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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:05 pm

A grub walked in with a roll of fake fur identical to Renee's fur. "This look close enough?" The second grub nodded as he checked off something on his list.

"Yup. Now would you two like anything to eat or drink?" It said turning to the two confused Jo-ads. "How can we make you more comfy?"


"It's...fabric?" Good Jill looked to her evil self in bewilderment. Her evil self nodded as she hung it up.

"All of my clothes are." She replied as she began to get dressed. "Why would I harm the one link to my mother?"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:27 pm

"Huh?" AU booster looked to the alternate him, confused. "But... I thought we were going to be turned into coats or something." He glanced at the tiger- thing in the cage. It opened one of its four eyes and blinked happily.

"Whats going on here?" The other booster asked.

Warp kept searching down the halls, looking for Jill's room. "Damn! Why does there have to be so many doors?!" He growled.

A brainpod, relishing what he was seeing in the power room, heard Renee's cries. There was enough light from the ticks and the robotic vampires eye to see that he was being torn apart, and had started watching the hopeless fight. But the girls screams of agony and, something about a coat liner, caught his attention. He pressed a handheld mike and spoke to jill. "My queen? The Zephrite has given up. Do we spare her friend?"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:36 pm

Evil Jill thought it over then nodded. "Vey well." She said as she spoke into her intercom. "Clean her up and take her to the others." She turned to her good counter part and turned her so she'd face the mirror. "Now my sweet sister, Lets get ready for our debue."


"The queen doesn't really wear animals" A grub explained as it cooked a couple of steaks on a grill. "She wears clothes that look like skinned animals." Another one nodded as it poured them some soda into their golblets.

"Yeah, she's always had a soft spot for animals." It xontinued. "She made it look like she was killing them to tick off Comander Lightyear. A sorta get back at him kinda thing."

"She wanted him to think she was disgracing her mother. But she really does love them just as much as the former queen did. By the by, how do you like your steaks?" It asked as it tossed a raw one to the tiger-like thing



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:46 pm

The tiger got up lazily and waltzed to the steak and took a great bite, sinking happily to the floor again. "Medium well." The jo-adians said together.

"Wow, lucky break." AU Booster kicked up his heels, peeling off his boots and lounging.

"Yeah." The other nodded. "So jills more tender than we thought."

Suddenly the ticks retreated, leaving a heavily injured Nos-4-a2 bahind. He dropped to the ground, unconcious. Renee ran over to his limp body and hugged him, crying. "So sentimental." The brain pod came down, rolling his eyes. "Any matter, Queen Lightyear has decided to spare your friend. At the price of you, of course." He smirked.

Renee looked up, her fur streaed with tears. "I want to take him with me."

"Very well." The pod called in a levitating table. He helped renee get nos onto the table and led her away, towards the same room that the boosters were in.

"Buzz, look at this!" XR called, giving a video feed under a door. "I think the jills are in here!"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:00 pm

"Yeah, Lucky you two where animal like that is." One said flipping the steaks over.

"If you'd been humans, you wouldn't be alive right now." The other said holding up pillows. "Comfurtable enough?"


"Good work XR!" Buzz said as he and Warp stood in front of the door. "On three." He said.

"Three!" Both men yelled and busted the door in. Everyone stood frozen at the scene. It had been evil Jill's room...but not for a long time. The stuff animals and children's drawings made that apparent



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:14 pm

Renee walked into the room and was lead into a cage. She spotted the boosters. "Guys!" She clung to the cage bars tightly, wondering what she had done to herself. "Whats going on? Are they fattening you up?!" She saw the steaks that the grubs were feeding them.

"Oh no." AU Booster took a big bite of steak. "We're just lucky we arent human."

The other booster nodded in Nos-4-a2's direction. "He looks like he didnt get off so easily, though."

Renee looked back at her unconcious friend. "I think he'll be okay. Most of the damage is on the surface."
XR looked aroung the room, embarrased. "Uh, wrong room"

"Ye think?" Warp picked up a stuffed bunny and stroked it. "How old do you think Jill is, anyway?"

"I dont know! Three, four." XR nodded his head. "All you hmans look alike."



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:19 pm

"Hey, look at this!" AU Mira said as she picked up a pink journal.

"It's evil Jill's diary?" Mira said as they opened it.

"Great maybe it can tell us where she hid Booster!" XR said. Warp looked over to Buzz who was looking at the crib in the corner.

"Jillie had a crib like this. It took me three hours to try and put it together." He muttered. "She got it done in 5 minutes flat."

