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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:53 am

He hastily put back on his shirt, nearly missing a step and having to go back and undo everything to start over, all while grumbling angrily to himself. "Check-up? I didn't need a check-up. Perfectly healthy, injuries been cleared for a week now, what in Chyst's name did they need me here for?" He glared at the doctors, none too impressed with their grins or their offer of sweets, though he did feel he deserved a lollipop for this continued torment.

The man, Alfred Cosmic, had to admit, the seemingly too frequent check-ups did keep him busy recently... Ever since that incident not too long ago where he was kidnapped by some four-armed brute and then almost killed by one Evil Emperor Zurg, he wasn't really allowed off of Star Command. Commander Nebula went well out of his way to prevent even a simple trip off the station even at Alfred's request.

If Alfred were willing to admit to it, he'd say he was developing a case of "Cabin Fever" but he had the feeling saying the word "fever", even in jest, would land him in the med bay under "doctors' orders". What with that medical team anyway? Hmph.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:05 pm

While Alfred was putting his shirt on, the doctors stood nearby, holding out sweets for him and conversing quietly with each other. Snatches of their words reached Alfred.

“… unfortunately he seems to have completely recovered…” “…may have to find a new excuse to get him here…” “…still don’t know what caused those scars…” “…I have a few theories…” “…could run another scan…” “…not a good idea…” “…he gets annoyed when we keep him too long…” Eventually they finished talking and told Alfred he could leave.

When Alfred stepped out the med bay, he was almost knocked off his feet by someone who was striding angrily down the hall. “Sorry!” Mira stumbled backwards from the impact of crashing into him. “I didn’t see you there.”

Several doctors rushed out the med bay. “Are either of you hurt?” they asked, sounding more hopeful than concerned. “Perhaps you should have another check-up, Mr. Cosmic. We need to make sure you aren’t injured.”

While Alfred was replying to the doctors, Mira bent down and grabbed something that she’d dropped on the floor. “Can’t leave without my suitcase,” she mumbled. Straightening, she looked at Alfred (who’d finally gotten the medical staff to leave him alone). “Sorry again for bumping into you. I’m just a little distracted right now.” She sighed. “I don’t like leaving Star Command, but there’s somewhere I’ve got to be today.”



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:23 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:While Alfred was putting his shirt on, the doctors stood nearby, holding out sweets for him and conversing quietly with each other. Snatches of their words reached Alfred.

“… unfortunately he seems to have completely recovered…” “…may have to find a new excuse to get him here…” “…still don’t know what caused those scars…” “…I have a few theories…” “…could run another scan…” “…not a good idea…” “…he gets annoyed when we keep him too long…” Eventually they finished talking and told Alfred he could leave.

Alfred scowled and rolled his eyes, snatching away the lollipops. Those doctors just had to learn when to quit. At least he was free to leave now.

Ranger-Nova wrote:
When Alfred stepped out the med bay, he was almost knocked off his feet by someone who was striding angrily down the hall. “Sorry!” Mira stumbled backwards from the impact of crashing into him. “I didn’t see you there.”

Several doctors rushed out the med bay. “Are either of you hurt?” they asked, sounding more hopeful than concerned. “Perhaps you should have another check-up, Mr. Cosmic. We need to make sure you aren’t injured.”

He managed to suppress a groan of annoyance and instead glared at the doctors. "I'm FINE. Goodness, I'm not THAT weak and pitiful that I get injured from someone just running into me... Go on. Shoo. I swear, I will talk to the Commander about this if I have to, as much as I want to avoid it..."

Ranger-Nova wrote:
While Alfred was replying to the doctors, Mira bent down and grabbed something that she’d dropped on the floor. “Can’t leave without my suitcase,” she mumbled. Straightening, she looked at Alfred (who’d finally gotten the medical staff to leave him alone). “Sorry again for bumping into you. I’m just a little distracted right now.” She sighed. “I don’t like leaving Star Command, but there’s somewhere I’ve got to be today.”

Unlike with the doctors, Alfred was perfectly willing to fake a smile for Mira. "Oh, it's fine, no need to apologize..." Wait... She mentioned "suitcase", sure enough she was holding one, and more importantly she had uttered the phrase "leaving Star Command"... His eyes widened, sensing opportunity, but he knew that this was a delicate situation that he had to handle properly in order to get his way... "Going on a trip, are you...?"

