard. A Centurion Mark IV. Very nice thing, quick to fire, and just as quick to ready another shot. A bit bulkier than he was used to, but light and more efficient than his usual weapon. He flipped his personal "permit pending" gun back into its inconspicuous resting form and slipped it into his pocket.

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Looking down at the weapon in her hand, she grinned. "At least we've got a bit more firepower now. It's not much, but it's a start." She then continued walking. "Let's go, Alfred. We've still got more scouting to do."

"I've no clue how you rangers do it," Alfred sighed. "It's... actually very impressive now that I think about it... Even if Lightyear takes forever to actually help..." He watched Mira carefully, though from following behind her so she could not see him staring. It was incredible how much Mira had grown up since he first saw her. He had to be grateful she grew up to be an independent woman rather than any of the other stuffy Tangeans that would reject him just for being human... Of course, it was a bit sad that she didn't remember him, but also a very good thing lest she reject him then for what he had done... He was almost certain that incident would have been a scandal to Tangeans...

Speaking of Tangeans, they hadn't seem to encounter anyone recently... "You know, if I were Lord Angstrom..." Alfred spoke up, "I would use this opportunity where the king is strangely missing to address the other subjects and convince them to join my side... Give a powerful, but likely boring in Lord Angstrom's case, speech. Is there a place where everyone will be meeting for the anniversary celebrations...? Throne room, maybe?"



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:09 pm

Alexa wrote:"I've no clue how you rangers do it," Alfred sighed. "It's... actually very impressive now that I think about it... Even if Lightyear takes forever to actually help..."

"Space Rangers have to do a lot of training," Mira shrugged. "We don't become good at this sort of thing overnight. Though, some people - like Buzz - have a natural flair for it." She giggled. "You never know - maybe you also have a flair for it. Perhaps you should enroll in the Academy." Laughing some more, she continued walking.

Alexa wrote:He watched Mira carefully, though from following behind her so she could not see him staring. It was incredible how much Mira had grown up since he first saw her. He had to be grateful she grew up to be an independent woman rather than any of the other stuffy Tangeans that would reject him just for being human... Of course, it was a bit sad that she didn't remember him, but also a very good thing lest she reject him then for what he had done... He was almost certain that incident would have been a scandal to Tangeans...

Speaking of Tangeans, they hadn't seem to encounter anyone recently... "You know, if I were Lord Angstrom..." Alfred spoke up, "I would use this opportunity where the king is strangely missing to address the other subjects and convince them to join my side... Give a powerful, but likely boring in Lord Angstrom's case, speech. Is there a place where everyone will be meeting for the anniversary celebrations...? Throne room, maybe?"

Mira stopped to think for a moment. "Yeah, yeah, that's probably where they'd be," she nodded. "The whole royal court will most likely be there, along with a few important guests from some of the other cities.” The princess sighed. “I hope at least some of them oppose Angstrom's plan - my father's done a lot for Tangea, and it'd be awful if they were all so ungrateful that they'd be willing to see him get killed." She clenched her fist angrily. "I swear, if anyone lays a hand on my father, I’ll make sure they regret it.” Although she and King Nova spent most of their time together arguing, she still loved him more than anyone else in the universe. Letting him get hurt simply wasn’t an option.

“So, assuming they are in there listening to a speech by Angstrom, what should we do? Should we sneak in and learn more, or go back to the shuttle and hope no one finds us while we wait for Buzz to arrive?”



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:52 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Mira stopped to think for a moment. "Yeah, yeah, that's probably where they'd be," she nodded. "The whole royal court will most likely be there, along with a few important guests from some of the other cities.” The princess sighed. “I hope at least some of them oppose Angstrom's plan - my father's done a lot for Tangea, and it'd be awful if they were all so ungrateful that they'd be willing to see him get killed." She clenched her fist angrily. "I swear, if anyone lays a hand on my father, I’ll make sure they regret it.” Although she and King Nova spent most of their time together arguing, she still loved him more than anyone else in the universe. Letting him get hurt simply wasn’t an option.

