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Interview Questions!

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Interview Questions! Empty Interview Questions!

Post by Steel Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:59 pm

All right, listen up, guys! I'm pleased to say that we've got twenty members now, and the timing for this forum couldn't have been more right! EEZ and I have recently been in contact with Tad Stones (for those of you who don't know, he was one of the executive producers on BLoSC and the mastermind behind it all) and he agreed to answer any questions we have about BLoSC in an e-mail interview! This, of course, means that we need to think up of some questions to ask him about! So what is it that you, as fans, are burning to know? We've got some questions down ourselves, but we figured that you guys would have stuff to ask about that we might not have thought about!

So fire away and we'll try to compile them all in this questionnaire for him to answer!

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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by EEZ Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:01 pm


Regardless of the answer on that last one, I'll stick to my own head-canon but to have the REAL answer from the SOURCE will soothe me after all these years. Oh, and perhaps we should ask if they ever plan to release BLoSC on DVDs. That'd be Jim-crackin'-dandy!

Tell him please and thank you!



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by levy120 Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:29 pm

Hum... a really really bland one:
What of all the episodes we have does he consider his very favorite one? And for what reasons?

Or for the sake of the production being a long looong time ago - which episode does he remember most? Any funny story up his sleeve, any trivia?

And why does XR switch voice actors throughout the series? %D
A thing that personally never bothered me, but doesn't seem to have any consistency whatsoever.



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Steel Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:18 am

Or, you know, he'll be mysterious and say they never thought of it. Or say they wanted to be ambiguous about it and keep the audience guessing. Or admit they never thought people would be so curious about him. Or spoil it all and claim he's Buzz Lightyear's father...!

I really hope the latter isn't true.

Actually, those aren't bland questions at all, Levy! It might round things up very nicely and make a lovely conclusion for the questionnaire. And provide us with some fondness since the poor guy seemed a little bitter about the whole thing in a podcast interview I found a few days ago.

All the above questions have been included! Let me know about any more soon, guys, so I can send him a reply ASAP!



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Hyper-Death-Ray! Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:11 am

Oh My Godness!!! 8D
My First question would be: Is Buzz Bald? (I can't resist...)
The Second one is: About the Movie/Pilot, can we know how the voices for the characters were chosen? :3
Are these good questions, after all?
Anyway..Contact with Tad Stones!! Awesome!!! 8D

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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by musekicker Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:21 am

Hmm, I can only think of two questions.

1. Will there ever be a behind the scenes or art/background info on the Blosc universe type book? Because I love those things and would love to have a guide to the BLOSC unverse.

2. Do you think the BLOSC universe will ever be revisited? Like a comic book series? If Darkwing Duck gets a comic, so should BLOSC.



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Banshee Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:15 am

Well I can honestly think of only a few questions at the moment.

1. Do you wish that BLoSC would be aired on TV again?

2. Why was zurg not in more episodes?

3. Would there ever be an indepth guide to the aliens seen on BLoSC?



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Spirit Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:24 am

I've heard about things that were never released, is there anything you can tell about those?



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by EEZ Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:25 am

Ooh, a book regarding the aliens, their cultures, home worlds... I really like that idea. It's too bad they didn't publish one similar to the Star Wars Essential Guides. That would have been extremely nifty.

What about asking about the planned futures of the characters, if any? Did Mira become Queen of Tangea one day; did Booster inherit the family farm on Jo-Ad; or did Zurg retire with the evil business, through choice or through death?

I hope we get more answers than questions through this interview. Keep up with the questions, guys!



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Mod Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:27 am

Hmm....let me think (Jeopardy theme....light bulb appears!) Idea

I think it would be interesting to find out how some of the less well-known characters (Ty Parsec, XL, etc., who are now gaining popularity, last time I checked) came to be! It's just amazing how they are becoming more or less popular in such a quick time. But then again, I'm a bit new to the fandom, so I wouldn't know. Sorry, I'm rambling!

