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Dr. Ozma Furbanna

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Dr. Ozma Furbanna Empty Dr. Ozma Furbanna

Post by Ranger-Nova Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:18 am

I hope I did everything right here - let me know if I need to change anything.


Name: Dr. Ozma Furbanna
Age: Mid thirties, I think.
Species: Human
Appearance: A blue-eyed brunette with a great figure. She keeps her hair fairly short, probably so it won't get in her way while she's working. She wears a green shirt and brown pants.
Personality: On the surface, she comes across as very cold, stubborn, and even mean, but this is mostly due to years of isolation. She can be a caring, kind person at times, and she is passionate about her job. She gets very angry when her animals are threatened, and she'll do whatever it takes to protect them.
Background: She seems to have spent much of her life in isolation, preferring the company of animals to other people. She requested an assignment on Karn, a planet crawling with dangerous animals, because she wanted study and preserve them.

She sort of is and sort of isn't Buzz Lightyear's girlfriend - it all depends on who you ask. Despite treating him coldly, she is fond of the Ranger and even kisses him in front of his team. However, most of the time she and Buzz both vehemently deny being boyfriend and girlfriend. Everyone else - even Zurg - knows better.
Strengths: Determination, compassion for animals, a strong robotic suit to protect herself against the creatures on Karn.
Weaknesses: Stubbornness, coldness, lack of social skills, rudeness.
World: Resides on Karn, studying the wildlife.


Ozma slashed her way through the thick foliage, carefully checking the ground to make sure she wasn't stepping on anything alive. She had to glance up every now and then, scanning the area for predators. On Karn, you had to be vigilant every second, because one slip and you could end up as a Narlzak's breakfast.

Finally reaching the clearing that contained her lab/living quarters, she slid open the door and stepped inside. After placing her latest insect specimans in a container, she slipped out of her bulky exo-suit and collapsed onto a chair. Stacks of books covered her desk, and she absently took one and started leafing through it. The pages were filled with diagrams of exotic animal types, giving information on their appearance, location, and habits. Ozma tossed the book aside, having read it many times before.

Boy, she thought, leaning back, it's sure been a long day. She swivelled the chair to face the window and let out a contented sigh as she watched the sun slowly descend behind the mountains. The orange sky faded into darkness, and the beasts of the night began to call to each other. Nothing beats a day on Karn, she concluded with satisfaction.


Nickname: Ranger-Nova
Age Range: Older than 15, but younger than 50.
Contact Information Just send me a PM.
Roleplay Experience: Almost none.
Other Characters: XR, very briefly.
How Did You Find Us: I saw a link on the XR boards.
RP Notes: I'm only online Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Also, I live in South Africa, so my timezone's going to be different.



Posts : 464
Join date : 2011-11-18
Location : Star Command

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Dr. Ozma Furbanna Empty Re: Dr. Ozma Furbanna

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sun May 18, 2014 4:12 pm

Did buzz marry ozma?
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buzz lightyear fan



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Age : 24
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Dr. Ozma Furbanna Empty Re: Dr. Ozma Furbanna

Post by Feral Dog Mon May 19, 2014 10:12 pm

buzz lightyear wrote:Did buzz marry ozma?

No. (Dun dun dunnn)
Feral Dog
Feral Dog



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Join date : 2013-03-22
Age : 34

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Dr. Ozma Furbanna Empty Re: Dr. Ozma Furbanna

Post by buzz lightyear fan Sat May 24, 2014 7:35 am

What fan are you I'm fan of buzz/ozma go to to see all her story's to prove it What a Face 
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buzz lightyear fan



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Join date : 2014-01-08
Age : 24
Location : star command

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