“So, assuming they are in there listening to a speech by Angstrom, what should we do? Should we sneak in and learn more, or go back to the shuttle and hope no one finds us while we wait for Buzz to arrive?”

"Oh, we interrupt it, obviously," Alfred answered, giving Mira a look that said "the third option is always better." He paused a bit, thinking over Mira's first suggestion, and then nodded. "Right, well, first we sneak in and listen, to make sure that Lord Angstrom IS neglecting to tell them that the Rule of New Reign involves an assassination... And then find an appropriate time to interrupt, reveal the truth, and stop Lord Angstrom. If we just wait, by the time Lightyear gets here, the guards will start actually looking for you and your father."

He frowned and gave Mira a shy look. "I can't let you get hurt, so you know... You may be the ranger here, but... Well, anyway, we better get going."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:29 pm

Alexa wrote:"Oh, we interrupt it, obviously," Alfred answered, giving Mira a look that said "the third option is always better." He paused a bit, thinking over Mira's first suggestion, and then nodded. "Right, well, first we sneak in and listen, to make sure that Lord Angstrom IS neglecting to tell them that the Rule of New Reign involves an assassination... And then find an appropriate time to interrupt, reveal the truth, and stop Lord Angstrom. If we just wait, by the time Lightyear gets here, the guards will start actually looking for you and your father."

"Okay," nodded Mira. "Sounds good to me."

Alexa wrote:He frowned and gave Mira a shy look. "I can't let you get hurt, so you know... You may be the ranger here, but... Well, anyway, we better get going."

Mira blushed, touched by his concern. She didn't know him very well (or didn't think she did - she still wasn't sure what Alfred and her father were keeping from her), so she was surprised by how much he cared about her safety. "Thanks, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Smiling reassuringly, she added, "After all, I've been in situations like this before. I-I mean I think I have... I'm n-not sure if any of them were quite like this... Um.... come to think of it, I don't know if any were even similar to this... but... Uh..." Craters, she was rambling. "Uh... I did defeat Lord Angstrom once before, anyway. O-of course Buzz was there and so was the rest of the team, and Fop was there... b-but I'm sure I'll be able to handle Angstrom again, even without their help." She brightened. "After all, I've got you, right?"



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:38 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Mira blushed, touched by his concern. She didn't know him very well (or didn't think she did - she still wasn't sure what Alfred and her father were keeping from her), so she was surprised by how much he cared about her safety. "Thanks, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Smiling reassuringly, she added, "After all, I've been in situations like this before. I-I mean I think I have... I'm n-not sure if any of them were quite like this... Um.... come to think of it, I don't know if any were even similar to this... but... Uh..." Craters, she was rambling. "Uh... I did defeat Lord Angstrom once before, anyway. O-of course Buzz was there and so was the rest of the team, and Fop was there... b-but I'm sure I'll be able to handle Angstrom again, even without their help." She brightened. "After all, I've got you, right?"

"...Did you say Fop?" Alfred asked, seeming to completely miss everything else Mira had said. "As in Fop Doppler? What good is he...? Oh, you know, don't answer. We're still stalling. Throne room's this way, right?" He began to walk away, in the right direction surprisingly, only slow enough so Mira could catch up to him easily. He then let her lead, since she knew the palace much better than he would.

They traveled through the wall into the throne room, staying where they wouldn't be seen by anyone else, and listened in on the speech that, sure enough, Angstrom was giving to the rest of the Tangeans gathered there.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:12 pm

After ghosting Alfred through the wall, Mira led him to a shadowy corner where they were able to survey the throne room unseen.

A crowd had gathered in the center of the room, and Lord Angstrom was standing with his guards on the raised platform that led to the throne. At least he’s not sitting in the throne, thought Mira angrily. And if things go our way, he never will. Folding her arms, she decided to listen to what he was saying.

