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How rude...

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How rude... Empty How rude...

Post by Kenji000 Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:20 pm

I'm sorry, but I went reading through the list of episodes and saw that this episode shows Nos-4-A2 in it even though they killed him off in the series about ten episodes before this episode. Now I don't know about you but, I find that quite rude.



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by DarklingDragon Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:42 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if they did that on purpose. They probably thought it would be funny considering the floating-talking-head trying to make everyone think a new era of peace was coming.

At the same time they probably forgot he was killed off earlier and ended up creating another loop hole in the show's plot.



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by Alexa Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:51 am

No, I'm pretty sure this is just another case of them airing the episodes out of order. After all, Revenge of the Monsters (where they killed off NOS) aired quite a few episodes before Wirewolf, yet it's clear that Wirewolf is supposed to be first. I'm more certain than not that War and Peace and War should have been before Revenge of the Monsters as well, but that didn't happen as planned.



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by Mod Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:40 pm

I agree that it's sort of odd that they would have NOS-4-A2 back for a brief cameo in War and Peace and War, when he was killed off in Revenge of the Monsters. I mean, he was IMPALED, for goodness' sake. And considering what he did to Zurg (taking over his planet for a brief time), somehow I don't think even Zurg would be foolish enough to rebuild him.

I'm not sure I agree, however, on the fact of War and Peace and War being before Revenge of the doesn't feel right to me...

Last edited by Fox Storm on Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by levy120 Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:05 am

Well given the fact that Nos hugs a plant, I'd say it's set even before Wirewolf - and after Dirty Work :/
Because, you know, that's the only episode where his distaste to organic things has ever been really established.



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by Kenji000 Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:45 pm

True.... I just saw it as so..... Rude is really the only word I can think of.... I wouldn't put it past Disney either... HE was my favorite character and I almost (when I was a young child and first saw that episode) cried at the end of Revenge of Monsters



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by Steel Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:23 am

It does seem rude, especially when it's the before-last produced episode. But then again didn't they have Wirewolf and XL in that? After they had long turned back to normal/become good?

Fox Storm wrote:And considering what [NOS-4-A2] did to Zurg (taking over his planet for a brief time), somehow I don't think even Zurg would be foolish enough to rebuild him.
Finally, someone who agrees with me besides EEZ! No way would Zurg rebuild NOS, or even LET him be rebuilt by someone else after a fiasco like that. Zurg isn't stupid.

levy120 wrote:Well given the fact that Nos hugs a plant, I'd say it's set even before Wirewolf - and after Dirty Work :/
Because, you know, that's the only episode where his distaste to organic things has ever been really established.
Levy brings up a good point. It seems like this episode, chronologically (if we actually take into account the animators' goofing off thing), is set a little after "Dirty Work" because of the plant thing. Oh, his distaste towards organic things was also kind of established in "Wirewolf" when he bit Ty and got a load of blood. He was pretty much disgusted by that, rofl.

Kenji000 wrote:True.... I just saw it as so..... Rude is really the only word I can think of.... I wouldn't put it past Disney either... HE was my favorite character and I almost (when I was a young child and first saw that episode) cried at the end of Revenge of Monsters
I can understand you. I feel pretty torn up about my favourite characters, as well. But think of it this way. NOS-4-A2 was one of the only characters in BLoSC who got a proper beginning and ending. You can always fill the gaps with fanfics!



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by Olivus Prime Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:51 am

Ah, but we see a Wirewolf in War and Peace and War, and, unless it isn't Ty, that hints at the episode coming after Wirewolf.

It is a little silly bringing up a character again after they've been brutally killed off, but I suppose that's careless syndication for you.
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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by Steel Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:56 am

As well as simply bringing Wirewolf for who knows what reason when the only real Wirewolf was Ty. Besides that ray gun thing that NOS used to turn everyone else into wirewolves... which is a little silly, IMHO. He can't control them ALL. But I guess he could feed on them all later...



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How rude... Empty Re: How rude...

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:01 am

Like most Disney song sequences, I assumed this one wasn't meant to be taken all that seriously. I mean, think about it: NOS hugging a plant? Does that sound like something that would actually happen?



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