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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:33 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Nebula resisted the urge to snort."Hm...I doubt the buckethead would rebuild him; he hates being double-crossed."

Nebula's eyebrows rose in alarm."'Something else?'" Nebula didn't want to interrogate his own son's actions, but the fact that NOS-4-A2 wasn't the only thing Alfred worked on made him worried as to what else his son did for Zurg. And as a Space Ranger, he had to ask that question.

"Weeell... Who's the guy that Zurg gave replicating abilities? Torque or something? I helped make that thing, though I worked with Zurg's actual lackeys on that... And I helped design the thing to mutate vegetables..." Alfred frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. "But that one wasn't because I wanted to help Zurg with whatever he was doing, I just personally believe the vegetables are evil and should be feared."

Oh dear, it seemed his childishness was showing...



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:56 pm

ab103 wrote:

"Weeell... Who's the guy that Zurg gave replicating abilities? Torque or something? I helped make that thing, though I worked with Zurg's actual lackeys on that... And I helped design the thing to mutate vegetables..." Alfred frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. "But that one wasn't because I wanted to help Zurg with whatever he was doing, I just personally believe the vegetables are evil and should be feared."

Oh dear, it seemed his childishness was showing...

Nebula raised a questioning eyebrow at Alfred's comment on the vegetables...he didn't want to ask. Instead, Nebula elaborated on Torque's replicating device."So you also built the device that can give Torque the ability to copy himself...AND built the machine to mutate vegetables?"

Nebula sighed...the way they were going, he almost wished he never knew that his son worked for Zurg...this was really giving him a migraine. Alfred's childishness was no help, either.




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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:09 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Nebula raised a questioning eyebrow at Alfred's comment on the vegetables...he didn't want to ask. Instead, Nebula elaborated on Torque's replicating device."So you also built the device that can give Torque the ability to copy himself...AND built the machine to mutate vegetables?"

Nebula sighed...the way they were going, he almost wished he never knew that his son worked for Zurg...this was really giving him a migraine. Alfred's childishness was no help, either.

"The first one I had help with and more or less for the second," Alfred answered. "He also asked me to make a plasma cannon for Warp, but those are illegal in Beta and I absolutely hate Darkmatter, so Zurg had someone else build that."

Truthfully, he was was avoiding saying everything he did... All throughout his time working for Zurg, he made sure that the manner in which he did his work would not get him arrested. For one thing, he only made things that were not against the law in Beta, and even then he lived by the standard that he had no control over what his commissioners did with their products and therefore could not be held accountable. And, he pretty much never had his name actually attached to the things he made for Zurg... But, he didn't want to go through the hassle of admitting what he did and did not build.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:19 pm

ab103 wrote:

"The first one I had help with and more or less for the second," Alfred answered. "He also asked me to make a plasma cannon for Warp, but those are illegal in Beta and I absolutely hate Darkmatter, so Zurg had someone else build that."

Nebula sensed the bitterness when Alfred mentioned Darkmatter's name. He asked curiously, "You don't like Darkmatter?" Nebula was surprised, actually. Alfred didn't like Darkmatter? Not that Nebula could blame him; the former Space Ranger did a lot of damage to Star Command.




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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:28 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Nebula sensed the bitterness when Alfred mentioned Darkmatter's name. He asked curiously, "You don't like Darkmatter?" Nebula was surprised, actually. Alfred didn't like Darkmatter? Not that Nebula could blame him; the former Space Ranger did a lot of damage to Star Command.

Alfred was surprised that Nebula was surprised. "Uh... Yeah? Look, just because I worked for Zurg, doesn't mean I suddenly liked everyone else who worked for Zurg. Darkmatter is a complete idiot, I never approved of his whole spy thing, especially the whole having to fake his death and everything involved with that... Whenever I was asked to make something that was going to go to Warp, I purposefully covered it with images of puppies and kittens." He grinned at the memory. "And eventually Zurg got the hint and stopped asking."

Truthfully, he didn't like Zurg all that much either, but it wasn't like he would tell the Commander that. He didn't exactly want to get the question of "then why did you work for Zurg in the first place?" The answer to that was embarrassing. At least his hate for Darkmatter was evened out by his hate for Lightyear, but he wasn't going to tell his father that either.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:57 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred was surprised that Nebula was surprised. "Uh... Yeah? Look, just because I worked for Zurg, doesn't mean I suddenly liked everyone else who worked for Zurg. Darkmatter is a complete idiot, I never approved of his whole spy thing, especially the whole having to fake his death and everything involved with that... Whenever I was asked to make something that was going to go to Warp, I purposefully covered it with images of puppies and kittens." He grinned at the memory. "And eventually Zurg got the hint and stopped asking."