I also think it would be interesting to learn if, had the series continued, what would he have liked to see, or planned to see, done? (more interaction with XL and XR, maybe more interactions with one-time characters, etc.)

And maybe, just there a chance in the future the show will be on DVD?

That's all I can think of for now, but I'll let you know if there's any more questions I can come up with. Please tell him it's an honor to talk to him, and to thank him for his taking the time to talk with us! It's a treat. Smile




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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by MC Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:13 pm

OOOOOooooo........... I can think of a few

1) What exactly is Zurg??? How did he claim the title "Emperor" WE WANT ORIGINS!!......please :3
2) Why does Buzz never mention his parents but mentions his Nana? What's the background story to that? In fact, both Buzz and Zurg only mention their "Nana" figure, was that just a gag or was there more to the plot later on in future episodes?
3) Will there be any books on the concept art and story ideas that disney usually do for movies?
4) Any release of seasons on DVD?
5) Is there a Finale to the series???

I can't wait to read this email~!



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Alcatrazzie Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:28 pm

Hmmm, so many questions yet I don't know which one to decide on. Well here it goes anyways.

Since Disney has been doing comics of old Disney toons will there be a comic out about the BLoSC series as a continuation storyline? Like something Boom! Comics would be willing to pickup?



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Saron Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:02 pm

You have been in contact with Tad Stones? Oooh, seems like Steel has her fingers in all the pies. I'll try to keep things effecient and ask questions not already written.

As far as interogation goes...

1) What ever happened to Fluffy the cat? Is she still alive purring somewhere? If people can extend their lifespans, they can do so for their pets.
2) Why was Zurg not a space ranger in the alternate universe? Was that a possible option, or was the chef gag too good to pass up? Was it a hint to Zurg's not so malevolent nature? Was the best opposite for him someone harmless?
3) If it turns out Zurg really was human (perish the thought), why did he still have the same outfit when working at Cosmos diner?"
4) There seem to be a variety of different species, especially on Trade World and in episodes as seen when XR gets in trouble at a casino. Do they each hail from respective planets, is this an intergalavtic immigration policy, are they mutant reactions from the reign of Natron's people, can they actually be part of the same species but with vastly different phenotypes, as mimicking didfferent ethnicities on earth?
5) I want a backstory on Warp.
6) I want one sentence accounts on each of the 52 times Ty was saved by Buzzz, unless you think that's just assinine or never really thought them out.
7) Where did the grubs and brainpods come from? Science experimens? Other planets? The brains aren't actually brains, are they? Or did some scholars sacrifice theri bodies in order to devote everything to knowledge?
Cool Was Planet Z ever inhabitable? If so, by what?
9) I want details into Zurg's business strategies. How did he have that many resources, develop the factories, raise the capital to become an evil emperor? His budget would make Bill Gates look like a pauper, and Khlorm look like a penniless unemployed.
10) Did Natron's people collect species from different galaxies and that accounts for the diversity in that one solar system? By default, are Roswellians the true people of that sector, naturally evolving outside of infulence by whatever brought all those other races together in such cultural homogenity?
11) Did the humans get harvested from Earth, bringing their traditions with them like Santa Clause, or did they just receive signals from earth with our media all over it, and they picked and choose things of their liking?
12) I would like more information on Natron's culture and their lifestyles, and what brought their eventual downfall.
13) Where are all the grounders? Do they live underground? Please explain their culture and their relation to the Grounders. Are they actually part of the same species but don't like to admit it, a conflict of separate classes reminiscent of The Time Machine by H. G. Wells? Or did mole people evolve side by side an amoeba-like entity?



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Mod Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:07 pm

Whoa...that's a lot of questions there, Saron. But I don't blame you for wanting to ask them.

Which reminds me, I just thought of another one...

It's sort of a strange one, but how was working on BLOSC different from working on other projects (Hercules, for example)?