“My fellow Tangeans, after hearing what I’ve told you of my plans to reform Tangea, is there any way you can still want Nova as king? Do you want someone who allowed his daughter to associate and even live with monkeys as king? Someone who entered Tangea into the Galactic Alliance, someone who has required help from Star Command several times instead of personally handling the situations? Or do you want someone who respects Tangea’s long history of isolation and self-reliance, someone who will restore our world to the way it was before it became tainted by outsiders?” Angstrom surveyed the crowd hopefully. “How many of you are with me?”

Mira had to restrain herself from shouting at the royals in anger when she saw a fair number of them nodding their support. “My father is going to be so mad when he finds out that half the royal court is willing to betray him,” she muttered to Alfred. “What do we do now?”



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:32 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:Mira had to restrain herself from shouting at the royals in anger when she saw a fair number of them nodding their support. “My father is going to be so mad when he finds out that half the royal court is willing to betray him,” she muttered to Alfred. “What do we do now?”

"...I don't know...?" He flinched and peeked out at the gathering of Tangeans. "Normally when I plan things, I have a... Well, a cheat. Even then I don't actively complete those plans, I get other people to do it for me... I can afford to, in Beta, at least..." He narrowed his eyes a bit, going over what Angstrom said. "Isolation and self-reliance. Hmph. Does he forget your allies from before the Galactic Alliance or... Or did you lose contact with them? I hope not, that wo- I'm not supposed to know about those, I keep forgetting, Chyst..." He forced his face into his palm in embarrassment, but it was clear that he wasn't going to elaborate about what he said.

"Alright, then, Ranger Nova," he sighed, glancing at Mira. "You're the leading ranger here. What are YOUR plans?"



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:22 am

Alexa wrote:"...I don't know...?" He flinched and peeked out at the gathering of Tangeans. "Normally when I plan things, I have a... Well, a cheat. Even then I don't actively complete those plans, I get other people to do it for me... I can afford to, in Beta, at least..." He narrowed his eyes a bit, going over what Angstrom said. "Isolation and self-reliance. Hmph. Does he forget your allies from before the Galactic Alliance or... Or did you lose contact with them? I hope not, that wo- I'm not supposed to know about those, I keep forgetting, Chyst..." He forced his face into his palm in embarrassment, but it was clear that he wasn't going to elaborate about what he said.

Mira stared at him in confusion, but decided not to ask what he meant - after all, they were in the middle of a situation. Once everything was over, she was definitely going to have a talk with Alfred and her father to try and get to the bottom of things. Though they probably won't tell me anything, the Tangean thought with irritation.

Alexa wrote:"Alright, then, Ranger Nova," he sighed, glancing at Mira. "You're the leading ranger here. What are YOUR plans?"

"I-I - uh.... I'm not really sure." She grinned nervously. "Normally Buzz is the one who comes up with the plans, but he's not here yet."

Furrowing her brow, she studied the situation and tried to think of a solution. "Let's see... Now isn't a good time to take on Angstrom directly, because we're outnumbered - plus other people could get caught in the crossfire." Which, as a Space Ranger, she couldn't allow to happen - even if a lot of those people were ungrateful traitors. "I'm not sure what options that leaves us with." She sighed. I wish the rest of my team was here. She appreciated Alfred's help, but it was clear both of them were out of their depth. Unfortunately, until Buzz arrived, they would have to continue to defend Tangea by themselves.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:18 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Furrowing her brow, she studied the situation and tried to think of a solution. "Let's see... Now isn't a good time to take on Angstrom directly, because we're outnumbered - plus other people could get caught in the crossfire." Which, as a Space Ranger, she couldn't allow to happen - even if a lot of those people were ungrateful traitors. "I'm not sure what options that leaves us with." She sighed. I wish the rest of my team was here. She appreciated Alfred's help, but it was clear both of them were out of their depth. Unfortunately, until Buzz arrived, they would have to continue to defend Tangea by themselves.

"Well, if we don't act soon enough, then we'll have even less options..." Alfred sighed. "If we don't act soon enough, quite possibly your father will be hurt..." He looked out into the crowd and cringed. "Speaking of..."

