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Season 3 RP?

Crystal Peak
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Steel Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:55 pm

No problem! I thought for a second you were talking about something else, so was like "...Bwuh?" Glad that's cleared up.

Ohhh, I see. Well, yeah, that does make sense. She did tell me she really enjoyed your RPs. But I didn't know Cherry was on the forum! Come to think of it... *checks memberlist* No, she isn't. I'm sure I sent her an invite for this forum, but she might have never gotten it...

Well, I spent a while thinking about who I'd RP as and finally settled on Warp before going to bed last night, so I was really gung-ho in getting his stuff all down and detailed. If Cherry's not gonna come, that can leave Kat to play Mira, so I can still try my hand at Warp!



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:16 pm

Wow! Loving all the ideas floating around. And delving deeper into the Commander's mind and background is a must! He's always been one of my favourite characters. I alwasy wondered - does he have a family (outside of XR and XL, of course)? Like a wife or something?

When it comes to shippings, I'm totally torn between the canon shippings and Beer. Since I'm going to be doing Ozma, I suppose I'm leaning towards the canon couples, but I'd be happy to go either way.



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Strictly Sherlock Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:24 pm

@Steel: Heh, sorry about that! Very Happy

Actually, Cherry is on the forum... just under a different name, like I am. "Alcatrazzie." She goes by the same name on FF.N now. My guess is that, with art school, she just hasn't had time to do much more than register since this forum was started in August!

Aw, I'm sorry - I didn't mean to rain on your parade! I guess we'll just see how this whole thing plays out! Come to think of it, you'd probably make a very interesting Warp... Wink

@Ranger-Nova: Personally, I always thought the Commander was related to Buzz - just, Buzz doesn't know. When you look at "camera shots" of just the two of them interacting, they really look like they could be... grandfather and grandson, or something like that. It would be really cool if we could do something like that.

And you're awfully cute to ship so many pairings, y'know that? *hugs* I kinda know what you mean, 'cause I ship Beer first and foremost and Wine secondary. I'd have no problems playing a Buzz/Ozma relationship... just so long as it doesn't culminate. That, I'm afraid, would kinda squick me out. But that's not to say that Ozma couldn't play an important part in Season 3. She's a specialized zoologist, for crying out loud - I bet we could come up with something cool for her.
Strictly Sherlock
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:34 pm

Hey, so long as you're fine with Buzz/Ozma, then we can do that. Doesn't have to be very serious - just more or less on the same level as the series, with the two of them being attracted to each other.

It's funny you mention the Commander and Buzz being related - SLWatson kindly emailed me a copy of 100D, and I've just gotten to the part where Buzz finds out the Commander's his grandfather. Though I think Nebula may be a bit young to be Buzz' grandfather - then again, it's hard to judge exactly what age he is. But the two of them do act very similar at times, and even if they're not related I'm sure Buzz considers Nebula as a father figure (wait - would that make he and XR brothers?! Wink ).



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Strictly Sherlock Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:43 pm

Gotcha! *high-fives*

ONE HUNDRED DAYS IS MY MOST FAVORITE BLOSC FIC OF ALL TIME! Ha-ha, and I'm rereading it right now for the first time in a long time. That's actually the dynamic that I go with in my own universe - which is really fun 'cause it makes XR honorary uncle! I mean, of all the crazy, mixed-up, totally hilarious situations!

(Hey, are you able to jump on the Chatbox right now? Steel and I are on.)
Strictly Sherlock
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:51 pm

The chatbox doesn't seem to work for me. I think I need a plug-in or something.



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Kat Eclipse Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:47 am

Strickly Sherlock wrote:Yes, there must absolutely be a story in which Warp comes back to Star Command. Something of a follow-up on "Ancient Evil," perhaps?

And there should be a story in which Mira, Booster, and XR graduate from rookies to full Ranger status. Or, at least, in which it is recognized that they've been with Star Command for two years now and are rookies no longer.

Personally, I always thought the Commander was related to Buzz - just, Buzz doesn't know.