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Saron Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:18 pm

14) If Mira became Queen, would there ever be a chance for Romac and Mira to stay a couuple, or will she have to break off ties and marry a proper royal?
15) If a Tangean and a Grounder have kids, is the end result a Warp Darkmatter or are they incompatible due to post-zygotic barriers?
16) Do hillbilly Grounders live on the surface, and the suave intelligent strapping specimens live somewhere else like underground, and if so, for what motivation? To avoid detection by the royals?
17) Why did Ozma station herself at Karn? I would like a back-story, and possible reasoning for her cold mistrustful behavior.
18) Where are Klerm's parents and why are they letting him run amuck like that?
19) What is Torque up to these days, if the show was still continuing?
20) Is Vartkes a child trafficker? I get the feeling he's some sort of perv.
21) Zurg had to get an evil reputation somehow...did he just mellow out by Buzz's era, because mutant vegetables just isn't trying.
22) What is the nature, purpose, and use of Distilled Evil?

Also, I appologize for all the questions for Tad and for pasting a super post onto the thread. All that yellow, it BURNS.



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by levy120 Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:09 am

Don't overstrain the poor guy Saron xD

But I have another question too...
How does he feel particulary about the Ban of "Inside Job"? Especially since people still want to see it.

And how come what little bit of chronology the series had was messed up in the Episode list? (Like The Slayer running after Dirty Work when it is obviously directly set after Nos-4-A2)
It obviously has nothing to do with what episodes were 'finished' first, since the last I heard Nos-4-A2 was the first episode to be produced and has position 6 in the 'Timeline'.



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Hyper-Death-Ray! Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:21 am

I Adore ALL the Questions from the Beginning to Here!!

Here again another one: About Little Green Men... I think I've never seen a female LGM before O_O Why ??



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by VTANGArmn22 Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:33 am

Wow, opportunity of a lifetime here and I can't think of any good questions. Typical me. Anyway...

I'd like to know where the inspiration for characters like Wild Bill Cooley, Romac, Gravitina, and Natron the Destroyer came from. Where did the writers get their ideas?

That's all I got.



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Steel Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:37 am

Phew, there’s a lot I need to catch up on! And yes, Saron, I do have my fingers in almost all the pies! I’ve been trying to contact other peeps too, so we’ll see whether any good will come out of it all!

I don’t think we can ask him all of these questions, but we can probably try to merge some. I’m going to go with around twenty to twenty-five questions. I’ll let you guys go at it for one more night before we finally spruce the questions up and send them over to him. I really hope we don’t keep him waiting too long!

And as for no female LGMs, maybe they’re mono-gendered? The Grubs and Brain Pods don’t seem to have any females either! Hmmm, food for thought. I don’t know if he’ll be able to answer all of these questions, come to think of it, because he wasn’t directly involved in the writing process. Maybe I could ask him for a way to contact some of the show’s writers, or the one who came up with the most ideas for the show!

Wrap the questions up, people! We’re nearly done here! Ooh, this fills me with evil glee~



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Overcast Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:45 pm

Okay, finally got some ideas.

1: Why did you decide to take classic monsters (Vampire, werewolf, Frankenstein monster) and put them into the BLoSC universe?

2: With the Evil Buzz Lightyear. What usually happens with parallel realities it's all the good guys are bad guys and all the bad guys are good guys? What made you stray so far from that norm? If Buzz is evil shouldn't Mira, Booster, XR, and everyone else be evil too? Shouldn't Zurg, Warp, NOS, Gravitina, and the other villians be the heroes?

3: Are Torque and Sally from Cosmos the same species? They have the same skin color, very similar brown markings, and four arms. I know Torque has five eyes and Sally has the 'standard' two, but are they the same species? Or a 'cousin' species like in Star Trek with Vulcans and Romulans?

