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A Series Finale

Mira Nova
Olivus Prime
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A Series Finale Empty A Series Finale

Post by Olivus Prime Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:09 pm

Obviously it's been so long since BLoSC aired that a proper series finale on television is out of the question. But if the series did have a finale, what would you want to see in it?

Here's the summary of my ideal finale:

- The episode would be of the same length as The Adventure Begins (70 min/two - three part episode).
- The main plot point is a galaxy-threatening weapon that Zurg has built - the one that Buzz mentions in Toy Story.
- Buzz finds out about the weapon when it strikes (and perhaps destroys) his homeworld of Morph. Possible chance to see his parents/explore his past.
- A big final fight occurs on Planet Z, with all Space Rangers taking part. The Grubs and Brain Pods could rebel against their emperor, while the various Hornets remain loyal to him.
- Each of Buzz's cadets has their own defining moment. Mira could invade Zurg Tower to deactivate the weapon before joining Buzz in his final fight, Booster could prove his status as a hero by taking down a major villain (e.g. Warp, Evil Buzz), and XR could assist Booster, fight a remaining sub-concious virus from NOS-4-A2 or could deactivate Planet Z's power/technologies.
- Commander Nebula could fall in the line of duty(!)
- Buzz and Mira could find themselves in a predicament with Zurg, and admit feelings for one another (considering various moments during the series, but I'm unsure about this one)
- A defining final fight between Zurg and Buzz. Zurg could reveal himself to be an old acquaintance of Buzz's (e.g. his father's partner).
- Episode finishes with Zurg captured for good, and Xrghthung reclaimed by the Galactic Alliance.
Olivus Prime
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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Mira Nova Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:11 am

Hmm...I love the idea of a series finale! The show would have been so much better with one! I love your ideas, especially the Buzz and Mira moment buut then again I've always shipped the couple. A fight between Zurg and Buzz would of course be epic! Buzz's team each having their chance to shine would be awesome! And last but not least Commander Nebula's death would be an interesting plot device ^^
Mira Nova
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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Olivus Prime Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:26 pm

Mira Nova wrote:Hmm...I love the idea of a series finale! The show would have been so much better with one! I love your ideas, especially the Buzz and Mira moment buut then again I've always shipped the couple. A fight between Zurg and Buzz would of course be epic! Buzz's team each having their chance to shine would be awesome! And last but not least Commander Nebula's death would be an interesting plot device ^^

Series finales are great, in that characters can be killed off for emotion/realism without harming the rest of the series! I figured that Buzz could perhaps investigate his father's legacy during the episode, and after hearing comments from both sides of the story, he is definitively told by Nebula that his father was a great man, with an even greater son.

The fight between Zurg and Buzz is essential! But it would be hard not to mimick the duel between them in Stranger Invasion.

What sort of plot would you want to see in the finale?
Olivus Prime
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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Mira Nova Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:31 am

Hmmm, I don't really know....XD
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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Steel Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:59 pm

WHOA THERE, NELLY! Although I would love-love-love to see a finale, I've got a few things I'd like to see differently myself! I would love to see the following, or at least a variation of the following you've mentioned:

Olivus Prime wrote: - The episode would be of the same length as The Adventure Begins (70 min/two - three part episode).
- Buzz finds out about the weapon when it strikes (and perhaps destroys) his homeworld of Morph. Possible chance to see his parents/explore his past.
- Each of Buzz's cadets has their own defining moment. Mira could invade Zurg Tower to deactivate the weapon before joining Buzz in his final fight, Booster could prove his status as a hero by taking down a major villain (e.g. Warp, Evil Buzz), and XR could assist Booster, fight a remaining sub-concious virus from NOS-4-A2 or could deactivate Planet Z's power/technologies.
- Commander Nebula could fall in the line of duty(!)
- A defining final fight between Zurg and Buzz. Zurg could reveal himself to be an old acquaintance of Buzz's (e.g. his father's partner).
Gosh, I love Nebula. Seeing him finally fighting would be epic, but to see him fall... oh so sad! But it would be the way he'd want to go. *salutes* And seeing more on Buzz's backstory would be great! I'd also like to know a bit more on Warp since he seems to be closely related to humans. (In "Devolutionaries" both he and Buzz turned into ape-men, de-evolving, so Warp's DNA is pretty close to human DNA, I'd say!)