"She who?" Warp asked.

"Ozma." Buzz replied before looking at Warp. "What was our relationship like here?"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:32 pm

Warp smiled sadly. This was where it got bad. "Buzz, this being a parallel universe, you know how it ends." He motioned across the room. "But it began so different. Dr. Ozma Furbanna was unemployed, so you couldnt really call her doctor, but she was a sweet woman. A little over protective, if anything. She loved animals. Im sure yours does too." He picked p the stuffed animals. "Jill favored them as a child too. Evil Lightyear, who wasnt so evil at the time, ran into her at Cosmo's one day. They were nuts over eachother, you could tell, even if they wouldnt admit it. Together they finally got married and made the most beutiful child." He motioned, again, to the room. "Jillian Lightyear, and I was the godfather or 'uncle warpy'. The only problem was this- Ozma died very soon after jill was born. I think you can fill in the rest."



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:38 pm

Buzz looked at him sadly and then to the floor. "Blood posioning from the birth. But I never once blamed Jillian." He began. "I may have lost the woman I loved for years, but she lost the mother she would never know." He looked at Warp. "I've never told Jillian the truth behind her mother's death." He said.

" should take a look at this..." Mira said as her AU self had to keep from crying as they read the journal.

"Are you hungry Miss?" One Grub asked as she was placed in a cage next to the Boosters. "Anything you'd like, we'll get." It smiled as the brainpod behind him grumbled as it carried a medical kit towards the tiger like creature.



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:46 pm

Warp glanced their way. "What is it?" He held one of the bunnies close to himself, not wanting to let it go.

Renee laid on her bed and looked at the robot. She felt tears well up in her eyes again. He looked so.. so BROKEN. It was awful. Staring at the ceiling, she glanced backward at the boosters. Then to the grubs. "So, what are you guys going to do with the rangers?" She didnt care anymore about them, really, but still cared about this univere's XR. And Warp.



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:57 pm

"What ever the Queen commands." One Grub said as it brought her a blanket. "Since they're humans, She won't go easy on them."

"Yeah, I mean, we get the cushy jobs around her while the brainpods get the horrible ones because they use to be human."

"Come here comander stripes, you disgusting old fat fur ball" the pod that went into the tiger's cage with the kit muttered. "It's time for your eye drops, so just hold still and we'll..." The next few minutes where filled with his horrified screams as the tiger attacked him.

"See?" The grub whispered to the others.


The journal's pages where filled with tear stains as pictures accompanyed the poorly written words.

'june 6th, Daddy yelled at me again, He keeps calling me the devil's child that took his love from him. I don't like it here. I spend all day in my room with no one to play with. I wish Uncle Warpy would come and save me with Comander Nebela, I miss them. I keep sending messages to the Grubs and pods who escape, so they must have gotten them by now. Why aren't they coming? Do they hate me like daddy does? I wanna leave, but I'm afraid daddy will just find me like all the other times...I gotta go..,I hear someone coming'

Mira looked up from the journal. "It just gets worst from there. She starts to say that she was left behind because everyone wanted to save themselves and left her here because they were too scared to save her."



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:04 pm

Warp dropped his head, tears threatening his calm. "Jill, we never meant that.. not ever."

Commander Nebula frowned sympathetically again. "Buzz, you were a real bastard in this universe."

Warp looked up again. "I hope theres still time to make things right."


Renee was thrown into a fit of strained giggles. "Wow, good luck, brainpods." She got up. "They threw their lives away for this job and still get treated like trash." She looked, again, to her firend. "Any chance we could get him a recharge?"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:12 pm

"Wellll, I don't know..." The grub said. "We're only suppost to make sure the animals are comfortable..." Suddenly the pod was thrown from the cage and hit the wall.

"Owww..." It moaned before noticing something. "Where's my arm?" Everyone looked as the tiger held the detached limb in it's mouth, with a look saying 'You want it? Come get it.' as it's tail flicked.


"There! All done!" Evil Jill said as she stepped away from her counter part. Good Jill couldn't help but admire herself. Her hair was done up in a lovely half bun, half ponytail fashion as she had the reverse color makeup of her evil counter part. "Now, lets get dressed and announce our new rule over the galaxy, sis." She purred happily as she walked to her intercom.

"Attention, all minons!" She commanded. "Everyone to the throne room for a important annoucement!" She smirked at her good counter part. "There's going to be a few...changes around here."



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:05 am

Renee glowered at him, then reached between the cages and snatched the arm from the tiger. "You want it? Bring him-" She pointed to Nos. "A charger."