He could only assume that King Nova had grown impatient on the ship and came to see what was taking so long... This was not going to turn out well, he was sure, but luckily according to the Rule of New Reign, it was the duty of the one trying to take over the throne to kill the previous ruler... How hard could Lord Angstrom be to take in a fight? (He felt as if they could just throw crumpets at him and they'd win, but that was silly.)



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:11 am

Alexa wrote:"Well, if we don't act soon enough, then we'll have even less options..." Alfred sighed. "If we don't act soon enough, quite possibly your father will be hurt..." He looked out into the crowd and cringed. "Speaking of..."

"Ohhhh craters." Mira covered her face in her hands. "What's he doing here?"

Alexa wrote:He could only assume that King Nova had grown impatient on the ship and came to see what was taking so long... This was not going to turn out well, he was sure, but luckily according to the Rule of New Reign, it was the duty of the one trying to take over the throne to kill the previous ruler... How hard could Lord Angstrom be to take in a fight? (He felt as if they could just throw crumpets at him and they'd win, but that was silly.)

King Nova had waited on the ship for some time, but finally his impatience (and concern for Mira) had gotten the better of him and he'd left to find them. Upon entering the throne room, he discovered a crowd had gathered, and he also noticed Angstrom was standing beside his throne.

Raising his cane and shaking it at Angstrom (and thereby destroying any chance Mira and Alfred had of slipping him out the room unnoticed), he yelled, "How dare you show your face in my palace! You have no right to be here after what you tried to do! Guards, arrest him!" When he looked around, however, he suddenly realised there were no guards present - except for those standing beside Angstrom. Hmm... Perhaps coming here wasn't such a good idea.




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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:36 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
King Nova had waited on the ship for some time, but finally his impatience (and concern for Mira) had gotten the better of him and he'd left to find them. Upon entering the throne room, he discovered a crowd had gathered, and he also noticed Angstrom was standing beside his throne.

Raising his cane and shaking it at Angstrom (and thereby destroying any chance Mira and Alfred had of slipping him out the room unnoticed), he yelled, "How dare you show your face in my palace! You have no right to be here after what you tried to do! Guards, arrest him!" When he looked around, however, he suddenly realised there were no guards present - except for those standing beside Angstrom. Hmm... Perhaps coming here wasn't such a good idea.

"Chyst..." Alfred muttered, face-palming with both hands this time. "What are we supposed to do...?" He checked to make sure the CM4 he was holding was set to "stun" and then glanced out at the crowd again, furrowing his brow. "...alright, Mira, stay hidden until you see an opportunity to get your father to safety. If you don't mind, I'm going to do something completely stupid that may perhaps distract them for the time being."

Without waiting to see if she minded, he stepped out of the corner and tried his best to follow the shadows around the perimeter of the room, though most eyes were currently on King Nova so he had a little less to worry about. He got to a good distance away and aimed...

The thing about Alfred was that, after years of practice he had great aim shooting things when angry. When shooting while able to focus, he had even better aim. When shooting on adrenaline, as he was worried he might be doing right now, he wasn't too certain how sharp his aim was. One way to find out...

His shot fired straight through Lord Angstrom's weird cape thing and carried on to hit one of the guards standing behind him, stunning him. Alfred grinned, sensing that everyone had followed to source of the shot to his direction and that all eyes were now on him.

"Not exactly what I was aiming for, but close enough!" Truthfully, he had planned on shooting through Lord Angstrom's cape thing, but not on hitting the guard, though that happened to be a great bonus since it meant one less guard on Lord Angstrom's side to deal with.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:17 pm

Alexa wrote:"Chyst..." Alfred muttered, face-palming with both hands this time. "What are we supposed to do...?" He checked to make sure the CM4 he was holding was set to "stun" and then glanced out at the crowd again, furrowing his brow. "...alright, Mira, stay hidden until you see an opportunity to get your father to safety. If you don't mind, I'm going to do something completely stupid that may perhaps distract them for the time being."

