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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Steel Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:01 am

So, I've been thinking for a while that the Royals and Grounders are drastically different, and yet they're both considered Tangeans, although it seems only the Royals call themselves Tangeans. Even the Grounders call them Tangeans (I think -- it's been a while since I saw the episode).

But the planet is called Tangea. The Royals rule Tangea and are considered the planet's "government". And although they are now part of the Galactic Alliance, it's like they don't consider the Grounders a part of that at all -- or even the Grounders themselves don't consider their society a part of the GA.

However "dumb" Grounders appear, they have "mental powers" like the Royals. Theirs is only a more destructive kind, whereas the Royals' is more technical and diverse, I suppose you could say. At the core, they seem connected, since their powers cancel each other out on close proximity, but...

Does this mean Royals and Grounders were originally part of the same species but simply evolved differently over the millennia, like the humans in Well's 'The Time Machine' did? Why is their caste system so uneven? Heck, what is the relationship between Grounders and Royals anyway? How do the Royals survive if they don't go to the surface and harvest? And etc. etc. etc... any thoughts?



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Rook Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:01 am

It's possible that the environment on Tangea offered the inclination for both races to develop their mental powers in different ways. I mean, we're talking about a whole planet, meaning there's got to be enough diversity to offer the possibility that both the Royals and the Grounders evolved in different locations, much like the different races on Earth who developed in different corners of the globe. The Grounders may have developed in a harsher part of Tangea where survival and striking down dangerous creatures was important. The Royals may have evolved in milder climates, allowing them the peace to further explore their mental powers.
It is even possible that the Royals and Grounders share a common ancestor from a long time ago, but some may be loathe to admit it.



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:08 pm

All very good questions, Steel, and ones I’ve given a lot of thought to. Brace yourself for a massively long reply!

I think the Royals and Grounders were originally one species which diverged over time into two very distinct races. The original Tangean race probably had brown skin and was probably quite muscular like the Grounders, but would have had smaller heads like the Royals and probably had hair too. No doubt they would have had some kind of mental powers, but they were probably much more limited than those of the Royals and Grounders.

At some point, something must have happened to cause a split in the race. Since Tangea has several cliffs and gorges, one possibility I can think of is an earthquake. Perhaps there was an earthquake which formed a rift between two locations, cutting off the Tangeans on each side. From then on, they would begin developing differently, and this is when they would start acquiring their unique traits.

But why would the Grounders develop head-blasting powers while the Royals developed ghosting powers? Well, let’s assume there are a number of dangerous predators on Tangea’s surface (we never see any, but that doesn’t rule out the possibility). Children born with some sort of defensive capabilities will be more likely to escape these predators and reach adulthood (and thus get to pass on their genes). So if a few kids were born with head-blasting powers, they’d be able to defend themselves against danger better than the other kids. In fact, it would also make hunting a lot easier – you see something you want to eat, so you blast it – which means they’d get more food too. What all this means is that it’s likely their genes would be spread throughout the population, eventually resulting in everyone acquiring the head-blasting ability.

But what about the Royals? How did they get their powers? Well, suppose some of the kids in their group are born with a primitive form of ghosting. Like the head-blasting, this will also be very beneficial in a hostile environment. If predators attack, they can become intangible and avoid getting hurt. Thus the people with ghosting powers will be more likely to reproduce than people without them, and those genes will be spread.

And because the powers of the two groups cancel each other out, they would avoid coming into contact with each other, making interbreeding unlikely – thus they would grow further and further apart genetically. The net result is you end up with two different species. As for why their powers are cancelled out when they’re near each other, I have no idea.

The ghosting group obviously became more technologically advanced than the other group, and developed a radically different culture. For whatever reason, they decided to leave the surface and build floating cities, and that’s where most of them now live. However, I’m pretty sure they must still have a few cities on the surface, because I doubt it would be possible to grow enough food for their people on the floating cities, or to house any domestic animals there. So it seems to me that there must be Royals living on the surface as well. That could also explain how someone like Romac became so well-spoken – if he lived among surface-dwelling Royals for awhile, he might pick up their language and way of speaking.