Warp looked around, suprised. "Back to the thrown room!"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:12 am

"Fine, Not like I'm getting any privages taken away or anything..." The pod snapped before wobbling away. The Grubs looked to the three.

"Sorry, But we need to go, are you three going to be alright here?" One asked.


Standing before her minions Jill stood proud in her new (fake) Jo-ad hide dress. Good Jill was placed next to her, tied up on a fancy looking chair.

"Everyone here?" Jill asked into the microphone. "Good. Minions!" She cried. "As you well know, I've taken over my father's throne. And as such, I've changed my title from High Commandress to QUEEN OF THE GALAXY!" The minions cheered happily. "And as my first ordr of buiness, I present to you the beheading of Buzz Lightyear." The crowd oooed as she smiled.



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:05 pm

Buzz raced down the halls behind Warp, AU XR, AU commander nebula, and the other rangers. He reached the thrown room in time to hear the announcement.

"Uh... My queen?" A grub scurried up behind her, terrified. "Lightyear and the other rangers have escaped."

Renee laid back on her bed and smirked after the brainpod. "We'll be fine." She looked at the grubs, then back at her friend. Then at the twin jo-adians. "So, Booster and booster is it? I'm talking to the one from the other univere here- tell me more about this Ty Parsec fellow."



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:16 pm

Evil Jill looked down on him in a sad matter. "Oh...did he?" She patted his head sweetly, then turned to a brainpod and kicked him clean across the room. "FIND HIM!" She screamed.

"Ty is Buzz's old academy pal who got changed into a wirewolf thanks to Nos-4-a2" Booster began.



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:11 pm

"oooh..." Renee looked, for the milionth time, back towards her friend. "Well, thats unfortunate. And... hate me for saying this.... cool. But my Nos would never do that." She hoped. "Did he stay that way?"


"Yes my queen!" Thr grub shouted.

Warp looked upwards. Everyone was looking around... they were right in plain sight.



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:14 pm

"Mmm no, well he only changed because of the canius Lunas radiactive moon with the bite." Booster explained.


"Found them!" A grub yelled as he pointed at them.

"Sease them!" Jill yelled.



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:32 pm

"Oh, I know that planet!" She smiled gently. "The green moon is so beutiful, if a tad dangerous. I've spent a little time there because of my dad's work."

AU booster gave her a glance. "It's not too far from Zephyr, is it?"

"Same quadrant." Renee rolled over. Where was that brainpod with her charger?!


Warp jumpred backwards as hundereds of grubs and brainpods turned in their direction. "Buzz-" He turned to his friend. "Run!"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:39 pm

"DADDY!" Good Jill cried out from her spot. "Forget me run!" Evil Jill looked to her good self in awe.


"Here's your lowsy charger." The mamied brainpod snapped as it tossed the charger into the cage. "Now give me the flipping arm." It spat coldly



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:47 pm

"All yours." Renee handed him the arm as soon as the charger was in her hand. "Thanks." She patted his bowl gently.

"Terrifying yet... tender." AU booster gave her an odd look. "Is she like this in your universe?" He looked at the other booster.

"Not sure about tender." Booster said. "But ive only seen the scary side."

Renee ignored this and warmed up the charger. With a dramatic clap, she slapped the padals onto Nos's chest like a defribulator. "Clear!" She laughed nastily.

"Scary- on the list." AU Booster took a mental note.


XR looked awed at the outburst. "Buzz, listen to her!"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:50 pm

Good Jill looked hurt. "Please daddy, just go..."

"Maybe you should listen to Jill this time Bu-" Mira started.



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:09 pm

"No way!" Buzz shoved his partner's aside. "I'm not leaving my little girl."

"Girls." Warp said. "Youre forgetting evi- i mean My Jill. MY jill." He smiled at the girl.


"Whoa! What the deuce-" Nos sat up again.

"Welcome to the pet room." Renee motioned to the cages behind her.

"What the deuce indeed." Nos looked around. "Why am I not dead, and why are you not a coat liner?"



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Antimatter - Page 4 Empty Re: Antimatter

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:20 pm

"Evil Jill's actually nice to animals, but hates humans because of Evil Buzz" Booster said, filling him in. "Oh and that's Commander Stripes" He added pointing to the tiger like animal purring as AU Booster petted him.


"I. Am. Not. Your. Jill!" Evil Jill snapped coldly as tears welt up in her eyes. "You lost that right, When you left me here to rot!"



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