"Alfred, wait, what are you - " He was gone before Mira could finish her sentence.

Alexa wrote:Without waiting to see if she minded, he stepped out of the corner and tried his best to follow the shadows around the perimeter of the room, though most eyes were currently on King Nova so he had a little less to worry about. He got to a good distance away and aimed...

The thing about Alfred was that, after years of practice he had great aim shooting things when angry. When shooting while able to focus, he had even better aim. When shooting on adrenaline, as he was worried he might be doing right now, he wasn't too certain how sharp his aim was. One way to find out...

His shot fired straight through Lord Angstrom's weird cape thing and carried on to hit one of the guards standing behind him, stunning him. Alfred grinned, sensing that everyone had followed to source of the shot to his direction and that all eyes were now on him.

"Not exactly what I was aiming for, but close enough!" Truthfully, he had planned on shooting through Lord Angstrom's cape thing, but not on hitting the guard, though that happened to be a great bonus since it meant one less guard on Lord Angstrom's side to deal with.

When King Nova had entered, Angstrom was both annoyed and pleased to see him. Annoyed because he'd planned to continue his speech and Nova was interrupting, but pleased because now he could finally get rid of the king. Unfortunately, there was that infuriating little part of the Rule of New Reign which stated that the he had to kill Nova personally. It would have been so much easier to have one of the guards do it. But, if he wanted to take over Tangea, he would have to follow the ru-

Suddenly, a laser blast wooshed by, shooting through his cape and hitting one of the guards. Angstrom jumped back in shock, glaring at the crowd to see who had done it. His eyes quickly fell on Alfred. "Guards, kill that human!" No one ruined his best cape and got away with it.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:28 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
When King Nova had entered, Angstrom was both annoyed and pleased to see him. Annoyed because he'd planned to continue his speech and Nova was interrupting, but pleased because now he could finally get rid of the king. Unfortunately, there was that infuriating little part of the Rule of New Reign which stated that the he had to kill Nova personally. It would have been so much easier to have one of the guards do it. But, if he wanted to take over Tangea, he would have to follow the ru-

Suddenly, a laser blast wooshed by, shooting through his cape and hitting one of the guards. Angstrom jumped back in shock, glaring at the crowd to see who had done it. His eyes quickly fell on Alfred. "Guards, kill that human!" No one ruined his best cape and got away with it.

Alfred grinned, having no idea what he was doing but winging it until Mira could get King Nova out of there. "I'd like to see you try!" he nearly sang. Immediately after, he was dodging between blasts, thankful these guards had horrible aim as well. "So, Lord Angstrom!" he continued to call out. "Wonderful rule you're using!" Whoops, he almost tripped... That would have been bad. "Rule of New Reign, right? Why don't you explain how it woooorks!" Okay, this time he DID trip, though it was because someone managed to hit by his feet. Scowling at his ruined shoes, he quickly got back up and fired another stunning blast at one of the guards, not caring if it was the one that hit him or not.

"Indignity aside, I still say you should explain this rule..." He glanced to the side then, to see whether or not Mira and King Nova escaped yet.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:02 pm

Alexa wrote:Alfred grinned, having no idea what he was doing but winging it until Mira could get King Nova out of there. "I'd like to see you try!" he nearly sang. Immediately after, he was dodging between blasts, thankful these guards had horrible aim as well. "So, Lord Angstrom!" he continued to call out. "Wonderful rule you're using!" Whoops, he almost tripped... That would have been bad. "Rule of New Reign, right? Why don't you explain how it woooorks!" Okay, this time he DID trip, though it was because someone managed to hit by his feet. Scowling at his ruined shoes, he quickly got back up and fired another stunning blast at one of the guards, not caring if it was the one that hit him or not.

While Alfred dodged laser blasts, Mira snuck through the crowd (which had begun to scatter when the shooting broke out) and reached her father. "Daddy, you shouldn't have come here!" she admonished. "Angstrom wants to kill you!"

