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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Olivus Prime
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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Olivus Prime Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:36 pm

I'm kind of surprised that this topic hasn't come up already, since it would be interesting to see which episodes are more popular, and which are less so. Anyway, which episodes are your favourites, and which episodes could you definitely do without?

My top five would be:

1. The Lightyear Factor. Alternate universe with mega-sinister version of hero, well shared character screentime, brilliant humour (as usual!), a proper Buzz vs. villain fight scene, great animation... what's not to like about this episode? I personally love it.
2. The Shape Stealer. The Shape Stealer, though not as funny as the Gargantians, pulls off disguises in a much colder way - he should have played the starring role in Conspiracy! Also, one of the few episodes to feature someone other than Buzz saving the day.
3. A Zoo Out There. The Chlorms are my favourite of all of the less prominent baddies, and the zoo idea is great - I can't help but think of this episode every time I go to a zoo or aquarium now! Screentime is shared pretty evenly here too, even when the team is separated.
4. The Adventure Begins. I still enjoy watching this even after hundreds of views since childhood! Alongside some excellent animation, the battle scenes and plot are very well planned out and executed, though Mira is somewhat less like herself in this episode (apart from the brilliantly animated hangar scene).
5. Clone Rangers. The series crew could have pulled off the stereotypical evil cloning scenario, but they didn't - instead they gave us some funny infants with even wackier weaknesses. Zurg's reactions to the clones are fantastic, too.

As for least favourite episodes... you guys have probably picked up by now that Devolutionaries is by far my least favourite episode, just because of the idea of ridding the characters of the personalities we've gotten to know.
Other than that, the only episodes I don't particularly enjoy watching are ones with notably bad animation (The Torque Armada, Root of Evil, Star Smasher). Though I know that the episodes are popular for their Anime-style animation, I'm not very fond of the animation in NOS-4-A2 or Lost in Time either. Some of the movements made by the characters are just too exaggerated, as are some of their designs, especially Mira's and XR's.

Feel free to destroy me for not including Wirewolf (which is still a great episode, by the way)!
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Asenath Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:22 pm

I will destroy you.
Just kidding. Smile Wirewolf is probably indeed my favorite, followed closely by Revenge of the Monsters.



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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Mod Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:47 pm

Awesome topic idea, Olivus! And I won't destroy you, don't worry. xD

I'll go ahead and say my top 5 faves:

1. Wirewolf-You knew this was coming. xD I think I've already explained why I like this eppy to death, but I'll go ahead and say that it's got great animation, the characters are awesome in this eppy, and the story is like a horror film, which is really cool to see. Plus, there are some dark elements in this episode, which is, to me, like an episode straight out of Batman: The Animated Series. I also like the little moments in this episode, like with Ty and Buzz. They have a quiet moment near the end where their friendship is restored, which is very nice and sweet. ^^

2. Ancient Evil- This eppy is awesome because it gives us a bit of insight into what the past of Buzz's galaxy was like, or at least an idea of it. I also love the backstory of Natron; we know that there was a Protector in the past, and that can give off SO many potential ideas about what the past may have been like versus what it is like now. Plus, this episode shows what Warp looks like when he's older. xD Plus, I like the design of Planet X: very Egyptian-like. I like the idea of the new meeting the old, and this was executed well in this eppy.

3. The Adventure Begins- The one that started it all! Well, sort of. xD Anyway, this movie is awesome because it gives us an intro to everything that's going on in Buzz's galaxy and the main characters. Plus, the animation is smooth and works well in this episode. I also like how we got the chance to see how Team Lightyear was formed; we know some of their backstories and got to know them for the characters we have all come to know and care about. I also like some of the themes that were present in this episode; going alone vs. having backup, good vs. evil, life vs. death, and rebirth.

4. Stress Test- This episode is as funny as heck. The humor is just so dang great that I could laugh over and over again at this episode. I love how it's directed at Buzz seeming to overreact to a small little thing like a pen, and everyone's reaction to Buzz's obsession with Zurg. Plus, Zurg is a ham in this episode; I love his lines and how he intentionally says them in a dramatic manner, like he's making fun of the dramatic aspects of a dangerous weapon. xD

5. Rookie of the Year- This episode focusing in the rookies is cool because it shows how they interact with each other when Buzz isn't around and how they work together. I also like how Buzz interacted with the other Rangers, giving the rest of them to shine in this episode, protecting the ship from the Hornets in the beginning. The animation is great in this episode, too. It's very smooth and very natural.