*cheers* fellow Warp fan to conspire with! XD I SO want to dive into that eppie! ^^

The Graduation sounds good too, they are no longer rookies! THEY NEED RECOGNITION! ^^

O.O I never thought of that! *goes back to look at scenes with the Commander and Buzz* Wow, yeah it does look that way...I think we should put that in the RP, Buzz needs more family! XD

@Ranger-Nova&Strickly Sherlock: Is 100D online anywhere? I've heard so much about it and have been trying to find it like CRAZY! ^.^
Kat Eclipse
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:48 am

No, sadly 100D isn't online. I looked for it for ages but couldn't find it. The author, SLWatson, hasn't put it up yet because it's not fully edited. She did email me a copy, though, and if you like I can email it to you. Just PM me with your email address, and I'll send it over (it's way too long to post on the forum).



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Steel Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:20 am

I've never heard of that fic before. What's it about?

As for the Nebula/Buzz angle, I always figured Nebula had never married and possibly regards Buzz as something like a son, being the best of Star Command and practically Nebula's right-hand man. And maybe Buzz sees him as a father-figure, but I'm reluctant to say they're actually related. It'd be to obvious, in my opinion, and also... if they are related, that would be favouritism, given how Buzz is the best Ranger and all. I don't think they'd approve of that in police/military positions. But that's just my two cents on that little nugget. This thread should be about plot arcs we can use!

I would like to see:

---More on Natron. Maybe an episode or two dedicated to him and the Protector. Maybe he's set loose again and they have to find whatever it was the Protector used to lock him up for good this time.

---Maybe an episode dedicated to the Shape Stealer. It's left open-ended that the Shape Stealer survived, so maybe they find it again and get rid of it for good.

---Shiv Katall. I'd like to know how Nebula came up with it, as well as how he lost his peg leg since it was rumoured Shiv Katall was the reason when... Shiv was Nebula. xD So obviously there's more to this story than meets the eye.

---I'd like to hear more about Buzz's Academy days, as well. Seeing as he saved Ty a lot, maybe they were partners before Buzz and Warp were. Throw in a Rocket Crockett too, maybe, since there seems to be a story between him and Buzz.

---And on the subject of Mira and her father, I'd also like to explore the family situation. We know it's just Mira and her father, so how'd that happen? I'd also really like to explore Tangean Royal/Grounder parallels as well. Why do the Royals rule? What are the Grounders to the Royals? How does the cast system work? And on a similar vein, what did happen to Romac?

---Alternate Universe. We know Evilyear is still on the loose. What's his big plan, and does it involve taking over our galaxy? Returning to his? I'd like to see a detailed plot arc about what his plans are and us getting a glimpse of the alternate universe again and exploring the characters' possible backstories and the like.

---Lesser characters and culture. I see a lot of background characters being used quite a bit in a lot of the show's episodes. The same faces, the same locations, etc. What could their stories be? What about the background Space Rangers? What about a lot of the species we see as well? I want to know more about Rhizome, Jo-Ad, stuff like that!

---And, naturally, I'd like to address Zurg's backstory. Given that he is the main villain, perhaps the third season roleplay can build up to a point with his and Buzz's backstories being shown as flashbacks before they "clash". I think Olivus Prime mentioned this in a post of his somewhere in the discussion thread for a Series Finale, which I thought would be an interesting way to go about this and show what made these two characters become the people they are today. What drives them? What are their motives?

---And given that I want to play Warp, I've actually been coming up with ways to delve into his character too. I burned myself out watching all his episodes last night and am uber-excited in delving into his inner psyche! My writing sample's only scratched the surface of his personality. I want to go deeper, and find out what makes him think, why he became the way he is now. What was the turning point? Will he reach another turning point? Who knows!