Nebula smirked a bit at Alfred's behavior towards Darkmatter. At least he didn't like the former Space Ranger. Darkmatter was always a big showoff and didn't always think before he acted...kind of like how a lot of the Space Rangers acted from time to time. The Commander frowned inwardly at that thought...his mind brought him back to the lecture he was given a few weeks before he sent Ty and Simone on a suspension because of Ty's emotional fatigue, when he was lectured and questioned by the mysterious woman known as the Healer.

"Ma'am, I don't know how you know all that, but what we did was justified!"

The Healer snorted. She remarked in a cold and defiant voice, "I told you, I have my ways. But YOUR ways, YOUR past actions, are hypocritical. Tell me...Commander, what would happen if the Galactic Alliance found out about your hypocrisy?"

Nebula's mind brought him back to another part of the conversation.

"....You said Darkmatter was after you, Cosmic?" He asked in what sounded like a tired voice. But underneath, he was angry. Angry that this woman had the courage to tell him off. Angry that she dared to insult Star Command for what happened. ANGRY THAT SHE KNEW ALL THE THINGS THAT HAPPENED.

Of course....Nebula forgot that Darkmatter was tried to kidnap Alfred and bring him back to Zurg. But for what, no one knew. Nebula had to hold back a snort at that. "No wonder Cosmic didn't want to go back to Zurg."

Nebula's anger started to rise again at the thought of all that woman said to him. Who was SHE to tell him what he could and couldn't do, anyway?! But he took a deep breath; he didn't want to think about her now.

Besides, there was still the matter of his actions for building NOS-4-A2, and the other projects Alfred mentioned. Nebula wanted to wrap this up and he was sure Alfred did, too. So he asked one or two more question, "So those were all the gizmos you came up with? Nothing more?"



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:04 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Nebula smirked a bit at Alfred's behavior towards Darkmatter. At least he didn't like the former Space Ranger. Darkmatter was always a big showoff and didn't always think before he acted...kind of like how a lot of the Space Rangers acted from time to time. The Commander frowned inwardly at that thought...his mind brought him back to the lecture he was given a few weeks before he sent Ty and Simone on a suspension because of Ty's emotional fatigue, when he was lectured and questioned by the mysterious woman known as the Healer.

"Ma'am, I don't know how you know all that, but what we did was justified!"

The Healer snorted. She remarked in a cold and defiant voice, "I told you, I have my ways. But YOUR ways, YOUR past actions, are hypocritical. Tell me...Commander, what would happen if the Galactic Alliance found out about your hypocrisy?"

Nebula's mind brought him back to another part of the conversation.

"....You said Darkmatter was after you, Cosmic?" He asked in what sounded like a tired voice. But underneath, he was angry. Angry that this woman had the courage to tell him off. Angry that she dared to insult Star Command for what happened. ANGRY THAT SHE KNEW ALL THE THINGS THAT HAPPENED.

Of course....Nebula forgot that Darkmatter was tried to kidnap Alfred and bring him back to Zurg. But for what, no one knew. Nebula had to hold back a snort at that. "No wonder Cosmic didn't want to go back to Zurg."

Nebula's anger started to rise again at the thought of all that woman said to him. Who was SHE to tell him what he could and couldn't do, anyway?! But he took a deep breath; he didn't want to think about her now.

Besides, there was still the matter of his actions for building NOS-4-A2, and the other projects Alfred mentioned. Nebula wanted to wrap this up and he was sure Alfred did, too. So he asked one or two more question, "So those were all the gizmos you came up with? Nothing more?"

"Oh, no, of course I came up with more. Zurg didn't use all of them, though, and I have no idea if he ever will." Alfred shrugged. "And I did my best to make sure I couldn't be at fault for what I did make but, of course, I have my doubts you or your rangers would see it that way. That's why I neglected to tell you what I did, but now everyone here knows that I built NOS-4-A2..."