You raise an intriguing point about the Grounders not considering themselves part of the GA. I’m guessing the Grounders have a separate government to the Royals, and don’t care much about what the Royal government does or what alliances they join. What’s interesting to note, though, is that despite the fact that the Royals are the ones who joined the GA, the Grounders are the ones who have the most contact with outsiders. They’re technologically advanced enough to be capable of space travel, and a number of them have been seen off-world, like Romac, Clay, and Marl. The Royals on the other hand almost never venture off their planet, and are pretty xenophobic (the Grounders have never shown any signs of xenophobia, however, so perhaps in some ways they’re more culturally-advanced than the Royals Wink ).

Now, if they both developed from a common ancestor, why do they look so different? Well, as I speculated above, perhaps the Grounders are adapted more for fighting and hunting (and thus have bigger muscles) while the Royals are adapted for hiding and fleeing (though, considering how well Mira and Fop did at the Academy, they’re probably not too bad at fighting either).

Because the Grounders shoot energy beams from their foreheads, their heads are enlarged and they don’t have any hair (which would obviously get in the way). Other than that, they’re not too different from the Tangeans.

Probably one of the biggest differences in appearance between the two races is their skin colour. Why are the Grounders brown but the Royals blue? I have an explanation, but it’s a wee bit technical and I hope the science is alright (I’ve done my research, but it’s always possible I’ve made some mistakes):

When I tried to figure out why they were different colours, I theorized at first that the Royals had blue blood (the Grounders have called them “Blue-Bloods” after all), but I soon realized this couldn’t be true because whenever Mira blushes, her cheeks turn red. That means her blood must be red.

So are the Royals blue because of skin pigmentation? Unlikely. Most creatures with blue colouration don’t have blue pigments – they’re blue because of something known as the Tyndall Effect. Basically, the Tyndall Effect occurs when blue light waves encounter tiny particles of the same wavelength as themselves and get reflected back, resulting in blue colouration, while the other, longer colour waves simply pass through the particles and aren’t reflected back. Let’s assume the Tangeans’ natural pigment is melanin. Originally, all the Tangeans will be brown. But what about after some of them start evolving ghosting powers? What if those particular Tangeans develop some sort of “ghosting tissue” directly beneath their skin that happens to contain tiny particles of protein/fat/air/whatever in it? If these particles are of the right wavelength, they’ll reflect blue light waves back and give the Tangeans a blue skin tone despite having brown pigmentation.

This could explain why the Royals “yellow” when they’re out in the sun. Perhaps prolonged exposure to sunlight causes the tiny particles under their skin to expand slightly so as to block out excess sun, and because the particles change size they now match the wavelength of yellow light instead of blue light, so their skin becomes yellow temporarily.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the Tangeans for now. I’m sure there are plenty of holes in my logic, so feel free to disagree and offer alternate views. Smile



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Rook Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:59 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:
The ghosting group obviously became more technologically advanced than the other group, and developed a radically different culture. For whatever reason, they decided to leave the surface and build floating cities, and that’s where most of them now live. However, I’m pretty sure they must still have a few cities on the surface, because I doubt it would be possible to grow enough food for their people on the floating cities, or to house any domestic animals there. So it seems to me that there must be Royals living on the surface as well. That could also explain how someone like Romac became so well-spoken – if he lived among surface-dwelling Royals for awhile, he might pick up their language and way of speaking.

This sort of ties into my idea that maybe the Royals developed in an area on Tangea that wasn't populated with too many predators or inclement weather or frequented by other natural disasters. When survival isn't a major concern, a society will begin to focus on other things such as technological development, leisure, development of one's powers, etc. This could lead to a more introverted tendency towards self-perfection in their culture. Maybe when they did become advanced enough that they first made contact with the Grounders, they were horrified by the loss of their abilities when they got in range. This could have motivated them to take their civilization airborne to avoid losing their powers in the presence of the only other sentient race around. Their view of the first sentient race they made contact with likely soured their perspective on future encounters with other species when they achieved space travel. The introverted view they take coupled with their focus on developing their powers could lead to there being a potential monk-type group among the Royals who develop their abilities to near perfection, but due to the frivolous attitude most Royal's have I wouldn't hold my breath.

One more thing...Watch Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky and then tell me that you still doubt the presence vegetation and fauna in an aerial environment. Science fiction can make giant sky trees happen.