He practically fell to his knees, clasping his hands together and giving Mira his most desperate look. "Please...! Take me with you! I'm getting bored here and the doctors won't leave me alone and Commander Nebula refuses to let me leave and PLEASE!"



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:08 pm

Alexa wrote:Unlike with the doctors, Alfred was perfectly willing to fake a smile for Mira. "Oh, it's fine, no need to apologize..." Wait... She mentioned "suitcase", sure enough she was holding one, and more importantly she had uttered the phrase "leaving Star Command"... His eyes widened, sensing opportunity, but he knew that this was a delicate situation that he had to handle properly in order to get his way... "Going on a trip, are you...?"

"Yes," Mira nodded. "I'm taking one of the shuttles. I'll be gone for a few days."

Alexa wrote:He practically fell to his knees, clasping his hands together and giving Mira his most desperate look. "Please...! Take me with you! I'm getting bored here and the doctors won't leave me alone and Commander Nebula refuses to let me leave and PLEASE!"

Mira looked at Alfred uncertainly. "Um..." She wasn't used to people dropping to their knees and begging for things. "I don't think the Commander would like it if I took you with me. You should probably just stay here..." She trailed off as she gazed at his face and saw how desperate he was. He reminded her of a little puppy begging for table scraps. "O-on the other hand... I-I suppose... maybe..." She threw up her hands. "Look, just grab a spare set of clothes and whatever else you need for the trip, then meet me at the launch bay." Before leaving she added, "And don't breathe a word of this to anyone. I don't want the Commander finding out." As she began walking away, a frown crossed her face. The Commander's not the only one who won't like this. I wonder what Daddy's going to say...



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:27 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Mira looked at Alfred uncertainly. "Um..." She wasn't used to people dropping to their knees and begging for things. "I don't think the Commander would like it if I took you with me. You should probably just stay here..." She trailed off as she gazed at his face and saw how desperate he was. He reminded her of a little puppy begging for table scraps. "O-on the other hand... I-I suppose... maybe..." She threw up her hands. "Look, just grab a spare set of clothes and whatever else you need for the trip, then meet me at the launch bay." Before leaving she added, "And don't breathe a word of this to anyone. I don't want the Commander finding out."

"Thank you!" Alfred breathed out in relief. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll be there soon!" True to his word, not too much later, he was with his things, at the launch bay, ready and raring to go. They boarded their ship and left on their way, all without the Commander finding out. As soon as they were a good distance away from the station and Alfred felt certain that they weren't going to have them turn around to take him back, he relaxed and just watched the stars speed by... They weren't going fast enough.

"Oh, light-speed limits are so silly," Alfred sighed. "Beta's policy on that is much better, in my opinion. You can go as fast as you want as long as you're not within a certain radius of planets or whatever. How long will it take us to get to... Wherever it is we're going?" He frowned a bit, furrowing his brow and thinking about the situation. "Come to think of it... Where ARE we going...? I don't think I remembered to ask...?"



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:01 pm

Alexa wrote:"Thank you!" Alfred breathed out in relief. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll be there soon!" True to his word, not too much later, he was with his things, at the launch bay, ready and raring to go. They boarded their ship and left on their way, all without the Commander finding out. As soon as they were a good distance away from the station and Alfred felt certain that they weren't going to have them turn around to take him back, he relaxed and just watched the stars speed by... They weren't going fast enough.

"Oh, light-speed limits are so silly," Alfred sighed. "Beta's policy on that is much better, in my opinion. You can go as fast as you want as long as you're not within a certain radius of planets or whatever. How long will it take us to get to... Wherever it is we're going?" He frowned a bit, furrowing his brow and thinking about the situation. "Come to think of it... Where ARE we going...? I don't think I remembered to ask...?"

Glancing up from the controls, Mira answered, "Oh, yeah, I should have mentioned this earlier. It's the twenty-fifth anniversary of my father's coronation, and he insisted that I be there for the celebration. So we're going to Tangea."

Seeing the strange expression that appeared on Alfred's face, she looked at him curiously. "Is-is there something wrong with that? I mean, you've probably heard how snobby we Tangeans can be, but I'll make sure they treat you all right." She giggled. "Daddy'll probably be furious when he finds out I brought an outworlder with me. You'll have to stay clear of him as much as possible."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:16 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Glancing up from the controls, Mira answered, "Oh, yeah, I should have mentioned this earlier. It's the twenty-fifth anniversary of my father's coronation, and he insisted that I be there for the celebration. So we're going to Tangea."

