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How the wirewolf effect works

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How the wirewolf effect works Empty How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:00 am

I just had a theory on how the whole wirewolf thing works. Perhaps when NOS bit Ty, he injected nanites into him, which, when exposed to the radioactive moon, cause Ty to turn into the wirewolf. Think something along the lines of the Borg.

Perhaps the wirewolf canon somehow fired nanites as well. I don't know how, exactly. But nanites are the only explanation I could think of for people turn into robot werewolves.

Anybody else got any ideas?



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Steel Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:51 am

Nanobots! Yes! That makes perfect sense, actually. I could never quite wrap my head around just how Ty turned into the Wirewolf simply from a bite and the radioactive moon. The combination surely helped with the mutation (even though we all know they were probably trying to pay homage to classic werewolves with the moon and everything) but never fully covered it or gave a proper explanation for it.

As for NOS-4-A2 using Ty as a weapon in "Revenge of the Monsters"... not sure how nanites could react THAT fast. I mean, for Ty it was a slow process. Hmm... something to ponder.

I'll move this into Discussion instead, since it talks about more than one episode and focuses on a theory, if you don't mind!

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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Guest Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:55 am

Oh, this sounds like the stuff I came up with years ago, here, have some tl;dr from 2004:

Anyway, I give you: The Physics of NOS-4-A2!

When this big bad ass-kicking robot vampire floated onto the scene, we didn't get much, if any, explanation as to how his powers worked. I have a theory on his mind control ability and the whole Wirewolf thing . . . I'm not even touching his energy manipulating abilites, though; those are just too hard to explain.

Anyway, whenever NOS-4-A2 bites anything, his fangs most likely inject a few million nanomachines into his victim. They're basically microscopic robots, and in this case would be completely under the vampire's control. They help to direct energy to the vampire as their main duty, but the mind control is a little different. The little buggers gather around a robot's main CPU, and if NOS doesn't completely drain his victim, he can activate the nanomachines and control the robot remotely.

Now, if NOS-4-A2 bit a human, like he did to Ty, the nanomachines wouldn't really know what to do with themselves, other than hang around and multiply. But remember, the nanomachines absorb energy . . . so when Ty got hit by the radioactive moonlight, the nanomachines just sucked that down and reacted to it (possibly multiplying insanely fast as a result), causing Ty to turn into Wirewolf.

But if NOS-4-A2 bites something that also has nanomachines, it's unlikely that he'll be able to control it. It's just basic numbers, a few millon of his nanobots versus a few billion belonging to his victim aren't very good odds.

But yeah, that was what I came up with.

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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:02 am

@ Steel: I don't mind at all.

@ Shadow Wolf75: I guess great minds think alike. Nanotechnology is the only way I can think of that would explain the wirewolf effect.



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Alexa Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:12 am

Oh, wow, really? I guess nanobots/nanites are the general assumption of how it works, then! If you're reading Crying Wolf, the role play Fox and I are doing, you'll see that we have basically the same idea. In fact, the nanobot idea seems to become a plot in the role play. Anyway, give me a moment, let me quote my explanation to her... I'll have to edit it slightly, for accuracy, but just give me a moment.

When NOS-4-A2 bites a machine, nanobots (of the self-replicating (when needed) type) flow from NOS-4-A2's fangs into the machine. These nanobots take over the machine [like a virus], transferring control over to NOS-4-A2. Should NOS-4-A2 lose control, he may regain it WITHOUT biting into the machine again provided that there are nanobots left that he can reactivate.

However, once NOS-4-A2 bit Ty, these nanobots went into an organic instead of a machine and had no control to transfer over to the energy vampire. However, due their programing, they likely still attempted to take over and instead latched onto Ty's DNA/body cells.

Once exposed to the radiation of the green moon, the nanobots were able to replicate more than needed (kinda like cancer, but mechanical?) and took over Ty's body, causing him to mutate into the Wirewolf. [sentence omitted] After a while, most the nanobots "died" out and Ty's human body managed to take over again, but you can't get rid of those resilient little nanobots, which is why Ty continued to change each time he was exposed to the green moon.

Each subsequent time, he managed to change back to human faster once the moon was no longer present, likely because his body had grown more accustomed to the changes. This is also likely why the changes into the Wirewolf happened faster each consecutive time. (You did notice this too, right? Tell me I wasn't the only one).