Olivus Prime wrote:- Buzz and Mira could find themselves in a predicament with Zurg, and admit feelings for one another (considering various moments during the series, but I'm unsure about this one)
As for the Buzz/Mira bit... not to burst anybody's bubble, but I don't see it happening. I mean, Buzz and Ozma clearly seemed to get together, and Mira still carries that old flame for Romac, as does Romac for her. Personally, I would love to see Romac show up again, in all his kickass glory!

Now, as for what I'd like to see in the finale... here're some of my ideas!

- I personally think that Xrghthung really is Zurg's planet. It reflects him too much, so the Galactic Alliance "reclaiming" it just seems really, really off to me. Not to mention that not every planet in the galaxy is part of the Galactic Alliance regardless! And besides, I don't see the planet being taken over easily without Zurg having a say! So I'd like to see the planet's origins revealed, as well as Zurg's! It'd be so interesting to finally know what the deal with him is, and for the age-old question of whether Zurg is a robot, a man in a mask or an alien finally be set to rest! (I'm rooting for alien, here! *fanfare*)

- I also don't see Zurg being captured. Sure, you'd expect him to be after everything he's done, but that would be rather... anti-climatic for me. Actually, I would love to see Buzz and Zurg fighting, but maybe Zurg turning out to NOT be the worst thing out there, and for Buzz and Zurg to work together again against a common enemy! Perhaps the Heed again, or maybe some other force from the same galaxy the Heed came from. Or even something to do with Natron and the Protector again! The series left a lot of loopholes to work with!

- No matter what happens in the finale, I want to see more origin stories! How was the Galactic Alliance formed? What planets are part of it specifically? How were the Valkyrans once the rulers of the galaxy's spaceways? How was Natron once the ruler of the entire GALAXY? And the best question of them all, how in tarnation did Zurg become an Evil Emperor and strike up a vendetta with the Galactic Alliance and Star Command!?

But alas... this is probably reserved only for the realm of fanfic... *sigh*



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by levy120 Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:03 am

I can see where you come from, but for the "finale" of a story, I would not want to put focus on single characters that had only few appearances. Of course it would be great to see them all again, but NOT in a finale - because if you bring in for example Romac and Ozma, you would HAVE to bring in Petra and 42 as well. Also the big bad... Buzz and Zurg teaming up would be great of course, but that's the SAME effect of crowding up the episode again, because I personally don't see why it should specifically be the Heed now. Or Natron - that would come a bit out of nowhere, don't you think?
A team up of all of Zurg's henchmen would come to mind (Like it was seen during that "conference", minus Nos and XL) but even THAT would crowd an episode too far, since each character demands a certain bit of screen time - you know what I'm saying?

You cannot expect 2 or 3 episodes to resolve 5 backstories while still being epic here - if THAT happens, then the episode would become nothing but crowded. You also need to consider that it is basically a kid's show and kid's don't analyze as much as we. The impact a crowded episode would have on them would most likely confuse them at some parts.
-> Origins should be granted a lot of time, like whole episodes, because else they only ever get touched slightly and then are dropped for something more important again, and that is NOT what we want, right?

I could see it all happen though if we're not talking about 90 minutes of a finale/special/OVA, but instead a whole new SEASON! Then this would be no big deal, then this would be PERFECT.

But yeah, we all know how big the chances of a new season are - no?

But alas... this is probably reserved only for the realm of fanfic... *sigh*
There's nothing bad to it though. As much as I got from the interview with Stones, they WANTED to leave some things resolved to stir the imagination of their watchers. And these people KNOW about fanfiction. I'm not sure if they read it themselves, but they are aware of it.



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Olivus Prime Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:04 pm

I added the Buzz/Mira thing purely out of impulse, because I thought it would be good to explore something that was hinted at during the series. I think you're right though, Steel, in that other relationships are already going on and it would take a lot of explaining to get out of them! I'm with you, Levy, in that all of the love interests being in the finale would be a bad idea - it would detract the team members from their roles in Team Lightyear too much.

Nebula's death was just something that I thought could add weight to the finale, and could show how equally Star Command endures losses to Zurg's forces. You're right in that it may be a little too emotional, though it probably wouldn't be as gruesome as NOS-4-A2's death!

I kind of agree with Levy in that adding too many of the characters we know and love overcrowds the episode, and focussing upon a limited number of them can make for quite a limited final episode.

Perhaps Buzz and Zurg's backstories could alternate during the final episode, with the episode switching between scenes and stories from each, as well as events in the present day, before Buzz and Zurg clash for a final fight, which would be more emotionally satisfying as a result. This kind of goes against what I said above though, although various criminals could be depicted in these backstories (e.g. the Chlorms monitoring Buzz and Warp, the beginning of Gravitina's crush on Buzz, Torques "filthy rich" criminal family).

