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Buzz and Mira

Olivus Prime
Strictly Sherlock
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Buzz and Mira Empty Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:12 pm

Okay, so... I’ve always held that Buzz/Mira is a canonical couple. Anybody else here think that, or at least like this pairing? I think they’re so perfect for each other!
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Olivus Prime Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:29 am

I personally think that they would make a good couple - there are plenty of great moments in the series involving both of them.

How much of this is due to them being two of my favourite characters, however, is hard to say. I guess characters like Ozma and Romac would prevent this from ever canonically happening.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:58 am

Exactly! There are many terrific moments between them! Just about the only thing they never did together was kiss (after all, Mira does hug Buzz in "Torque Armada").

True that Ozma and Romac are big obstacles. On the other hand, it seems to me that the writers deliberately gave their hero and heroine self-destructive romances - almost as if, if Buzz and Mira couldn't be together (for whatever reason), they couldn't be with anyone else, either.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:00 am

I think they put in Ozma and Romac just to make it a little less predictable. For whatever reason I don't personally like the Mira/Buzz pairing, although Mira does seem to like him at least a little



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:12 pm

Re: Ozma & Romac: Yes, that's basically what I think.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:15 pm




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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:59 pm

Although my main ships are Buzz/Ozma and Mira/Romac, I don't mind Buzz/Mira and quite enjoy a well-written fanfic about them (sadly most Beer out there is badly written and just seems forced).



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:57 am

I've been doing a lot of thinking about who Mira would be most likely to end up with, since she gets shipped with many different characters (probably because she's the only woman on Team Lightyear).

As much as I like Mira/Romac, I can't see it working out. In fact, any relationship with a non-Tangean would be rather problematic. First of all, there's the fact that she's going to be the next ruler of Tangea, so her husband would also have a pretty high-up position. Can you imagine the snobby Tangeans accepting a non-Tangean (or worst of all a Grounder) as their queen's husband? Of course, Mira's pretty independent and may be willing to defy them, but then one reaches another problem: heirs. Mira needs an heir to succeed her. I find it unlikely that you can cross a Tangean with a non-Tangean. But let's assume you can. What will the people think of the heir to the throne being a half-breed? And imagine if Mira and Romac had a kid - would it have both their powers, or no powers at all since Grounders and Royals cancel each other out? In fact, poor Romac would have to spend most of his time away from everyone else, because they wouldn't be able to ghost when he's around (plus they'd definitely have to put in some doors).

So, all things considered, I'd say Mira/Romac is very unlikely (though it's still my favourite Mira ship), the same with just about any other Mira/non-Tangea ship (Mira/XR is most definitely out - sorry Marred fans). However, I do think Buzz/Mira does have a slight chance, given the right circumstances. Like if Mira had married a Tangean, had a child, and then her husband is dies. Especially if he was murdered, and Buzz comes to catch the culprit. Along the way, he and Mira fall in love, and he wins a bit of respect from the Tangean people by catching the killer. They would probably still resent having a human as the queen's husband, but since there's already an heir, they might grudgingly accept him. Of course, I can't imagine Buzz being content to just sit around the palace all day while Mira attends to all her royal duties, so there would probably be problems in the relationship - Buzz spending very little time with Mira because he's busy being a Ranger, Mira having to face criticisms due to her choice in spouses, things like that - but I think it could work.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:04 pm

Meh, I Liked Ozma Buzz more because they seem to have a healthy relationship. They both see each others' faults and work through them. Mira just wants to show Buzz she has what it takes to be just as good as he is. Least, that's my oppion.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:11 pm

Mm. Being a hard core "Beer" fan ten years running, I can't say that I agree about Buzz and Ozma... or Romac and Mira, for that matter. But both topics are horses that I've beaten to death, debating, so I won't actively argue about it. Besides, in the past year or so, I've come to realize that Shipping Is Serious Business. I can't change anybody else's mind any more than anybody else can change mine. All I ask is that my love of Buzz/Mira be respected rather than reviled.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:32 pm

Oh, and in reply to Ranger-Nova!

A) Sadly, you're dead right that most Beer fic is poor quality. One small gem of a Beer fic, however, is Alcatrazzie's Pineapples - established relationship, but funny and very literally sweet.

B) Regarding the practicality of Mira marrying Romac, again, I think you're dead right. Now, I oppose the idea on other principles as well, but that was a pretty good argument against.

C) Regarding the practicality of Mira marrying Buzz... one theory that I've thought up but never actually posted is the possibility of them adopting a Tangean Royal child as the heir to the throne, to get past the Royals' prejudices. At any rate, when I hear talk about Mira ascending to the throne, it's generally along the lines of "She's going to be made Queen before she's thirty."