Ranger-Nova wrote:
You raise an intriguing point about the Grounders not considering themselves part of the GA. I’m guessing the Grounders have a separate government to the Royals, and don’t care much about what the Royal government does or what alliances they join. What’s interesting to note, though, is that despite the fact that the Royals are the ones who joined the GA, the Grounders are the ones who have the most contact with outsiders. They’re technologically advanced enough to be capable of space travel, and a number of them have been seen off-world, like Romac, Clay, and Marl. The Royals on the other hand almost never venture off their planet, and are pretty xenophobic (the Grounders have never shown any signs of xenophobia, however, so perhaps in some ways they’re more culturally-advanced than the Royals Wink ).

The Grounders seem to have a level of technology that suggests that they picked up the scraps of outdated tech that the Royals discarded. Because of the overspecialized and destructive nature of their mental powers, they probably developed in a harsher environment where survival was a high priority. Anything to help them get by on the surface was probably viewed as an asset. The Grounders may have a seemingly primitive way of talking, but I don't believe that they are in anyway stupid. They're actually more practical of the two races all things considered. They know they lose their powers around the Royals, but they probably saw the worlds beyond and the people who lived there as a way of furthering their survival, by hanging around with those who don't block their abilities and can offer them opportunities for advancement. Can't afford to be picky when you need to survive.
Despite the fact that the Royals were the ones who joined the Galactic Alliance in Tangea's name, it probably didn't make any difference to the Grounders, who were flexible enough to work with whatever came to visit their world.

I hope that made any sense. The anthro-nerd in me won't shut up.



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Alexa Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:17 pm

As a warning for the following, I only skimmed through the previous posts, so some things I've said may have already been discussed... ^^; Also, I may not have explained something clearly enough, in which case just ask and I'll try to explain it better, perhaps...? Haha, well, here we are:

Well, when it comes to cultivating food, Tangean Royals seem to be vegetarians, yes? I can't recall an instance of them eating an animal, though I may be wrong about this. As such, they could very well grow their own food, perhaps even within their floating palaces in the sky.

I'd imagine that, perhaps, there's an designated place for growing food, perhaps an atrium since the Royals seem baroque enough to want a fancy atrium instead of a regular greenhouse. That would give plants the light they need to grow. What about soil, you ask? Well...

There's this thing out there called Hydroponics, where plants are grown without soil, directly in water filled with the necessary nutrients for a healthy crop. This is a sci-fi show, so might as well have a fancy scientific way of growing plants, no?


As for whether or not Royals and Grounders share a common ancestor... Most likely they do. If you're going by evolution standards, then you have to realize that, even on Tangea, perhaps all life descended from one cell (or a few cells of the same type) multiplying and evolving to for different species over time. So, it's not a matter of whether they have a common ancestor, but of how far back that ancestor is.

This brings to mind the question of WHY their powers cancel each other out. It's hard to see an evolutionary purpose as to why one species would develop a power that cancels out its own powers when next to something of a different species. But, since it DOES disable the other species, this implies that this is a form of defense. It's just not as perfected as it could be, perhaps for various reasons such as genetic disease, in that it doesn't let one side keep their powers while disabling the enemy.

Also, there is the possibility of colonization. Perhaps one species, be it the Grounder's ancestors or the Royal's ancestors, lived on the planet originally and the other species moved to that planet and made up their own home separately, though either way it led to the Royals being stuffy and seemingly being in charge of the planet as a whole over the Grounders. This seems less likely, however, since it doesn't as easily explain why their powers cancel out each other. However, it could be coincidence or adaptation as the two species developed into the two species we know today.

Interestingly, if this is a case of colonization, it can give two different explanations for why Tangean Royals dislike other species so much. (One being because they don't like the Grounders for infesting their planet, the other being because they took over control themselves and want the natives gone and everyone else to leave them alone.)



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Steel Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:25 am

Wow, I'm really happy at all the different theories we've got so far! I put them all together in a document with bullet points so we can reference our points more easily, and so we can have all our current theories in one spot.


—Royals and Grounders had a common ancestor. (Alexa, Ranger, Rook, Steel)
—All life on Tangea evolved from the same cell. The common ancestor may not be as recent as we think. (Alexa)
    —They evolved differently due to their environment. (Ranger, Rook, Steel)
    —Grounders lived in a harsh environment, Royals in a milder environment. (Rook)
    —Their species were separated by a natural disaster, like an earthquake. (Ranger)
    —Royals are blue because of the Tyndall Effect: their natural pigmentation is melanin and they have a ghosting tissue. When these particles are of the right wavelength, they reflect blue light waves and give them a blue skin tone. They yellow when they tan because the particles expand and match a different wavelength. (Ranger)