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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Stomper1232 Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:01 pm

My least favorite episode is "Revenge of the Raenoks" it didnt make alot of sense to me and it seemed to change focus on characters, it started focusing on Booster then changed to X.R then Buzz.



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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by levy120 Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:26 am

Hum… I could name my favorite episodes, but I am not sure if I could actually rank them.

“Planet of the Lost”

“Return of XL”

“Dirty Work” and “Nos-4-A2”


I'm pretty sure there are more that I could be naming, but these are the ones that just come to mind immediately. "Lost in Time", "Large Target", "Clone Rangers", "Stress Test", "A zoo out there" and of course "Wirewolf" are great too, but if I had to reduce the list to a Top 5 or something, then they'd have to give way for the other episodes here.

And then there’s… “The Slayer”
I’m really not sure what to think of this episode. I’d like to put it in “Least favorite” because of the terrible animation, but… I can’t D8 I actually happen to like this episode as some sort of… guilty pleasure I guess.

Now… what episodes don’t I like?
Well there are some of those that… I dunno, everyone seems to dislike. “First Missions” for example being one of them. Most of those episodes I don’t remember actually – I could give you names of episodes that I didn’t WATCH a lot, but I think that’d be unfair because… maybe, in retrospect, I would happen to like one of those if I sat down again to watch it.

One episode that I was pretty “meh” towards at first but that I… sadly grew to honestly dislike is “Revenge of the Monsters”; and I watched that thing often; had to, because I used it in videos a lot.
Why do I dislike this episode? I dunno, everything about it is just so weird.



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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:11 am

My favourites, in no particular order, are:

Mira's Wedding

I can watch this episode over and over without getting tired of it. The artwork isn't perfect, but it's pretty good and there's lots of humour in the episode. Mira is awesome as always, Buzz's whole "Ranger instinct" thing is hilarious, Booster is cute, XR's scream when he sees Mira's dress is funny, King Nova is awesomely snobby, Fop is adorable, and Angstrom makes a pretty good villain - gotta love David Warner. This is definitely one of my top five eps.


What's not to love about it? The plot is pretty complex and dark for a kid's show, and those scenes on Tradeworld with the rain are amazing. There are lots of awesome moments, though the two that stand out the most for me are when Buzz is about to shoot the president and his team arrives, and when Mira explains why she believed him. My only issue would probably be with the awfulness of the Alliance's security. It must be amazingly bad for them to let Buzz (both real Buzz and fake Buzz) slip in and almost shoot the president. Other than that, this is a totally awesome episode.

Super Nova

I love this one. King Nova is at his finest, Zurg is deliciously evil, and Mira goes through some great development. XR has some funny lines too, and I love how much intensity Buzz puts into his words when he says, "I'll make you pay for this, Zurg!" You can tell he means it. A great episode - such a pity they banned it.

The Lightyear Factor

Evilyear is without a doubt the evilest villain in BLoSC (sorry, Zurg). This episode is another I can watch over and over. It has lots of great moments, and the artwork is great. The ending also sets up Sunquake nicely (it's a shame they never followed up the ending for that episode).

The Yukari Imprint

It's a parody of The Trouble with Troubles, one of Trek's funniest episodes, and it has Nichelle Nichols in it. 'nuff said.

Star Crossed

This one gives us some backstory on Mira, and introduces Romac (why oh why wasn't he in any other episodes? D8).

There are lots of other episodes deserving of mention, but I'll end the list here.

Least favourites (and even these aren't too bad):

Revenge of the Raenoks

I like the ending of this one - XR and Nebula are so cute - but I found the rest of the episode pretty boring.

Eye of the Tempest

Bonnie's kind of irritating, but worse than that I get creeped out by the idea of her dating Buzz. She's so much younger than him.




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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Alexa Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:31 am

Well, I haven't watched most of the episodes in a while, but I do have a list of episodes I tend to watch most often. In order of the episode guide on the wiki, they are:

The Adventure Begins (either the Tim Allen movie OR the Patrick Warburton episodes)
War and Peace and War
and Wirewolf

But, I also like Revenge of the Monsters, First Missions (for the back stories), and Holiday Time.

As for episodes I don't like... Torque Armada, Gravitina, Little Secrets, Inside Job, and Plasma Monster come to mind, for various reasons.

