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Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer

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Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer Empty Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer

Post by Steel Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:49 pm

Hello! One day late, sorry, but I went out on a long walk with some friends of mine and came back dead beat. Phew...! Onwards to this week's review session! And this time, I've got some links for you! (I've been working on this thread and the review for the wiki aaaaall day. Started around 1 pm or something and now it's almost 10 pm. An entire day dedicated to BLoSC... *asplouds*)

Watch "The Planet Destroyer" here!
Read the super-long plot here!



Okay, so this guy barely had any screentime. But he’s a recurring low-time villain and his comments are rather funny. He talks with such stereotypical ‘criminal’ slang and he acts all tough until Tradeworld is ‘destroyed’. He’s got some pretty funny lines. Also... I can never decide if this guy is just an old human, or an alien. I think he’s an old-looking human, but I could be wrong. Thoughts?


Ah, the Galactic Alliance. According to Tad Stones, they’re a lot like Star Trek’s Federation. I haven’t seen a lot of Star Trek, but I can see where he’s coming from. The Senate Chamber is where the Galactic Alliance makes their most important decisions. Here, we see Madame President for the first time, as well as several different senators, like Senator Phlegmex, who actually gets to speak in this episode.

Sometimes, I can’t decide on an exact number of senators, but judging by these few scenes alone, there seem to be a lot of planets that are members of the GA. And we get to see so many races, too! I’m always tickled to see just how many races BLoSC has. Also, I can never decide whether it’s more polite to say Species or Races. I’d go for Races, personally. What do you guys think?


Well! I wasn’t expecting to delve into this topic so soon. It comes into play more in a latter episode, “The Lightyear Factor”, but we’ll talk more about that when the time comes, so for now, I’ll focus on how it’s portrayed here.

Zurg’s ‘Planet Destroyer’ is not a destroyer of planets at all. In fact, it only transports the planets to another dimension. Now... I can see several things wrong with this picture already. Just how in tarnation do you even transport and entire planet into another dimension? And what kind of dimension was it, anyway? A pocket dimension? (According to Wikipedia: In narrative, pocket universes are fictional artificially-created universes that exist within the bounds of another universe. The term pocket universe is derived from its illustration in the actual universe where it is usually portrayed as an orb which would fit in a pocket.) It rather seemed so with just how close all the planets were in that dimension. I kept wondering about orbits and clashing planets and smaller planets being sucked into the orbit of bigger planets. Not to mention how do you transfer entire planets with everyone and everything still being intact and in one piece?

Zurg, you got some pretty advanced technology...



I feel like I just had to add a section about them. There is clearly unresolved history between the two. Nebula is pissed beyond belief that Zurg is even setting foot on Capital Planet. Zurg is pleased as pop to be on Capital Planet and remarks that he has been dreaming of this moment since he was a ‘wee evil genius’. Nebula grunts that he drop the pleasantries, but Zurg offers his hand for a shake, willing to let bygones be bygones. Bygones be bygones, eh? Just what have these two been up to, and how on earth has Zurg been dreaming of this moment since he was young? Just how old IS Zurg if Buzz is at least 40 and wanted to be a Ranger since being a kid...? That’s plenty to think about on my end. Anyway, Madame President elbows Nebula to shake, but as the Commander reaches out to shake Zurg's hand, Zurg pulls it away before he can, laughing immaturely at Nebula falling for his joke. He even says, “Psyche!” which makes me feel that Zurg loves pulling pranks on people he knows he can get a satisfying reaction out of. Not to mention, Nebula calls him a “stinkin’ helmet head” once Zurg struts away. These two have really got some issues!

I still say Zurg was somehow behind Nebula losing his leg. That or... he’s been messing with Nebula like that since way before Buzz’s time. Hmmm...


Probably the most obvious character who received the most development in this episode was Mira. We see an entire spectrum of emotions from her in this episode. Confidence, smugness, anger, sadness, pride, revulsion, you name it. You can tell that she loves being a Space Ranger, it’s in her blood. She’s fiery, loves a good challenge, and will do everything she can to do the right thing. She loves being a Space Ranger, not only because she likes what she does, but because she’s got the freedom to do so at the same time. Not being on Tangea or following Tangean customs gives Mira the freedom of choice, and I think that's an important aspect of her character.

