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Tough Love and Care

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Tough Love and Care Empty Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:03 am

It was an early morning on Capital Planet. The birds where churping, the sun was shinning and Ozma Furbana-Lightyear was sipping her first cup of coffee in the kitchen. She walked up the stairs to the master bedroom where she was surprised to see her husband was still getting ready for work. He was slowly getting into his ranger under suit when he would already be all ready and out the door by now. "Buzz?" Ozma said as she walked up to him. "Honey? You feeling okay?"

Last edited by Cartoonhottie2009 on Sat May 12, 2012 8:28 pm; edited 1 time in total



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:23 am

"I'm fine, just a little sluggish this morning." Bzz shook his head. He had woen in an almost vertigo-like funk the way some people do in the mornings. "I'll be fine."



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:24 am

Ozma looked at him worringly as she walked over to him and placed a hand on his forehead. Her hand shot back as she felt how warm he was. "Buzz, you're burning up!" She placed her mug down and got a thermoiter from the bathroom.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:28 am

"No! no, I can't miss work!" Buzz yelled after her, looking worried. His cheeks were flushed with fever. He knew how hard-headed Ozma could be and gave up, sighing.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:34 am

Ozma came back with the thermomiter and shoved it into his mouth. "Hush. If you're sick, you won't be able to save the galaxy from Zurg unless you sneeze on him and he catches your flu." She pulled the thermomiter out and looked at it. 102.5 degrees.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:36 am

"I'm fine." Buzz scowled. He sat cross legged on the bed and smiled at her a little. "But thanks anyway."



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:40 am

"Buzz. You're not fine!" Ozma snapped as she thrusted the thermomiter in his face. "You have a fever! A high one at that!" She got up and picked up the phone. "I'm calling Commander Nebula to tell him you're calling in sick. You can get back in your pajamas and back to bed."



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:42 am

"But Ozma!" Buzz whined like a little kid. "It's just a little cold!" He tried to take the phone from her but she slapped his hand. He sat, brooding, wondering who was going to stop evil around the galaxy without him.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:46 am

After she finished her call to Star Command, Ozma glared at Buzz who was trying to sneak off. "Buzz!" She scolded as the man smiled sheepishly and sat back down on the bed. "That's it! You leave me no choice." Ozma said as she hit the speed dial button. After a few second the caller picked up. "Hello, Nana? It's Ozma. I need your help with a little problem."



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:48 am

"No! No I'm okay with putting on m Pajamas and getting into bed!" Buzz stripped off his undershirt and started to pull on a loose Tee.

"Hello?" Nana answered pleasently



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:53 am

"Hi Nana. It's Ozma." The woman replied with a smile. She was going to need all the help she could get to deal with a sick Buzz. "Buzz has a fever and is being stubborn about staying in bed."

"Say no more, I'll come right over." Nana said as she got her coat. Ozma hung up and got dressed herself as Buzz looked at her horrified.

"Something wrong, Honey?" Ozma asked, trying to hide her smile.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:54 am

"No, nothing." Buzz shook his head. "How about a bowl of soup or something for breakfast?" He dreaded Nana's visits, even if she had long since ran out of new stories to tell Ozma



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:58 am

Ozma smiled as there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Buzz said as he walked to the front door and opened it. He was instantly yanked into a hug by Nana.

"Aww is my poor widdle Buzzy Bee all sicky wicky?" She baby talked him as she bear hugged her grandson tightly.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:03 am

"no I'm fine!" Buzz kicked in her grip. "Really, no need to break my ribs."



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:07 am

"Don't be a silly billy." Nana cooed as she let go and pinched his cheek. "Let Ozma and Nana take good care of you, Sweetie Pie." She dragged Buzz back to bed and tucked him in as Ozma chuckled at the scene.

Last edited by Cartoonhottie2009 on Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:09 am

Buzz scowled, furrowing his brow. Today was going to be torture. "Can I at least have some breakfast?" He asked. "and tell Warp what to do for today? He's so hard headed."



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:15 am

"Now don't worry about a thing, Buzzy Boo." Nana said as she kissed his forehead, leaving a lipstick kiss mark. "Ozma will make sure that Warp will stay in line. Meanwhile Nana will make you some tasty soup that won't upset your lil tummy." Ozma giggled as she left to see who Buzz's temerary partner would be.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:27 am

Buzz scowled more deeply. "Nana, you don't have to baby talk me. Just because I'm sick doesn't mean I've gotten any younger." He wished all to badly to be back in the captains chair of 42



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:29 am

"Aww but you're sick." Nana cooed as she made sure he was comfy. "You need all the TLC you can get. Which reminds me..." She reached into the bag she brought and pulled out a well loved teddy bear. "Look who I brought!" She said as she put Commander Snuggle-Wuggles next to Buzz.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:39 am

Buzz looked at the bear with raw horror. "Nana I'm a grown man!" He said futiley, accepting the bear.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:47 am

"Aww, you know you'll always be my little Buzz Buzz Bee. No matter how big you are." Nana said as she tapped his nose. "Now you and Commander Snuggle Wuggles get comfy while Nana gets you your soup." She smiled and left the room.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:51 am

Buzz looked at the bear, filled with a lethal mixture of contempt and care. "You are about to ruin my day." he said to the bear before relaxing on the pillow a bit.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:54 am

The bear continued to smile with it's stitched mouth. A few mintues later Nana came back in with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a glass of ginger ale. "Who's hungry?" Nana smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed with the bowl in her hand and the spoon in the other.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Pythonmelon Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:56 am

"Starving." Buzz tried to take the bowl and spoon but Nana wouldn't let him have it. "Hey!" He looked at her with terror, she was going to feed him herself.



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Tough Love and Care Empty Re: Tough Love and Care

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:58 am

Dipping the spoon in the bowl she held it out to him. "Open wide Buzzy." She cooed as she held the spoon next to his mouth.



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