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Post by musekicker Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:41 pm

Title: Display
Author: Musekicker
Fandom: Buzz Lightyear of Star Sommand
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Mira, implications of NOS/XR
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 625
Warning(s): Do I have to warn for slash? If so, there are implications of that.
Disclaimer: Disney and Pixar own Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. Please don't sue me, you'll only get bottle caps and pocket lint.
Summary: XR finds a chase by NOS-4-A2 leading to something different then he thought it would.


His wings glowing with red energy Nos-4-A2 was on the move again. His target was less then happy about how fast Nos-4-A2 was moving.

“Not good, not good.” XR chanted to himself as his built in rocket wings kept him moving through the air.

More then once he nearly slammed into an over hang of a building or a hover vehicle. Swearing from the operators of the hover vehicles followed after those close calls. That was followed by more swearing or cries of surprise as Nos-4-A2 avoided the same obstacles moments later.

Taking a corner a little less sharp then XR would have liked, he was franticly calling for his team members again into his communicator. Where were they? At this rate Nos-4-A2 was going to catch up.

He should have been paying attention because moments later he found himself hitting and tangled up in a banner that had been set up between the buildings. For what, XR didn’t know. Right now he didn’t care considering now the energy vampire had finally caught up.

“Uh.. heh. Hi?” XR said, putting on a fake smile, though he could not hide the worry behind it.

Nos-4-A2 hovered there, looking into XR’s optics.

“Now that you are holding still…” Nos-4-A2 said, causing XR to cringe as he was no expecting the dreaded bite to come. “You will watch.”

XR wasn’t sure to be more confused with why Nos-4-A2 wasn’t biting him or on just what Nos-4-A2 had meant by that. Before XR couldn’t even respond though, Nos-4-A2 flew away.

At least, XR thought he was flying away at first. It turned out Nos-4-A2 was only flying upwards over the buildings to get open air. The energy vampire seemed to be going over something in his processor before suddenly he was moving again.

Others would probably think he lost his processor if he described what followed as a form of dance, but it looked that way to XR. A series of complicated twists, twirls, and dips in the air were Nos-4-A2’s next movements. And most baffling to XR was that Nos-4-A2 would glance at him time to time.

XR nearly didn’t notice when Mira showed up.

“XR, are you okay?” Mira asked, flying up to XR.

“Huh? Oh yeah.. I’m fine. But I’m not sure if he is.” XR said, pointing up at Nos-4-A2 who had not noticed Mira yet.

Mira glanced up and frowned. For a moment she was as confused as XR was. The movements however reminded her of something she had seen before. It took a few moments more for it to click.

“XR, I know this sounds silly but I think that Nos-4-A2 may be trying to woo you.” Mira said.

“What? Why would you think that?” XR asked.

“It’s not exactly the same display of course but the way he’s flying reminds me of these birds on Tangea who do that kind of display to attract a mate.” Mira replied.

XR huffed slightly.

“Let me guess, one of them pecks the other to death after mating or something gross like that.” XR grumbled.

“Actually, the birds in question mate for life.” Mira said.

Nos-4-A2, either done with the display or noticing Mira, suddenly dove down and came to a stop in front of XR. Before Mira could tell Nos-4-A2 to back off, Nos-4-A2 reached a hand out to XR.

“Did it please you, little one?” Nos-4-A2 asked.

XR didn’t get a chance to reply as suddenly Buzz and Booster were on the scene, firing their lasers on sight of Nos-4-A2. As Nos-4-A2 roared and to Buzz’s and Boosters shock, retreated instead of trying to fight, XR looked to Mira.

“Not one word about what happened. Just… not one word.” XR said.

Mira just nodded.



Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-08-11
Age : 39

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Post by Alexa Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:00 pm

Pfft! Nos courts like a bird! I love the hilarity of that. I also love the fact that XR doesn't get hurt for once and instead is just freaked out. Ha, I can't get over Nos flying about like a bird. XD

You've always been a great writer for Nox and I'm glad that I get to read it again. <3 Nice to see you again Cherie!



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Post by musekicker Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:11 pm

At the time of writing the drabble, I knew i wanted to write something to do with NOS flight capabilities. For some reason mating display came to me. Of course, nice to write XR just getting confused instead of hurt. Laughing

Great to see you again too Very Happy



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Age : 39

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Display Empty Re: Display

Post by EEZ Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:01 pm

musekicker wrote:“Actually, the birds in question mate for life.” Mira said.

Oh, XR! Abandon ship, abandon ship! Life-long commitment dead ahead! Bwaha, NOS-4-A2 courts like a bird is right. I can't get the mental image of the energy vampire doing such fanciful, exotic aerial movements now. And... I'm also starting to wonder where exactly the fiend learned such habits. *now pictures Zurg having similar practices*

...Why does chicken have to be so tasty.



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Post by Alexa Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:04 pm

EEZ wrote:*now pictures Zurg having similar practices*

Thought: Could Zurg's attempts at taking over the galaxy secretly be some mating ritual? A very elaborate way of courting someone, involving flashy dramatics and wonderful purple wardrobes and making up words! All to woo some girl! Or guy, if you believe in pairings such as BurGer.



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Post by Steel Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:16 am

Zurg's TOTALLY trying to woo Buzz. TOTALLY. /jk

On the actual ficlet now, I think it was nicely written! I can actually picture NOS doing swoops and dives in the air like that, so it's all good. I think XR would be stumped at the display too, although he might have even tried to run away at some point, who knows? Trust Mira to be the one to point out that NOS is courting, hah! For a 'bot who hits on women a lot, XR ain't very bright in some things, hehehe.



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Post by musekicker Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:26 am

Pfft, the idea of Zurg going through all galaxy taking over to woo someone makes me laugh. That also needs to be written now.

Oh clueless XR. Though I'm sure it's partly he would never consider NOS would try to woo him.



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Post by Ttone12 Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:06 am

Oh derp, if it isn't my old OTP herpity derp.

I liked the imagery and now I can't get the image of NOS flying around like a bird, wooing XR.




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