He wasn't sure how to feel about that... Tangea... Of course they'd be going to Tangea; he was an idiot for not realizing that risk earlier. And for such a major event as well... He wasn't sure which emotion to stick with... Despair, worry, embarrassment, and others... But he was sure that his face was showing all of those feelings well.

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Seeing the strange expression that appeared on Alfred's face, she looked at him curiously. "Is-is there something wrong with that? I mean, you've probably heard how snobby we Tangeans can be, but I'll make sure they treat you all right." She giggled. "Daddy'll probably be furious when he finds out I brought an outworlder with me. You'll have to stay clear of him as much as possible."

"Oh, trust me, I intend on doing just that..." Alfred muttered, though in retrospect he wasn't sure if Mira could hear him still or not. He looked up at her and faked a smile. "So... Ranger Nova... Are there only going to be Tangeans there, or should I worry about not making a fool of myself in front of other off-worlders as well? Is there anything I should know for when I'm on the planet, by the way? I only... Studied Tangea as a child, so I wouldn't really know of any current news or courtesies..."




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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:13 pm

Alexa wrote:"Oh, trust me, I intend on doing just that..." Alfred muttered, though in retrospect he wasn't sure if Mira could hear him still or not. He looked up at her and faked a smile. "So... Ranger Nova... Are there only going to be Tangeans there, or should I worry about not making a fool of myself in front of other off-worlders as well? Is there anything I should know for when I'm on the planet, by the way? I only... Studied Tangea as a child, so I wouldn't really know of any current news or courtesies..."

"There'll probably only be Tangeans," she told him. "My father's not very open-minded about letting outsiders visit. There are only a few other races who are ever welcome at events like this, and I don't think any of them will be there."

Leaning back in her chair, she added, "As for your other questions... Well, there are a ton of etiquette rules and stuff like that in the palace, but you don't have to worry about those." She laughed sarcastically. "They won't expect you to follow them anyway - they'll think you're too much of an unsophisticated monkey. I bet many of them will be surprised to learn you can even talk." Perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration, but she knew her people wouldn't think very highly of Alfred. "The main thing you have to worry about is getting around. There are no doors, so I'll have to ghost you through all the walls. It might make getting around kind of difficult."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:24 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
"There'll probably only be Tangeans," she told him. "My father's not very open-minded about letting outsiders visit. There are only a few other races who are ever welcome at events like this, and I don't think any of them will be there."

Okay, that was good... That was one worry taken care of at least... Perhaps he still had a chance...?

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Leaning back in her chair, she added, "As for your other questions... Well, there are a ton of etiquette rules and stuff like that in the palace, but you don't have to worry about those." She laughed sarcastically. "They won't expect you to follow them anyway - they'll think you're too much of an unsophisticated monkey. I bet many of them will be surprised to learn you can even talk." Perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration, but she knew her people wouldn't think very highly of Alfred. "The main thing you have to worry about is getting around. There are no doors, so I'll have to ghost you through all the walls. It might make getting around kind of difficult."

Alfred drummed his fingers, trying to think of a possible solution to that problem. "...Why don't I just stay outside the entire time? In fact, I can just live on the ship for the duration of your visit! That way we don't have to worry about ghosting me anywhere and I don't have to annoy any of the people there." He followed up his offer with a grin, though it happened to be tilting towards nervousness. The less he was seen by other Tangeans the better. He managed to luck out with Mira not knowing who he was prior to coming to Star Command, but the others...

"But why wouldn't I be recognized?" he thought, sarcastic even in his own mind. "It's not like I'm the richest man in Beta or the owner of the best technology company in that galaxy or whatever..." Of course, THAT wasn't what he was worried about being recognized for...



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:43 pm

Mira smiled at his suggestion, but looked sceptical. "I'll be staying on Tangea for several days - do you really want to be cooped up in the ship all that time?" She shrugged. "I mean, we can try it if that's what you want, but I don't know if it's a good idea."