Otherwise, the whole Natron/Protector story could be expanded upon, with Zurg finding himself as the successor to Natron as the Destroyer, and perhaps Buzz finding himself as the reincarnated Protector.

A good example of what the finale should be like is the final fight of The Advenutre Begins. There, all of Team Lightyear were focussed upon in some way, Buzz and Zurg's eternal feud was shown, and it felt like a proper ending, even if it was just the ending to the first episode.

levy120 wrote:I could see it all happen though if we're not talking about 90 minutes of a finale/special/OVA, but instead a whole new SEASON! Then this would be no big deal, then this would be PERFECT.

If only... on one hand, a third season could allow for further investigation into origins and backstories, but on the other, we could have just gotten another collection of hilariously great adventures, and we would still be having this conversation. I think the latter is most likely, what with the programmers mixing up the episode order like Stones said.
Olivus Prime
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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Steel Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:36 am

I wasn't suggesting that the finale involve all past love interests. I merely brought up Romac as an example because he's not as restricted as, say, Ozma in his field of expertise. Whereas Ozma fitting in to a finale might be difficult seeing as she is strictly involved with animals, Romac has a much higher possibility of running into Team Lightyear again given that he is a bounty hunter.

As for bringing in Petra and 42, I will counter that and mention Fop Doppler! He became a Cadet too, so he must be doing something or other now since he decided to stay with Star Command, right? Considering all these options, yeah, it'd be major crowded if you tried to bring focus onto all of these characters. But I can be appeased (at least with Petra, Plasma Boy and Fop) if we saw them merely as cameos during some sort of fight scene. Just a way to show that, hey, they're still Space Rangers and doing things, you know?

I can see the Heed as being ridiculous, but Natron is not that far-fetched. If he was the ruler of the entire galaxy way back when, surely he'll want some sort of revenge, especially after Buzz and Warp locked him up all over again. Natron was far too important a villain to pass up showing again. They either shouldn't have put so much focus on him or not mentioned him at all, if that were the case.

As for Zurg's "henchmen", I didn't see those at the conference being "real" henchmen, Zurg thinks like a business man, which means that him inviting over some prestigious villains he was worked before with in the past is not that far-fetched. But when it comes to Zurg's forces, no, they would not be included. Gravitina was arrested, firstly, and Torque is Toque. He does his own gig. The only henchman Zurg really has is Warp.

But yeah, I see what you mean with kids' attention spans. The show was primarily aimed at young kids, but they managed to keep "The Adventure Begins" fairly complex that really YOUNG kids didn't get it much, but older kids around 7 or 8 would. I don't think it's wrong to challenge the audience and to throw in a few bones for an older audience ("Sexist robot pig," anyone?) but all those characters in three episodes alone would not work, no. A finale the length of "The Adventure Begins" would not be enough to wrap up all the loose ends.

But a THIRD SEASON? Sign me up!

levy120 wrote:Origins should be granted a lot of time, like whole episodes, because else they only ever get touched slightly and then are dropped for something more important again, and that is NOT what we want, right?
Especially for origin stories. DO WANT SO BADLY.

levy120 wrote:There's nothing bad to it though. As much as I got from the interview with Stones, they WANTED to leave some things resolved to stir the imagination of their watchers. And these people KNOW about fanfiction. I'm not sure if they read it themselves, but they are aware of it.
When you put it that way, it's not bad, but considering how dismissive the entire thing was due mainly to syndication and how pressured they were by the company to make something up in time for schedule... eh. I don't think it's so much that they WANTED to leave them unresolved. They did it on purpose, yes, but how aware were they of fanfiction in 2000-2001. I doubt it was as widespread then as it is now.

Olivus Prime wrote:Nebula's death was just something that I thought could add weight to the finale, and could show how equally Star Command endures losses to Zurg's forces. You're right in that it may be a little too emotional, though it probably wouldn't be as gruesome as NOS-4-A2's death!
Heh. NOS's death was just ridiculous. With robots, you can take more liberties than you would with actual "bleeding" creatures/beings since robots don't technically "bleed" and they're machines. Although you have to admit, when they walk and talk like a sentient being, your nerves do get a wee bit frazzled to see them constantly get battered up, even though in XR's case it's for the sake of comic relief.