So, yeah, very similar to what Shadow Wolf75 had on the subject. (I put "DNA/body cells" because it's more logical for the nanobots to connect to cells, but with the power of Fiction, DNA isn't impossible, so that ends up being just a personal preference.)



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Pythonmelon Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:28 pm

Well, nanites never occured to me, but with as many times as I've seen the episode and read books about that kind of thing, I should have. The theory is sound!



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:16 pm

I hadn't read your roleplay, but you seem to have a pretty good explanatin there.

I thought of nanites because I spend too much time watching Star Trek and Stargate. They really do seem to be the only explanation - except that I'm not sure how they'd fit in with the wirewolf cannon.



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Alexa Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:31 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:
I thought of nanites because I spend too much time watching Star Trek and Stargate. They really do seem to be the only explanation - except that I'm not sure how they'd fit in with the wirewolf cannon.

Well... If you don't mind me making an explanation on the spot, I'll try my best to figure it out:

The wirewolf cannon spread the disease superficially. Likely, the cannon took a copy of the Wirewolf's DNA/mechanics and changed every organic it hit to mutate in a similar way. However, this similar way likely still required nanobots in order to work, since it is unlikely that an organic would turn into a robotic creature otherwise, even with this spectacular cannon. This is the superficial part: the nanobots spread with the disease, because they weren't injected INTO Star Command and Capital Planet's peoples (unlike the case with Ty), only took over the outer layer of each of them, changing their physical appearance and not making a it a lingering disease afterwards.

"But, Alexa! They actually BREATHED IN the wirewolf things!" Oh, well this changes everything. Or, not. Breathing in is not quite the same as getting something injected into your bloodstream. Similar, sure (I don't know how the human body works, so forgive me), but it's likely the wirewolf-spirit-things only were "breathed in" to get to the people's minds and give them the whole wirewolf mindset.

The outer layer of wirewolf still is enough of a change to satisfy NOS-4-A2's need for energy, and the wirewolf outer layer could coincide well enough with the organic inner layer that each of the wirewolves could survive on energy (Wirewolves eat energy, right? Isn't that what Ty did to Sentry 2?) instead of having to eat organic food. It'd all be one huge hunting party between NOS-4-A2 and the Wirewolves!

And, it also explains why the people at Star Command and Capital Planet changed so smoothly when compared to Ty's initial change.

But then there's this... The effect only seemed to last as long as Ty was a wirewolf himself and everyone went back to normal once HE went back to normal. What's more is that none of the others needed a green moon rock to mutate them (which is one reason why I believe their mutations were superficial). Likely, since Ty was the source of the Wirewolf disease, each of the mutated nanobots that infected the others came directly from him. So, in a sense, they were all connected to HIM being a wirewolf, so that's why the others were Wirewolves without the moon rocks and why once Buzz shot the moon rock off of Ty everyone else went back to normal, since they're all connected to Ty himself.

It's questionable whether the infected nanobots remained in Ty and the others or not, but, for the sake of my own story writing (feel free to think otherwise in yours; it could be a plot bunny) Ty still has his original nanites, everyone else lost theirs.



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:24 pm

That sounds like a decent explanation. Smile It does raise an interesting question though. How does someone as clueless as XL know how to build something like that?



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Alexa Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:07 pm

Ranger-Nova wrote:How does someone as clueless as XL know how to build something like that?

Cluelessness and stupidity aren't exactly the same thing. Likely, XL is a type of idiot savant. After all, after being reactivated, he knew exactly what parts to get to make himself better and knew how to connect them in a working order all despite them being a mismatch all around. He also redeveloped the Star Command G-Force trainer into the Centrifugator(sp?)/torture device. So, in previous episodes, he HAS shown evidence of technological knowledge, so building a wirewolf cannon isn't too much of a stretch.



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:53 am

True... I suppose being a robot he knows a lot about technological stuff, but not much about anything else.

EDIT: Accidentally posted this in the wrong place, Embarassed so here it is:

Hmm, I had a thought. Now, suppose NOS himself is made out of nanites. Perhaps one of the reasons he drains energy is because worn out nanites need to constantly be replaced, just like cells. So he uses the energy to replicate more nanites.