It’s also interesting for the first time to see her relationship with her father. King Nova is courteous, but fairly racist beneath his soft-spoken words. He’s the kind of guy you see getting angry, but he never, ever has to raise his voice to obscenely high levels. When he’s angry, or speaking forcefully, he always sounds controlled. That is one of the makings of a good ruler, although not even having such control is enough to mask his distaste at non-Tangeans, which is what it all boils down to. Anybody who isn’t Tangean to him is not worth his time and is inferior to him in knowledge and intellect. Not just to him, although he does claim to have “enormous mental powers”, but to all Tangeans.

However, what I liked a lot about this episode was Mira and Nova’s relationship with each other. Like any family members who don’t have the same opinion on things, they will disagree and get into arguments. Funny, though. Nova and Mira never actually shout at each other, They both get mad, but their arguments never gave me the impression of real anger, unless you count Mira’s attitude onboard 42 later. She calls her father a lot of things, like egotistical and arrogant, which are all true, but I was always amazed that they never stooped down to be too nasty to each other in any of their confrontations.

But their relationship isn’t only based on conflict. You can tell Nova’s proud to see Mira being able to stand her own ground against the Hornets. And he was delighted when Mira wanted him to teach her how to mind read. He really does still see Mira as his little girl, and Mira too still loves her hard-headed father dearly. She’s ecstatic when she sees him alive, even though she was the only one convinced that King Nova and Tangea were still alive and hadn’t been destroyed because she could ‘sense their presence’ out there.



Which brings us to the next topic of today’s session: Tangean Mental Powers. We will examine them without their Grounder equivalent for now, but will talk further about the differences and similarities between the two when we see Grounders in the show for the first time.

Tangean Royals have mental powers. We already know that Mira can ‘ghost’ through solid objects, which seems to be one of the most basic of abilities than Tangeans possesses. However, depending just how much they are ghosting and through what material they ghost through require far more concentration than normal. In this episode, both Mira and her father had to synchronise in order to ghost through the ‘transdimensional hull’ of the Planet Destroyer. Funnily enough, they had to synchronise their energies in order to ghost through it together, and when Mira’s concentration began to slip, it seemed as if it would have prevented King Nova from ghosting through, as well. They also synchronised their ‘energies’ which might suggest that a Tangean’s mental abilities are as strong as their energy... or maybe stamina? They do glow blue when they ghost through objects or manipulate their powers in some way or other.

In this episode, Mira also learns how to read minds, something she couldn’t do before (and the reason we’re watching “The Planet Destroyer” before “XL”, hah). All they have to do is concentrate, phase their hand through someone’s brain, and literally sift or fish through the stored information. I guess it’s hard to do, but as easy as looking through a series of shelves for the book you’re looking for once you get the hang of it. Like, once you figure out that everything is stored alphabetically, or chronologically, or by subject, it’s a simple matter to find what you’re looking for. Or maybe in this case, it’s with the order of what’s most important or more brought into focus in your mind? Maybe we’ll find out more in latter episodes!

But I think this subject is a very interesting one. I’m not one for magic powers in sc-fi, but I can roll with a race having abilities. After all, having mental powers isn’t magic. Hell, it’s in the word: mental. They’re mental and inherent, any Tangean can do varying levels depending on their level of training and concentration and—well, it’s pretty realistic given how unbelievable it sounds. It’s plausible, logical, realistic, and that’s what matters, pretty much.


Yep, this is the final theme we will be exploring today. Essentially, although it was underplayed, this episode focused on these here points. Mira’s relationship with her father, although rocky, is genuine and they trust each other where it matters even though they dislike the other’s views on some matters. King Nova knows that Mira can take care of herself, and Mira admits to her faults and respects that her father is more capable with his mental powers than she is.

When Mira thins that her father is dead (or rather, is convinced she can still feel his presence0, XR and Booster try to cheer her up. Booster lacks tact, which XR picks up on with a vengeance, but Mira isn’t bothered by it. I think it was nice to add this scene and not include Buzz in it. It shows how close the three Rookies are getting. They’re all friends, and they want to be there for each other when it matters. XR too, despite being rather cynical at times. Oh well, that’s his character!

Trust comes into play, as well. Buzz doubts Mira’s integrity when she is convinced they have to go to the Pelegar System, but he does take a leap of faith to allow her the chance to prove herself. This is the kind of blind trust that makes Team Lightyear a tighter group, as well as better friends. It’s reassuring to have people trust in you and give you a chance even when they don’t believe you entirely.