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:20 pm

ab103 wrote:

"Oh, no, of course I came up with more. Zurg didn't use all of them, though, and I have no idea if he ever will." Alfred shrugged. "And I did my best to make sure I couldn't be at fault for what I did make but, of course, I have my doubts you or your rangers would see it that way. That's why I neglected to tell you what I did, but now everyone here knows that I built NOS-4-A2..."

Alfred trailed off, knowing Nebula would know the rest from there.

Nebula didn't seem all that upset about what Alfred said about doubting the Rangers would see Alfred's attempts to avoid being a scapegoat. He couldn't blame Alfred; that happened sometimes when civilians had doubts about the Space Rangers. Nebula didn't like it when that happens, but it does happen on occasion...

And then the Healer's words came back to him about hypocrisy, and that things weren't always what they seemed...

"I know you and the Rangers try to make this universe a better place, but even YOU must recognize that things are not always what they seem. True, things may SEEM peaceful, but haven't you considered that you may overlooking your own defenses? As to what Alfred said was true, you may seem like a mighty space station, but your walls and defenses are fragile like brittle sticks. "

Nebula sighed again. What was it with the Healer's words?! Why did they come to haunt him all of a sudden?

He shook his head, trying to clear the questions out. He saw the strange look Alfred gave him, so he just answered abruptly, "So I see..." He looked at Cosmic, trying to figure out what to do with him. He couldn't discharge him; he wasn't a Space Ranger, and Alfred WAS his son...but he couldn't let him get off the hook either...he'd have to come up with a solution, but for now...

"Alright, Cosmic. That's all I wanted to know. You're free to leave now." He answered in a tired voice.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:53 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Alfred trailed off, knowing Nebula would know the rest from there.

Nebula didn't seem all that upset about what Alfred said about doubting the Rangers would see Alfred's attempts to avoid being a scapegoat. He couldn't blame Alfred; that happened sometimes when civilians had doubts about the Space Rangers. Nebula didn't like it when that happens, but it does happen on occasion...

And then the Healer's words came back to him about hypocrisy, and that things weren't always what they seemed...

"I know you and the Rangers try to make this universe a better place, but even YOU must recognize that things are not always what they seem. True, things may SEEM peaceful, but haven't you considered that you may overlooking your own defenses? As to what Alfred said was true, you may seem like a mighty space station, but your walls and defenses are fragile like brittle sticks. "

Nebula sighed again. What was it with the Healer's words?! Why did they come to haunt him all of a sudden?

He shook his head, trying to clear the questions out. He saw the strange look Alfred gave him, so he just answered abruptly, "So I see..." He looked at Cosmic, trying to figure out what to do with him. He couldn't discharge him; he wasn't a Space Ranger, and Alfred WAS his son...but he couldn't let him get off the hook either...he'd have to come up with a solution, but for now...

"Alright, Cosmic. That's all I wanted to know. You're free to leave now." He answered in a tired voice.

"Wonderful." Alfred smiled and stood up to leave, but stopped right before he got to the door. "Oh, by the way... Would you happen to know if the LGMs finished reviewing the security improvements I designed? There shouldn't be too much for them to change, but they're still going to need your approval before we can start, and there is a lot we need to fix. It's better to get started as soon as possible, know?"



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:20 pm

ab103 wrote:

"Wonderful." Alfred smiled and stood up to leave, but stopped right before he got to the door. "Oh, by the way... Would you happen to know if the LGMs finished reviewing the security improvements I designed? There shouldn't be too much for them to change, but they're still going to need your approval before we can start, and there is a lot we need to fix. It's better to get started as soon as possible, know?"

"Huh?" Commander Nebula was distracted by his own thoughts for a moment, trying to calm his mind. When he heard Alfred repeat his words, Nebula answered,"Oh...yeah. The little green beans told me earlier that your improvements should be enough to improve our security systems. I'll give them the okay next time I see them."



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:28 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
"Huh?" Commander Nebula was distracted by his own thoughts for a moment, trying to calm his mind. When he heard Alfred repeat his words, Nebula answered,"Oh...yeah. The little green beans told me earlier that your improvements should be enough to improve our security systems. I'll give them the okay next time I see them."

Alfred nodded. "Alright, great. And I'll pay for it, as we agreed." He stood their awkwardly for a moment as he lost words to say. "Bye," he quickly uttered before rushing out of his father's office.