After this was decided, they fell into silence again, and the time slipped by quickly. Before they knew it, they had reached Tangea and began to descend through the atmosphere. "Okay, we're almost here," remarked Mira. "Listen, if you're going to stay on the ship, try not to let anyone know you're there, 'kay? I'd rather not have to explain your presence to my father."

The floating palace came into view, and Mira carefully maneuvered the shuttle onto the landing pad. Once they were settled safely on the ground, she turned off the engines and looked out the windows. Visiting home was often unpleasant, but one thing she always enjoyed was gazing at the lovely, jungle-covered surface below. She'd travelled the galaxy and seen many amazing worlds, but she still considered Tangea to be the most beautiful. It often puzzled her that the Royals had chosen to live in the sky, away from all that beauty, instead of living among it like the Grounders. Then again, there were many things about her people that puzzled her.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:49 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:Mira smiled at his suggestion, but looked sceptical. "I'll be staying on Tangea for several days - do you really want to be cooped up in the ship all that time?" She shrugged. "I mean, we can try it if that's what you want, but I don't know if it's a good idea."

"Yes, I insist," Alfred answered, sighing. "I'll be bored, but it would be better this way..." Better for whom, he wasn't quite sure, though he did hope his name was on that list of who it would be better for.

Ranger-Nova wrote:
After this was decided, they fell into silence again, and the time slipped by quickly. Before they knew it, they had reached Tangea and began to descend through the atmosphere. "Okay, we're almost here," remarked Mira. "Listen, if you're going to stay on the ship, try not to let anyone know you're there, 'kay? I'd rather not have to explain your presence to my father."

Alfred nodded, placing one hand over his heart and holding the other up. "Oh, trust me, I will be making myself as unnoticeable as possible, even on this ship... If all goes well, you won't have to worry about your father so much as suspecting I'm here."

Ranger-Nova wrote:
The floating palace came into view, and Mira carefully maneuvered the shuttle onto the landing pad. Once they were settled safely on the ground, she turned off the engines and looked out the windows. Visiting home was often unpleasant, but one thing she always enjoyed was gazing at the lovely, jungle-covered surface below. She'd travelled the galaxy and seen many amazing worlds, but she still considered Tangea to be the most beautiful. It often puzzled her that the Royals had chosen to live in the sky, away from all that beauty, instead of living among it like the Grounders. Then again, there were many things about her people that puzzled her.

While Mira was looking out at the jungle landscape, Alfred was doing much of the same. "The planet is very beautiful, isn't it? I've never seen the surface closely, of course, but I'd imagine it rivals that of Ter-... Uh... Never mind." Nope, nope, nope, he had gotten this far, he wasn't going to ruin his life worse by even mentioning that, even around Mira. He gave a smile, a little more sincere than his usual one, and shrugged. "But it's very clean in your palace- Err, I'd imagine so, at least. What with it being off the ground... Less dust and pollen and whatnot inside since there's no doors or windows to let it in, right...?"

He began chuckling, trying to pass off the wave of awkwardness that had just hit him, and quickly faded into silence once that didn't work. "At least I'll be on the ship and out of the way for the next few days," he thought, glancing around to see if there was anything he could fix up, anticipating his future boredom. "As long as no one finds out I'm here... No one on Tangea, no one on the evil side, and most importantly, no one at Star Command... That would be disastrous otherwise..."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:51 pm

Alexa wrote:While Mira was looking out at the jungle landscape, Alfred was doing much of the same. "The planet is very beautiful, isn't it? I've never seen the surface closely, of course, but I'd imagine it rivals that of Ter-... Uh... Never mind." Nope, nope, nope, he had gotten this far, he wasn't going to ruin his life worse by even mentioning that, even around Mira. He gave a smile, a little more sincere than his usual one, and shrugged. "But it's very clean in your palace- Err, I'd imagine so, at least. What with it being off the ground... Less dust and pollen and whatnot inside since there's no doors or windows to let it in, right...?"

Mira looked at him curiously, wondering what he had been going to say... and wondering why he was so concerned with cleanliness. "Uh... yeah, I guess it's pretty clean, though I've never really payed much attention to that."

Alexa wrote:He began chuckling, trying to pass off the wave of awkwardness that had just hit him, and quickly faded into silence once that didn't work. "At least I'll be on the ship and out of the way for the next few days," he thought, glancing around to see if there was anything he could fix up, anticipating his future boredom. "As long as no one finds out I'm here... No one on Tangea, no one on the evil side, and most importantly, no one at Star Command... That would be disastrous otherwise..."