1. How do you think Zurg managed to make the Planet Destroyer? And why didn’t he actually destroy the planets and only made everybody think he did? Destroying them would have been easier, so why go through all the effort to only relocate them?
2. How do you think the Galactic Alliance works? Is it a fair system, or does it seem to invoke more chaos than order?
3. What do you think about Mira’s relationship with her father?
4. If you were in Buzz’s place, would you have trusted Mira?

Last edited by Steel on Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:40 am; edited 1 time in total



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Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer Empty Re: Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer

Post by Mod Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:55 pm

Steel wrote:

Okay, so this guy barely had any screentime. But he’s a recurring low-time villain and his comments are rather funny. He talks with such stereotypical ‘criminal’ slang and he acts all tough until Tradeworld is ‘destroyed’. He’s got some pretty funny lines. Also... I can never decide if this guy is just an old human, or an alien. I think he’s an old-looking human, but I could be wrong. Thoughts?

Heh, I think he's just an old guy looking for some action to add life to his years! Hmm...I smell a one-shot idea! Lardak meets Old Buzz! xD
Other than what I've said, I really don't have anything else to say about this dude. I've not given a lot of thought to him.

Steel wrote:

Ah, the Galactic Alliance. According to Tad Stones, they’re a lot like Star Trek’s Federation. I haven’t seen a lot of Star Trek, but I can see where he’s coming from. The Senate Chamber is where the Galactic Alliance makes their most important decisions. Here, we see Madame President for the first time, as well as several different senators, like Senator Phlegmex, who actually gets to speak in this episode.

Sometimes, I can’t decide on an exact number of senators, but judging by these few scenes alone, there seem to be a lot of planets that are members of the GA. And we get to see so many races, too! I’m always tickled to see just how many races BLoSC has. Also, I can never decide whether it’s more polite to say Species or Races. I’d go for Races, personally. What do you guys think?

Eh...never could stood politics, let alone how sometimes politicians can be...naive. But that's just my cynical view on politics. But I do like Madame President; she's feisty and assertive! I don't understand why she sometimes give up so easily when things look bad. In this episode, she surrenders to Zurg as soon as Tangea is "destroyed". I mean, I know Zurg fooled everyone into thinking that Tangea was destroyed, but come on! She's supposed to be the President-she's supposed to find solutions to problems and never give up and be resourceful by trying to find ways to protect other planets rather than submit to Zurg! (sighs) Sorry about this rant; I just hate it when politics take a turn for the stupid.

That's one of the reasons I can't watch this episode all the way through; it just ticks me off to no end. I mean, I can watch parts of it, but I can't watch the whole thing, otherwise, it makes my blood boil and I just get REALLY angry. Yeah, I have issues with politics. I also can't watch "Revenge of the Monsters" or "Revenge of the Raenoks" all the way through either, but that's for another time. I have different reasons for why I can't watch those. Let's just say that I get the urge to Hulk out and smash everything in my path when I see people getting tortured or people held in prison and have their lives gambled. That's all I'll say.

Anyway, to answer your question, Steel, I'd go with Races. Species just doesn't feel right to me.

Steel wrote:

Well! I wasn’t expecting to delve into this topic so soon. It comes into play more in a latter episode, “The Lightyear Factor”, but we’ll talk more about that when the time comes, so for now, I’ll focus on how it’s portrayed here.

Zurg’s ‘Planet Destroyer’ is not a destroyer of planets at all. In fact, it only transports the planets to another dimension. Now... I can see several things wrong with this picture already. Just how in tarnation do you even transport and entire planet into another dimension? And what kind of dimension was it, anyway? A pocket dimension? (According to Wikipedia: In narrative, pocket universes are fictional artificially-created universes that exist within the bounds of another universe. The term pocket universe is derived from its illustration in the actual universe where it is usually portrayed as an orb which would fit in a pocket.) It rather seemed so with just how close all the planets were in that dimension. I kept wondering about orbits and clashing planets and smaller planets being sucked into the orbit of bigger planets. Not to mention how do you transfer entire planets with everyone and everything still being intact and in one piece?

Zurg, you got some pretty advanced technology...

Hmm..I wonder why Zurg didn't just really destroy planets to begin with. I know he intended to fool them into thinking Tradeworld and Tangea were gone, but it makes you wonder, why doesn't he just do it? Actually, now that I think about it, Zurg seems to be a very malevolent trickster. How? Well, besides moving the planets to another dimension, he and Nebula shake hands, but Zurg just pulls a prank on Nebula...Geez...