Okay, I think I've written enough for now. I'll come back again with more ideas soon~



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:40 pm

Steel, you wrote one massive post there! Now it's time for my massive reply:

First of all, about 100D (100 Days): I don't know the whole history of it, but from what I understand it was a collaboration between SLWatson and KRWalker, two BLoSC fans. It's about 700,000 words long (that's even longer than BotE!) and each chapter is a day (though there aren't 100 chapters - some days are skipped). I don't really want to spoil the plot for Kat, but I'll say this: it's a Beer fic. Buzz and Mira take up most of the story. However, I'm about halfway through and have yet to see anything really "romantic". I know it's leading that way, but it's taking it very slowly and realistically. Buzz and Mira aren't a couple yet at the point I'm at.

Aside from the Buzz/Mira plot, there's also something mysterious going on with Zurg but I haven't found out what yet. And Warp has a fairly large role (he's deliciously evil and self-centred in it, yet with those few tiny shreds of goodness that make him lovable).

What I really love is that Booster and XR get plenty of "screentime", since a lot of Beer fics seem to forget about them. If you're ever interested in reading it, I can send you the zip file that contains all the chapters. I don't think SLWatson would mind.

Okay, now on to the RP discussion:

Regarding Nebula/Buzz, I think you're right about them having a father/son-like relationship, but not actually being related. You have a point with the favouritism aspect (in 100D, no one except Nebula knew that Buzz was a relative) - even if they were allowed to serve together, there'd probably be a lot of accusations of favouritism when Buzz started rising through the ranks and becoming Star Command's best Ranger. So, they're probably not father (or grandfather) and son, but I think they have that same sort of relationship. Which might be one of the many reasons XR seems to be jealous of Buzz: Buzz has a the kind of relationship with Nebula that XR wants. But now I'm getting off topic...

---Natron: I definitely want to find out more about him (and the Protector). We absolutely must have something related to them.

I once had the idea that maybe BUZZ was the Protector - he was sent back in time, and had to stop Natron - but now that I think about it, that doesn't really work since the Protector must have had pretty advanced technology to take down Natron. So, your idea is probably better. But Natron would have to have a plausible way to escape. Hmm, maybe someone like Rentwhistle Swack comes to Planet X looking for technology he can sell, and he accidentally lets him loose?

---Yes, the Shape Stealer! Perhaps some Ranger like Rocket or Tundra is flying through space and gets taken over by it? Then maybe you could have an ongoing plot where Star Command discovers someone is leaking information to Zurg, but they don't know who. And when they find out it's Rocket, they'd be absolutely shocked till they realised he was the Shape Stealer.

---I've always believed Nebula lost his leg while working as Shiv. Maybe we could have a flashback or something where this happens? And we could find out more about how the whole Shiv Katall thing started. Perhaps Star Command received word that there was a Grub/brainpod willing to defect, but they didn't know how to get to it? Then Nebula came up with Shiv.

---You know, since there are all these past events we want to find out more about, maybe we could have each "episode" start out with a flashback? One could have Nebula and Shiv, some could be about Buzz at the Academy, some could be about Zurg, and so on?

---I LOVE speculating about Tangean culture. They're my favourite BLoSC species - we need to have an episode on Tangea (I'd totally love to play King Nova). And as for Romac: Yep, he needs a role. Maybe we could delve into his backstory a bit - how come he's so much more educated than a lot of other Grounders? I wonder if maybe the Grounders are a lot smarter than they seem, and could easily be just as civilised as the next race if they had the chance?

---Evilyear probably would like to either return to his universe or take over this one, but at the moment he doesn't have the resources. So, how would he go about changing that? Crazy idea: Maybe he finds out that Buzz has a girlfriend, and goes to Karn where he fools Ozma into thinking he's normal Buzz (he'd probably have to lose the cool goatee, though) and hides out there until he can amass enough resources to take over. Okay, that wouldn't work because Ozma would soon realise something's wrong the next time good Buzz visits her. Anyone got any other ideas?

---Lesser characters and cultures should definitely by explored (it's going to be a looong roleplay by the time we're done including all this stuff). I'm sure we could find ways of working them into the overall plot.

---Zurg obviously has to be addressed, and I think the whole flashback idea is brilliant. The only question is: whose version of Zurg would it be? Everyone has their own idea about him. BotE converted me to alien!Zurg, but I know some people have completely different ideas. Since EEZ is playing him, I think we should let her (EEZ is a her, right?) decide on all that.