4: In the pilot for BLoSC, a brainpod was talking to Zurg. Zurg asked how long he had worked for him, and the brainpod asked "As a brain or before?" or something along those lines. Can't exactly remember the exact line. Yet later, when Team Lightyear are trying to save a brainpod it has a mouth and is capable of moving freely. Was it a scientist that just gave up his body for SCIENCE, or an alien race? ....Or a gag?



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by DarklingDragon Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:50 pm

Wow. This is quite interesting.

I honestly wouldn't know what to ask, so I'll wait to see how this turns out.



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Crystal Peak Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:41 am

Ok, since everyone is asking turn!

1. Why were some episodes in another order? Like placing Revenge of the Monsters, when it's a continuation of Wirewolf, which was aired later? In other words, levy's question.

2. Were backstories for some characters ever thought? Like Ty, Romac, Torque, Ozma, Gravitina etc. I mean, more specific than being saved by Buzz, being Mira's boyfriend and all that. I mean, how did they came to be who they are?

3. What about the other space rangers? Their races, cultures, names? Were some ever thought of?

4. Were the Gargantians ever a peaceful race? They are really militaristic race but now, they are trying to change that, thanks to the Major. What I mean is that, did they have a peaceful culture until, (maybe) the military decided to change things?

5. The Valkyrans were based on the Valkyries. Do or did, they most likely lived on an icy planet? Are they any males? Is their culture similar to the Norse one or because of some situations they became very war-like?

6. In Ancient Evil, when Natron saw Buzz and Mira he asked if it was his old nemesis. Then, we find out that Natron was defeated and entombed by the Protector. Who is the Protector? And was the Protector male or female? Because Buzz wasn't the only one there to see Natron.

I hope that we'll get answers. This rocks!
Crystal Peak
Crystal Peak



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by Steel Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:45 am

Okay, we got the questions ready for Tad Stones! Take a look at them and tell us if they sound okay so we can send them off ASAP!

1. While BLoSC did air on several TV stations around the globe and was recently cut off the air, what are the possibilities of the series receiving a DVD release? Will it have a chance such as Darkwing Duck, or will it be left ambiguous like Hercules and Aladdin?

2. Strangely, the last episode, dubbed "42", was viewed as the season finale. Were there more episodes planned, and if so, had a finale been in the works? Are there any details on these potentially illusive what-ifs? Perhaps a comic release or a mysterious third season?

3. BLoSC ended on a rather open-ended note. Were there plans, if any, for the characters? Team Lightyear? The Evil Emperor Zurg? Minor characters such as the Evil Buzz Lightyear or Ozma Furbanna?

4. One of the unique things about BLoSC is that it possesses a plethora of interesting and captivating alien life – as well as beautiful scenery and a vast, semi-explored galaxy. Is there any chance of knowing more about these aliens, customs, and worlds – like the dynamics of Tangean Royals and Tangean Grounders? Was a guide book ever planned? Is this galaxy our very own?

5. There were subtle hints that the Galactic Alliance is a fledgling government. Could you give us any insights on the Valkyrans or Natron the Terrible? What about how humans came to be?

6. If this can be answered, what was the galaxy like before the Galactic Alliance? During the episode with Natron there was mentioning of the Protector. Who was this Protector and would you have revisited future episodes with the ancient space mummy?

7. What is your most memorable episode (if you have one) and why?

8. How was working on BLoSC different from your other works (such as Hercules, Aladdin, and Darkwing Duck), and where did you draw the inspiration from?

9. In an older interview, you mentioned an original concept you had, "Warp Wild", that served as the basis for Warp Darkmatter. How much did you take from this concept and inject into BLoSC, and how would you have liked to go about BLoSC in general? A darker and edgier take? Something with more comedy? What was your original vision for the series?

10. Here’s a question a few fans came up with: Would Warp Darkmatter ever return to Star Command, and how does Warp Darkmatter fit in with Buzz Lightyear’s history since the latter has mentioned saving other Rangers like Ty Parsec and Rocket Crockett. Warp was also strangely absent in the episode "Lone Wolf", where Buzz told a tale twenty years in the past. What’s your thought on this?

