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Warp's Species

Kat Eclipse
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Warp's Species Empty Warp's Species

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:29 am

So, any theories on what species Warp is? He's clearly not human (assuming there are humans in the BLoSC galaxy and Buzz isn't an alien), so what is he? As far as I recall, there aren't many blue-skinned aliens the BLoSC universe. The obvious ones are Tangeans, but Warp has never shown any ghosting abilities - unless he's a Tangean who became an outcast because he didn't have any powers (that would be cool, but it's very unlikely). The only other blue-skinned character I can think of is that one background Ranger (I can't remember what name you guys gave her in the background Space Ranger thread), so it's possible they're of the same species. Anyone else got any thoughts? Were there other blue aliens I've missed? It just seems a bit odd to me that a major character like Warp never got a species.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Steel Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:19 am

I don't think he's a Tangean, even one without powers. If you recall "Devolutionaries", only he and Buzz de-evolved into ape-men. Mira de-evolved into amoeba-like goop, which also goes to show that Tangean and human DNA is nothing alike and they'd never be able to have offspring together--but this is me getting off-topic.

As for blue-skinned humanoids in BLoSC, there are three in the background rangers. Her, her, and him. There are more blue-skinned aliens who aren't humanoid, but they wouldn't fit. Out of the three, I would say he is either most like the first and last individual--the second's hair is too different to suit. As for complexion, the quality of our episode rips differ, as well as the colour scheme from one animation studio to the other. So yeah, it's very highly possible that the first and third Rangers, along with Warp, are all members of the same species.

As for his species never being properly named, it's a real shame that a lot of major species were never named either. Like Madame President's species, or even some of the species in the Senate, etc. Unfortunately, it's the kind of speculation left up to fans.

But I rambled again! I'd like to toss a theory out there EEZ has, which involves Warp being some sort of half-breed. It could explain his demeanour, as well as how closely-related his species is with humans. Perhaps one of his parents was human, and the other something else, which is why he wound up the way he is. It might have been a traumatic experience for him as a child, which led him to a life of crime--and eventually what made him prefer the side of might and cold, hard cash than the side of justice.

Well... it's a thought! xD



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:34 am

Yeah, as I said, I don't think he's a Tangean.

I forgot about those other two Rangers - I agree that the middle one doesn't look likely. The first has blue hair, which Warp doesn't, however there's a lot of variation with human hair colour, so that doesn't rule her out. My guess is that there's some blue race that has been part of the Galactic Alliance a long time, so they have quite a few members in Star Command.

EEZ's theory is interesting - in fact, it could explain why Warp has black hair while the other blue alien has blue hair (it's a pity the other guy has a hood so you can't tell what colour his hair is). If one of Warp's parent's was human, then maybe he inherited their hair colour.

I also always wandered what the President was. There's a lot of stuff we don't know about the BLoSC universe. Oh well, at least it gives us plenty to speculate on.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Steel Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:12 am

Yeah, I'd agree. Definitely not Tangean--although the "no mental powers" theory might be interesting to examine in relation with Grounders, too!

Hmm... maybe we shouldn't focus too much on colour. Warp's got black/navy blue hair, the first alien female has blue hair too, so perhaps they have variations in hair colour just like we do. And perhaps not just hair colour, but skin pigmentation too. I don't think it's unreasonable for the same species to have various shades of blue as their skin colour, seeing as we've got quite a large range ourselves. But I'm probably just pointing out the obvious here!

This also leads us to the question--is every race in the Space Rangers Corps from a planet that is a member of the Galactic Alliance, or can someone become a Ranger regardless of their nationality or their planet's government status?



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:00 pm

Well, Plasma Boy entered the Academy and I don't think plasma storms are members of the GA.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Mod Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:10 pm

Joining into the discussion here, I don't think plasma people are members of the GA, either.

I mean, if I recall correctly, Tangea is a well-known planet, BUT it's not part of the it?

And even if it isn't, I don't know if it really matters since Mira joined SC out of her own free will.

