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Background Space Rangers

Olivus Prime
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Background Space Rangers Empty Background Space Rangers

Post by Steel Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:42 am

After watching BLoSC for some time and deciding to watch it again in order to create transcripts and subtitles (yes, I am going to go there, woe is me who plans to waste more of her limited free time) I noticed something that struck me as both odd and interesting. Whenever they had Space Rangers in the show (and other characters, but it’s easier to compile a list for the Rangers for now) they always seem to use the exact same Space Rangers, be they rookies or not. Now, only a select few have been given voices and even less have been given names. You see some of them more often than not put together in the same scenes, and others that are rarely spotted but appear in two or so episodes.

The point of this thread and compiling this list? I figured that since we see the same Rangers all the time, it might be cool to come up with background stories for them. Common backstories that we can all use as fans and consider canon for our own benefit—aka, fanon! Let’s think up of names for them, hobbies, whether they’re navigators, co-pilots, weapons specialists or captains! I think it’d be cool for a writer to mention Cadet Flarn in passing and for a reader to go, “Oh, wait, I know which Ranger they’re talking about!”

The Rangers we already know-know are Commander Nebula, Team Lightyear (Buzz, Mira, XR, Booster), Rocket Crockett, Ty Parsec, Fop Doppler, Petra Hammerhold and Plasma Boy. So I’ll be concentrating on providing you with some information on the rest! My first post will consist of Rangers whom we know at least a little something about. A rank, a name, a voice actor, something along those lines. The next post will feature those who were neither given names, nor any information. Or, if some information is given, it’ll be too little to go by. I can always be wrong, since I haven’t finished rewatching the show, but these are some of the things that stood out to me.

So far, we have:

Elsu Vok
Daphne Thornhoof
Tundra Skyrim/Skyboom/Skydive/Skystrike
Blaze Skyrim/Mercury
Corla Shakti
Frank Netwalker/Quark
Helga Sinclair
Clyde Kusatsu/Kayuga
Cragge Stormbringer

Which we will later vote on to choose "official" unofficial names for them. So don't be shy--suggest away!

Last edited by Steel on Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:00 am; edited 2 times in total



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Steel Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:54 am

Background Space Rangers Cadet_flarn

This is Flarn. He was voiced by Frank Welker in “The Adventure Begins” and his voice has a deep, throaty ring to it, even though he never spoke actual words. He was training alongside Mira and Commander Nebula specifically referred to him as “Cadet Flarn”, which probably means that he was an officer-in-training at the time if you go with the military, or just a trainee if you go with police ranks. We also see him briefly in “Sunquake” as a navigator (Booster’s usual position) of Star Cruiser 36, but he’s never referred to by name again and we don’t know whether he’s still a cadet by this point.

Background Space Rangers Corporal

This is the Corporal. He is never given a proper name, but he’s referred to as being a corporal by Buzz in “The Adventure Begins”. If you remember him, he was the one who caught Booster in the Launch Bay and scolded him. He too, was voiced by Frank Welker, and technically speaking the rank of corporal is a pretty low one, the lowest in the police. He is also seen in “Sunquake” as Star Cruiser 36’s co-pilot and voiced by Max Brooks for this brief scene.

Background Space Rangers Tundra

This is Tundra. She is only named in the credits of the episode “Mira’s Wedding” and is shown wanting to photograph Mira for the Star Command Newsletter, having a very peppy and upbeat demeanour. In that episode, she was voiced by Nicole Sullivan. In “The Starthought”, she is briefly seen as being a member of Rocket Crockett’s team on Star Cruiser 22, holding the place of the navigator. However, in “Sunquake” she is seen to be Captain of Star Cruiser 36 with the Corporal, Flarn and the bird-looking Ranger making up her team. In this episode, she’s voiced by Arizona Brooks and sounds more stern and authorative.

Background Space Rangers Ranger_09

Continuing from before, this Space Ranger is eagle-like in appearance and might have wings for arms, judging by the bulky appearance of his armour around his forearms. His feet appear to be normal feet judging by the Space Suit, but you never know. He held XR’s position on Star Cruiser 36, at least in the episode “Sunquake”, which might either be the ship specialist or a diagnostics specialist... XR’s position is hazy, innit? In an earlier episode, “Downloaded”, he seemed to be the navigator for Star Cruiser 19.

Background Space Rangers Clyde

This Space Ranger has been seen in several episodes and had brief speaking roles in “Downloaded” and “Rookie of the Year”. Although his name is never mentioned, he appears to be Captain of Star Cruiser 19, with the following alien female as his co-pilot and the following human female as his fourth member and diagnostics specialist... if that’s the proper term. He’s voiced by Clyde Kusatsu and sports a black ponytail.