He made his way down the hall before slowing to a stop, just standing there and wondering what he was to do now. Ty didn't trust him, Simone was mad at him, Pixel... was a dog. He didn't want to locate Team Lightyear, especially after XR betrayed his secret like that... He supposed he could try to find XL, but he honestly tried to stay as far away from clerical work as possible. He hated paperwork, after all. There was no one else he could...

...Spend time with? He honestly was WANTING to spend time with someone? Ugh, being on Star Command, close to people, was starting to make him needy again. But, still, what was he to do?



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:36 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred nodded. "Alright, great. And I'll pay for it, as we agreed." He stood their awkwardly for a moment as he lost words to say. "Bye," he quickly uttered before rushing out of his father's office.

He made his way down the hall before slowing to a stop, just standing there and wondering what he was to do now. Ty didn't trust him, Simone was mad at him, Pixel... was a dog. He didn't want to locate Team Lightyear, especially after XR betrayed his secret like that... He supposed he could try to find XL, but he honestly tried to stay as far away from clerical work as possible. He hated paperwork, after all. There was no one else he could...

...Spend time with? He honestly was WANTING to spend time with someone? Ugh, being on Star Command, close to people, was starting to make him needy again. But, still, what was he to do?

Meanwhile, Ty, Simone and Pixel were all in the hallways, heading to someplace where they-well, mainly Simone-could talk in private. Ty was a bit nervous in talking to Simone since she was still mad at him for keeping something like this from her. Simone still held Ty's hand with a determined and angry expression set on her face, and Pixel trailed behind sadly, as if she were used to getting yelled at, which she wasn't, but still...she was not happy with what Simone just did.

Little did they know that someone else was heading down one of those same hallways...



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:44 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Meanwhile, Ty, Simone and Pixel were all in the hallways, heading to someplace where they-well, mainly Simone-could talk in private. Ty was a bit nervous in talking to Simone since she was still mad at him for keeping something like this from her. Simone still held Ty's hand with a determined and angry expression set on her face, and Pixel trailed behind sadly, as if she were used to getting yelled at, which she wasn't, but still...she was not happy with what Simone just did.

Little did they know that someone else was heading down one of those same hallways...

After he had first stopped, Alfred resumed walking, hoping that he could occupy his time with that at the very least. However, he ended up in the same hallway as Ty, Simone, and Pixel, pausing as he saw them come in his direction. He looked around, for anyplace he could hide before they saw him, but it was too late.

...Boy, this scene felt familiar.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:56 pm

ab103 wrote:

After he had first stopped, Alfred resumed walking, hoping that he could occupy his time with that at the very least. However, he ended up in the same hallway as Ty, Simone, and Pixel, pausing as he saw them come in his direction. He looked around, for anyplace he could hide before they saw him, but it was too late.

...Boy, this scene felt familiar.

Ty and the gals saw Alfred as well. Ty saw Alfred and he just stared at him, unsure what to say or feel. Simone let go of Ty's hand and crossed her arms, looking at him with a fierce expression. Pixel saw who it was they bumped into, and her ears perked up, not in happiness, but with an alertness.

There seemed to be a tense stillness in the air, until Ty made the first move by quietly yet with a worrisome fear in his tone greeted, "Hello, Alfred." Simone and Pixel looked at him with surprise. He was very quiet ever since the cafeteria incident. This was the first time he spoke since then.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:01 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Ty and the gals saw Alfred as well. Ty saw Alfred and he just stared at him, unsure what to say or feel. Simone let go of Ty's hand and crossed her arms, looking at him with a fierce expression. Pixel saw who it was they bumped into, and her ears perked up, not in happiness, but with an alertness.

There seemed to be a tense stillness in the air, until Ty made the first move by quietly yet with a worrisome fear in his tone greeted, "Hello, Alfred." Simone and Pixel looked at him with surprise. He was very quiet ever since the cafeteria incident. This was the first time he spoke since then.

Alfred merely grinned sheepishly and waved, not bothering to say a word. Internally, his mind was racing, trying his best to mentally search for information on what was going on at that moment in order to estimate the best action to take for the best result. However, this thought process required the use of his monocle, so he was starting to burn himself out into a panic.

Ah, so THAT was why Commander Nebula wanted Alfred to learn to live without his monocle. So he wouldn't freeze up at tough situations like this...