But going to Warp's species, so that I'm on topic here, I, too, think that two of the rangers Steel listed are the same species Warp is, since the blue skin DOES seem to more or less fit the same shade of blue as Warp's does, and like humans, it's possible they have variations of hair color.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:15 pm

I think Tangea had recently joined the GA, but they were only willing after Zurg attacked the palace. I may be wrong, because I'm relying on memory since I don't have that part of First Missions and haven't seen it in years.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Mod Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:18 pm

Yeah, I'm relying on memory, too. I don't remember if Tangea actually did join the GA, but they could very well have. Who knows?

And who knows how many blue-color species there are in the BLoSC universe? Blue is a good color for space-themed series, after all!



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:12 am

Yep. *thinks of the Andorians and Bolians* Kudos to those who know what I'm talking about.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Ttone12 Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:08 am

I think been thinking of this and this is what I came up with (the short version)

Warp's mom was a Tangean, and his father was a grounder. That is why he has no ghosting powers. His parents had a forbidden love and when they were found out they were killed and/or sent somewhere else in which Warp decided to become a villain, and ended up working for Zurg because he needed the money.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Kat Eclipse Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:13 pm

Ok so first of all my username speaks volumes for Warp, I've had a fangirl crush on this guy forever, and I'm not embarassed to admit it! I mean come on he's beyond cute!! Wink Alrighty now that I got that off my chest... Smile

From what I've seen the general theory is that Warp is half Tangean Royal, and half Human or Tangean Grounder. I spent quite a while trying to figure out his race when I was putting together character profiles for my fanfic, I and came up with the same thing except mine was his mom was Tangean, and his dad was Human and my explination for the no ghosting powers thing, was that the Human DNA was stronger than the Tangean DNA when it came to the ghosting powers and vise-versa with the skin tone.

Oh, and about the "did Tangea join the GA" or not Q: I recently watched 'First Missions' and they DID join the GA, but like Ranger-Nova said they only did AFTER Buzz saved their skins from Zurg and his Hyper-Hornet.
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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by SteffieMusings Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:00 am

I had always wondered about Warp's species too. I also noticed that there are some Space Rangers that seem to come from the same planet as him.

As for his species, did everyone gave his species a nickname? I simply gave his the name of Azurian. Corny, I know.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Mod Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:19 pm

Not to my recollection, but hey, that name is as good as anything else! ^^



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by EEZ Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:01 pm

Many interesting theories in this thread, and now I'd like to say mine.

I don't believe Warp Darkmatter has any sort of Tangean DNA. Like my co-admin addressed, when Darkmatter devolved he became something akin to a brutish caveman (for lack of a better term). Whereas Mira, who is supposed to be more advanced (so sayeth her father) became an amoeba. Now, I don't know if any of you have taken Genetics 101, but an amoeba and a caveman are not similar ancestors. Unless, of course, you go waaaaaay back to the days of primordial soup. In that case, Tangeans are incredibly backwards DNA-wise.

Anyway, that stated, I personally believe Darkmatter to be a half-breed. He's blue-skinned, we'll give him that. But he also looks unique -- as in we haven't really seen another like him before. This could be a result of just animation quirk, but that's hardly any fun, is it?

If a humanoid alien is close genetically to a human, offspring is possible. May not be functional, but possible.



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by XRUAFan Wed May 02, 2012 8:01 pm

I personally think his species comes from the other end of the solar system on a planet similar to earth. Somehow the humans and Warpians (XD couldn't resist the nickname) evolved in similar ways. This has been known to happen before on earth, so why not that planet.

OR, humans began to breed with blue skinned aliens with similar DNA (which ones, I wouldn't know. This is just a theory after all) and they became a species of their own. (Some examples in the animal kingdom include Labradoodles, Ligers, and the less-known but more widely accepted Tonkenese)

My last thought is maybe he is actually human, however since this is in the future not only light and dark skinned humans exist but also blue skinned humans. It would explain Evil Buzz's Hair color (I haven't seen the episode with him for years, but from memory I believe it was blue)



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Warp's Species Empty Re: Warp's Species

Post by Rook Wed May 02, 2012 8:28 pm

There are a few background rangers who also feature blue skin and look predominantly human-like. Particularly rangers #11 and #16 on this list:

Taking Devolutionaries into account, maybe there's a planet where a race of humanoids evolved from blue monkeys, somewhat like us. Just a thought.



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