"So, are you sure you're okay with staying here?" Mira asked one last time, rising from her seat and grabbing her suitcase. "And do you have everything you need? I think there's some food onboard, but if not I can always bring you some. I hope you won't get too bored or anything. Do you have a pillow? This isn't exactly the most comfortable place to sleep. Maybe you should..." Realising she was babbling, she blushed and headed for the door. "I've got to go now. I'll drop by later to check on you."


"Look! I was going over Blaze's medical records, and I discovered something fascinating." One of the doctors burst in on two other doctors who were counting rivets in the med bay ceiling. They both sprung to their feet.

"What is it?"

The doctor lowered his voice and whispered dramatically, "He's never had a sick day in his life. I swear that must mean something."

"We should call him down here for a check-up so we can learn more!"

"Yes, let's do that!"

While the doctors were giggling gleefully at the thought of a new patient, the door slid open and someone else stepped into the room. "I hate to interrupt," the Commander announced, "but I need to talk to you."

The doctors jumped in surprise when they heard his voice and spun around to face him. One of them attempted to salute, but was unsure which hand to use and ended up saluting with both. "What can we do for you, Commander?" asked the head doctor.

Nebula glanced around the room as if looking for something. "I was wondering if Alfred was here. Have you seen him?"

The doctors exchanged glances. "He was here earlier for a check-up, but that was hours ago. We haven't seen him since."

A frown passed over Nebula's face. This isn't good. I can't find him anywhere. A frightening thought suddenly occurred to him. He wouldn't run away, would he?



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:13 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:He wouldn't run away, would he?

What the Commander didn't realize was how often Alfred sought running away as a solution to his problems. Just like right now, where the "run away" was hiding on Tangea, counting rivets in the ceiling of the ship. Alfred frowned and narrowed his eyes at one portion of said ceiling. "There's one missing." He sighed and got up, immediately looking for supplies to fix that. A missing rivet could spell catastrophe if not taken care of properly... And it gave him something to do. It was only an hour or two into the "several days" they'd be on Tangea and he was starting to get very bored very easily.

...Maybe he could make the engine faster by tenfold? It wouldn't be useful given those pesky light-speed limits, but, you never know when you might need the speed! ...Chyst, he hoped Mira would come by soon. He needed a distraction before he rebuilt this entire ship from the inside out.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:52 pm

Alexa wrote:What the Commander didn't realize was how often Alfred sought running away as a solution to his problems. Just like right now, where the "run away" was hiding on Tangea, counting rivets in the ceiling of the ship. Alfred frowned and narrowed his eyes at one portion of said ceiling. "There's one missing." He sighed and got up, immediately looking for supplies to fix that. A missing rivet could spell catastrophe if not taken care of properly... And it gave him something to do. It was only an hour or two into the "several days" they'd be on Tangea and he was starting to get very bored very easily.

...Maybe he could make the engine faster by tenfold? It wouldn't be useful given those pesky light-speed limits, but, you never know when you might need the speed! ...Chyst, he hoped Mira would come by soon. He needed a distraction before he rebuilt this entire ship from the inside out.

After a less than pleasant reunion with her father, Mira had been shown to her room, unpacked, and was now making her way back to the shuttle to check on Alfred. It was clear by the way she stormed through the halls that she was angry. As usual, she and her father had gotten into a fight, and even though it had been trivial and was over now, she was still fuming about it.

Reaching the landing pad, she climbed up the steps and ghosted into the ship, not even bothering to use the hatch. "Hey," she greeted Alfred unenthusiastically. "How're you doing?"

Sinking into one of the chairs, she let out a sigh. "You know, I'm beginning to wish I hadn't come here. My father and I get along far better when we're in opposite ends of the galaxy. We always fight when we're together."

"Who are you talking to, Mira?" The voice startled her, and she was even more surprised to see her father enter.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?!"

"I came to apologize for our little argument earlier." The king's eyes suddenly fell on Alfred, and he glared at him. "Mira! What is going on here?"

Oh, craters...