---I can't wait to see where you go with Warp. I'm sure you'll do a great job.

Okay, I think I've addressed everything in your post. Now I have a few things of my own to add:

---We need some sort of "main storyline" to tie everything together. Preferably something with Zurg. Any ideas?

---I want to see some Raenoks. Maybe they could either side with Zurg to fight against Star Command, or something would convince them to side with Star Command to fight Zurg. Either way, I think their culture should be explored more.

---XR and Booster both need to have something important to do - we wouldn't want to forget the other half of Team Lightyear, now would we? Any ideas?

---Grubs, brainpods, and LGMs: Where did they all come from? Why do the LGMs work for Star Command (and Santa, heh, heh,)? They obviously weren't enslaved like Zurg's minions probably were. And are the brainpods really brains or are they brain-like creatures?

---The Chlorms - whatever happened to their plan to align themselves with the greatest power in the quadrant? That was the whole reason they tagged Buzz and Warp. So will they ever follow up on that plan and side with Zurg (or Star Command)?

---Ty needs to finally get some closure from the whole Wirewolf incident. He also needs a larger role - maybe he can be promoted to Captain and get his own team?

---Backstory for the Galactic Alliance: I think we need some flashbacks showing how the GA was formed. I'd be interested to see the history behind it.

Well, that's all from me for now. If you actually read through this insanely long post, then you have too much free time.




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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Alcatrazzie Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:13 pm

Hey guys, long time no see! It's me Cherry. I apologies a million times over for not being on for almost ever! If you guys accept me I'd like to play Mira in this RP if it happens?



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:47 pm

Alcatrazzie wrote:Hey guys, long time no see! It's me Cherry. I apologies a million times over for not being on for almost ever! If you guys accept me I'd like to play Mira in this RP if it happens?

Hi! Welcome back to the forum. Smile I think one of the other members, Darkmatterrfangirl, has already asked to play Mira, but I'm not sure. If she hasn't, then I don't think anyone would mind if you played Mira. If she has, then feel free to claim another character.



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Strictly Sherlock Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:29 am

Cheeeeerryyyyy! *flying hug-tackle* Heh, you're not the only one who's guilty of not being here, hon.

As for roleplaying Mira, Kat (darkmatterfangirl) and I already talked this over, and she's a huge fan of the old RP in which Cherry and I were Mira and Buzz respectively. So she has no problems in letting Cherry be Mira. B)
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Mira Nova Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:40 am

Ohhhh I would looove to be involved in this, I promise I shall be more active. I honestly don't care who I rp as tbh ^^ and if you need a male I can rp as one.
Mira Nova
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Alcatrazzie Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:43 am

Awww, thank you guys in letting me play Mira. I didn't want to toss anyone out of playing Mira, but since you guys already decided I'll take up the offer again! I just can't wait to get back in the RPing mood again!

Also thank you for welcoming me back to the site! <3



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:26 pm

I'm glad everything's been worked out. It'll be great to have you as Mira.

Feel free to make suggestions for the RP - Steel and I have thrown out some ideas, and you guys can comment on them or suggest ideas of your own. Smile



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Alcatrazzie Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:24 pm

I would love to do something with Tangea, especially with the King and his past. I think Mira must take after the Queen quite a bit in personality, since she doesn't see anyone as lower beings like the rest of Tangean Royals do. Her mother must have had the same personality.

And with Buzz in his academy days, I see him, Ty, and Crocket on the same team once upon a time ago as rookies. Maybe something happened and they just split apart? Like Buzz got more fame than they did?



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Strictly Sherlock Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:40 pm

Regarding Mira and her mother, I think everybody thinks that. It's probably the one piece of fanon that every single fan agrees on.

Actually, that's an idea - Buzz on a team. I always assumed that he and Warp were partners, well, always. Smile But if the four of them were on a team, that could go a long way in explaining a lot. (On the other hand, Rocket always struck me as being younger than the other guys. *shrugs* Don't ask me why.)