—Royals and Grounders aren’t the same species and are simply called Tangeans because they live on the same planet. (Alexa)
—Their powers may have adapted to cancel each other out due to living in close proximity with each other. (Alexa)

—Royals and Grounders have mental powers. (CANON)
—Royals and Grounders’ powers cancel each other out. (CANON)
    —Based on who survived, certain genes were passed down to future generations before becoming the norm. (Ranger)
    —From an evolutionary perspective, their powers being cancelled out seems to be an imperfect form of defence, caused by something such as a genetic disease. (Alexa)


    —Are part of the Galactic Alliance. (CANON)
    —Rule Tangea and are Tangea’s leading government, even though the Grounders aren’t a part of it. (Steel)
    —Are xenophobic to a degree and consider themselves superior. (CANON)
    —Are more technologically advanced than Grounders. (Ranger)
    —Concentrated on self-perfection in their culture. (Rook)
    —Have floating cities, but some may live on the surface to cultivate the land. (Ranger)
    —May not need to cultivate the land at all and have their own gardens in their floating cities. (Rook)
    —May cultivate plants through hydroponics, using only the minerals from the soil without actually needing soil. (Alexa)
    —May be vegetarian. (Alexa)
    —Have floating cities because they didn’t want to keep losing their powers when coming into contact with the Grounders. (Rook)
    —Resent other species after encountering the Grounders. (Rook)
    —Don’t like other species because they don’t like how the Grounders infested their planet. (Alexa)
    —Want to be left alone and want to get rid of the Grounders. (Alexa)

    —Are not part of the Galactic Alliance. (Ranger, Steel)
    —Aren’t xenophobic. (Ranger)
    —Have more contact with outsiders than Royals. (Ranger, Rook, Steel)
    —Have a separate government from the Royals. (Ranger)
    —Intelligent Grounders (like Romac) may have lived near Royals who lived on the surface. (Ranger)
    —Use whatever technology Royals discard. (Rook)
    —Are more practical than Royals and not stupid or unintelligent as they are made out to be. (Rook)

So, this is it so far! If I've made any mistakes or missed something, let me know so I can fix them. I tried to gather all common points and combined them, etc. but if anything is amiss, don't hesitate to say so!

Is there anything else you guys want to toss out into the open?



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Alexa Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:30 am

Well, here are a few various things I've considered...?

I have a new question... What makes the palaces float? Perhaps it's a machine, perhaps powered by some sort of unique energy? (On a side-note, perhaps this energy is the one King Nova used to be addicted to.)


Grounders may "lack intelligence" but still have mental powers if the mental powers and overall intelligence are controlled by different parts of the brain, such as when people are geniuses in, for example, math, but have difficulty actually speaking or being aware of their environment.

Why does Romac seem smarter than other Grounders? This could be a case of self-discipline. Unlike most other Grounders, Romac may have decided to learn more and self-studied on his own time. Grounders do have radios, so perhaps Romac learned how to speak more fluently by listening to programs and copying their way of speaking. So: Self-studying and being smarter than other Grounders...? Clearly Romac is a lovable geek!


Royals have a "nimbus" around then when they ghost that protects them (such as in the Adventure Begins when Mira ghosts through the hull of the ship into space without any ill effects). What happens then when this nimbus goes away while they're partway through a wall and a Grounder is around? You would think being stuck in a wall like that would hurt, right? Our theory is that a Royal's molecules push apart when they ghost through objects. If a Grounder shows up and the Royal is only halfway through a wall, then the molecules are stuck in their pushed apart state rather than snapping back together and causing massive injury. However, since the Royal can't completely pass back through the wall on either end, this implies that the rest of their molecules are still in their normal, collected state. This implies that as Royals ghost, they push their molecules apart bit by bit as they pass through an object rather than all at once. This can explain why Royals can ghost only a part of their body at a time, such as when they fish for information in someone's mind.


If the two are separate species and one arrived there from off world, it's possible that they developed mental powers independently and that, due to being unused to each others powers and not given time to adapt and evolve, these powers cancel each other out. However, now that I think about it, the idea that they come from different worlds is less likely because of this one thing: Grounders and Royals can have mental links! That means they are connected to each other some way... That's not to say that other species cannot have mental links with Royals and/or Grounders, but the link would likely be less solid, harder to form, and would probably be carried mostly by the Royal or Grounder.



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Steel Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:45 pm

I don’t know how the palaces can float, but there’s definitely more than one palace.