I also like half of the episode Bunzel Fever... The half of the episode I like is actually the Torque and XL interactions, since it's the basis of my idea that Torque and XL have a rad bromance. <3 I don't care as much for the other half of the episode, though it is amusing in some doses, I suppose?



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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:44 am

Alexa wrote:I also like half of the episode Bunzel Fever... The half of the episode I like is actually the Torque and XL interactions, since it's the basis of my idea that Torque and XL have a rad bromance. <3 I don't care as much for the other half of the episode, though it is amusing in some doses, I suppose?

"Rad bromance" Teeheee. Very Happy The other half of the episode is actually based on another Star Trek classic - "Amok Time". You'd be surprised how many elements of BLoSC are clever parodies of other shows.



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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Olivus Prime Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:21 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:You'd be surprised how many elements of BLoSC are clever parodies of other shows.

There are so many sci-fi references in the show - in casting, designs, names, events... like Lost in Time's title being a parody of Lost in Space, and the LGMs finding Star Trek-style teleportation ridiculous. I didn't even know about the Amok Time and The Trouble with Troubles references! Shows that you need a real sci-fi buff to pick up on all of the references.

Anyway, back on topic, I found it very hard to rate my faves, and looking back, Wirewolf is probably more worthy of 5. than Clone Rangers. My honorable mentions are: Shiv Katall, Little Secrets, Bunzel Fever, Good Ol' Buzz, Sunquake, Large Target, Conspiracy, Lone Wolf, Star Crossed, The Yukari Imprint, The Plasma Monster, Panic on Bathyos... and pretty much any episode with XL in it (except Revenge of the Monsters, a bit crowded and strange for my liking).
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes? Empty Re: Favourite/Least Favourite Episodes?

Post by Rook Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:22 pm

Let's see...I'm going to list my top eight. Why eight? Because the number doesn't get enough attention.

8. Downloaded - In which XR gets himself into trouble (not surprising) that involves an entire galaxy's worth of bounty hunters on his butt. This episode was a lot of fun to watch, but it also made me happy to see XR actually fix his mistake himself because watching him grow as a character like that is like watching a small child take on responsibility. Sure it's always two steps forward and one step back with him throughout, but it's still endearing. Plus I have some fun pondering what made the Galactic Alliance think that putting all their eggs in one basket with that supercomputer was a good idea. Well, it gave me one for my fan fic.
7. Lone Wolf - I like the concept in this episode because it offers the idea that Buzz at times had his doubts about being a Space Ranger, considering how he is portrayed as being married to the job. I wish that the issue could have been more complex or even been prevalent in other episodes if only to add more dimensions to Buzz's character.
6. Tag Team & War and Peace and War - This one is a tie because they have a common theme in that our hero is forced to work with his enemy to fight off a common antagonist, and it's just a lot of fun watching their personalities all bounce off each other until they return to their respective corners. The morals and ethics discussion in Tag Team could have been a bit more sophisticated but as a philosophy nerd I'm probably the only one who cares in relation to it being a kids' show. Still, it just goes to show that the
5. Haunted Moon - This episode was a solid horror story with the right amount of tension and impending doom before the 'ghost' is revealed. I enjoyed this one simply on that merit.
4. The Adventure Begins - the episode that started everything, and it was epic. The stakes are high, the dialogue is amazing, and the story makes for a great beginning to further adventures.
3. The Slayer - Yes, I'm aware that the animation is terrible, but given everything else, I am willing to overlook that in favor of Savy being awesome, the great interactions with the characters, the sense of impending danger and loss, and some of NOS-4-A2's best lines in the series.
2. Planet of the Lost - The twist at the climax was probably my favorite part. Combined with the fact that the villain was actually reasonably sympathetic and it makes me wonder about the place of robots and AI in this sci-fi society.
1. Wirewolf - okay, you all probably saw this coming. If I had seen this episode when I was ten when it came out, Ty would have been my first little girl crush. The episode itself was a classic horror story mixed with bizarre new elements, and it makes me a little disappointed that the sequel hook follow-up episode wasn't as strong and we didn't get to see more of Ty elsewhere.

Honorable mentions go out to every other episode except the following, 6 least favorite episodes:
6. Little Secrets
5. Revenge of the Raenoks
4. First Missions
3. Speed Trap
2. Devolutionaries
1. Eye of the Tempest



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