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Peg Leg of power

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Peg Leg of power Empty Peg Leg of power

Post by Zimbo Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:30 pm

Its been a while since I've seen Buzz Lightyear of Star Command but something I remember vividly is that the Commander had a robotic looking peg leg. And it functioned as a cannon as well, a powerful looking one too! As awesome as this is, I've always wondered....what happened to that leg? Was it stated in an episode I just never caught or is it one of those unanswered questions, like that nice question about Zurg's species?

Thoughts, questions, random statements?



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Steel Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:27 pm

In the episode "Shiv Katall", Crumford Lorak implies that Shiv Katall, one of the most ruthless bounty hunters in existence, is the one behind Commander Nebula's missing leg. However, it's revealed later on that the Shiv Katall persona is a secret identity that Buzz assumes to help some of Zurg's minions escape from time to time, a mantle that Commander Nebula himself donned before it was passed on to Buzz.

So the story of how he really lost his leg is never mentioned, but it's interesting how the rumour says Shiv Katall did it when Nebula was Shiv. Sounds like maybe a rumour Nebula himself spread, to not let people know the real reason behind it...



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by EEZ Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:29 pm

This is where I put on my tin foil hat and say... the Evil Emperor Zurg did it. THERE, I said it. Now I shall go back into my closet and proceed to conjure up more theories and conspiracies.




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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Steel Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:40 am

I think the reason must be Zurg too. It could be one of the reasons he can't stand him, calling him stuff like "Stinkin' bucket head" in retaliation, hah! Nebula seemed uber-pissed at Zurg's handshake (or lack of it) in "The Planet Destroyer", after all. Or that could just be because Zurg had "won" for once and his pride couldn't take it.

Anything's possible, really. And you know that cats and other animals are sensitive to sights and sounds our poor, pathetic, human senses cannot ever hope to detect! *wiggles fingers*



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Zimbo Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:44 am

Aah, that IS interesting! Wonder what's so secret about it that he'd want to hide it...although that's a smart way to also give the Secret Identity some badass credentials. Taking the Commander of the Space Ranger's leg would no doubt impress other villains!

Zurg's certainly plausible! He's friggin' ZURG, if anyone can take a leg, its him.

And cats stare at things because in reality, WE'RE ALL DEAD. And cats are like "Pfft you guys are boring, I'm gonna stare at this wall."

*100% plausible*



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Hyper-Death-Ray! Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:23 am

Ped Leg is Fashinating...But still that reminds me of a Captain of Pirates xD



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by levy120 Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:12 am

"He sawed my pegleg off!" - "Your payment for polishing was lousy!"

I think the Shiv argument might not be all that harmless at all. It could just be that he lost his leg on one of those missions you know - in addition to what else is being said still.

And since Nebula's cover would have been blown if Shiv suddenly walked around with a pegleg (and the growing of age, too!) this is where Buzz jumped in.

You know, Commander Nebula can have lost his leg "because of Shiv" in more ways than one xD



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Mod Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:17 pm

Hyper-Death-Ray! wrote:Ped Leg is Fashinating...But still that reminds me of a Captain of Pirates xD

Heh. pirat Drink up me hearties, yo ho! xD

I thought that, too, levy. It's possible he did lose his leg on one of his missions as Shiv, due to either being accidentally caught in the crossfire, or by old age. Who knows?

But the fact that he turned his leg into a weapon as well; that says a lot about his resilient character. He's able to turn something bad that happened to him into something good as a defense.



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by VTANGArmn22 Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:15 am

Look at what I missed...

I think that Zurg probably did it. Though, considering how long Commander has been a Ranger, it could've happened a number of different ways. I do like the Zurg and Shiv ideas though. Probably got blown off in one of his missions...back when he still went on missions.

but the fact that he turned his leg into a weapon as well; that says a lot about his resilient character. He's able to turn something bad that happened to him inot soemthing good as a defense.

I totally agree. Commander just wouldn't be Commander if he did't have his peg leg double as a weapon. He's that tough, old drill sergeant kinda guy that everyone loves and hates, that will take a whole bunch of folks with him when he goes. Go Commander!!