Background Space Rangers Ranger_06

This female alien is also never named, but as previously mentioned she is often seen in the above Space Ranger’s company and serves as his co-pilot on Star Cruiser 19.

Background Space Rangers Ranger_16

This human female Space Ranger is the specialist on Star Cruiser 19. When in action, she keeps her hair hidden, but it is revealed to be short and brown when she is in simple uniform.

Background Space Rangers Ranger_05

This Space Ranger served as Rocket Crockett’s co-pilot on Star Cruiser 22 in “The Starthought”.


And now, take two! No text, more pictures!

Background Space Rangers Ranger_14 Background Space Rangers Ranger_10

Background Space Rangers Ranger_04 Background Space Rangers Ranger_02

Background Space Rangers Gravitina_01

Background Space Rangers Ranger_12 Background Space Rangers Ranger_08

Background Space Rangers Ranger_13 Background Space Rangers Ranger_11

Background Space Rangers Ranger_15 Background Space Rangers Ranger_07

Background Space Rangers Ranger_01

Here are a few better shots and some group shots of the rest of the Space Rangers. Here, you can see the two female human Rangers with their hair tucked into their thermal hoods and some better shots of the others.

Background Space Rangers Tab_02

Background Space Rangers Tab_01

Background Space Rangers Rangers_ensemble_1

Background Space Rangers Rangers_ensemble_2

All right, this is the complete list! I wish I knew more about the other Space Rangers, but that’s what this is going to be for, right? So, commence the theories! I personally vote for the Captain of Star Cruiser 19 to be named after his voice actor, Clyde Kusatsu. And as for the rest... I’ll let you guys debate about it for a while first~

Last edited by Steel on Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:53 am; edited 2 times in total



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:23 pm

I'm all for it! I agree; I think the Captain of Star Cruiser 19 should be named Clyde-I say that for some of the Rangers for whom we know the voices for, but not their names, we could name them after them!

I can't wait to get started on making up stories for everyone! It'll be fun. Smile

You hear that, Rangers? We'll give you all meaningful lives and names from which you can be proud to call your own!.....(gets weird looks from everyone...) I'm just going to move on now. Uh....

I think for the eagle Ranger; he could be named Elsu (it means flying falcon; I know it's far off for him since he's an eagle, but it also means soaring). He could be a Ranger who is a ship specialist. In his spare time, when he's not working as a Space Ranger, he likes to spend his time paragliding.

That's all I've got for now! I'll think of more later.



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by EEZ Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:55 pm

Hm, I didn't name them all in my fic, but I did name two. The avian fellow I labeled Cadet Vok, and the centaur-like gal I labeled Lieutenant Thornhoof. As for the rest... I'll have to think of some suggestions! Wouldn't it be grand if we had some human-ish names and some alien-ish names? Maybe one or a few has a name that is unpronounceable or unheard of by human ears.

Could happen!



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Steel Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:24 am

Cool! And I think it'd be even cooler if some of them had unpronounceable names. They're aliens, after all, so it'd only be natural! I imagine Flarn's language is pretty guttural, and maybe Flarn is a nickname for a much longer and complicated-sounding name.

How about Elsu Vok for the avian guy, then? He started out as a cadet, went on to become the navigator for Clyde's team on Star Cruiser 19, then was transferred to Tundra's team as the ship specialist for Star Cruiser 36.

Maybe his species could be partly derived from the scientific term for bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus), literally a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head. Or something along those lines. Apparently, bald eagles belong to the Accipitridae family, which also includes hawks, kites, and old-world vultures.

We've nearly gotten the avian fellow down! Fanfics can provide more of a background, but for now we can cover the basics. Anything else we can cover for him before moving on to Lieutenant Thornhoof? I'd like to call her race Centaurian, maybe. For obvious reasons. xD



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:58 am

Sounds good to me! I'm liking his back story more and more. Very Happy

Okey-dokey, then. Anything else we can cover for him? Hmm...well, what should we call his race? I'll try and think of another name for his race until someone else comes up with a really good one.

Lieutenant Thornhoof, huh? Sure, why not? Let's throw caution to the wind and call her race Centaurian. Smile Razz

Hmm...have we seen her in any particular position on a ship? I'm guessing that for her, she comes from a world where it's like Ancient (Mythological) Greece. I wonder...(does she know Hercules?)