Also, if he got damaged, he could just use the nanites to repair himself. Which brings me to my point: If he were made out of nanites, then if someone found the remains of his head and gave it enough power, would he be able to rebuild himself using nanites?

Just a thought that popped into my head.




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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:22 am

Hmmm... man that would be creepy. But it would kind of fit into the vampire legend, wouldn't it? Regenerate if given enough of what they feed on. But I kind of doubt it, because wouldn't the nanites eventually overpopulate and then he'd either break down or grow humongous.



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Alexa Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:34 am

That's a huge what-if, Ranger... If it were the case then NOS-4-A2 wouldn't have been so easy to shut down in his debut episode and the Slayer, unless it so happened that all the individual nanites were interconnected. And, NOS-4-A2 wouldn't have lost his arm with sparking wires or blown into individual parts like he did in Revenge of the Monsters.

However, I am willing to provide explanation given the assumption that he WAS made from nanites. Since NOS-4-A2 always stayed in the same form, then we can assumed that all of the nanites are preprogrammed to remain in that form at all times. If his head were somehow intact (which, if they weren't given the power they needed for long enough of a time, would be increasingly unlikely as the head would start to deteriorate) and given power, it's possible for the nanites to start to replicate again and eventually retake his original form (likely, minus cape. I think the cape was just a fancy addition, not actually part of his being). However, too much energy at once might over power his system and too little would either not cause a response or take much longer time to fully replicate. Either way, with just a head it would probably take a while for him to get back to his usual self.

However, as I said, I don't think this is the actual case with NOS-4-A2...



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:03 am

Same here. Im betting he probably just injects the nanites, and isn't made of them.



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Olivus Prime Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:55 am

The whole Nanites explantion is sound - it makes sense of something I never really thought about!

Considering the number of Sci-Fi references in the show, perhaps Ty/Wirewolf was supposed to be a reference to the Borg.
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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Steel Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:40 am

Wow, you guys have put such a lot of thought into this! I'm so proud of you all, especially you, Alexa~

As for the "breathing in" stuff, I kind of thought it was an animator's quirk. I mean, there is no logical let alone feasible way that a jet of nanites would manifest into a transparent, howling wirewolf before "infecting" those who were shot with it. But I really like your theory on it being a "superficial" kind of thing and not an actual DNA-kind-of thing like with Ty... still the whole moon rock thing reacting to the bite is curious. Radiation from the moon... reminds me of the old superhero comics and mutants, like Spiderman and stuff, hah.

I was going to go somewhere with this, but now I forgot... xD



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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Mod Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:32 pm

I agree; I think the whole moon rock deal is still a strange thing to wonder, since NOS-4-A2's bite affected an organic, and not an actual robot. But the theories about the wirewolf are as much as plausible as much as Superman affected by green Kryptonite.

But it also makes you wonder why Ty changed into a wirewolf, besides the homage to the classic Universal werewolf. That's a topic for another day, though! xP

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How the wirewolf effect works Empty Re: How the wirewolf effect works

Post by Senior Doctor Thalassi Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:55 pm

Nanites/nanobots are definitely a pretty sound theory when it comes to space cartoons/operas. Though now I'm kinda curious as to the extent of their versatility/adaptability.

Is it possible for some nanobots' programming to become altered to allow them to perform other tasks, like organic cells? If this is the case, I can see some of the nanobots eventually adapting programming that would enable them to help Ty while he is in organic form--at this point, with NOS-4-A2 deactivated, any loyalty coding probably would have switched from the host they originally came from to the host they currently inhabit. Some of the tasks they can probably do would include speeding up Ty's healing process, giving him temporary boosts in physical performance, maybe even acting as temporary neurons if something ever happens to his neural system or keeping the cells of his vital organs alive in the event of a lack of oxygen.

Another thought that comes to mind is this: if the nanobots do have the adaptability of organic cells, would it be possible to create other wirewolves? And I don't mean the "superficial" wirewolves that were created by the cannon in RotM, I mean "DNA-bound" (for lack of a better term) wirewolves like Ty. If so, I can definitely think of two ways for this to happen, self replication and/or the nanobots being transferred to another organic, probably via body fluids like blood (...well, there goes Ty's blood donor status).
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