Palace #1
Palace #2

The first is naturally the Tangean Royal palace where Mira grew up and where King Nova (and presumably other Royals) reside. The second is where the wedding ceremony took place in “Mira’s Wedding”. And in the background of the first image, you can see more floating palaces (even though they are poorly copy-pasta’d versions of the first) which are pretty close to each other, which may hint at there being several of them in existence. Maybe they’re all connected to each other by some sort of invisible grid, hence the ‘circular’ pattern they make around the mountain in the first image?


As for the Grounders, that’s a fair point. Just because they aren’t ‘intelligent’, as perceived by others, does not mean they can’t use mental powers and aren’t smart in their own way. I agree with Alexa and Rook on that, though, and think it’s a viable explanation. The Grounders’ language sounds ‘unintelligent’, but the words probably have a meaning, and just because it sounds primitive to us doesn’t mean it is primitive.

Oh god, Romac as a geek is an amazing idea. The Grounders do have radios, and Romac was kind of a scrawny guy when he was younger, so I see him being studious. Not to fall prey to the stereotype, but he’s so muscular when he and Mira later meet as adults, it kind of makes sense that it’d be a latter addition. (Even though he was still adventurous as a teen. xD)


I always found the nimbus thing weird, especially when Mira ghosted through the ship in “The Adventure Begins”. But it could explain how she didn’t have a helmet in that scene. Perhaps the nimbus ‘protects’ them from getting hurt/dying/suffocating. Therefore, whenever Mira gets stuck in walls, she doesn’t really get hurt. I told Alexa of how a character in a book I once read could ‘walk’ through walls because he could somehow push the molecules away enough for him to pass through. (Or something like that, it’s been a while since I last read it.) It sounds like a reasonable explanation for how the Tangean ghosting power works, combined with the protective ‘nimbus’. Alexa explained the molecules thing better than I could, though! <3


Aaaah, yes! The mental links. I nearly forgot about that. Romac and Mira, despite being apart, could meet each other in that special ‘mind’ place of theirs. And apparently, distance doesn’t matter; you can have a mind link with someone solar systems away, like they did!

This strengthens the fact that the two species used to be one at some point in the past, because I doubt Tangeans could easily do this with non-Tangeans, and over a long distance. However, I’m not sure how this could work. The scenery seems set, and quite ‘solid’, but they can change their clothes at whim. This may suggest that they can change the scenery at whim too, and it is because it was their ‘special place’ that their mind link takes that appearance. Judging also by their kiss and how Mira ‘returned’ to the place after Romac was left behind with Zurg and his forces, it’s stronger than mere memories or imagination.

This reminds me of the Asari in Mass Effect, who put more stock in ‘melding’ during intercourse than the physical act. I think it’s safe to say that whenever Royals and/or Grounders copulate, they share an intense mental bond as well as a physical one. However, just as we saw with Mira and Romac’s mind link, it’s probably not necessarily something that always happens during intercourse. The Asari are somewhat the same. They accomplish ‘melding’ by messing around with their nervous systems. As you can see by the following extract from the wikia:

During melding, an asari consciously attunes her nervous system to her partner's, sending and receiving electrical impulses directly through the skin. [...] Effectively, the asari and her partner briefly become one unified nervous system. [...] An asari's melding ability extends to a mental connection [which] allows the asari to explore her partner's genetic heritage and pass desirable traits on to any offspring. During mating an asari and her partner share memories, thoughts, and feelings. It is also possible for an asari to meld with another for the sole purpose of transferring thoughts, without reproduction.
I think fiddling around with the nervous system might really be how their mental powers work. After all, both Royals and Grounders have them, and given how Royals ‘fish’ for information and can affect someone’s memory and make people forget things, it’s a pretty fair assumption that their abilities are nervous system-based. The Asari could accomplish this feat through their biotic abilities. Maybe Royals and Grounders have a similar innate ability. And maybe, with the proper training and time, more evolution, Royals and Grounders could perform the same feats the other species does.

In short, Royals and Grounders have mental powers that can affect the nervous system, can link with each other for mind-blowing intimacy and with other species to a lesser extent by fishing for information and messing with memories.


And to wrap my post up to see whether I could recall if Royals ever did appear off Tangea, I recalled that there were Royal-looking people in “Opposites Attract” so I went back to take some screenshots. There’s a slight resemblance, but after comparing them to shots of other Royals from “Mira’s Wedding” and “First Missions”, as well as spotting a green-skinned fellow in “Opposites Attract” with the same ear structure as those I initially thought were Royals, I’m probably wrong. But here they are anyway!