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Steel Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:00 pm

I have to admit, thinking it over, I like Aetian for Vok's race. It sounds rather exotic, but it's also kind of funny you don't see other members of his race in the show. Maybe his race is distantly related to those Vulturans (the bird-like people who were briefly seen in "Head Case"). Maybe they're from the same planet (like Bathyos has two types of species) but the Vulturans are scavengers and have a bad reputation in general. But I think there IS another bird-like alien in the senate in the Galactic Alliance... so who knows?

Maybe Cytaurian can work too. I think I spotted EEZ using that term in one of her oneshots here, "Safety First". And maybe Thornhoof knows someone like Hercules? Hell, maybe their leader's name is a variation of Hercules, hah! I think the proper transliteration of his name is Heracles, actually, which is the one used by scholars, so that could work as another name for a member of her race?

As for a first name, perhaps she can be named something like... Daphne, Nephele, Ambrosia, Artemis, Callisto, Sappho, Zosime. Let's pick and choose!



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:33 pm

Aetian, huh? It sounds like it could fit him. Yeah, that's true-maybe his race is slightly related to the Vulturans. I mean, if Bathyos can have two types of species, why not can't...the planet of wherever Elsu came from? Time to figure out his planet's name...

Cytaurian? Hey it kind of sounds like a real sci-fi kind of name. I like it! Sure, why not? Why not use Heracles for another member of her race? about Daphne? She looks like a Daphne to me. But hey, I'm open to what anyone else would like her to be named. Maybe she could have been a cadet, and then went on to become a co-pilot for a team?...

I had an idea for the blond-hair's a plotbunny I have...what if he and Tundra are..siblings? DUN DUN DUN! If she's Tundra, he's...Blaze! What could their last name be? I don't know. TO THE BACKSTORY BATCAVE, ROBIN! (goes into backstorymobile and drives away)




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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Steel Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:24 pm

Bah, sorry I didn’t post to this sooner. I read it, then planned to post later, then forgot about it what with real life… so time to post now!

Maybe the planet can be called… called… well, the class for birds is “Aves”, hence “Avian”… I’ll have to think on this one.

Okay! Maybe Heracles was her father. Maybe their race is clan-like and it would have been deemed a great honour to Heracles if his daughter Daphne joined Star Command. I’m… more likely than not just BSin’ here, but hey, at least it’s good BS.

Oooh! I didn’t think so since his hair seemed like a sandier blond, but I do like the name Blaze for him! He seems to be a fierce fighter in battle, judging by the brief scenes in the opening of “Rookie of the Year” while he’s grappling with that Hornet.

Tundra and Blaze… Skyrim. *shot multiple times by Elder Scrolls fans* First thing that popped into my head, I swear! xD

I think the Corporal and that Indian-looking woman are seen in a lot of shots together… Just like Clyde and the alien female. *random observation* I wonder what the take on work relationships is?



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Alexa Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:57 pm

If I could make a suggestion for Mr. Birdman... Following the line of Aves being the class for birds, the Latin for bird is avis, aves. Also, depending on which case you're using, it could also be avium (genitive plural), avi (dative singular), avibus (dative/ablative plural), ave (ablative singular) and avem (accusative plural). For a planet name, I think Avium or Avibus would be better.

Also, for future naming, I've always been fond of anagrams. We could just take an ordinary word and mix up the letters and suddenly we have a strange and interesting name. For instance: Audrey becomes Yeadru.



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Steel Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:21 pm

Sure sounds like a good name to me! Might have to find a different name for his species, then, so it can suit the Vulturans, as well. Maybe something closer to Eagle/Hawk, so the planet can be called “Avium”, maybe.

That would be food for thought in the future! I’d like to use some of those for the aliens in particular. And you gotta love apostrophes too! xD



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Alexa Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:37 pm

The Latin for eagle is aquila. For hawk, it's accipiter. Or we could go something along the same lines of Vulturans obviously being derived from Vulture. Let's see... Eagle... Eagleans. Hawk... Hawkings. Wink No, seriously... Hawkese? Hawklese?

I remember one day in class, we were coming up with our "Star Wars" name and I instructed everyone else how to do it. I told them to just replace certain letters and add apostrophes every now and then and so, one person's name (Vinnie *last name not added for privacy*) became Vanix Car'ree or something like that. But, that's a little more off-topic than I had anticipated.



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:15 pm

Steel wrote:Bah, sorry I didn’t post to this sooner. I read it, then planned to post later, then forgot about it what with real life… so time to post now!

Maybe the planet can be called… called… well, the class for birds is “Aves”, hence “Avian”… I’ll have to think on this one.