But damn if I wouldn't love to see something happen to Nebula. Not necessarily death, but being severely wounded? Call me a sadist, but I'd love to see something like that!

Olivus Prime wrote:Perhaps Buzz and Zurg's backstories could alternate during the final episode, with the episode switching between scenes and stories from each, as well as events in the present day, before Buzz and Zurg clash for a final fight, which would be more emotionally satisfying as a result.
Olivus Prime wrote:Otherwise, the whole Natron/Protector story could be expanded upon, with Zurg finding himself as the successor to Natron as the Destroyer, and perhaps Buzz finding himself as the reincarnated Protector.
Oooh, both very good ideas. I think their origin stories alternating, maybe to show the parallels and to indicate that they aren't so different, after all, would have a very satisfying and emotional impact on the viewers when it comes to them confronting each other again. Knowing a character's origins can really change your perception on someone. Knowing why they tick, what made them this way.

And as much as I keep thinking that the Protector might have been a woman since Mira was with Buzz too tickles my fancy, I can see this happening, as well. I really wish we knew more on the Protector and Natron. It was a story with so much potential! You don't tell us that this guy used to rule the galaxy, even show Zurg having heard of him but the Space Rangers not, and then not tell us anything more! Ghahahaagh.

And I'd love an ending battle where everyone plays their part, just like you said with "The Adventure Begins". That was great, and like I said above, it might give lesser characters like Petra, Plasma Boy and Fop a chance to shine as they're fighting alongside the rest of the Space Rangers.

Olivus Prime wrote:If only... on one hand, a third season could allow for further investigation into origins and backstories, but on the other, we could have just gotten another collection of hilariously great adventures, and we would still be having this conversation. I think the latter is most likely, what with the programmers mixing up the episode order like Stones said.
This. Back then there was no real order, was there? The focus was on each episode due to syndication and beyond that they didn't care about proper beginnings or endings. I think it's only recently in some shows like Young Justice and Generator Rex where they have an actual story/plot arc that they follow over each episode, isn't there? I don't really watch either and I haven't watched TV in ages, but my sister mainly watches these shows and she loves the plot even though she's more immersed with the characters. I myself usually need a good, solid storyline to hook me as I am harder to please, but I am glad things were different with BLoSC.

I really do see it as it being up to the fans now. But what gets me on this is that we all have different views on what we'd like to see. Sure, we can write fanfic, but it just wouldn't be the same as getting answers from the official source... but I will stick to fanfic when it's the only thing I can get! Very Happy



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Olivus Prime Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:36 am

Steel wrote:Considering all these options, yeah, it'd be major crowded if you tried to bring focus onto all of these characters. But I can be appeased (at least with Petra, Plasma Boy and Fop) if we saw them merely as cameos during some sort of fight scene. Just a way to show that, hey, they're still Space Rangers and doing things, you know?

A brief appearance would be pretty awesome, for example, Plasma Boy could be seen mutating and tearing apart one of Zurgs machines/bases. Even just a brief appearance would feel respectful to the franchise. The appearances in War and Peace and War made me smile and laugh, so something like that would be pretty cool.

Steel wrote:Natron was far too important a villain to pass up showing again. They either shouldn't have put so much focus on him or not mentioned him at all, if that were the case.

See, I never saw Natron as that big a deal, primarily because he only appeared in one episode, and for the reasons you stated. He just wasn't emphasised as an all-powerful threat to the universe. Obviously a third season could remedy this - it would be interesting to see his former empire.

Steel wrote:Back then there was no real order, was there? The focus was on each episode due to syndication and beyond that they didn't care about proper beginnings or endings. I think it's only recently in some shows like Young Justice and Generator Rex where they have an actual story/plot arc that they follow over each episode, isn't there?

I remember Spider-man (another favourite cartoon of mine) being initially the same as BLoSC, in that it had singular, episode-long stories. Popularity meant that they then went on and made episode sagas, like Neogenic Nightmare. Now programmers seem to focus on those rather than individual episodes, as they can simply choose chunks of episodes to air, and call it a day.

Steel wrote:But what gets me on this is that we all have different views on what we'd like to see.

I think this is an interesting point - we're essentially having the same conversation that the writers would have had if they had gone ahead with a finale! No one's going to come up with the perfect end on their own - our discussion brings us closer to realising what a great finale would look like, and how it would run.
Olivus Prime
Olivus Prime



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Pythonmelon Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:42 pm

Great ideas! I would love to see a finale to the series! *sigh* great dreams, huh? Well, I would love to uncover some backstories, and, as a lover of villains, I think it would be cool to see some of Zurgs lackeys rise up against him! Maybe Darkmatter lead a revolt, with everyone? The grubs, Brainpods, everyone else who ever worked with him (With an exception of our very, very DEAD energy vampire, whom I have no sympathy for.) in some huge takeover.