Either Zurg is a really clever but evil trickster like Loki of Norse mythology, or he's a bit too eccentric and the butt of jokes, like Coyote from American Indian mythology.

I don't know how transporting the planets work either. It hurts my brain! Make it stop! (No, really, getting a headache here.) But about those pocket universes...hmm...very interesting.

Steel wrote:

I feel like I just had to add a section about them. There is clearly unresolved history between the two. Nebula is pissed beyond belief that Zurg is even setting foot on Capital Planet. Zurg is pleased as pop to be on Capital Planet and remarks that he has been dreaming of this moment since he was a ‘wee evil genius’. Nebula grunts that he drop the pleasantries, but Zurg offers his hand for a shake, willing to let bygones be bygones. Bygones be bygones, eh? Just what have these two been up to, and how on earth has Zurg been dreaming of this moment since he was young? Just how old IS Zurg if Buzz is at least 40 and wanted to be a Ranger since being a kid...? That’s plenty to think about on my end. Anyway, Madame President elbows Nebula to shake, but as the Commander reaches out to shake Zurg's hand, Zurg pulls it away before he can, laughing immaturely at Nebula falling for his joke. He even says, “Psyche!” which makes me feel that Zurg loves pulling pranks on people he knows he can get a satisfying reaction out of. Not to mention, Nebula calls him a “stinkin’ helmet head” once Zurg struts away. These two have really got some issues!

I still say Zurg was somehow behind Nebula losing his leg. That or... he’s been messing with Nebula like that since way before Buzz’s time. Hmmm...

Like I said above, Zurg may be a trickster of some sort, pulling pranks on people.'s possible that Zurg is the same age as Buzz. Then again, if Zurg was around even when Buzz was a squirt, maybe he'd be as old as Commander Nebula. Maybe a bit older than him, by the way you brought up how he dreamt of ruling the GA when he was a "wee evil genius". I'm sure that he and Nebula have a lot of rivalries that had developed overtime, by the way they are so hostile to one another.

Steel wrote:

Probably the most obvious character who received the most development in this episode was Mira. We see an entire spectrum of emotions from her in this episode. Confidence, smugness, anger, sadness, pride, revulsion, you name it. You can tell that she loves being a Space Ranger, it’s in her blood. She’s fiery, loves a good challenge, and will do everything she can to do the right thing. She loves being a Space Ranger, not only because she likes what she does, but because she’s got

It’s also interesting for the first time to see her relationship with her father. King Nova is courteous, but fairly racist beneath his soft-spoken words. He’s the kind of guy you see getting angry, but he never, ever has to raise his voice to obscenely high levels. When he’s angry, or speaking forcefully, he always sounds controlled. That is one of the makings of a good ruler, although not even having such control is enough to mask his distaste at non-Tangeans, which is what it all boils down to. Anybody who isn’t Tangean to him is not worth his time and is inferior to him in knowledge and intellect. Not just to him, although he does claim to have “enormous mental powers”, but to all Tangeans.

However, what I liked a lot about this episode was Mira and Nova’s relationship with each other. Like any family members who don’t have the same opinion on things, they will disagree and get into arguments. Funny, though. Nova and Mira never actually shout at each other, They both get mad, but their arguments never gave me the impression of real anger, unless you count Mira’s attitude onboard 42 later. She calls her father a lot of things, like egotistical and arrogant, which are all true, but I was always amazed that they never stooped down to be too nasty to each other in any of their confrontations.

But their relationship isn’t only based on conflict. You can tell Nova’s proud to see Mira being able to stand her own ground against the Hornets. And he was delighted when Mira wanted him to teach her how to mind read. He really does still see Mira as his little girl, and Mira too still loves her hard-headed father dearly. She’s ecstatic when she sees him alive, even though she was the only one convinced that King Nova and Tangea were still alive and hadn’t been destroyed because she could ‘sense their presence’ out there.

Yeah, I like how we've got to experience all sorts of emotions from Mira in this episode. We see how she handles loss (well, sort of), and she's got the makings of a Space Ranger, and princess. She wants to do the right thing for others, and she'll stop at nothing to do so. She kind of reminds me of Jean Grey (I know all the X-Men references are getting annoying, but there is a reason why I bring this up) because she and Jean Grey share some similarities-they're fiery and have stubborn tempers, they're passionate about what they do/stand up for, and they're got mental abilities. She's got what, Steel?

