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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:29 pm

later king pierce saw brady
ok brady you can call me don its my first name and if you need anything or about buzz and alasya just let me know said king pierce
later at hospital
ow my headache said buzz as he awake and saw he was in hospital alasya wake up said buzz

what said alasya

we at the hospital look said buzz

alasya awake to see that they are at hospital oh man it probably from that explosion to our house and our kids is some were said alasya
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:45 pm

Brady returned to the hospital to explain to Buzz and Alasya where their kids are at.



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:50 am

ok maybe i trust my dad to take care of our kids butt did you notice they sad or worried
or maybe whine or all of above said alasya

butt if they are why you didn't calm them down and tell them don't worry while they at your house or before you drop off
the kids at planet powerful
said buzz
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:25 am

"Well I tried calming them down" Replied Brady



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:54 am

is our house getting fix asked alasya

how you try calm them down with their toys or you make them answer our questions said buzz

later at planet powerful
king pierce play with the kids they all happy and not worried and after they watch tv and the kids like their grandpa
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:02 pm

Meanwhile Chris was talking to McKenzie how crazy the past few days have been, "Its been one thing to another" Said Chris "Yeah and we had to be involved with one of them" Replied McKenzie.



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:26 pm

alasya ask the doctor when they getting out probably another few days said doctor

im so worried i can't wait another few days said alasya

calm down sweety don't worry about our blueberrys and chocolates relax ok said buzz

(by the way it their nicknames blueberry is sara and jack and chocolate is jill and davy)
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:06 am

Later Taylor asked Brady how the baby sitting went, "It was weird" Replied Brady



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:44 am

later king pierce play with the kids and he knew few days buzz and alasya get out of hospital

later at hospital
no needles please no pain said alasya

butt mrs lightyear calm down said dr

buzz sighed and try calm her down here let me hold your hand so you calm down and hope im not getting a shot with a needle said buzz

alasya sit down on the bed once the doctor put needle in alasya's arm

now you mr lightyear said doctor

ahh! no needle or pain please i beg said buzz

calm down i do same thing you did to me when i calm down said alasya

ok said buzz as the doctor put the needle in his arm
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:19 am

That same night Chelsea Speedchaser (who's still in the acadmy right now) called up her older brother Chris if everything was alright because she heard about the news about Blayde kidnapping Buzz's kids, "Yeah everything is fine" Replied Chris



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:37 pm

king pierce heard a knock it was blayde no way! said king pierce
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:29 pm

"Miss me?" Replied Blayde as he was about to attack, suddenly the Recovery Ranger Miranda Onyx was there to stop him, "Oh they sent you but I brought a few friends myself Blondie" Chuckled Blayde, suddenly a bunch of Death Helmet members surrounded her "Crud, there's too many of them, I cant take them on myself!" nervoisly said Miranda (you can use some of the Death Helmets for this roleplay if you want)



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:49 pm

no!!! powerfuls attack while i protect the kids said king pierce
later at hospital
oh no mother sense buzz i feel something wrong! said alasya

yeah right said buzz
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:59 pm

Meanwhite back at Planet powerful, Miranda was desperatrly fighting the Death Helmets on her own "I don't know how long I can keep this up!" yelled Miranda as she was out numbered



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:49 am

miranda let powerfuls help you we have all powers said king pierce as all powerfuls attack the death helmets and king pierce still protect the kids
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:14 am

"Alright" Replied Miranda, "Crud I was hoping this would just be the blondie that we would have to fight, so we can get both her and Buzz's kids as hostages for my plan" Said Blayde



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:58 pm

thats it said king pierce as he make a fist that made out of wind hit blayed
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Sat Nov 29, 2014 2:32 pm

"Crud we should get out of here" said the other Death Helmets as they fly off with a knocked out Blayde.



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sat Nov 29, 2014 2:54 pm

few days later
buzz and alasya getting out of the hospital and went home when king pierce was with their kids
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:14 pm

Meanwhile David Voltage asked Miranda how the mission went "It went terrible, I had no idea there was going to be like 100 Death Helmets waiting to try to capture me and those kids" Said Miranda "Maybe if you realized that it was a set up and let some other Recovery Rangers like me go, maybe that wouldn't of happened" Replied David.



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:19 pm

later in the morning buzz and alasya get ready for work later
man i hate this bad guy said buzz as he knock buzz over and buzz almost slipped
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:24 pm

Meanwhile McKenzie was discussing about Blaydes activity lately "Sesh doesn't that guy ever give up" Said Chris, "Apparently not" Replied McKenzie



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:22 pm

later at the lightyear residents babysitter summer taking care of jill sara davy and jack
back at the planet fire
buzz slipped and alasya try to help as the bad guy push her and grab buzz jet pack and make a cliff fall on him buzz didn't turn into powerful because he afraid that he be make fun of crash buzz twisted his ankle and his leg
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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by Stomper1232 Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:45 pm

Meanwhile at Chris's and McKenzies apartment Chris was exhausted from all the events that hapend "I can't belive Blayde managed to get the Death Helmet leader to let several D.H soidlers assist him and tried to kidnap both Buzzes kids and that show off Miranda just to get revenge on me" said Chris, "At least its all back to normal now" replied McKenzie as they where going to bed.



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toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all) - Page 3 Empty Re: toddlers jill sara davy and jack (open to all)

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:51 am

later buzz was awake and saw he was home and the cast on his leg he go back to sleep on the couch

he so cute he probably miss alasya said summer
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