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:07 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
After a less than pleasant reunion with her father, Mira had been shown to her room, unpacked, and was now making her way back to the shuttle to check on Alfred. It was clear by the way she stormed through the halls that she was angry. As usual, she and her father had gotten into a fight, and even though it had been trivial and was over now, she was still fuming about it.

Reaching the landing pad, she climbed up the steps and ghosted into the ship, not even bothering to use the hatch. "Hey," she greeted Alfred unenthusiastically. "How're you doing?"

Alfred was going to let her know how bored he was, but quickly thought against it, especially seeing how Mira was acting. He raised a brow. "Better than you, by the looks of it. Something happen...?"

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Sinking into one of the chairs, she let out a sigh. "You know, I'm beginning to wish I hadn't come here. My father and I get along far better when we're in opposite ends of the galaxy. We always fight when we're together."

Alfred nodded, understanding completely. That was the reason he himself tried to spend so much time away from Commander Nebula. He was about to share this, but someone beat him to speaking.

Ranger-Nova wrote:
"Who are you talking to, Mira?" The voice startled her, and she was even more surprised to see her father enter.

Alfred flinched and tried to back into the shadows, but, unfortunately, the ship was pretty well lit at the moment... No place to actually hide either... Chyst, this wasn't good.

Ranger-Nova wrote:
"Daddy, what are you doing here?!"

"I came to apologize for our little argument earlier." The king's eyes suddenly fell on Alfred, and he glared at him. "Mira! What is going on here?"

Oh, craters...

"Chyst, Chyst, Chyst..." Alfred was panicking, once again caught off-guard and still without his monocle to give information of what he was to do. Something, anything! What were the proper customs, again...? He found himself bowing, with ease and elegance, nodding his head at Mira's father. "King Nova. Pleasure to see- MEET. Pleasure to meet you..." Chyst, he hoped Tangea wasn't one of the "don't speak unless spoken to" planets, else he screwed that up completely... Of course, the fact that he messed up at all in the first place was a merit for concern.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:22 am

Alexa wrote:"Chyst, Chyst, Chyst..." Alfred was panicking, once again caught off-guard and still without his monocle to give information of what he was to do. Something, anything! What were the proper customs, again...? He found himself bowing, with ease and elegance, nodding his head at Mira's father. "King Nova. Pleasure to see- MEET. Pleasure to meet you..." Chyst, he hoped Tangea wasn't one of the "don't speak unless spoken to" planets, else he screwed that up completely... Of course, the fact that he messed up at all in the first place was a merit for concern.

King Nova continued to glare at him. "Mira," he growled, "what is that ape doing here?"

"Uh... well..." stammered Mira. "It's kind of a long story."

The king folded his arms. "I have plenty of time. Start talking." You had better have a very good excuse for this, young lady.

Mira gulped and launched into her explanation. "Well... you see... Alfred wanted to come with me so he could escape from Star Command for awhile..."

"Escape from Star Command? What, are those barbarians holding people prisoner now?"

"No, no," Mira answered quickly. "Well, uh, not exactly. You see, the Commander wasn't letting Alfred leave, but everyone else is free to come and go." She grinned nervously. "Anyway, Alfred wanted to get away for awhile, so I let him come with me."

Her father looked unamused. "Just who is this Alfred anyway?" He swept his eyes across Alfred, and was far from impressed by what he saw. "He doesn't look tough enough to be one of those space monkeys, and he's clearly not one of the little green people you have on Star Command, so who is he?" The king gave Mira a warning glare. "If this is another one of your awful boyfriends like that Grounder fellow..."

Mira shook her head. "No, Daddy, don't worry. It's nothing like that. Alfred, why don't you introduce yourself."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:37 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
Mira shook her head. "No, Daddy, don't worry. It's nothing like that. Alfred, why don't you introduce yourself."

Throughout the entire explanation, Alfred was resisting the urge to cover his face, curl up, and pretend none of it was happening. Oh, the insults and accusations stung, but now he had to introduce himself...? What was he supposed to say? He wasn't sure if there was anything that wouldn't get King Nova to... He mentally groaned, but then put on a business smile, nodding once again. "I happen to be the owner of Cosmic Tech over in the Beta Galaxy... Alfred Cosmic..." He nearly winced after saying his name, but did his best to not show it. "...Once again, nice to meet you, sir."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:47 pm

Alexa wrote:Throughout the entire explanation, Alfred was resisting the urge to cover his face, curl up, and pretend none of it was happening. Oh, the insults and accusations stung, but now he had to introduce himself...? What was he supposed to say? He wasn't sure if there was anything that wouldn't get King Nova to... He mentally groaned, but then put on a business smile, nodding once again. "I happen to be the owner of Cosmic Tech over in the Beta Galaxy... Alfred Cosmic..." He nearly winced after saying his name, but did his best to not show it. "...Once again, nice to meet you, sir."