I also like how we've dived into her relationship with her dad. I never noticed that before-he does never raise his voice or shout. Huh. That is true; he does have the makings of a good ruler. Although I have to admit, there are times when I want to smack him. Hard. And I know I'm not the only one who wants to do that at times. I do like how even though the two of them don't always see eye-to-eye, they still love each other. I like it when King Nova smiles when Mira asked him to teach her how to read minds and when he showed pride when she successfully mastered it. I thought that was sweet.

Steel wrote:


Which brings us to the next topic of today’s session: Tangean Mental Powers. We will examine them without their Grounder equivalent for now, but will talk further about the differences and similarities between the two when we see Grounders in the show for the first time.

Tangean Royals have mental powers. We already know that Mira can ‘ghost’ through solid objects, which seems to be one of the most basic of abilities than Tangeans possesses. However, depending just how much they are ghosting and through what material they ghost through require far more concentration than normal. In this episode, both Mira and her father had to synchronise in order to ghost through the ‘transdimensional hull’ of the Planet Destroyer. Funnily enough, they had to synchronise their energies in order to ghost through it together, and when Mira’s concentration began to slip, it seemed as if it would have prevented King Nova from ghosting through, as well. They also synchronised their ‘energies’ which might suggest that a Tangean’s mental abilities are as strong as their energy... or maybe stamina? They do glow blue when they ghost through objects or manipulate their powers in some way or other.

In this episode, Mira also learns how to read minds, something she couldn’t do before (and the reason we’re watching “The Planet Destroyer” before “XL”, hah). All they have to do is concentrate, phase their hand through someone’s brain, and literally sift or fish through the stored information. I guess it’s hard to do, but as easy as looking through a series of shelves for the book you’re looking for once you get the hang of it. Like, once you figure out that everything is stored alphabetically, or chronologically, or by subject, it’s a simple matter to find what you’re looking for. Or maybe in this case, it’s with the order of what’s most important or more brought into focus in your mind? Maybe we’ll find out more in latter episodes!

But I think this subject is a very interesting one. I’m not one for magic powers in sc-fi, but I can roll with a race having abilities. After all, having mental powers isn’t magic. Hell, it’s in the word: mental. They’re mental and inherent, any Tangean can do varying levels depending on their level of training and concentration and—well, it’s pretty realistic given how unbelievable it sounds. It’s plausible, logical, realistic, and that’s what matters, pretty much.

Hmm...about her father, it's possible that because he has more knowledge on his mental abilities, and possibly has more powers, he is unaffected by Mira's lack of concentration. Or maybe when it started to slip, he gave them a push to ghost through things before she totally lost it. I agree; having mental powers isn't magic and it is logical. Hmm...makes you wonder what other races have powers, if any. We know that Booster has super strength, but that'll be for later, methinks.

Steel wrote:

Yep, this is the final theme we will be exploring today. Essentially, although it was underplayed, this episode focused on these here points. Mira’s relationship with her father, although rocky, is genuine and they trust each other where it matters even though they dislike the other’s views on some matters. King Nova knows that Mira can take care of herself, and Mira admits to her faults and respects that her father is more capable with his mental powers than she is.

When Mira thins that her father is dead (or rather, is convinced she can still feel his presence0, XR and Booster try to cheer her up. Booster lacks tact, which XR picks up on with a vengeance, but Mira isn’t bothered by it. I think it was nice to add this scene and not include Buzz in it. It shows how close the three Rookies are getting. They’re all friends, and they want to be there for each other when it matters. XR too, despite being rather cynical at times. Oh well, that’s his character!

Trust comes into play, as well. Buzz doubts Mira’s integrity when she is convinced they have to go to the Pelegar System, but he does take a leap of faith to allow her the chance to prove herself. This is the kind of blind trust that makes Team Lightyear a tighter group, as well as better friends. It’s reassuring to have people trust in you and give you a chance even when they don’t believe you entirely.

Amen to all of that! It kind of reminds me of one of the themes that Hayao Miyazaki uses in his films: love. Love is strong enough to break a spell. And it's something that can take different forms: love between family, love between friends, etc. I think the love Mira has for her father, and the ability to find him and her planet mentally, was strong enough for her and her team to find them.

I also love it when Booster and XR try to cheer her up. I did want to smack Booster, but he's like a kid-he may understand "death", but he doesn't fully understand it yet, so I can forgive him for that. And XR, he has shown he does have a big heart underneath that sassy attitude. Actually, he reminds me of Timon from The Lion King: a bit sarcastic and has an attitude like a used-car salesman, but he cares about others as much as the next person.