"Kill me?" King Nova scowled. "Why that dreadful, underhanded, no-good -"

"Look," Mira interrupted, "let's just get out of here, okay? We have to get you to safety!"

Her father nodded. "Fine, fine. Your human friend seems to be doing an almost decent job of keeping the guards distracted, so I suppose we should leave while we have this opportunity."

Alexa wrote:"Indignity aside, I still say you should explain this rule..." He glanced to the side then, to see whether or not Mira and King Nova escaped yet.

When Alfred tripped, Mira and King Nova, who were sneaking towards the walls so they could escape, stopped and glanced back to make sure he as okay. To their relief, he was, and Mira smiled when he looked in their direction. A few more steps and they'd make it to the wall...

Angstrom, meanwhile, was growing increasingly frustrated with the awfulness of the guards' aim. A mere monkey was somehow dodging their every shot, and he was taunting them at the same time. This wouldn't do at all. And why does he keep asking me to explain the rule? Surely he can't know anything about it - the royal court doesn't even know, and they're Tangeans! Why would a human know the details of an obscure Tangean law? Whatever the reason, he certainly wasn't going to give in to Alfred's request. If the court found out what the rule entailed, they might not be so willing to go along with it.

"I told you to kill him," Angstrom growled to the guards, "and all you've done is trip him! I want that annoying little ape to shut up!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed King Nova and the princess standing next to the wall, about to ghost out. "Stop them! Don't let them escape!"



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:35 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
"I told you to kill him," Angstrom growled to the guards, "and all you've done is trip him! I want that annoying little ape to shut up!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed King Nova and the princess standing next to the wall, about to ghost out. "Stop them! Don't let them escape!"

"Nonono!" Alfred rushed to say. He needed to keep the guards away from King Nova and Mira. He fired a few warning shots, just to slow down the guards (though he couldn't be certain how many guards were outside the room and able to stop them, but that would be Mira's job to have her and her father avoid them once they escaped). "Eyes over here. Pay no attention to the King and Princess." He sent a glare at Angstrom. "After all, it's not like you want to kill THEM, now is it?"

He noticed the other Tangeans in the room hiding under and behind various things to avoid getting hit by a stray shot or otherwise leaving the room entirely. That wasn't good if they were to get the point across of what Angstrom was trying to do, but perhaps that wouldn't matter if they could stall long enough for Lightyear to get there.

...He swore, if Lightyear was late again, he'd have words to say to Lightyear's face with his fist.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:28 am

Alexa wrote:"Nonono!" Alfred rushed to say. He needed to keep the guards away from King Nova and Mira. He fired a few warning shots, just to slow down the guards (though he couldn't be certain how many guards were outside the room and able to stop them, but that would be Mira's job to have her and her father avoid them once they escaped). "Eyes over here. Pay no attention to the King and Princess." He sent a glare at Angstrom. "After all, it's not like you want to kill THEM, now is it?"

"Of course not, the guards will keep their weapons on stun," replied Angstrom, firing a shot in Alfred's direction. After all, if the guards kill them then I won't have fulfilled the rule. "But I have every intention of killing you."

Alexa wrote:He noticed the other Tangeans in the room hiding under and behind various things to avoid getting hit by a stray shot or otherwise leaving the room entirely. That wasn't good if they were to get the point across of what Angstrom was trying to do, but perhaps that wouldn't matter if they could stall long enough for Lightyear to get there.

...He swore, if Lightyear was late again, he'd have words to say to Lightyear's face with his fist.

The guards began firing on Mira and her father, and the pair of escaping royals were forced to drop to the ground to avoid being hit. After pushing King Nova behind a table to keep him safe, Mira raised her arm and started shooting. While doing so, she glanced around at some of the Tangeans who were cowering nearby. "Are you just going stand by - or rather hide - while Angstrom takes over the palace? Are you so insane you'd rather have a convicted criminal as your king instead of someone honourable like my father?!" They didn't reply, and Mira shook her head in frustration. Ugh, they make me so angry!

Last edited by Ranger-Nova on Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total



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