Mira and Little Girl
Man #1
Man #2
Tangeans #1
Tangeans #2



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:38 am

*time for Ranger to waste her time by writing another long post about fictional aliens*

First of all, I think the Royals probably do grow food up in their palaces, but I doubt it would be practical to grow their entire food supply there for several reasons:

Lack of space – to feed an entire city you’d need lots of different plants and lots of room to grow them. Plus food isn’t the only resource plants provide. You’d also need to grow plants for wood, clothing (I’m assuming they have some equivalent to cotton on Tangea), and stuff like that. I just don’t think the palaces have enough room.
Problems related to growing plants indoors – light can be handled quite easily, but there are other problems like pests and diseases which are much more common in indoor growing environments that outdoors, dust build-up on plants, poor air circulation, etc.

Now, it’s quite possible the Royals could have a whole city devoted to growing crops, which are then distributed to the other cities (and if they do I so want to work there), but I still think they’d need to have ground-based settlements. Think about this: What happens when they need to build a new city (new cities will be needed as their population grows, unless they have a VERY low birthrate)? The materials to build a floating palace would have to be mined from the surface, and unless they forced the Grounders to do it for them (which is unlikely), they’d need people on the surface to carry out that kind of work.

Anyway, moving on to other topics:

I think the Grounders are probably just as intelligent as the Royals, and like Steel says, their language no doubt makes perfect sense to them.

I love the “Romac is a geek” idea. Very Happy That’s kind of how I always thought of him. He’s a geek... but with a cool bike, stylish leather outfit, and big muscles. He defies all the usual stereotypes!


Excellent theory on how the ghosting works, Alexa! I figured it would have to be something like that, but you’ve expressed it far better than I could have.


About the floating palaces – I have a question: Can they move? Because sometimes they seem to be in different locations (curse those animators!).

On the floating issue, I still don’t have an answer to how they do it, but I’m guessing it’s just a scaled-up version of how those floating tables in First Missions work.


Distance doesn’t seem to be a big issue for Tangean telepathic abilities, since not only can Mira and Romac mind link while far away, but Mira was also able to sense Tangea’s presence even after Zurg sent it to another dimension. On the other hand, it seems much more difficult for them to form a mental connection with other races – they have to stick their hands into their heads – so this seems to confirm that the Royals and Grounder were once one species.

I think you’re probably right about the mind link being used during intercourse, and I can imagine that Tangeans couples probably share a very strong mental bond with each other throughout their lives, even when they’re not mating. Of course, this would make it very difficult if one of the partners died or left. Just think of the emptiness the other would feel. Sad

All in all, the Tangeans (or at least the Royals) seem to place a lot of importance on their mental connections with each other. Think of what Angstrom said at the beginning of the wedding ceremony (“We are gathered here to today to put our positive mental powers together for a blessed and joyous event”) and the only vow we hear during the wedding is “Will you be of one mind and body with…”


Hmm… those aliens could be Tangeans, but I somehow doubt it. It would be pretty cool if they were, though. As it is, the only Royals confirmed to have left Tangea are Mira, King Nova, Lord Angstrom, and Fop Doppler. The Royals need to get out more! Smile


That’s it from me for now. I look forward to discussing this some more later (this is one of the best threads we’ve had yet!).



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by DarklingDragon Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:41 pm

Wow, this is an interesting topic! I honestly don't know what to add.

I was wondering what kind of cities the Grounders live in. I always assumed they lived like humans do, but I also used to think "Under-Grounders" when I first started watching BLoSC on t.v. I thought there was the possibility of them also having underground networks and cities.

Also, about Royals and Grounders powers canceling out. I think you might be right about it preventing mortal damage. It's probably some sort of adaption before they became technologically advanced. Maybe to prevent them from killing each other into extinction and damaging the environment.



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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

Post by Booster S. Munchapper Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:21 am

There was a devolution episode where Mira "devolved" into some sentient ooze creature. If grounders came from the same root species, wouldn't that mean they evolved from the same puddles of ooze?
Booster S. Munchapper
Booster S. Munchapper



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Join date : 2012-12-04

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Tangeans: Royals and Grounders Empty Re: Tangeans: Royals and Grounders

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