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:05 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred merely grinned sheepishly and waved, not bothering to say a word. Internally, his mind was racing, trying his best to mentally search for information on what was going on at that moment in order to estimate the best action to take for the best result. However, this thought process required the use of his monocle, so he was starting to burn himself out into a panic.

Ah, so THAT was why Commander Nebula wanted Alfred to learn to live without his monocle. So he wouldn't freeze up at tough situations like this...

Simone narrowed her eyes and turned back to Alfred. "So...what are you up to?" She asked in a cold tone. Ty, Alfred, and Pixel cringed at how much venom Simone was displaying in her tone.




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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:10 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Simone narrowed her eyes and turned back to Alfred. "So...what are you up to?" She asked in a cold tone. Ty, Alfred, and Pixel cringed at how much venom Simone was displaying in her tone.

"J-Just walking..."
Alfred winced at his stutter, but what could he say? Simone was terrifying when upset. "There's not much else I can do right now..."



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:28 pm

ab103 wrote:

"J-Just walking..."
Alfred winced at his stutter, but what could he say? Simone was terrifying when upset. "There's not much else I can do right now..."

"Really? Are you sure about that? How do we know you're just not going to develop another weapon to harm any more innocent people, like you've hurt Ty?" The venom in Simone's voice was intensified. Ty looked at her and slightly glared. Just because he was paranoid didn't mean he wasn't capable to taking care of himself. He didn't care how mad she was at him and Pixel.

She put a hand on her shoulder and berated in a serious tone, "Sim. Back off." Simone glanced back at him in surprise. Pixel and Alfred didn't hide their surprise, either. Simone protested, "But he was the one who built-""Don't you say it. I know that, and before you yell at me or Pixel for knowing that fact beforehand, AND for not telling you, you should know that I admit I was wrong for keeping it from you. I didn't tell you because I knew that the way you reacted when I told you the Wirewolf story, I knew that's how you were going to act if you found out about Alfred and NOS-4-A2." His voice was somehow calm yet fearful at the same time. He still felt wary of Alfred, but he had to tell Simone the facts; the way she reacted at the Wirewolf story WAS the same way she acted now.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:34 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
"Really? Are you sure about that? How do we know you're just not going to develop another weapon to harm any more innocent people, like you've hurt Ty?" The venom in Simone's voice was intensified. Ty looked at her and slightly glared. Just because he was paranoid didn't mean he wasn't capable to taking care of himself. He didn't care how mad she was at him and Pixel.

She put a hand on her shoulder and berated in a serious tone, "Sim. Back off." Simone glanced back at him in surprise. Pixel and Alfred didn't hide their surprise, either. Simone protested, "But he was the one who built-""Don't you say it. I know that, and before you yell at me or Pixel for knowing that fact beforehand, AND for not telling you, you should know that I admit I was wrong for keeping it from you. I didn't tell you because I knew that the way you reacted when I told you the Wirewolf story, I knew that's how you were going to act if you found out about Alfred and NOS-4-A2." His voice was somehow calm yet fearful at the same time. He still felt wary of Alfred, but he had to tell Simone the facts; the way she reacted at the Wirewolf story WAS the same way she acted now.

Alfred cringed again, but avoided saying anything. Strange, if he wasn't friends- Err, if he didn't use to be friends- with these two... Or, if he wasn't fearful for his life given how Simone seemed to be behaving... He'd normally mock them about building NOS-4-A2... Taunt and cite how much he enjoyed building the darn robot...

But, as much as a jerk, as childish and idiotic he was, he wasn't stupid. ...Sans working for Zurg in the first place, of course.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:46 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred cringed again, but avoided saying anything. Strange, if he wasn't friends- Err, if he didn't use to be friends- with these two... Or, if he wasn't fearful for his life given how Simone seemed to be behaving... He'd normally mock them about building NOS-4-A2... Taunt and cite how much he enjoyed building the darn robot...

But, as much as a jerk, as childish and idiotic he was, he wasn't stupid. ...Sans working for Zurg in the first place, of course.

Simone glared back at Ty and what he said. She was about to retort at his comments, but to her dismay, she couldn't say anything. Ty did have a point. She DID react the same way she acted to the Wirewolf story. She just looked away and put on a sulking face. She muttered,"I am STILL having a talk with you and Pixel."