Okay! Maybe Heracles was her father. Maybe their race is clan-like and it would have been deemed a great honour to Heracles if his daughter Daphne joined Star Command. I’m… more likely than not just BSin’ here, but hey, at least it’s good BS.

Oooh! I didn’t think so since his hair seemed like a sandier blond, but I do like the name Blaze for him! He seems to be a fierce fighter in battle, judging by the brief scenes in the opening of “Rookie of the Year” while he’s grappling with that Hornet.

Tundra and Blaze… Skyrim. *shot multiple times by Elder Scrolls fans* First thing that popped into my head, I swear! xD

I think the Corporal and that Indian-looking woman are seen in a lot of shots together… Just like Clyde and the alien female. *random observation* I wonder what the take on work relationships is?

Heracles her father and part of a clan-like group? I'm likin' this idea! It's not BS, it's BRILLANT BS.

Well, uh...maybe he got a tad bit darker shade of blond from one of his parents?...I need to get back into the backstory batcave...Anywho, yeah, he does seem to be a pretty fierce fighter, able to hold his own for the most part. Skyrim, huh? I kind of like that actually...even though I don't know what Elder Scrolls is. xD

That's true, the Corporal (I shall call him Frank!) and the Indian-looking woman (I need to think of a name for her...) are seen in a lot of shots know, I always wondered about relationships in the SR Corps worked...we never really got a glimpse of it...

ab103 wrote:Also, for future naming, I've always been fond of anagrams. We could just take an ordinary word and mix up the letters and suddenly we have a strange and interesting name. For instance: Audrey becomes Yeadru.

What a good idea! Time to get fond of anagrams!

ab103 wrote:The Latin for eagle is aquila. For hawk, it's accipiter. Or we could go something along the same lines of Vulturans obviously being derived from Vulture. Let's see... Eagle... Eagleans. Hawk... Hawkings. Wink No, seriously... Hawkese? Hawklese?

I remember one day in class, we were coming up with our "Star Wars" name and I instructed everyone else how to do it. I told them to just replace certain letters and add apostrophes every now and then and so, one person's name (Vinnie *last name not added for privacy*) became Vanix Car'ree or something like that. But, that's a little more off-topic than I had anticipated.

It's VERY tempting to use Hawkings as the name of his planet...(evil grin)..xD

I just thought of a name for the Indian woman-Corla Shakti! She could be a navigator, who got promoted to co-pilot!

I made an anagram out of her first name-Corla is actually Coral. I think it'd be a good name for her. What else should we cover for her?

Actually, going back to Blaze, I just thought of another potential last name for about...Blaze Mercury?...I mean, I don't really care what his last name is, it's just I thought over it, and I think it may be better to make Blaze not related to Tundra. But I still think Tundra Skyrim is good for Tundra. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me what his last name is, I'm just throwing out ideas.

And for the Corporal, his name could be Frank Netwalker...yeah I made up his last name...oh well!

And for the blue haired blue-skinned woman that's often Clyde Kayuga (yeah I made his last name Japanese lunar related) 's partner, for some strange reason, I can't help but think her name should be something like Helga..I don't know why! Anyone have a last name for her?



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mira Nova Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:08 pm

How about Sinclair? I've always liked that last name buut idk ^^
Mira Nova
Mira Nova



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:14 pm

Helga Sinclair?....I like it! I like it a lot! Nice idea! Smile

Do you have any names you'd like to bestow onto some of these nameless Rangers?

(Rangers give a slight glare)
Me: What? Was it something I said?



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Olivus Prime Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:02 pm

I always instantly call the pony-tailed male range Clyde Kutasu, I think it's an appropriate name for him - the name sounds Asian, and the ranger seems to be Asian in appearance.

The blue dude who looks a little like Buzz is a ranger that I always thought looked pretty awesome. His name could be something bold and strong like Cragge Stormbringer, or something along those lines..

I guess you can use their chest insignia to determine what rank they hold (e.g. Buzz and Warp, as veterans, have rockets on their insignia, while cadets like Mira and Booster don't).
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:26 pm

Olivus Prime wrote:I always instantly call the pony-tailed male range Clyde Kutasu, I think it's an appropriate name for him - the name sounds Asian, and the ranger seems to be Asian in appearance.

The blue dude who looks a little like Buzz is a ranger that I always thought looked pretty awesome. His name could be something bold and strong like Cragge Stormbringer, or something along those lines..

I guess you can use their chest insignia to determine what rank they hold (e.g. Buzz and Warp, as veterans, have rockets on their insignia, while cadets like Mira and Booster don't).