Argh, I wish I had something truly original to contribute to this. And I wish that somebody - anybody! - could come up with something concrete and solid. We're never going to get anywhere by wanting to flesh out this aspect and that aspect...

I'm sorry, guys. I guess I'm just scared that we're going to be discussing this forever and never get anywhere (which, I might point out, we really haven't thus far). I'm scared that we never will start this. Sad
Strictly Sherlock
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Alcatrazzie Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:01 pm

Hmm. Well how about we all decide on how to start the RP and begin from there and work our way around each plot? Sometimes it's better to just get ideas along the way. Maybe?

Just an option.



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Strictly Sherlock Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:12 pm

I did suggest that once... and I don't remember anybody else being very willing to fly with it. *shrugs* (Just replied to your PM, btw. Very Happy)
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Alcatrazzie Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:23 pm

Oh, okay. Well this will get figured out some how.

And I replied back! I'm heading to bed for the night. Good night dears!



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Strictly Sherlock Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:39 am

Oh! I have an idea for a running plotline. Not sure what you guys will think of it, but it's worth throwing out there, anyway.

Time-travel obviously exists to some extent in the BLoSC-verse. The writers didn't shy away from stuff like mind-control, parallel universe, etc., and, of course, there's "Good Old Buzz". Well, bear with me here, please - those of you who really know me know kind of where I'm going with this, but just hold on.

What if Evilyear, in the course of "Season Three," figured out how to time-travel? More than that, what if he time-traveled back through time and made it so that Zurg and the members of Team Lightyear were never born. Now, obviously, that would mean that Evilyear would never have come into this universe - at least, not the way that he originally did, and he's smart enough to know that. So while he's figuring out time-travel, he's also figuring out how to create another rip through the time/space continuum to allow him back into this universe.

If he manages to make it so that these crucial characters are never born, btw, it also means that the characters from his universe never won their freedom. Ouch. He's really in-control, isn't he?

Maybe not.

What if, though Zurg, Buzz & Co. are wiped off the face of history, they go into limbo rather than cease to exist entirely? And they have to find a way to restore their timeline and defeat Evilyear once and for all.

I don't know -- maybe it's too wild. I'm fully willing to concede that possibility. But the idea caught hold of me the other day (actually, the basic plot of a future novel of mine), and I thought, "Craters, why not?" The worst y'all can do is blast it into a gazillion tiny pieces. *tongue firmly in cheek*
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Alcatrazzie Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:20 pm

I like this idea, but instead of whipping them out and never making them born he could do something a little more drastic.

I'm kinda hitched on the idea of government conspiracy and they not letting people know what's going on around them. I like the idea that instead of removing them from time itself (that would be too easy, I take Evil!Buzz to at least have some fun with them, or make them suffer) to just send them to an alternate dimension where they are living lives of officers in a 1940's era where technology is limited, but science is still a ruling factor where they can find a way home but it takes some time and really clever planning.

You know. Like a steampunk world.



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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Strictly Sherlock Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:37 pm

Neat idea, that! I do like it, but, on the other hand, I'm just not sure that Evilyear would play a Batman Gambit - in other words, a ploy which isn't foolproof. He's really smart, you know? and one would think that after his last two defeats, he would learn his lesson and not violate the fourth rule of the Evil Overlord List.

In other words, he would just shoot them and be done with it. For that matter, I don't think he'd violate #6 or #7, this time around (although I do realize that, for my idea to work, he would violate #41 - but, in my defense, it's a bit more obscure than the first ten).

Still, it's doable - especially if you rationalize it by making him a cruiser or two short of fleet, which is entirely believable after all the stuff he's survived (this guy has been set adrift in space TWICE).
Strictly Sherlock
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Season 3 RP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 3 RP?

Post by Alcatrazzie Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:25 pm

True, but when did a villain decide to go an easy way before? With Zurg always fighting Team Lightyear he should at least devised a plan as clever as that.

OH! How about an evil league team up? Like get every villain they faces and do something similar like you said before, but have Evil!Buzz betray them at the last minute?



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