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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by Steel Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:54 am

Truth be told, I have been thinking of making a proper petition for BLoSC for a long time and I think I'll finally go ahead with that plan. Know, however, that in order to make a successful petition we’ll have to use a lot of facts to back us up, as well as gather a great deal of signatures. And, ladies and gents, that’s where you guys come in!

First, I'll recap what we've already done so far:

-- In this thread, Olivus, Fox and I sent emails to Walt Disney Home Entertainment regarding BLoSC DVDs. As you can see, their responses were pretty standardized and automatic. But Olivus also directed us to this link and an address we can use to keep contacting them.

-- In the same vein, Fox brought this site to our attention (which has now moved to its own domain) which contains links to other Disney-related petitions on All have 12,000 signatures as a maximum goal -- a large and daunting goal, but a more solid goal nevertheless.#

-- We talked about what we would like to see in a DVD release here, but given Rook’s link to this blog, a more realistic goal for us to set would be attaining the episodes. Goodies and other such wonders are a far, far goal.

So, how do we do it?

-- There are facts we can use to help us persuade the higher-ups, such as the award BLoSC won that Olivus points out here.

-- The key isn't tohave a lot of fans, although that always helps: what we have to do is be persistent and persevere. Keep writing. Keep emailing. Hell, phone them too. A petition can take us one step of the way, but it can't win the race. And in the same vein: keep advertising. Tell people about BLoSC, try to get their support. It'll take a while, of course, but if we present our facts and stick together, I'm sure we'll manage something.

And where do you come on?

I would like you guys to suggest any other ideas you might have for reasons BLoSC should be released on DVD. In the meanwhile, I'll try to come into contact with the admin at Open Vault Disney to see whether he'd be willing to advertise our petition when we make it.



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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Re: Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by Steel Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:06 am

I emailed the Open Vault Disney admin with the following message:

Hello! I'm known as Steel and a friend of mine directed me to your site. Firstly, I'd like to commend you on your efforts to get DVDs for a lot of beloved series that sorely deserve them.

Secondly, I was wondering whether, given how your Top Ten Countdown for April 2012 included Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, you would ever make a petition for the series or would be willing to advertise a petition for it. I am a big-time fan and I know several other fans who have all been emailing Walt Disney Home Entertainment on the subject. We're preparing to make a petition on ourselves (despite someone already making one a few weeks ago) and back it up with several articles, facts, etc. We would then advertise on Youtube, other forums, through friends of friends, etc.

The reason I am directing this to your attention, at the risk of sounding too forward or presuming, is because I noticed you have made all the site's petitions. Is it a principle/policy to only advertise petitions you have made yourself? If not, then we will happily provide you with a link to our petition once we have made it. Or, if you'd prefer to make it, we can provide you with all the information we would like to include in it. And, of course, if you'd rather not get involved at all, then there's no need for you to feel obliged to do so.

Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to read this. I look forward to your reply.

Hopefully, I didn't sound too forward and we'll hear what he has to say soon.



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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Re: Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by Olivus Prime Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:35 pm

Open Disney has a pretty decent following, so this is a good idea! Hopefully someday soon there'll be a BLoSC petition that everyone will go to, not hundreds of scattered, dead ones that aren't of much use.
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Re: Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by Steel Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:51 pm

That was exactly what I was thinking. Something more "official" would be able to draw more followers. Not that it absolutely has to be official, but doing a petition through OVD whose primary goal is what we're after would boost support, signatures and have a better chance at succeeding than if we were to make our own.

The admin also emailed me back. Very prompt!


First, I want to thank you for taking the time to write to us. So far as your question, I'm going to only get into a little of my answer, as I think I've had questions like your enough it's time I explain where petitions fit into our campaign better (Read that here). So please make sure you look for that new post better explaining things. But, for now, I'd hope you could understand that while their a is VERY long list of unreleased titles we all want to see, for us to ever be successful, we have to be smart about how we deal with things, and try to make sure we focus on a smaller number of petitions at once. However, I can tell you that the title you were asking for is a title we plan on creating a petition for as one of the next ones we do. Stay tuned...

Jason M. Schlierman
Head Admin, Open Vault Disney
It's very kind and supportive of him to dedicate an entire post to explaining petitions. I thanked him on the post, and hopefully we're now on step closer to our goal!

But I still think we need to gather more information in order to support a DVD release. And I'll also point out a key parts in the admin's post about petitions:

Our big idea is that we keep a cap on only 10 OVD petitions being run at any one time. Then, we would only replace a petition for a title with a new one for a different title after the original title either 1.) receives enough signatures on the petition, or 2.) the title is released on DVD.

Now, that said, as we form alliances with other groups, we may co-create (in limited form) some new petitions above the original 10 with these others groups, but this number of “extra” petitions would still be in limited number. The other big question we’ve been asked by a few eager members is, how would we feel if they go off and create their own petitions for titles we don’t have a petition up for. While we can’t force anyone to do anything (not Disney, not you the members), we would ask for those members to be patient and wait for us to create the petitions they are desirous for.
And so on and so forth. It's a very high probability that BLoSC is coming up soon, but not yet. And I have to say, as eager as I am for us to get started, waiting would be our best bet, like we said above. Going with OVD will give us better chances than if we were to stand alone, and I strongly suggest we all sign their current petitions in order to give them as much help and support as we can.

However, I'll point out that we should continue to gather information that can be of use. And I'll leave you with a parting photo of a huge store in the city centre that had mountains -- literally -- of BLoSC: TAB DVDs. The below photo is one one pile of many I saw:

Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset 641cD

It's not airing here anymore, but it looks like some people remember it!