Um, I kinda think not. Yes, Mira was willing to obey her father and marry Fop Doppler after, well, less than two years with Star Command, but if we get right down to character development, King Nova represents probably BLoSC's best continuity job. As the episodes progress, so does his attitude towards Mira's job and Off-Worlders in general ("Starthought," anyone?). Of course, we don't know how the rules of succession work on Tangea, whether the new ruler ascends through marriage, abdication, or death, but there's an even chance that Mira could be a middle-aged woman by the time she's crowned. By that time, surely the Royals would be resigned to a human Prince Consort and a half-Royal heir. Besides, I should think that any offspring of Buzz and Mira would be able to weasel or dance their way into the affection of their mother's people.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:38 pm

I didn't mean to sound like I wasn't being respectable of your ship. I was just putting my two cents out. I'm completly respectful of others' oppions just as they are to mine. Sorry bout that.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:45 pm

That's okay. I wanted to say that for the record, anyway, and I'm sorry I misunderstood you. Friends? Smile
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:21 pm

Of course! Very Happy



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:58 pm

I haven't read Pineapples yet, but I do recall seeing it before. Now I have to go read it. When done well, Buzz/Mira stories can be really awesome. The problem with most is that they seem too forced. Luckily, their relationship never seemed forced in your stories, Sky (you don't mind being called Sky, do you? Because I read a lot of old posts on the XR board, that's who I think of you as).



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:12 am

@Cartoonhottie: Hotdog and high-five! Very Happy

@Ranger-Nova: About Buzz/Mira stories... yes, yes, yes. Exactly so! And I'm so glad you think their relationship doesn't seem forced in my stories, thank you! (And, really, I very much prefer being called Sky - I love that name. I just wanted to use a brand-new screenname on this forum purely for the fun of it. And I think it's really cool that you read the old stuff on the XR fan club!)
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:30 pm

I just read Pineapples and it was very cute. Smile As I said before, Buzz/Ozma is my main ship, but Buzz/Mira comes a very close second. It's certainly way better than Buzz/Bonnie. Buzz and Mira have great chemistry.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:17 pm

Glad you liked Pineapples! (Buzz/Bonnie... the only worse pairing would be Buzz/Gravitina! *shudders*) And I ADORE Buzz and Mira's chemistry with each other - it's what makes me such a solid shipper! Like the classic "directions" give-and-take at the beginning of "Lost in Time"! (It must be love! I love you ...Or not. YMMV)

Buzz/Ozma... honestly, I've tried to like Ozma, I really have! But she rubs me entirely the wrong way, and I don't like how she treats Buzz. I mean, I don't mean to offend you or Cartoonhottie or any other fan of this 'ship, but... that's just where I am. I mean, when I was eleven, she drove me nuts.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Cartoonhottie2009 Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:37 pm

It's cool, we've all got our oppions and different view points on things. Just so long as you respect other's ships and ideas, we're cool.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:05 pm

Can do, will do! Cool
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:43 pm

Sadly, I think my copy of Lost in Time is missing the very beginning. Sounds like it would have been funny.

I can see why a lot people don't like Ozma - she does treat Buzz rather badly a times, but I think that's partially because she's lived alone so long and lost her people skills. This is the Buzz/Mira thread, though, so enough about Ozma.

I've been a bit of a Buzz/Mira mood lately, so I wrote a short oneshot for them that's slightly shippy. It's called "I'll Never Leave Your Side". It should be up on Fanfiction by now. Not my best work, but I couldn't get the idea out of my head.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:58 pm

Oh man! That's one of the best moments in the episode! Mira says, "I don't see why you couldn't just stop and ask for directions!"

Buzz: "You know me, Mira. I like to find my own way."

Mira: *phooey look*

I read your story - that was so sweet! I'll have to get back with you later on a review, but I'll do it. And IT DID MY HEART GOOD to see a new Buzz/Mira fic. Seriously. I am a happy woman.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Ranger-Nova Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:34 pm

Glad you liked it! Smile

My copy of Lost in Time is pretty poor quality, so I don't watch it very often, so I can't say for sure if the beginning's missing, but I think it is. Now I'm gonna have to go check. I hope it isn't.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Strictly Sherlock Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:40 pm

*Jeopardy music* Have you checked it yet? Smile

Another of my favorite Buzz/Mira moments is at the end of "War and Peace and War" (which is one of my favorite episodes, as well!). It's just Buzz delivering his wrap-up lines with the team clustered around him, but Mira is leaning against him and basking in the glory of the moment, the galaxy returned to normal. She's leaning against him. It's so doggone adorable.
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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

Post by Ranger-Nova Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:19 pm

Ooo, I never noticed that in WaPaW. Cool!

I'm still trying to dig up my copy of Lost in Time - it seems to have become lost. Wink I know I copied it onto the computer recently off one of my old tapes, but now I don't now where it is.



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Buzz and Mira Empty Re: Buzz and Mira

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