King Nova's eyes widened, and he stared at Alfred silently for a moment. Finally, he asked, "Did you say Alfred Cosmic? From Beta?" Surely it can’t be the same Alfred Cosmic...

Mira looked at her father in confusion. "You know him?"

“We’ve met,” nodded her father, frowning at Alfred. “You once met him as well, Mira.”

“Uh... what?” Now Mira was completely bewildered. “I think I’d remember if I’d met him before he came to Star Command.” She turned to Alfred. “What is he talking about?”

Meanwhile, up in the clouds, the ominous shape of a ship was visible, descending through the atmosphere. However, the occupants of the shuttle were too busy talking to notice.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:20 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
King Nova's eyes widened, and he stared at Alfred silently for a moment. Finally, he asked, "Did you say Alfred Cosmic? From Beta?" Surely it can’t be the same Alfred Cosmic...

Mira looked at her father in confusion. "You know him?"

“We’ve met,” nodded her father, frowning at Alfred. “You once met him as well, Mira.”

“Uh... what?” Now Mira was completely bewildered. “I think I’d remember if I’d met him before he came to Star Command.” She turned to Alfred. “What is he talking about?”

Alfred cringed, trying his best to avoid both Mira's and her father's gazes. "Well... There's this... thing... That I've neglected to mention..." Oh, come off it, man! The secret was close enough to being out, it was best that he say it rather than anyone else! With that resolve he took a deep breath.... And promptly shut his mouth again, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment, answering a muffled "I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it..." that, thankfully, (or perhaps unfortunately), both Tangeans could still hear.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:45 am

Alexa wrote:Alfred cringed, trying his best to avoid both Mira's and her father's gazes. "Well... There's this... thing... That I've neglected to mention..." Oh, come off it, man! The secret was close enough to being out, it was best that he say it rather than anyone else! With that resolve he took a deep breath.... And promptly shut his mouth again, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment, answering a muffled "I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it..." that, thankfully, (or perhaps unfortunately), both Tangeans could still hear.

King Nova rolled his eyes at Alfred, then turned to his daughter. "Mira why did you bring him here? You must I have known I wouldn't approve."

Mira shuffled her feet. "We... uh... we were kind of hoping you wouldn't find out." She smiled apologetically.

"But why bring him at all?" King Nova demanded.

"I told you, he really wanted to get away from the station, and, well… I couldn't just leave him there looking all pathetic." Though I probably should have… Craters, if Daddy tells the Commander about this I’m going to be in huge trouble. “You don’t need to worry about Alfred, Daddy. He’s going to stay on the ship – he won’t cause any trouble.”

Her father shook his head. “Why should I let him stay? He’s an off-worlder who came here without any sort of permission – I’m well within my rights to send him away.”

“But you won’t, will you?” Mira gave her father a pleading look that almost rivaled Alfred’s. “Please, Daddy?”

For a moment, the king appeared as though he was going to relent, then he shook his head again. “I’m sorry, Mira, but I refuse to have him here.” He turned to Alfred. “I demand that you leave at once. Take the shuttle – Mira can be transported back to Star Command by one of our ships when it’s time for her to leave.”



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:36 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
For a moment, the king appeared as though he was going to relent, then he shook his head again. “I’m sorry, Mira, but I refuse to have him here.” He turned to Alfred. “I demand that you leave at once. Take the shuttle – Mira can be transported back to Star Command by one of our ships when it’s time for her to leave.”

"...Very well." Alfred nodded, knowing he lost that battle. He got what he wanted, anyway. He got out of Star Command for a few hours, which was better than he had gotten in recent days. "As you wish, sir..."

He immediately started prepping the ship for take off, though, of course, he had to wait for the two Tangeans to leave first... As well as... "I can't leave yet..." he called out, over to Mira and King Nova (but mostly Mira), "There's another ship coming in."