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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Re: Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by Olivus Prime Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:19 am

Brilliant to know that OVD are thinking about a BLoSC petition - from what I've read on the internet recently, it seems that Disney fans are quite fond of the cartoon and that a boxset (even if it was a limited release) would be pretty successful.

On the topic of the TAB DVD, it's really a product that confuses me, somewhat. It was released 12 years ago... yet in many of the media stores I visit, they have plenty of fresh copies lying on the shelves. Is there still good demand for them, or are they sitting around awaiting a buyer? Will Disney ever consider releasing it on Blu-Ray?
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Re: Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by OpenVaultDisneyHeadAdmin Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:45 pm

Hello everyone,

This is the Head Admin over at Open Vault Disney. First, let me say what an unexpected surprise to locate this forum dedicated to Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. I'm excited to see such a following for this show.

So far as petitions go, if you can be patient, I think we can accommodate you. For anyone that read my post on our web site about petitions, you'd know that I said we'd only run 10 OVD petitions at a time, not counting petitions that we co-hosted. While we need to keep a cap on co-hosted petitions as well, we are very much open to them.

Currently, we have 9 petitions that are ours. The tenth is for now, run by another site. Further, one of our current nine petitions my end up reclassified as a co-hosted petition with another group. As you can see, we have an opening or two right now, and will have more in the coming months as various titles end up released.

Now I need to make it clear, just because we run a Buzz Lightyear petition does not mean season or volume sets are a sure thing. Further, for it to matter, it will take a lot of work. Our best petition right now has just over 300 signature, and that took a lot of effort. Over at OVD, we are looking into different advertising ideas, which will help get the word out, but we'll still need each of you to do your part.

What is your part? Well, besides signing a Buzz petition, we'd ask that you sign some of our other petitions as well, adverse them to your friends and family on your social media accounts, and join OVD when we hold letter/ e-mail/ phone call events. If you do this, we stand a chance. I will be in further contact with your Head Admin soon.

Thanks, and keep up the fight!



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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Re: Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by Steel Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:45 pm

Hello, welcome to the forum!

The cap on petitions is understandable. I imagine it's a very time-consuming and grueling process to accomplish it. As for BLoSC, we've already been waiting for a release for 12 years, so a little more time shouldn't hurt! And given how a lot of series, even popular ones such as Gargoyles, Darkwing Duck and Kim Possible still don't have full releases, I'm sure no one here is expecting miracles from the get-go.

To help out, I just signed all your petitions -- even for the shows I'd never even heard of before. A little helping hand can go a long way, after all! I'll be sending the links to other friends of mine and I've subscribed to receive new posts on the site. I also received your email and already replied!

Thanks once again for pitching in!

Olivus Prime wrote:Brilliant to know that OVD are thinking about a BLoSC petition - from what I've read on the internet recently, it seems that Disney fans are quite fond of the cartoon and that a boxset (even if it was a limited release) would be pretty successful.

On the topic of the TAB DVD, it's really a product that confuses me, somewhat. It was released 12 years ago... yet in many of the media stores I visit, they have plenty of fresh copies lying on the shelves. Is there still good demand for them, or are they sitting around awaiting a buyer? Will Disney ever consider releasing it on Blu-Ray?
I've been finding such threads too. A lot of people really do love the show. I think YouTube is where you really see it happening. Views and comments keep soaring!

I've always been confused by the DVD myself. I always make it a personal rule of mine to hunt it down in every DVD store I chance upon. Sometimes, if I go to that store more than once and the same, solitary DVD is still there... yeah. But what amazes me is when they have a huge stock, like the photo I showed. Why do they have so much? Is it really, genuinely that successful? Or is no one buying it...? xD

I would sorely love a Blu-Ray release for higher-quality screenshots. TAB screens are only around 768x576 including the black bars to make it a letterbox. You'd think that'd be big enough, but not for graphics, and given additional tiny black bars left and right of the release... Yes, I would very much like a Blu-Ray release at some point, but that's low on my priority list. Series first, better TAB quality, last.

Can you think of any other reasons besides the award/Toy Story 3 to boost our reasoning for a release, Olivus?



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Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset Empty Re: Regarding a Petition for a DVD boxset

Post by Olivus Prime Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:57 pm

Hi OpenVault, it's great to have you on the forum. I think what you guys do at OVD is brilliant, you're really doing some favours for Disney cartoon fans! I'll be sure to sign some of the petitions on the site, as it seems every cartoon is in a similar position to BLoSC, and I want to help in any way I can. I'll also see if I can get friends and family to help, though they probably won't hold interest!

Steel wrote:Yes, I would very much like a Blu-Ray release at some point, but that's low on my priority list. Series first, better TAB quality, last.

Absolutely. Once the series is out on DVD I'll probably stop bugging Disney quite so much, since we'll have the series legally and (hopefully) at a decent quality.

Steel wrote:Can you think of any other reasons besides the award/Toy Story 3 to boost our reasoning for a release, Olivus?

Hmm. Other than the reasons I've already stated, it's a bit tricky. I suppose you could say that if the full series was released, the fact that TAB has sold so well might benefit it in terms of sales (kids will want to see more, and will pay for the full series). In fact, the sales figures for TAB alone might be worth quoting ($4m in its first week), alongside the fact that Disney will earn more money from it now than later, considering the widening gap between this potential release and that of Toy Story 3.
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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