Of course, Zurg would go running to the alliance for help, begrudgingly. Everyone would still have their moments of course, but Mira and Buzz, hu-uh, big no from me. BUT a mira/ romac and buzz/ ozma moment would be approved. Commander nebula falling in the epic battle? Man, *Salutes* i hate to say it, but that would certaintly spice it up!

And I like the whole Zurg blowing up Morph idea. Maybe at the very beggining? Some kind of thing could spark from there, maybe Warp's parents were there too?! Then our emporer would really be helpless!



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Kat Eclipse Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:04 pm

I would've LOVED a series finale! LOVED LOVED LOVED! they way they ended it was just horrid. I love the idea of buzz and mira getting into a predicament and admit their feelings for each other! I love you

I'm actually working out a version myself [fanfic] been ironing it out for about a year, should be postable soon...I also re-worked a few facts to suit my plot line so it's not COMPLETELY canon. For instance:

-Buzz didn't live with his grandmother, he has parents and a sister.
-Warp's parents died when he was about 7ish and he was adopted by the Senetor from Capital Planet (explaining why he was able to not get him and his ego kicked out of the Academy!)
-Mira was one of six children (only Mira and a sister are still living.)
-I'm fixing the episode '42' (the ending was too weird! Rolling Eyes)

anyway that's what I'm doing, I wish SO bad that disney would make our wishes a reality, but alas I think they'll forever be a thing of fanfiction Sad

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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Ranger-Nova Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:01 pm

I can't wait to read that. Is sounds like it'll be interesting. I've considered writing a series finale myself, but just don't have the time.



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by EEZ Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:41 pm

Eh... I do want a series finale and then again... I don't. Why? Most likely it will be just another generic "Good triumphs over Evil" ending. That's like, what? Elementary school? I don't know about you all, but I like an ending that will give meaning and closure. Sure, it's a kid's show, but it's possible.

For one, I'd like the Evil Emperor Zurg's evil addressed -- you just aren't born evil. You can argue that all you want, but evil begets evil in my opinion. Made, not born.

I'd also like to see the characters doing more of their own things -- in fact, why not just skip a series finale and make a third season? The show is much too open as it is; there's no build-up or direction for a proper series finale. If a third season could tie everything together and bring events to a head, then I'd rather have that than a finale.



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Pythonmelon Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:58 pm

Excellent points. I think it would be better to fill in a lot of the holes they left than see it all wrapped up. If we ended it now there wouldn't be a real point.



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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Kat Eclipse Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:39 am

Ranger-Nova wrote:I can't wait to read that. Is sounds like it'll be interesting. I've considered writing a series finale myself, but just don't have the time.

Thanks ^.^ I hope it turns out ok! *crosses fingers* Well if you do have some time in the future I think you should DEFIANTLY do it, I love your fanfics Smile btw I know you sent me some pm's on I just haven't had a chance to get to them yet! (net connection issues Rolling Eyes ) I shall do so today though! sry bout the wait Smile

EEZ wrote: For one, I'd like the Evil Emperor Zurg's evil addressed -- you just aren't born evil. You can argue that all you want, but evil begets evil in my opinion. Made, not born.

I'd also like to see the characters doing more of their own things -- in fact, why not just skip a series finale and make a third season? The show is much too open as it is; there's no build-up or direction for a proper series finale. If a third season could tie everything together and bring events to a head, then I'd rather have that than a finale.

*hops up and down* I've addressed Zurg in mine! xDDD But I'm not giving any spoilers yet.*evil grin* ^.^

Good point, a third season really would tie up more loose ends then a finale. (maybe that's why my finale fanfic has turned into 3 *gives wordpad desperate look* oh dear me.... Rolling Eyes )

*pauses, eyes go REALLY wide* Shocked EEZ you just gave me an idea! we could RP it!!! xDDD Ooo that would be fun! I'll start a thread if anyone else is interested. Let me know what ya'll think! ^.^
Kat Eclipse
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A Series Finale Empty Re: A Series Finale

Post by Pythonmelon Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:03 am

Aw, man, now I want to write out a season finale... i wish i could though *frowns* I've got so many writing projects to work on it's not even funny. Oh well, I'll get around to it eventually ^^



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