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:43 am

"I thought there wouldn't be any off-world visitors except for me," said Mira, confused. "Are you expecting someone else, Daddy?"

King Nova frowned. "No, we aren't." Another uninvited guest? Oh, really, this won't do! We need to improve the security around here.

“I don’t like this.” Mira didn’t know why, but she had a strange feeling about that ship. Buzz would have called it Ranger instinct, she simply thought of it as intuition. But she knew that something wasn’t right. “Daddy, let’s go back into the shuttle.”

“Why? I want to find out what idiot is coming here uninvited.”

“Daddy, please,” Mira tugged at his arm. “Let’s just go to the shuttle and wait there for the ship to land.”

King Nova sighed. “Fine.” He and Mira ghosted back inside.

A few moments later, the new ship came to a stop on one of the other landing pads, and the three occupants of the shuttle watched anxiously to see who or what would emerge from it.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:32 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:Let’s just go to the shuttle and wait there for the ship to land.”

King Nova sighed. “Fine.” He and Mira ghosted back inside.

A few moments later, the new ship came to a stop on one of the other landing pads, and the three occupants of the shuttle watched anxiously to see who or what would emerge from it.

Alfred glanced back at the two Tangeans as they entered back into bridge. He bowed slightly and stepped aside to give them a better view of the other ship as it landed. He watched as well, raising his brow in question as the mysterious ship opened up and its occupant stepped out. "Is that Lord Angstrom? Why wasn't he on the planet already...?" He craned his neck a bit and looked over the ship he came in. "That's not even a Tangean ship. It looks like a middle-class model from Tradeworld, I believe...? It's not even one of the half-decent ones!"

He noticed the looks Mira and King Nova were giving him and grinned sheepishly, shrugging and looking away. "My apologies..." he answered, bowing his head.



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:58 am

Alexa wrote:Alfred glanced back at the two Tangeans as they entered back into bridge. He bowed slightly and stepped aside to give them a better view of the other ship as it landed. He watched as well, raising his brow in question as the mysterious ship opened up and its occupant stepped out. "Is that Lord Angstrom? Why wasn't he on the planet already...?" He craned his neck a bit and looked over the ship he came in. "That's not even a Tangean ship. It looks like a middle-class model from Tradeworld, I believe...? It's not even one of the half-decent ones!"

When they saw Angstrom step out, Mira and her father exchanged worried glances. They then looked at Alfred, who was opining on the type of ship Angstrom had arrived in.

"Forget the ship! Don't you know anything?!" demanded King Nova. "What makes you think Lord Angstrom would be here already? He's even more unwelcome on Tangea than you are!"

Alexa wrote:He noticed the looks Mira and King Nova were giving him and grinned sheepishly, shrugging and looking away. "My apologies..." he answered, bowing his head.

"How come you recognize him, Alfred?" Mira asked. "And, more importantly, what is he doing here? Last I heard he was in PC-7..."

"Which means the fiend has escaped!" King Nova clenched his fist. "How dare he return here! I should - "

"Daddy," Mira directed his attention to the window, "look!"

A sizable amount of guards (all heavily armed) had exited Angstrom's ship and were following the former chancellor into the palace.

"We got big trouble." Mira looked at King Nova and Alfred gravely. "We have to stop him before he takes over the palace!"



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Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only) Empty Re: Gamma Galaxy Saga: Volume Two (Ranger-Nova and Alexa only)

Post by Alexa Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:11 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
A sizable amount of guards (all heavily armed) had exited Angstrom's ship and were following the former chancellor into the palace.

"We got big trouble." Mira looked at King Nova and Alfred gravely. "We have to stop him before he takes over the palace!"

Alfred hesitated, wondering what exactly he missed since he moved back to Beta all those years ago... "Forgive me for my ignorance, but I've not kept up with Tangean news since about 12 years ago..." He looked at King Nova, frowning. "I take it you two aren't friends anymore. Did he try to usurp the throne or something? How cheap of him."

He then turned to Mira and nodded. "With your permission, I'll help you. You might get hurt in there by yourself, and I refuse to let that happen if I can be around to prevent it." He cast a subtle glance to King Nova. Yes, he remembered that old promise. Yes, he was all too willing to uphold it, however devious it was of the king to make him a type of meat shield for the Princess when Alfred was only a child at the time.



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