Oh, that could work too! I'm just pulling out suggestions. We could take a vote on what sounds good for the last name of the Rangers, if everyone's up for it.

I like that name for the blue Buzz lookalike. It sounds like an awesome name for him!

Well, we could use their chest insignia for that, but that could be a bit of a complication because there are some Rangers that are veterans that don't have the rockets on their emblem. Ty, for example, is a veteran, but he doesn't have a rocket on his chest...we should probably discuss their ranks in another topic on the forum.

Actually, now that you've brought up a name for the blue Buzz dude, I'm going to go ahead and make a list of all the background Rangers we have so far, and a brief description of who they are alongside their names. For some of them, I put two last names next to their first name so that we could come to a conclusion as to what the majority thinks should be the last name of that said character. So without further ado...


Elsu Vok-avian dude
Daphne Thornhoof-centaur gal
Tundra Skyrim-blond-haired woman
Blaze Skyrim/Mercury-blond haired dude
Corla Shakti-Indian woman
Frank Netwalker-Corporal
Helga Sinclair-blue haired, blue-skinned serious woman that works alongside Clyde
Clyde Kutasu/Kayuga-asian dude with ponytail
Cragge Stormbringer-Buzz Lightyear lookalike



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mira Nova Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:01 am

Ohh, I love these names! Hmm...maybe we could come up with backgrounds for them next? XD
Mira Nova
Mira Nova



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Olivus Prime Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:03 am

Fox Storm wrote:

Elsu Vok-avian dude
Daphne Thornhoof-centaur gal
Tundra Skyrim-blond-haired woman
Blaze Skyrim/Mercury-blond haired dude
Corla Shakti-Indian woman
Frank Netwalker-Corporal
Helga Sinclair-blue haired, blue-skinned serious woman that works alongside Clyde
Clyde Kutasu/Kayuga-asian dude with ponytail
Cragge Stormbringer-Buzz Lightyear lookalike

Mira Nova wrote:Hmm...maybe we could come up with backgrounds for them next? XD

These are the best days of my life.

What if Helga Sinclair is from the same race as Warp? And I wonder how many of these Rangers trained alongside Buzz, Warp and Ty? Obviously not Frank Netwalker, as his nervous response to Buzz in The Adventure Begins suggests that he is of inferior rank to him.

Going back to insignia, the spaceship-less insignia could designate Cadets, the spaceship insignia could show Rangers, and the spiked-wing insignia (seen on Ty) could show Veterans of different roles (eg Ty's prestigious role on Canis Lunis). If this was the case, I'd elect Elsu, Blaze, and Cragge as potential candidates for Buzz's Academy colleagues... but I'm sure Elsu appears on the training deck in The Adventure Begins... CONFUSED!

Steel wrote:
Tundra and Blaze… Skyrim. *shot multiple times by Elder Scrolls fans* First thing that popped into my head, I swear! xD

Same here! Skyrim's pretty awesome, but what about something like Skyboom, Skydive or Skystrike? Just suggestions Wink
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mira Nova Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:07 am

Ohh I like Skyboom and you're right Skyrim looks amazing! I want to play it soo bad!!
Mira Nova
Mira Nova



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:55 pm

Mira Nova wrote:Ohh, I love these names! Hmm...maybe we could come up with backgrounds for them next? XD

Well, actually, we've come up with some backgrounds for some of them on the first page. But you're more than welcome to make up backgrounds for others we haven't covered, or add more information to the Rangers we've covered!

Olivus Prime wrote:
Fox Storm wrote:

Elsu Vok-avian dude
Daphne Thornhoof-centaur gal
Tundra Skyrim-blond-haired woman
Blaze Skyrim/Mercury-blond haired dude
Corla Shakti-Indian woman
Frank Netwalker-Corporal
Helga Sinclair-blue haired, blue-skinned serious woman that works alongside Clyde
Clyde Kutasu/Kayuga-asian dude with ponytail
Cragge Stormbringer-Buzz Lightyear lookalike

Mira Nova wrote:Hmm...maybe we could come up with backgrounds for them next? XD

These are the best days of my life.

What if Helga Sinclair is from the same race as Warp? And I wonder how many of these Rangers trained alongside Buzz, Warp and Ty? Obviously not Frank Netwalker, as his nervous response to Buzz in The Adventure Begins suggests that he is of inferior rank to him.