Ty glared at Simone and how she acted, but he said nothing. He sighed and said, "Then let's go to a place where we can talk about it, WITHOUT anyone getting hurt." He wasn't in the mood for her sulking manner. Although he appreciated the fact that she was willing to help Ty out, he was less than impressed by the way she spit out her words with that venom. It was very unlike her. He took HER hand and led her away, looking down to avoid gazing at Alfred. Alfred watched them go. But Pixel lagged behind, her ears downcast once again. She looked sadly up at Alfred while she passed him and gave him an apologetic shrug.

Last edited by Fox Storm on Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:08 am; edited 1 time in total



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:00 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Simone glared back at Ty and what he said. She was about to retort at his comments, but to her dismay, she couldn't say anything. Ty did have a point. She DID react the same way she acted to the Wirewolf story. She just looked away and put on a sulking face. She muttered,"I am STILL having a talk with you and Pixel."

Ty glared at Simone and how she acted, but he said nothing. He sighed and said, "Then let's go to a place where we can talk about it, WITHOUT anyone getting hurt." He wasn't in the mood for her sulking manner. Although he appreciated the fact that she was willing to help Ty out, he was less than impressed by the way she spit out her words with that venom. It was very unlike her. He took HER hand and led her away, looking down to avoid gazing at Alfred. Alfred watched them go. But Pixel lagged behind, her ears downcast once again. She looked sadly up at Alfred while she passed him and gave him an apologetic shrug.

Alfred waved Pixel's concern off again. It was nothing she needed to worry over. It was all his fault, after all. ...Chyst be, why was it always his fault? Maybe he should have gone to the Galactic Officers in Beta instead of bothering with Star Command when he wanted to quit working for Zurg. Then again, battling against Zurg wasn't in the G.O.'s jurisdiction, so they wouldn't be able to do anything.

He sighed, starting to get a little aggravated, and went towards the science bay. Maybe he could go ahead and start work on the security improvements, regardless of whether or not Commander Nebula gave his permission to the LGMs yet.

He just hoped that no one would bother him while he was there. Really, that was one of his few safe havens, the only better one being his actual room.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:34 pm

ab103 wrote:

Alfred waved Pixel's concern off again. It was nothing she needed to worry over. It was all his fault, after all. ...Chyst be, why was it always his fault? Maybe he should have gone to the Galactic Officers in Beta instead of bothering with Star Command when he wanted to quit working for Zurg. Then again, battling against Zurg wasn't in the G.O.'s jurisdiction, so they wouldn't be able to do anything.

He sighed, starting to get a little aggravated, and went towards the science bay. Maybe he could go ahead and start work on the security improvements, regardless of whether or not Commander Nebula gave his permission to the LGMs yet.

He just hoped that no one would bother him while he was there. Really, that was one of his few safe havens, the only better one being his actual room.

While Alfred headed to the science bay, Ty was heading to the briefing room, with Simone and Pixel in tow. He figured that if they went there, they wouldn't be disturbed while they talked there. It was better than his room, and Simone's room, since the briefing room was more or less used for privacy, and there was a good chance someone would listen in if they went to his room or her room. No one would bother them in the briefing room.

So they entered the room and Ty and Simone sat down in seats next to each other. Pixel sat on the floor, a few feet away from them. Simone looked very tired, but her tone was different than her expression.

"Well..." She started, sounding very restrained and monotone, "I'm listening." Ty was still a little irritated with Simone, but he decided to use his energy to start telling what happened prior to him calling her for her help.



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:49 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
While Alfred headed to the science bay, Ty was heading to the briefing room, with Simone and Pixel in tow. He figured that if they went there, they wouldn't be disturbed while they talked there. It was better than his room, and Simone's room, since the briefing room was more or less used for privacy, and there was a good chance someone would listen in if they went to his room or her room. No one would bother them in the briefing room.

So they entered the room and Ty and Simone sat down in seats next to each other. Pixel sat on the floor, a few feet away from them. Simone looked very tired, but her tone was different than her expression.

"Well..." She started, sounding very restrained and monotone, "I'm listening." Ty was still a little irritated with Simone, but he decided to use his energy to start telling what happened prior to him calling her for her help.

Meanwhile, Alfred was contemplating the same thing. He had been in one of the hallways, around midnight, doing some inspections on the station... Ty walked up and Alfred tried to make fun of him... Then he noticed how odd he was behaving... They talked... Ty, after some prompting, told Alfred about the nightmares he had been having. Alfred pressed on for more information and eventually he found out about NOS-4-A2 biting Ty, and the resulting mutation and drama.