11.Interestingly enough, we only know Booster’s parents and XR’s – even though Commander Nebula will deny time and time again. Whatever happened to Buzz Lightyear’s parents, or Mira Nova’s? Was it ever discussed? Even the Evil Emperor Zurg mentioned his Nana!

12. Perhaps one of those million dollar questions: What is the Evil Emperor Zurg and how did he become an Evil Emperor? Some say a man in a mask, others a cyborg or robot, and a few an alien – with his get-up being his natural appearance. Do you have anything that could put this decade-old question to rest?

13. And here’s another million dollar question (if you answer both, you’re a very rich man): Were there any proposed ages for the characters? Perhaps weight or height specifics? If there are none, what would you pinpoint them at? Booster was told to be 500 UMMUs, but what is an UMMU compared to a pound?

14. Okay, some of us have to ask: Is Buzz Lightyear bald, or is he just hair conscious? He never takes off that thermal hood! Even the Evil Lightyear wears it despite sporting blue facial hair!

15. All right, we have to ask this, too: What was up with the Holiday episode? How did Zurg know where Santa Claus was and about the Chrono-Disruptor, and does this mean we need to leave Santa extra cookies from now on since he lives in outer space?

16. Okay, brief silliness aside, a few fans were curious as to how the voice actors were chosen. Some even wanted to know why XR had two different voice actors, Larry Miller and Neil Flynn. Any words on the matter?

17. Some keen eyes pointed out a few things that no one can rightfully answer: A) How come Brain Pods were never shown in official merchandise, and are they really brains, too? It seems doubtful when they have mouths, can eat, and tentacle-like limbs; B) Could no one really pronounce Xrghthung (Zurg-thung?); and C) Are there female Grubs or LGMS, or are the two species asexual to some degree?

18. In perhaps one of the more interesting episodes, there was the discovery of an alternate universe. In it there was an Evil Buzz Lightyear, but he seemed to be the only being that had a polar opposite. How come the Evil Emperor Zurg didn’t have a good counterpart and how come the rest of Team Lightyear wasn’t evil? Thoughts?

19. You’ve probably been asked this before, but how did you–and do you–feel about the fabled “banned” episodes? Were the plots something you hoped to achieve for a darker and edgier feel?

20. What made you take classical monsters such as Frankenstein's monster, Nosferatu, and the Werewolf to create the characters XL, NOS-4-A2, and the Wirewolf? Secret homage to the classics, or just something that seemed cool on the storyboard?

21. A few of us have noticed that the episodes were aired in a funky order, with some episodes airing before their chronological predecessors. Do you know the correct order they are to be viewed?

22. Speaking of a viewing order, some episodes seem to have been altered for unknown reasons, perhaps according to location. Would these scenes ever be restored if the series was released on DVD? Do you have any inkling as to why they would be edited in such a sly fashion?

23. What was the procedure for making an episode? Was it taxing on everyone including you, the writers, the animators, and even the composer?

24. In a recent interview of yours, producing BLoSC didn’t seem like a very fond memory. Would you be willing to explain why and how you believe the show could have been better, if that is the case?

25. If we ever sent you something as a token of our gratitude for you answering these questions, would you accept a shirt that read, “Why do we need jeopardy?”



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by EEZ Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:18 am

I say that looks good so far. Normally I'd suggest we should wait until more people have a say in this, but if we take too long it may seem rude on our part. Does no one have anything to remark about these questions? Are we officially good to go? Once these are sent there's no going back!



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Interview Questions! Empty Re: Interview Questions!

Post by VTANGArmn22 Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:04 pm

I'd say we're good to go. Personally, I'd like to see more questions, but you're right, EEZ. Wouldn't want to be rude. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ANSWERS!!



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