Going back to insignia, the spaceship-less insignia could designate Cadets, the spaceship insignia could show Rangers, and the spiked-wing insignia (seen on Ty) could show Veterans of different roles (eg Ty's prestigious role on Canis Lunis). If this was the case, I'd elect Elsu, Blaze, and Cragge as potential candidates for Buzz's Academy colleagues... but I'm sure Elsu appears on the training deck in The Adventure Begins... CONFUSED!

Like I said, we've already come up with some backgrounds for them, but again, you are more than welcome to add more info or come up with new info for the other Rangers we've not covered yet.

Helga from the same race as Warp? That's a good idea! I mean, if Tangeans can have different hair colors, then why not can whatever race Helga and Warp, right?

I'm sure that there are other Rangers who trained alongside Buzz, Warp, Ty, and Rocket back at the Academy. I always thought that whomever we didn't see in the training deck in TAB were Rangers, and those whom we did see are Rookies. But hey, there is room for debate, so we can come up with a conclusion as to who's a Rookie and who's a Ranger.

As far as the insignia goes, I agree with the idea that spaceship-less emblems=Rookies and spaceship emblems=Rangers. I think as far as spiked wings go, we could represent them for veterans, like Ty. We'll have to cover more of this in another topic. I'll probably put one up at some point for more discussion.

Mira Nova wrote:Ohh I like Skyboom and you're right Skyrim looks amazing! I want to play it soo bad!!

Hmm...we could come up with a majority of the votes as to what sounds good for the other Rangers. But the name Skyboom sounds great, too! We'll have to have a poll up for some of these people. It'd make things more interesting, right? Heh heh heh!



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Steel Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:50 am

ab103 wrote:The Latin for eagle is aquila. For hawk, it's accipiter. Or we could go something along the same lines of Vulturans obviously being derived from Vulture. Let's see... Eagle... Eagleans. Hawk... Hawkings. Wink No, seriously... Hawkese? Hawklese?
Neither Eagleans or Hawkese sound quite right, but we could probably use Aquila or Accipiter somehow.

ab103 wrote:I remember one day in class, we were coming up with our "Star Wars" name and I instructed everyone else how to do it. I told them to just replace certain letters and add apostrophes every now and then and so, one person's name (Vinnie *last name not added for privacy*) became Vanix Car'ree or something like that. But, that's a little more off-topic than I had anticipated.
That is also a good idea! You'd be surprised how many cool-sounding names you could come up with just by mixing the letters up and adding apostrophes. Anagrams are drop-dead fun and useful.

FoxStorm wrote:I just thought of a name for the Indian woman-Corla Shakti! She could be a navigator, who got promoted to co-pilot! I made an anagram out of her first name-Corla is actually Coral. I think it'd be a good name for her. What else should we cover for her?
*happy wiggle* I love that name! It has such a lovely and exotic ring to it! 8D

FoxStorm wrote:Actually, going back to Blaze, I just thought of another potential last name for about...Blaze Mercury?...I mean, I don't really care what his last name is, it's just I thought over it, and I think it may be better to make Blaze not related to Tundra. But I still think Tundra Skyrim is good for Tundra. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me what his last name is, I'm just throwing out ideas.
I like that. They can be unrelated, that works sure enough. Blaze Mercury and Tundra Skyrim. I do like them a lot as names!

FoxStorm wrote:And for the Corporal, his name could be Frank Netwalker...yeah I made up his last name...oh well!
I actually had to think up a name for him the other day for a roleplay on Portal Breach, and EEZ helped me pick out a last name for him--Quark! And yes, I actually did name him Frank Quark before I saw you'd suggested Frank for a name too, hah! He always struck me as a Frank for some reason... it doesn't really suit him, but it does at the same time!

FoxStorm wrote:And for the blue haired blue-skinned woman that's often Clyde Kayuga (yeah I made his last name Japanese lunar related) 's partner, for some strange reason, I can't help but think her name should be something like Helga..I don't know why! Anyone have a last name for her?
Kayuga is a Japanese moon-related word? I got really used to Kusatsu, but I like Kayuga as a last name for him too! And durr. She actually always struck me as an Andromeda. But Helga Sinclair works too, even though... huh, it's kinda too human, don't you think? The other blue-skinned female can always be named Andromeda instead!

Olivus Prime wrote:The blue dude who looks a little like Buzz is a ranger that I always thought looked pretty awesome. His name could be something bold and strong like Cragge Stormbringer, or something along those lines..
This name... I like it! *stamp of approval*

Olivus Prime wrote:I guess you can use their chest insignia to determine what rank they hold (e.g. Buzz and Warp, as veterans, have rockets on their insignia, while cadets like Mira and Booster don't).
I can't believe I didn't notice that... I thought they were all the same and the animators just got lazy from time to time? Unless we're talking about some other kind of insignia... could you take some screenshots?