As for Buzz, I think he was willing to place trust in Mira-even if he didn't believe her, he still thought it wouldn't hurt to give it a go, and because it was important to her. I mean, that's what a leader is supposed to do, right? Listening to what others have to say, even if it doesn't make sense.

And on a sidenote, I've noticed there is another theme present here in this episode; leadership.
Madame President, Commander Nebula, Buzz Lightyear, and King Nova all display how leaders can act in times of crises, and how they deal with it. Madame President deals with the scenario by doing what she thinks is best for other planets, even though I don't agree with it.

Commander Nebula deals with it by sending Team Lightyear to find out what happened despite being caught in his actions and possibly getting in trouble for it, Buzz places trust into Mira's claims however they may sound, and King Nova, even though he acts rude towards non-Tangean folks, he is willing to work with them to fix this problem, and support Mira in her actions as a Space Ranger.

Steel wrote:

1. How do you think Zurg managed to make the Planet Destroyer? And why didn’t he actually destroy the planets and only made everybody think he did? Destroying them would have been easier, so why go through all the effort to only relocate them?
2. How do you think the Galactic Alliance works? Is it a fair system, or does it seem to invoke more chaos than order?
3. What do you think about Mira’s relationship with her father?
4. If you were in Buzz’s place, would you have trusted Mira?

1. See above answer about the Planet Destroyer itself. He's a trickster-as far as we know, he wants attention, and he'll do some really evil and/or questionable things to gain it. Maybe at the time, he thought taking out lives was pointless. Of course, he changes his mind later in "Star Smasher", but that'll be discussed for another time.

2. Eh, the Galactic Alliance is like the United Nations, IMO. Their actions are sometimes questionable, but for the most part, they do seem to do what is right...most of the time. However, I firmly believe that wherever BLoSC takes place, there needs to be a government of some sort. Just like here on Earth, around the world, some type of order needs to exist because without order, there is chaos. There has to be limits as to what is and isn't okay to do or say because people, by nature, aren't without their limits. Everyone has some sort of limits to which stops them in their tracks. So do I think it's fair? I'm going to say generally, yes.

3. Mira's relationship with her father is a very fragile one. We have seen that they love each other, but there certainly is tension between the two of them. I think that although King Nova is in the wrong for the way he treats non-Tangeans, he is a king who will do something when crisis happens, and he will help Mira in any way he can when she's in trouble. I think he's just afraid she'll get hurt if she stays with the Space Rangers, which is understandable. I am glad that by the end of this episode, he does make an effort to be a bit more friendly to the Space Rangers, which is the start of his character development. And that is saying something!

4. If I were in Buzz's shoes, I'd probably be a little skeptical at first. But knowing this is my teammate, and because it's important to her, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, and I'd even feel hopeful that she's right about her sensing her people. So...yeah.

Whew! Man, that was a lot to type up. But I'm sure glad I got the chance to speak up about the episode, even if I can't watch it all the way through. Now it's on to the next episode! I can't wait. Smile



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Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer Empty Re: Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer

Post by levy120 Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:38 am

The Planet Destroyer




Here’s a question of my own as well:

What’s with all these different dimensions? Finding Dimensions, Traveling Dimensions, Creating Dimensions? I’m getting the feeling that BLoSC makes this really “easy” and abuses it as a loophole. And clearly this one was not the parallel universe they encounter later on in the series.



PS: King Nova’s Space Suit was my personal highlight here xD



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Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer Empty Re: Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer

Post by Mod Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:05 pm

Yeah, I liked King Nova's Space Suit, too! I thought it was pretty nifty. And that's a good point: Zurg did say he wanted to RULE over them, rather than get rid of them. But then again, he did seem rather happy in "Star Smasher" when the black hole was going to take in Capital Planet and Star Command, crushing them in the intense heat...but we should probably cover that later.



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Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer Empty Re: Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer

Post by Alexa Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:52 pm

Well, I'm not TOO late for the party, at least. XD Even if it is 1:30 AM here



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Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer Empty Re: Rewatch: #03: The Planet Destroyer

Post by Steel Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:50 pm

Oops, it must have gotten eaten up when I switched paragraphs or something! But this is, more or less, what I had:
She loves being a Space Ranger, not only because she likes what she does, but because she’s got the freedom to do so at the same time. Not being on Tangea or following Tangean customs gives Mira the freedom of choice, and I think that's an important aspect of her character.



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