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by SteffieMusings Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:45 pm

As he is the commander, he may have been lost his leg during a dangerous mission. Like maybe Zurg had bitten his leg off to show that he meant business? Or maybe he lost it during a mission as Shiv?

As mentioned above, it says a lot about his character when he decided to take advantage of his new peg leg and make it double a a weapon.




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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Steel Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:34 pm

Aha! You did realize it was Zurg from my fic! This makes me happy. *shot*

And yeah, I figure Nebula was the backbone of Star Command from the really early days, so I don’t see him sitting back and signing reports all day, no matter what that confounded desk says! Gotta admit, I loved how he took charge in “NOS-4-A2”. Hotwiring the doors, trying to escape. He’s a survivor and fighter, no doubt about that!

I’ve always wanted to see more about Nebula, but people don’t seem to give him much credit… I guess it’s because his position’s been reduced to a bureaucratic/commanding position. I bet he’d rather be kicking ass any day!



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Mod Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:23 pm

Nah, he's much too stubborn to listen to that desk, no matter how much it bugs him! xD

Ty: Kind of like how you're stubborn to listen to me sometimes?
Me:....Moving on!

He is a fighter, that's what so awesome about him! He also did a crackerjack job at taking charge during "The Shape Stealer". He made sure Buzz was safe away from the shape stealer...even though it was stupid to make that place in Star Command the place to override all of SC's systems...

You're not the only one who wanted to know more about Nebula; I think a lot of people wanted to know more about this guy who is in charge of SC. I mean, he is one of the guys, as far as we know, who jump-started the Space Ranger Corps...makes you wander what caused him to do so...



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by SteffieMusings Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:52 am

Steel wrote:Aha! You did realize it was Zurg from my fic! This makes me happy. *shot*

Yep Smile. When I thought about him losing his losing his leg due to an enemy attacking him, my first thought was your fan-fic.

Steel wrote:I’ve always wanted to see more about Nebula, but people don’t seem to give him much credit… I guess it’s because his position’s been reduced to a bureaucratic/commanding position. I bet he’d rather be kicking ass any day!

That is my exact thought about the Commander as well. If I do remember correctly, I think he was quite vocal about wanting to be on the field than to do a desk job on more than a few occasions.



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by DarklingDragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:56 pm

Steffie wrote:As he is the commander, he may have been lost his leg during a dangerous mission. Like maybe Zurg had bitten his leg off to show that he meant business?

The thought of that makes me laugh. I can definitely imagine that happening. It would explain why the Commander hates Zurg so much.

I remember the Nos4A2 episode shows the commander using his peg leg gun. I think Mira had to support his weight so he wouldn't fall down.



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:59 am

The commander's pleads to get out of his desk job do seem to be ignored by the other characters. He really relishes it when he gets to do some fighting, as shown in 'Shiv Katal' and 'Nos-4-a2'. Maybe everyone see's his leg as a crippling nuisance, and thats why he got it turned into a gun (and why he was shoved behind a desk)

He needs more respect, rangers! (or not rangers- civilians/ minions of zurg/ evil- doers in general) And yes, I think his leg was taken off by Zurg.



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by XRUAFan Wed May 02, 2012 2:43 pm

Personally I don't think Zurg caused him to lose a leg. Zurg didn't know who Shiv was, right? So if he made Nebula lose a leg he would have bragged about it till the (robotic alien) cows came home.

I think that XL did it to him, and that's why he has a grudge on robots - XR and XL esspecially. Also it would give him a darn good reason for shutting XL down, not wanting XR to exist, trying to shut XR down on numerous occasions and using Shiv as a cover story if anyone ever asked. Buzz didn't know who XL was, so obviously this happened during his time away from star command (see the episode "Lone Wolf") and after he came back he put himself out to be the best that he can be. The next grub/brain pod went missing, and the commander decided it was time to let buzz in on his secret.



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Peg Leg of power Empty Re: Peg Leg of power

Post by Pythonmelon Thu May 03, 2012 12:13 pm

ooh very good theory! I really like the idea of XL being the one who took his leg!



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