FoxStorm wrote:Oh, that could work too! I'm just pulling out suggestions. We could take a vote on what sounds good for the last name of the Rangers, if everyone's up for it.
Actually, that's a good idea. Once we've gathered enough names, we could take a vote on them to decide who will be called what.

Olivus Prime wrote:What if Helga Sinclair is from the same race as Warp?
Now that's an idea. I actually thought the same of Cragge, briefly, but his skin colour isn't exactly right. Hers is rather light, too. Damn, we'll have to examine screenshots side-by-side to determine this later on!

Olivus Prime wrote:And I wonder how many of these Rangers trained alongside Buzz, Warp and Ty?
Maybe not these guys, but I know Rocket surely must have. Buzz has saved him several times in the past judging by their exchange in "The Torque Armada". I actually had an idea for a fic, to write that the four of them had been doing things together in their younger years... and that things slowly started to fall apart for them, maybe because of Warp sowing lies or maybe just because of Buzz's saving people thing. But I won't talk more about it here! I'll leave that for other threads, heh.

Olivus Prime wrote:Going back to insignia, the spaceship-less insignia could designate Cadets, the spaceship insignia could show Rangers, and the spiked-wing insignia (seen on Ty) could show Veterans of different roles (eg Ty's prestigious role on Canis Lunis). If this was the case, I'd elect Elsu, Blaze, and Cragge as potential candidates for Buzz's Academy colleagues... but I'm sure Elsu appears on the training deck in The Adventure Begins... CONFUSED!
FoxStorm wrote:As far as the insignia goes, I agree with the idea that spaceship-less emblems=Rookies and spaceship emblems=Rangers. I think as far as spiked wings go, we could represent them for veterans, like Ty. We'll have to cover more of this in another topic. I'll probably put one up at some point for more discussion.
Okay, now I have got to see screenshots of all this because I NEVER noticed this before and I feel like an idiot! This would be an excellent way to determine rank and figure out backgrounds for all these guys. Somebody make a new topic about this, pronto!

Olivus Prime wrote:Same here! Skyrim's pretty awesome, but what about something like Skyboom, Skydive or Skystrike? Just suggestions Wink
I do like Skystrike. Skyboom maks me think of Grounders, lol! And Skydive... that's an interesting one too!


Phew! After reading all of these, I'll add what we've got so far in my first post so we can be more organised about it. I'll even add pics for each character so we can know who we're referring to instantly. But as for more names, I came up with a few more, as well:

Rusty (in my head it's a nickname of sorts)
Grrshlakk (but is called "Gursh" because his name is unpronounceable for humans)

I came up with them for the purpose of a roleplay I'm currently in charge of on Portal Breach. They don't have to stick, but I wanted to use a lot of background Rangers for it, so I had to come up with some names on short notice. :p

Let me know if you guys like those names too and I'll add them to the front page, as well!



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:53 pm

FoxStorm wrote:I just thought of a name for the Indian woman-Corla Shakti! She could be a navigator, who got promoted to co-pilot! I made an anagram out of her first name-Corla is actually Coral. I think it'd be a good name for her. What else should we cover for her?

Steel wrote:*happy wiggle* I love that name! It has such a lovely and exotic ring to it! 8D

Awesome! I'm glad we've covered that up! xD

Steel wrote:I like that. They can be unrelated, that works sure enough. Blaze Mercury and Tundra Skyrim. I do like them a lot as names!

Awesome...again! xD

Steel wrote:I actually had to think up a name for him the other day for a roleplay on Portal Breach, and EEZ helped me pick out a last name for him--Quark! And yes, I actually did name him Frank Quark before I saw you'd suggested Frank for a name too, hah! He always struck me as a Frank for some reason... it doesn't really suit him, but it does at the same time!

That's so weird! I think we are starting to develop the Ranger senses from Buzz! Heh, we both thought of him as Frank-who'd thought? I think it's because, for me at least, his voice actor is Frank Welker. I made up the last name from the voice actor's surname, but made it more spacey. But again, I don't really care what his last name is, I'm just throwing out ideas. Smile But Quark is awesome, too!

Steel wrote:Kayuga is a Japanese moon-related word? I got really used to Kusatsu, but I like Kayuga as a last name for him too! And durr. She actually always struck me as an Andromeda. But Helga Sinclair works too, even though... huh, it's kinda too human, don't you think? The other blue-skinned female can always be named Andromeda instead!