Then, he admitted to building NOS-4-A2... He remembered how Ty reacted then...

The only thing Ty could stutter out was... "W-What? YOU built him?" Ty was feeling so many emotions all at once-anger, confusion, betrayal, shock, turmoil. They swirled within him and they were so powerful that he had to grip the railing tightly. He held on so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He wanted so badly to yell at his cousin, he wanted to strangle him, he wanted to wring his neck....but he couldn't do it. He just couldn't have the strength to run after his cousin in a rage.

He was so overwhelmed by his emotions, that he did the only thing he could think of:

He fell to his knees, shuddering.

Alfred pulled Ty aside, got him tea, insulted him to get him out of his stupor... Then, he actually provided advice for once...

"I wouldn't know what happened to you back then. I only saw the pain, I didn't feel it. I wasn't the one forced into things, so I can't give you any empathy for this, only sympathies. It'll probably take a long time for you to get over it, and I understand that much. But, if you ever want to be over this, you'll have to accept it, you'll have to work through it, et cetera. But, you can't let it get to you. That's the worse thing. You know what happens when you let your trauma get to you...?"

He paused to take another gulp of his tea and then sighed. "You go INSANE. I'm not exaggerating this, Ty. I never went through anything as bad as you, but since I'm much weaker than you, it evens out. First come the nightmares..." Alfred gave his cousin a look. "Then comes paranoia- fear that whatever issues you had will resurface or manifest again in some way. It consumes and, if you don't do something to MAKE it happen again, however unintentional, you then do whatever you can to prevent it, sometimes choosing the worst of the options..." He smiled, though it was wry and clearly unhappy. "I'm not sure what those would be for you, but for me, I chose the worst options. I worked for Zurg. And, I helped to hurt my own family."

He had been speaking from experience... Alfred HAD gone insane from his trauma; he was too weak not to! He hurt his own family, he admitted to that, so then why did Ty believe that he wasn't sincere about helping him?!



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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Mod Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:12 pm

ab103 wrote:

He had been speaking from experience... Alfred HAD gone insane from his trauma; he was too weak not to! He hurt his own family, he admitted to that, so then why did Ty believe that he wasn't sincere about helping him?!

"....and that's the whole story." Ty finished.
After he was done speaking, Simone and Pixel just sat there, numb with many emotions. Ty wondered how long it would be until one of them spoke or moved. He didn't have to wait too long.

Pixel came over to him and started nuzzling his hand, purring. The dustchaser looked at him with her puppy dog look she would normally use to bait Ty into doing something for her. But she wasn't trying to bait him, and she knew he knew that. He just started petting her, waiting for Simone to say something.

Simone was trying to take in all that Ty said. She felt so many things at once...which was VERY familiar to another scenario where she felt so many emotions to another story Ty told.

But she didn't want to be angry. She had been that too much already.

Simone just sighed and rubbed her eyes. She said with a bitter sadness and disappointment, "So that's how you knew beforehand." Ty nodded.




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Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Into the Dark (Fox Storm and ab103 only)

Post by Alexa Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:26 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
"....and that's the whole story." Ty finished.
After he was done speaking, Simone and Pixel just sat there, numb with many emotions. Ty wondered how long it would be until one of them spoke or moved. He didn't have to wait too long.

Pixel came over to him and started nuzzling his hand, purring. The dustchaser looked at him with her puppy dog look she would normally use to bait Ty into doing something for her. But she wasn't trying to bait him, and she knew he knew that. He just started petting her, waiting for Simone to say something.

Simone was trying to take in all that Ty said. She felt so many things at once...which was VERY familiar to another scenario where she felt so many emotions to another story Ty told.

But she didn't want to be angry. She had been that too much already.

Simone just sighed and rubbed her eyes. She said with a bitter sadness and disappointment, "So that's how you knew beforehand." Ty nodded.

Alfred had long since arrived at the Science Bay, but he could not in any way stay in just one place. He needed to keep moving, he needed to clear his mind. Normally, at home, he'd just use self-fixing plates to vent his emotions. Watching the things shatter and then fix themselves without any damage was cathartic. But, he didn't have that here, so he had to just keep moving.

He was half-worried he'd run into someone he knew again and be sneered at, but what did he care at the moment?



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