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Robot Building

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Robot Building Empty Robot Building

Post by Alexa Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:24 pm

As of 9:21 PM Eastern Time, spoilers for the role play Crying Wolf ahead. I don't know how many of you are reading that, but I wanted to keep the following information a surprise until it shows up in the RP, so beware if we haven't gotten there yet or if you haven't read it yet (but want to).

Title: Robot Building
Author: Alexa/ab103, aka Greg Garrets
Fandom: Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and Cosmic Dust
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Alfred Cosmic
Rating: K+, PG
Word Count: 1406
Warning(s): None, I think
Disclaimer: Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and related property and ideas are owned by Disney/Pixar. Cosmic Dust and and related property and ideas are owned by me.
Summary: It was one of his stranger commissions... An energy vampire. How was he to accomplish that?

Link to Story:

Considering what's about to be revealed in Crying Wolf, I figured now is a good time to post this. I typed it up earlier today, so here's hoping that I didn't accidentally put too many errors.

There was more to the construction than I wrote in here, but I wanted to keep it summarized, and I don't know too much about how robots are made. It's all just some explanations.

Last edited by Alexa on Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:59 am; edited 1 time in total



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:05 am

oh, i love this sooooo much! partial to monocles~ excellent. this only makes me love Alfred even more~



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Alexa Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:35 am

Yay~. I'm glad you like it! If only Alfred knew what trouble he was causing by making this guy, right? XD Oh well, there's no going back now. At least Alfred's still lovable!



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:44 am

Alfred~ (for some reason I want to call him Alfy-?) And yeah, if only he knew. XD Still lovable anyway ^^



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Alexa Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:56 am

Oh, sure, you can call him Alfy if you want to. 83 It's not the worst of nicknames he's been given, after all.

He is one of the earliest characters I made, back in 7th grade (2005-2006, I think?), so I've had a lot of time to make him the character he is now. All lovable and awkward and an idiot and a jerk. <3 Though, it was only 2007 that I first applied him to the BLoSC universe. And that is your Alfred history lesson for the day! XD



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:06 am

Woohoo! I usually hate history~
I made my character Renee in sixth grade, actually (2009)

Teehee. i wouldn't stop blah-ing about him today at school and kept calling him Alfy or Alfalfa (needs some hair gel~)

Man my jaw literally dropped when I read that instalment of 'Crying Wolf'



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Alexa Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:17 am

Really? You were talking about my character at school? XD That, my friend, is really amazing! Can you tell me what you said about him in a private message? 8D I really want to know!



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:26 am

Yeah~ my 'minion' (good friend who gets into everything I like but doesn't have a computer) likes to hear whatever i did on DA/ forums that evening. I didn't talk about the monocle or anything, but you know just 'Alfy Alfred Alfalfa' between every sentece (XD i do that alot with people or characters I love) And mentioned how much I loved your character~ nothing real big



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Alexa Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:49 pm

Ah, okay. That's still very sweet to hear! I feel so happy knowing that you love my character so much! Thank you!



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Pythonmelon Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:53 pm

welcome~ any time! i feel that OC's need (almost) as much love as the regular series characters ^^



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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Mod Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:03 pm

Wow, I read the fanfiction, and whoa...that would explain a LOT of things! I really loved the ending the best, when he suggested the name; that sent a shiver down my spine.

So you had Alfred ever since the 7th grade? Neat! How did you come up with him?




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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Alexa Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:13 pm

Fox Storm wrote:
Wow, I read the fanfiction, and whoa...that would explain a LOT of things! I really loved the ending the best, when he suggested the name; that sent a shiver down my spine.

Yeah... As I was writing this, I even came up with a small headcannon on exactly WHY getting bitten by NOS-4-A2 turned Ty into a wire wolf. It connects to the nanobots Alfred put in so NOS-4-A2 could control his victims. I can tell you more via PM if you'd like to hear it. <3

Fox Storm wrote:
So you had Alfred ever since the 7th grade? Neat! How did you come up with him?

Okay, Foxay (teehee), here's YOUR Alfred history lesson for the day... Back in middle school, I was going through problems- a lot of problems- so I'd have most of the day to sit and think to myself. This was also around the time I discovered the Butch Hartman forums for his two shows which lead me to discover fanfiction and fan characters. And so, I tried my hand at making my own. Many of the early fan characters I made back then are no longer in use, but one of them, Alfred Cosmic, as survived (as you can tell). Originally Alfred, was going to be a sort of "alternate universe" Anti-Cosmo (hence the name), but that idea died quickly and I soon started to give him a more sci-fi-ish story. Come 2007, when I first joined the XR boards and role played there, I brought in Alfred. He's been through a lot of development, as you can tell.

Anyway, for any further questions on Alfred himself, may I ask that we post them on his profile thread in the Fan Character section? I don't want get off topic, since this thread is supposed to be about the fanfiction I posted. XD Poor Steel would have to do too much post moving if that happened.




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Robot Building Empty Re: Robot Building

Post by Mod Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:27 pm

ab103 wrote:
Yeah... As I was writing this, I even came up with a small headcannon on exactly WHY getting bitten by NOS-4-A2 turned Ty into a wire wolf. It connects to the nanobots Alfred put in so NOS-4-A2 could control his victims. I can tell you more via PM if you'd like to hear it. <3

Sure, go ahead. I'd love to hear it. Smile

ab103 wrote:
Okay, Foxay (teehee), here's YOUR Alfred history lesson for the day... Back in middle school, I was going through problems- a lot of problems- so I'd have most of the day to sit and think to myself. This was also around the time I discovered the Butch Hartman forums for his two shows which lead me to discover fanfiction and fan characters. And so, I tried my hand at making my own. Many of the early fan characters I made back then are no longer in use, but one of them, Alfred Cosmic, as survived (as you can tell). Originally Alfred, was going to be a sort of "alternate universe" Anti-Cosmo (hence the name), but that idea died quickly and I soon started to give him a more sci-fi-ish story. Come 2007, when I first joined the XR boards and role played there, I brought in Alfred. He's been through a lot of development, as you can tell.

Anyway, for any further questions on Alfred himself, may I ask that we post them on his profile thread in the Fan Character section? I don't want get off topic, since this thread is supposed to be about the fanfiction I posted. XD Poor Steel would have to do too much post moving if that happened.

Wow...that's quite a history. It sounds like Butch Hartman inspired you to come up with some characters. Smile So Alfred was a FOP character? Nice! I have learned my Alfred lesson for the day. Thanks, ab103! I love learning. ^^ (I should probably do that with Simone and Pixel at one point....)

Yeah, sure! We'll ask all the questions about this dude on his profile thread. Smile



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