Yeah, blame researching myths for that one. Heh heh heh. I love myths. We'll have to vote on his name, too. And as for Helga/Andromeda, I don't know why, it's just she looks like a Helga to me. To me, the name implies strength and seriousness, and she looks like a serious person. Maybe we could compromise?
That'd be a good name for the other woman, actually...although I was seriously thinking of naming her Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender. xD

Steel wrote:Actually, that's a good idea. Once we've gathered enough names, we could take a vote on them to decide who will be called what.

Okay, we shall do that! I can probably make a poll once we've got the scoop on everyone's names.

Steel wrote:Now that's an idea. I actually thought the same of Cragge, briefly, but his skin colour isn't exactly right. Hers is rather light, too. Damn, we'll have to examine screenshots side-by-side to determine this later on!

I can probably give that a try...once school is light on the loads. xD But I'll try to do it. Smile

Steel wrote:Maybe not these guys, but I know Rocket surely must have. Buzz has saved him several times in the past judging by their exchange in "The Torque Armada". I actually had an idea for a fic, to write that the four of them had been doing things together in their younger years... and that things slowly started to fall apart for them, maybe because of Warp sowing lies or maybe just because of Buzz's saving people thing. But I won't talk more about it here! I'll leave that for other threads, heh.

Wow...that Ranger sense must really be working for both of us...I was thinking of doing the same thing! I was thinking of writing a fanfic about the four of them in the Academy. Plus a fancharacter of mine would be in it, but I don't know how people would feel about that. I was thinking of having her as a side-ish character, but she'd still interact with the four of them, similar to the way Lily Potter interacted with the Four Marauders did-she didn't really participate in their events since she had her own stuff to worry about but she still interacted with them, before she married James Potter.

Steel wrote:Okay, now I have got to see screenshots of all this because I NEVER noticed this before and I feel like an idiot! This would be an excellent way to determine rank and figure out backgrounds for all these guys. Somebody make a new topic about this, pronto!

(salutes) Yes, Ma'am! I'M ON IT! (goes to make a new topic)

Steel wrote:I do like Skystrike. Skyboom maks me think of Grounders, lol! And Skydive... that's an interesting one too!
Time to make a poll, methinks.

Steel wrote:Phew! After reading all of these, I'll add what we've got so far in my first post so we can be more organised about it. I'll even add pics for each character so we can know who we're referring to instantly. But as for more names, I came up with a few more, as well:

Rusty (in my head it's a nickname of sorts)
Grrshlakk (but is called "Gursh" because his name is unpronounceable for humans)

I came up with them for the purpose of a roleplay I'm currently in charge of on Portal Breach. They don't have to stick, but I wanted to use a lot of background Rangers for it, so I had to come up with some names on short notice. :p

Let me know if you guys like those names too and I'll add them to the front page, as well![/color]

Whoa! Man, you've been hard at work today. Anywho, I like the names you selected for four Rangers-they fit them pretty well. Smile I was thinking for Rusty's last name, it could be Schweickart, which is actually the name of an astronaut! Heh heh heh. Just a thought...



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Alexa Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:46 pm

In the RP I'm doing with Fox, I used the Ranger we named Blaze for part of it... And, then, since we can't seem to decide on a surname for him, I mentioned the fact that "Blaze keeps changing his surname."

So, Fox told me to actually suggest that as the official fanon surname status for Blaze! That he keeps changing his surnames every so often! It can be like a running gag, perhaps?

EDIT: Now that I think about it, the same could apply to Tundra too. Perhaps they ARE siblings and it's in their culture to change surnames frequently?



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Background Space Rangers Empty Re: Background Space Rangers

Post by Mod Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:54 pm

ab103 wrote:In the RP I'm doing with Fox, I used the Ranger we named Blaze for part of it... And, then, since we can't seem to decide on a surname for him, I mentioned the fact that "Blaze keeps changing his surname."

So, Fox told me to actually suggest that as the official fanon surname status for Blaze! That he keeps changing his surnames every so often! It can be like a running gag, perhaps?

EDIT: Now that I think about it, the same could apply to Tundra too. Perhaps they ARE siblings and it's in their culture to change surnames frequently?

I'm starting to go with the idea that Blaze's surname could change now. It'd make everyone happy that there would be at least one Ranger's whose surname keeps changing like the moon cycles! Very Happy

Hmm...MAYBE for Tundra we could do that. I mean, I like it! I'm just open to whatever anyone else wants for her, is all. Smile

Last edited by Fox Storm on Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total



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